
Fraud Quotes

There are 568 quotes

"You did commit fraud, and now we're going to figure out how much fraud you committed, and they're going to take all your stuff."
"It's not just differences of opinion. It's outright fraud."
"You get told, 'Don't check your common sense at the door,' and you take testimony exactly what the arrangement was, and if it looks like what happened here substantially is that she took money that she represented to the county was going to be used for one purpose...they start to go here, there, and everywhere...this is freaking fraud."
"What we can learn from this SEC pamphlet here is that hyping a stock using social media is a classic characteristic of a pump and dump."
"Everything about Theranos was completely a lie. There was no revolutionary technology. Nothing at all."
"Every fraud in the world had an audited, financial account."
"This is a 13-year scheme of corruption and fraud...to commit tax fraud and falsify business records."
"Elizabeth Holmes has been found guilty on four counts of fraud."
"The crux of this exploit is that we're actually committing the Roman equivalent of insurance fraud."
"What initially started as me being curious about their charity became a deep dive into what it really means when donations go into a shady fundraiser's pockets."
"Instead he’d been running the largest Ponzi scheme in history."
"Central banking is the greatest fraud in human history."
"An unconstitutional election of votes that aren't supposed to count is in most people's definition of fraud."
"We have a postal voting system that frankly just leaves us wide open to fraud, abuse, intimidation in the big cities."
"Meredith committed insurance fraud to give a great undocumented girl insurance."
"They basically took all the donations and ran away with it, very little of it went to the community, went to civil rights."
"Welcome to the life of a billionaire scammer."
"It disgusts me that they are cheating people out of their goddamn money here and joking about it."
"It's structured like a Ponzi scheme... you're paying the money up and you're bringing new clients in."
"That's fraud they told people their money was safe and ultimately they just subjected everyone to the same risk as like the day trading degenerate Gambler on 100x Leverage."
"As someone who is a supporter of Me Too and as someone who is a real victim hearing about this kind of fraud makes me angry. Like very angry."
"The only curse in her life had been the sham psychic she'd had the great misfortune to meet."
"On March 14, 2018, the former couple were each personally charged with a massive fraud by the SEC."
"Save the kids token wasn't designed to benefit kids."
"If you tell people that you will do x y or z and then you do not deliver you are committing wire fraud, and that is a felony that can carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in jail."
"This is the first fraud that has affected this many people physically and mentally and economically."
"The bigger the scam, the statistically almost impossible you don't... metaphorically murdering a family."
"Fake influencers cost advertisers 1.3 billion dollars."
"Every 10 seconds someone becomes a victim of fraud or identity theft."
"First Amendment does not protect fraudulent speech."
"China's largest coffee chain admitted that it fabricated 40% of its 2019 sales."
"You cannot steal the election by ballot fraud; this is going to destroy democracy."
"There's significant circumstantial evidence of fraud with these machines."
"They want us to believe that no one cheats in elections, practically speaking."
"Colonial Hills had employed a man who forged his credentials."
"Heather Martin straight up forged paperwork saying that Rose had actually given up her custody of Cody."
"The banking system that we have is, to put it bluntly, legalized fraud."
"It's clear that he intentionally misled his donors, asked them to donate to a fund that didn't exist and used the money raised for something other than what he said."
"Jen Shaw is charged with two counts in this case: conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering."
"Food fraud is on the rise. A 2014 report estimated that food fraud costs the global food industry $30 to $40 billion US every year."
"Creators of NFT project Doodle Dragons promise to donate all profits to charities protecting animals. After collecting money, our charity will now be my bank account."
"Huge reason why Amanda was able to get away with what she did for so long was because at least at the time California didn't have that same type of database and this just allowed Amanda to hop from hospital to hospital without detection."
"The accounting fraud and the fraud was on behalf of the judge and the attorney general."
"Fraudsters looking to boost profits on the sale of a vehicle roll back the numbers on an odometer, duping buyers into thinking the car has fewer miles on it than it does."
"What do you think should happen to a scammer if they get caught?"
"This is the biggest scam we've ever covered."
"Using a charity like saving the kids and then... running a standard pump and dump is not only disgusting but it actually makes me sick to my [expletive] stomach."
"Hammond successfully scammed his way onto the red carpet and rubbed shoulders with Hollywood royalty."
"He had an astounding 102 criminal convictions to his name by the time he was 30, including 48 charges of fraud and 17 charges of theft."
"He defrauded the voters, he defrauded donors, he's facing a 23 count indictment. He did not belong in Congress." - "Mr. Lawler"
"The crap collapse of 2008 wasn't simply a product of lowering interest rates, it was fraud."
