
Divine Mercy Quotes

There are 590 quotes

"But the Lord's loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him."
"No one can stop God from forgiving. No one can stop the Forgiveness of God from coming to you."
"Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah can forgive all sins."
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort."
"He is the father of mercies. He got new mercy for Monday, a mercy for Tuesday, a mercy for Wednesday, a mercy for Thursday, a mercy for Friday."
"Behold he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more."
"You're going to melt into infinite love no matter what you do... and that is God's mercy for all of its creation."
"Divine Mercy is mankind's last hope of salvation."
"There is nothing that mankind needs more than Divine Mercy."
"Divine Mercy... raises man above his weakness to the heights of the holiness of God."
"The mercy of God is when God holds you in his hand no matter what you did."
"The overriding mode of the Creator is mercy; it's not wrath."
"Allah's mercy overcomes everything. Don't despair of the mercy of Allah."
"What sweet joy it is to think that God is just, that is he takes into account our weakness."
"God forgives repeat mistakes. That's a fact."
"In the age of the nafs, the 'me' generation, it has been made hard for us, but Allah continues to be Karib (near), and He will open the doors of His mercy and His acceptance and His unveiling to those who sincerely and broken-heartedly approach Him."
"Paradise has eight Gates, Hellfire has seven gates in the Quran, one of the ways the mercy of Allah has exceeded his wrath."
"I am giving mankind the last hope of salvation, that is, recourse to my mercy."
"His mercy is the only way we can become perfect and holy."
"Beyond the horizon, with mercy for today, faithful You have been and faithful You will be."
"Let us fall now into the hand of the Lord, for his mercies are great."
"Jesus is linking peace to the forgiveness of sins. Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy."
"The Lord is preparing us for His final coming through Divine Mercy."
"Lord, hear my prayer; listen to my cry for mercy. In your faithfulness and righteousness, come to my relief."
"Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit."
"The mercy of God is infinite, but the time of mercy is not."
"The Lord desires to pour out his mercy in abundance on you, possibly more than any other day of the entire year."
"Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God; there we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most."
"The Lord's mercy, which I had already experienced as a living and powerful pull, is so strong that it could not leave any living element behind."
"God does not take away life but does provide a way for his banished ones to return."
"Divine Mercy is the nucleus of the Gospel. This is the heart of the Gospel."
"Many sorrows shall be to the wicked, but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about."
"If ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
"The most important thing is, have I found a way to be a bearer of the Divine Mercy to my world?"
"God's mercy is for everyone. God loves everyone."
"Even the most wretched sinner, no matter how broken we think we are, God's mercy is there for all of those people, including ourselves."
"The central message of scripture is Divine Mercy."
"Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to God's mercy."
"Let no soul fear to draw near to me, even though its sins be as scarlet."
"My mercy is greater than your sins and those of the entire world."
"Mercy gave us Mary's immaculate conception, by which God gave humanity a new start."
"When chastisements for sins come upon the world...the only refuge will be trust in my mercy."
"Heavenly Father, we ask through Jesus, the Divine Mercy, your son, that the graces of the blood and water will be poured upon us and the whole world to transform us into being another Christ."
"The blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You."
"We're all here because of the grace and mercy of God."
"I'm not here because of my goodness nor because of my kindness, but the reality is that we're all here because of the grace and mercy of God."
"Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala frees people from Hellfire every night. Am I one of them? Will I be one of them?"
"The gift of God, the mercy of God, is eternal life, and it's through the sacrifice for your sin that we receive the mercy."
"The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish. It will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God."
"Take away all iniquity, receive us graciously, love us freely."
"I am grateful for all of the love, mercy, and grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it."
"Jesus said divine mercy is mankind's last hope for salvation."
"It is only because of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed his compassions they fail not."
"He is the most merciful... we have believed in Him and upon Him we have placed our trust."
"Thank God for His mercy that says you're not punished."
"Jesus loves all of us, His mercy endureth forever."
"Even if your sins are from the earth to the heavens, Allah says, 'I'll forgive you.'"
"Offer all that up. Look how merciful God has been to us."
"God's mercies are new every morning, his mercies are new every morning."
"When the Quran is recited, listen to it and be silent that you may receive mercy."
"Think of the most flawed or evil person you know. If they genuinely turn to God for forgiveness, God in his boundless Mercy is willing to forgive, regardless of how low or evil they have been."
"God doesn't give many of us a second chance like that but he gave Jonah a second chance."
"Surrender to my goodness and love and mercy and grace, and you will see a light shining forth out of your life that not even the darkness of hell can quench."
"Obedience does bring blessing, but your ability to obey is preceded by my gift of Mercy."
"Our good deeds and merits cannot save them; instead, we should turn to Christ and contemplate his wounds which are the source of Salvation, mercy, and peace."
"Allah is so merciful and forgiving that he can forgive you without having to kill anybody."