"If there's fraud, they shouldn't account for any vote."
"That's why again voting in 2024 ensuring that you're properly registered and so will your neighbors and your family members."
"What he did is heinous. He stole money from people who wanted to play poker in a level playing field."
"Fraud is wrong, and it's eroding the last vestiges of trust in our election systems."
"Just remember the judgment is as a result of fraud that's been found by the judge."
"Be very careful about scammers pretending to be me."
"3.5 milli is still 3.5 milli okay, if you get scammed out of 3.5 million dollars man do I kind of feel bad for you."
"One unit of electricity generated but one and a half units consumed. One liter of fuel equals only 800 milliliters. When it comes to deceiving and swindling, they are all masters."
"Up to $30 billion of its unemployment claims could be fraudulent."
"With all the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on what many consider to be a charade and Witch Hunt... you have not spent even a short moment examining massive election fraud that took place during the 2020 presidential election!"
"Mysteriously for booking.com reservation data is being used to scam customers."
"Those individuals that purposely buy the lowest quality parts and advertise them as new and OEM are some of the scum in our industry."
"Once the victim has emotionally bought into the scam, then the scammers can begin what I call the compliance ladder of sending money."
"What they were about as this judge made clear is that Paul Manafort ran a ten-year fraud."
"Tether is backed by fraud... when that finally collapses, we're going to feel a shock wave in the crypto market."
"A story of glamour, greed, and a global scam worth $15 billion."
"OneCoin was revealed to be one big con, with Ruja disappearing into thin air."
"There was no fraud, the banks all got their money 100%, they love Trump."
"Why the Democrats all moved on from Obamacare into Medicare fraud?"
"Long story short, these people defrauded me so I would have to sue them for a fraud."
"These records were given to the SEC by an animal rights group who believe they constitute Securities fraud."
"Cryptocurrencies will come to bad endings, and it draws in a lot of charlatans."
"I figured out how to create these fictional people with fake social security numbers."
"Andrew Tate isn't the solution to men's problems. He's a grifter. Massive grifter."
"She really believed and committed to the fraud 100%."
"If our elections are fraudulent, we don't have a democracy anymore."
"This fraud cannot continue; it is collapsing, and this is the peak of it all."
"This wasn't just... they got paid... these valuations were so extreme that they went from these subjective okay it's mushy to it's absolutely fraudulently criminal."
"I'm very worried about mail-in voting because I think it's subject to tremendous fraud and being rigged."
"You cannot snatch the entire nation through fraudulent means and say God gave him."
"That's a hilarious way to be like, no that has to be a fraud because I'm banned for Life."
"The fraud is there's real no product or service."
"Do they have a legal basis for this case or not, no matter what the facts are? In this case, the judge has now definitively ruled, no, if you prove the facts in this case, it's definitely wrong."
"There's no question about it at all, this is definitely fraud."
"Fraud moves faster than we do. New technologies are a golden opportunity for fraud."
"By certifying the election before it's actually certified, what they're actually certifying is their own fraud and their own complicity in fraud." - Cindy Powell
"As the layers of the onion begin to be peeled back, it was discovered that a widespread fraud had been perpetrated."
"Vote fraud doesn't have to be widespread to be a problem... it has to be very minimally spread."
"The 'New York Times' reported that MLMs were number one cause of fraud."
"She is a representative of someone who is trying to defraud the experience of real legitimate domestic violence survivors."
"Maybe if a company keeps getting in trouble for fraud and shitty behavior, maybe we should stop believing them when they say it's just a couple of bad apples."
"G2A is blatantly facilitating a fraud-fueled economy and making money from illegally sold keys."
"Bethany has just come out to say that she warned Rena, Andy, and Kyle four years ago that Tom and Erica were frauds."
"Disgraced Nikola Motors CEO Trevor Milton has been indicted on three counts of fraud."
"Donald Trump has been stealing essentially from them and then when you delve into it you know there's things like he he claimed a deduction from a conservation easement in 2015."
"This is a matter of ethics. This is a matter of people being defrauded potentially allegedly and it should be rectified as soon as possible."
"Established titles is a scam company. You don't actually own any land in Scotland and don't have the right to call yourself a lord."
"The company retained substantial value even after the alleged fraud was revealed."
"An attorney who assisted in devising and attempting to implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors."
"A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that relies on the old adage 'rob Peter to pay Paul.'"
"You could make the argument that you were defrauded, right?"
"He has achieved legendary status among conmen by pulling off some of the most outrageous, brazen and unbelievable deceits in the history of fraud."
"The second brand invests their ad dollars or gives opportunities or products to one of these fake influences, that's where it gets... well, I think it's fraud."
"Watching billionaires get duped out of millions of dollars."
"Influencer marketing fraud will cause brands 1.3 billion in 2019."
"Most fraud is perpetuated business to consumer business to business right but in history though we have a rich tradition in America of screwing each other over uh, you rarely see people try to take advantage of the government so brazenly."
"I don't think there was any intention at the start of this process to defraud anybody to actually set up a Ponzi scheme."
"The admin stole my identity and he's running around with my face doing horrible things in my name."
"You see them as victims of fraud, it helps to understand the moral underpinnings for why they deserve some level of student debt cancellation."
"That's fraud, that's theft, and that is embezzlement."
"Spider webs were used as bandages in ancient times. Didn't know that, great fact!"
"A scam in the most accurate sense of the word. A pure unfettered grift."
"The absolute last thing that I want to see is anyone out there gets scammed because I literally hate scammers with a burning passion."
"The odds of someone cheating or systematic fraud for mail ballots is zero."
"This is probably the biggest college admissions scam in US history."
"Charles Ponzi was an Italian con artist and swindler who worked in the United States and Canada."
"Lori Ann Talens and her husband constructed what may be one of the biggest counterfeit coupon schemes in history."
"I'm being swindled! I will not stand for this."
"Amy Pascal was technically a co-producer on that, she Sony was co-producing that movie."
"MoviePass's former CEO and the leader of its former parent company have been indicted on Securities fraud charges for deceiving investors on the sustainability and profitability of the company's movie A Day subscription model."
"There's nothing grey area about it. It is absolutely fraud."
"This fraud affects us all, creating a potentially unfair market by increasing the number of buyers."
"The fraud that has happened here has destroyed any public confidence that the will of the people is reflected in their vote and just simply cannot stand."
"The landscape of social media influence is an evolving economy where the presence of fraudulent methods, actors, and profiles is far larger than most people understand."
"My elderly godmother was actually targeted by a crime ring of robocallers and she lost over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars of her life savings."
"It's a bloody scam. Cheating, absolute cheating."
"At least one pathetic, greedy family is out of the cancer scamming business, hopefully for good."
"Fraud has no statute of limitation no matter how many generations."
"This wasn't an insurance scam, the suburban redevelopment fund was defrauding the American government."
"Blink fitness stole 500 bucks from you, man!"
"Just because you paid back the money doesn't mean there's not a fraud here."
"Each and every victim's story is virtually the same; they were lured by the involvement, endorsement, and credibility of 'Shark Tank' stars Kevin Harrington and Kevin O'Leary."
"What's funny about fraudsters is how arrogant they typically are to believe no one will find out about their fraudulent scheme."
"Robert Baldwin knew what he was doing was wrong and went to great lengths to hide what he was doing from the authorities."
"To prevent those he was conning from discovering that they were consuming an industrial bleach he didn't call it MMS instead he called it healing water."
"In total Baldwin's network was able to con 50,000 Ugandan Xin to drinking MMS."
"During the trial of Elizabeth Holmes, prosecutors showed a presentation that she had made to the board of directors saying that 10 of the 15 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world had validated the Theranos results. This was a lie."
"Criminal fraud is a crime that involves a scheme to cheat or deceive another individual or entity in order to obtain a financial gain."
"Let's stop humiliating the people who fall for it and see the psychological Hustlers for what they are."
"This kind of fraud causes everyone to pay higher insurance rates." - U.S. Attorney Joseph D. Brown
"Fraud victimizes businesses and costs Americans billions of dollars every year." - ATF Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey C. Beaucheck
"False claims of fraud can be every bit as destructive as the fraud itself."
"Financial frauds are not victimless crimes. He engaged in this massive amount of fraud and it wasn't just a simple mistake."
"This summer an AP analysis found that fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion dollars in pandemic relief funding."
"The hedge fund manager Jim Chanos argues that we are living through a golden age of fraud."
"If there's evidence of fraud and it's substantial and significant enough to affect the results in a particular state, then those election results would have to be set aside."
"They cannot get away with this that's fraudulent still to this very day."
"The foundation of their ministry is built on fraud." - Questioning the integrity of their ministry.
"Fraud is fraud, whether you're dealing with crypto assets or, as Bernie Madoff was dealing with lots of different assets... fraud is fraud." - Brad Garlinghouse
"16 new counts right here in this mortgage frauds case."
"California authorities arrested a saloon owner for selling fake COVID-19 vaccination cards."