"My redeemer is faithful and true... Every morning his mercies are new."
"Allah is extremely merciful. Mercy and forgiveness come up so much."
"But Hezekiah repented and he saw the face of God, and he earnestly repented, therefore God gave him 15 extra years on his life."
"Anything short of hell is the mercy of God, because that is what you and I deserve." - Justin Peters.
"There is very little that you can do that God will not forgive."
"The only reason you're an heir... is because God is merciful."
"Never ever give up from the mercy and forgiveness of Allah."
"He hoped for the mercy of Allah and His forgiveness."
"God doesn't want you to perish because God is merciful."
"He redeems our life from destruction, crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies."
"God is extending mercy in the midst of this today."
"God's mercy never runs out. To God be the glory and praise forever and ever."
"The Quran is a mercy for humans, the words of Allah should not be touched."
"The mercy of God is what the devil can never defeat and never will defeat."
"My prayer now is, 'God have mercy.' Yeah, please."
"God has been saying, 'I'm extending mercy, extending mercy, extending mercy.'"
"Forgive us of every way we've fallen short for we fall short every single day lord but we praise you your mercies are new every single day."
"Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
"The mercy of God is a system in the kingdom where guilty people are made free."
"The attribute for bailout is invoking the messy of God. You are good and your mercy is forever."
"Allah subhana waa Embrace us all in his Mercy."
"Let the greatest sinners place their trust in my mercy before I come as a just judge."
"Allah isn't a policeman who's waiting to throw you in jail Allah is the most merciful."
"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because of his compassion."
"This discovery magnifies the mercy and goodness of God."
"His mercy is new every day, and we cast our cares upon Him in joy."
"Lord Jesus, you came to call sinners, Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy."
"Now the joy overtakes you because now the mercy of God is coming."
"God's mercy is so great; he doesn't want anyone to perish according to His word."
"I'm so glad some people aren't God. I'm so glad because all some of our heads would have been popped off a long time ago."
"The rapture is the ultimate act of God's mercy for us."
"May you break those protocols by the mercy of God."
"To any woman who's had an abortion, I love you. I'm so sorry that you have committed this great evil, but you are not beyond the mercy of God."
"This barrier is a mercy from my Lord God, but when that time comes of which my Lord has warned, He's going to bring down this barrier."
"Even if they take away the mass... Christ at his mercy can provide the means for you to be saved by him."
"Save me from your punishment when you resurrect your creation."
"God gives mercy before ever sending judgment."
"God is a good God, and if we pray, we can call down His mercy."
"If you surrender to the Lord, you will find mercy."
"When God shows a man mercy, it opens that man to blessings."
"The mercy of God, the right hand raised in blessing."
"Above all it is through the Incarnation that the mercy of God is most clearly revealed."
"He shows more Mercy than if he merely spared his life by exercising some decree."
"By forgiving them as a child of God, you'll be more available to the mercy of God."
"Praying the chaplet of divine mercy gives you a sense of petitioning for the sake of His sorrowful passion."
"The mercy of God is proof that He loves us. He knows our frame, He remembered that we are dust."
"I follow a religion in which 113 out of 114 chapters of the Quran introduces the God of Islam as a God of mercy and compassion."
"Lord, let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in you."
"Give thanks unto the Lord, His mercies endure forever."
"Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindness, for they have been ever of old."
"The Lord's promise: 'The souls that say this chaplet will be embraced by my Mercy during their lifetime and especially at the hour of their death.'"
"In the mercy of Allah, either He will cure you or He will grant you Jannah."
"God is merciful, he is a lord of tender mercies."
"Satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days."
"God is giving the world chance after chance."
"Why are you making people hopeless from the mercy of Allah? Allah is the most merciful."
"God's mercy spares the virtuous but ignorant."
"God's mercy is Justice; the greater the sinner, the greater the right to His Mercy."
"God forgives you. Whatever you did, God forgives you."
"We're living in a generation today where we're always begging God for mercy, but..."
"The gospel should compel you to be more merciful because God is merciful."
"Remember again, God's Mercy is greater than any sin."
"As long as you are still alive on the earth, you will still keep receiving the mercy of God."
"Abortion isn't the will of God, but He is merciful."
"So God can do all of this and then God freely forgives us. He does not require somebody else to be penalized in our stead."
"The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, his mercies are not spent, they are renewed each morning. So great is his faithfulness."
"Preserve in us the work of your mercy, that by partaking of this mystery we may have a life unceasingly devoted to you."
"To get right with him, we have to recognize, that we are sinners, in need of forgiveness and cry out, to God for his mercy."
"Allah forgives every single sin from every single sinner when they turn back to Him."
"God is all about mercy, this grace, all of God's judgments are redemptive."
"God is fully merciful to me, a sinner, and he's fully justified in sending me to heaven."
"God's mercy is extended to those who want it, regardless of their past."
"We don't attain Paradise by our works but by the mercy of Allah."
"Ya Allah, if you may be merciful and forgive them."
"God's mercy is shown through the message of holiness."
"It is because of his Tender Mercies that we are not consumed."
"At the end of the scroll of Deuteronomy, Moses predicts that Israel will not be able to keep the covenant. But as we look forward at the whole story of the Bible, what we see is that God's generosity won't be stopped by human failure."
"Thank God for Jesus, thank God for his love, thank God for His mercy."
"But while one portion of the human race is judging and condemning the other without Mercy, the great parent of the universe looks upon the whole Human family with a fatherly care and paternal regard."
"God is in his mercy speaking to us. He's preparing us for a moment that we may not fully comprehend."
"Open up your hearts today to All The Graces and mercies that God wants to give you."
"It is dangerous to wrestle with God. It is possible to wrestle with God and you will be the winner, but every time your will defeats the will of God, start being afraid for yourself. It will take Mercy to redeem you."
"God in his Mercy sends us these opportunities."
"Abraham knew the real heart of God and he said to the Lord, 'If there's 10 righteous, would you spare?'"
"What salvation is about is rescue from the wrath of God."
"Allah is more than just these acts that we do to get closer to him you know Allah is ever present ever magnificent ever powerful ever merciful ever everything."
"Who can tell if God will turn and relent and turn away from his fierce anger so that we may not perish?"
"Allah has overlooked and forgiven my community when they do something out of mistake."
"God cast our sins in the sea of His forgetfulness."
"The ban was lifted and the message of the Divine Mercy began to spread with even greater vigor than before."
"Whenever Allah opens a door of mercy for you, nobody can close that door."
"The Revelation from God is a mercy, a kindness, a great honor."
"God wants to help us. When we're suffering, this is Divine Mercy."
"Oh, Jesus, it is through your compassionate heart, as through a crystal, that the Rays of Divine Mercy have come to us."
"The image of Jesus, the divine mercy incarnate, represents the Lord as coming forth from the holy of holies in heaven to ensure us of the forgiveness of our sins."
"That is mind-boggling grace. That is unimaginable grace."
"He assures his beloved children: 'Your affliction is finite. It will come to an end. But my mercy endures forever.'"
"Even with the worst villains out there, God doesn’t give up on them."
"We don't deserve forgiveness, but God has been calling us by name ever since the first man sinned."
"Allah always wants to forgive, but you just need to call out to Him."
"Divine Mercy offers a ton of protection."
"...So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy."
"Divine Mercy is God's love reaching down to meet the needs and overcome the miseries of his creatures."
"It is human misery and sin that call forth the Divine Mercy."
"God hears the prayers of sinners, of failures, of all of us who are imperfect."
"God's Mercy is higher than our Mercy."
"...when in his are you are perfect, brings you on divine mercy steps beyond."
"God's gonna be good to you even after you die."
"Don't despair from the rahm of Allah."
"God shows you Mercy by connecting you to light."
"Ultimately, it is our weakness, our humility that attracts the divine mercy. You see, our Lord never stops loving us, even in the worst moments of your life, He is there for you."
"God loves you. This is the greatest reality of your life. Bar none. By our Lord's own command, the caption of the Divine Mercy portrait is 'Jesus, I trust in you.'"
"Allah's Mercy is near, but his punishment can also be near."
"We can learn so much from this that God even in the midst of it is merciful."
"God's mercy literally works through the sacrament of confession."
"Divine Mercy is the most important message of our times."
"Let us not be afraid in this hurting and suffering world, but let us turn our gaze to our merciful Savior, Jesus Christ, the Divine Mercy himself, and say, with all our hearts, Lord Jesus, I trust in you."
"There's a wideness to God's mercy, but there's a limit to God's patience."
"I'm not praising God for what he's about to give me, I'm praising God cuz he didn't kill me."
"But I'm like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever." - Psalm 52
"Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me, for my soul trusteth in thee; Yea, in the shadow of thy Wings will I make my refuge until these calamities be overpassed." - Psalm 57
"What a merciful Savior and what an amazing God."
"If a human being, a man, a judge can find compassion and forgive, how much more will your God that's in heaven forgive you?"
"We have a God that sits high but looks low and has mercy available to everybody on this planet."
"Praise Him for new chances and mercies."
"Declare your dependence on God for your pardon, for forgiveness of sin."
"Your Word reminds us that Your mercies are new every morning."
"Grace is nothing but an act of mercy that God showed upon us."
"Oh Allah, we are your sinful servants. We have committed many sins by day and by night."
"May God grant His mercy to a man who shows me my faults."
"Allah is merciful. We ask Allah to protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire completely."
"Oh God have mercy upon us deliver us from all our errors and all our foolishness and all our deceptions."
"We are strengthened in the strength of his might, knowing that God loves me, forgives me, helps me, comforts me, enables me, secures me—not on account of my merit, but all on account of his mercy."