"Blaming woke politics for the failure of companies is usually a cover-up for fraud."
"The heart of all scams... is the idea of selling people something that they want, a dream."
"Ponzi's deception was so shocking and infamous that even now, a hundred years later, the scam still shares his name: the Ponzi scheme."
"In truth and in fact the perpetrators of the debt relief scheme did not settle or consolidate the victim's debt certain participants also falsely told victims that the victims had qualified for a government grant."
"I think that you can certainly take steps to deal with that fraudulent accounts of people who don't exist."
"Total fraud, and the minute people are aware of it, it's over for you."
"He was a [ __ ] con artist, he just ran away with eight grand when you agreed four."
"The one coin boats had begun to sink, and with allegations that the entire affair was a scam, Dr. Ruja simply jumped ship."
"This story is one of many heartbreaking stories of the people that had been directly impacted by the one coin scam."
"One man masterminds the largest gold mining scam in history. Surely one of the biggest frauds in the history of the world."
"The defendant stole money that was intended to feed hungry children during a pandemic. They lied, they papered up their scheme with false documents."
"Fish fraud is kind of just a byproduct of this bigger problem: a lack of transparency in the seafood supply chain."
"Judge Kaplan sentenced bankman freed to 25 years in prison for defrauding investors out of $8 billion." - Judge Kaplan
"This was an effort to steal away the actual lawful election result and the voting rights of the people by substituting a completely counterfeit and fraudulent process."
"Charitable fraud is always something that I'm pretty passionate about it's a really disgusting idea to take advantage of people's generosity and people's will to fight against something."
"Nobody wants to see the kind of fraud that this election has really come to represent."
"That scammer piece of [ __ ] is still out there charging 50 or 100 grand every time he makes a speaking appearance like it's totally doable."
"This could potentially go down as one of the greatest frauds of a century."
"AI is creating deep fakes, but it's enabling fraud and crime."
"This is the dumbest guy ever I think he has to be he literally has his name in his address that he rug pulled with."
"For people like Logan Paul that have been involved in numerous projects that have been surrounded with cryptocurrency, there have been allegations of scams and frauds and hurt parties financially."
"Kuwaiti police have shut down a fish store that was sticking googly eyes on fish to make them appear more fresh."
"I think it's one of the most brilliant but also one of the most blatantly fraudulent things to have ever happened in the fitness industry."
"The internet has come alive with the news that the disgraced Johnny Craig has been scamming his own fans out of an alleged $8,000 to $12,800."
"I ran one of the biggest frauds of all time, but the headline is like chick changes her voice for absolutely no reason."
"Hindenburg Research exposed fraud and deceptive practices."
"My only thing is passing off fake shoes as real that isn't cool, especially if you're charging that real price tag."
"Scammers will go after anyone: the young, the elderly, and now they're going after the people who are the backbone of America—farmers."
"I'm sure the fraud is still going on as we're speaking now."
"Dam this money, it's counterfeit!"
"Hundreds more would eventually be caught in the largest immigration fraud in Canadian history."
"Fraudulent intentional substitution or addition of a substance in a product for the purpose of increasing the apparent value of the product or reducing the cost of its production, i.e., for economic gain."
"When it comes to fraud, seconds matter."
"The great Stock Exchange fraud of 1814."
"You see a lot of forged checks on ballots client files and you start printing off the checks."
"Evidence of fraud is overwhelming."
"fake flash drive in SSD scams have plagued the internet for years."
"If you feel like you maybe have used these funds fraudulently, whether or not intentionally or not intentionally, you might want to go ahead and repay those funds right now before you do anything and you get the temptation to actually do it."
"Therefore the Court's judgment upholding plaintiff's order of protection on October 25th must be set aside because fraud was practiced in the very act of obtaining it."
"Could be facing up to 100 years in prison accused of defrauding JP Morgan Chase out of millions."
"Please, everybody comment that is the biggest fraud of all time."
"This is a story about one of the most audacious financial frauds in history."
"By destroying the vessel with a fire, he was able to, you know, escape debts of in the region of $60, $70 million, and the ship was losing enormous amount of money and was coming to towards the end of its life."
"All they're trying to do is convince you to go and buy these gift cards, and that is really the essence of the scam."
"The scammer is a Norton refund scammer."
"It's devastating to the victims, it's enormous in size, it involves hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars."
"There were colorable claims that this was a fraud, yes, by colorable claims Bucas means there is sufficient evidence for the justice department or the Securities and Exchange Commission to bring charges against top Lehman Executives."
"The lengths that these scammers will go to and the amounts that they're stealing from their victims are going up exponentially every single year."