
Legal Precedent Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"A conservative Court would have some respect for precedent; this court has no respect for precedent. It is a partisan reactionary court."
"Indicting a former president is unprecedented."
"Roe v. Wade has been considered a matter of settled law for nearly 50 years."
"Nothing would have changed with regards to anything else we've been talking about today instituting the death penalty because I wanted in the one case would set the precedent for the state to execute people for all the reasons that I might not agree with."
"There's this thing called executive privilege which the court has upheld in the Nixon Watergate tapes case amongst others."
"No federal judge has ever revoked FDA approval for a drug before."
"This is the first time that a jury has found former president of the United States liable for sexual abuse and battery in this case."
"It's always easier to get a precedent for a cover-up than it is to get a precedent for a crime."
"Julian Assange is an exception to the rule, but what's actually happening is that they're creating a new rule with his exception."
"No other president of the United States, sitting or former, got into this kind of trouble."
"This case is about whether the Supreme Court is going to adhere to an almost 50-year precedent of respecting the individual liberty to make decisions about pregnancy."
"There's a dangerous precedent being set here." - JB
"Forcing religious speech to give way to the rights of those offended sets a dangerous precedent."
"This is a wild turn of events. The first court to find that the 14th Amendment even applies to a president."
"This is the first time in American history a former U.S. president will face federal charges."
"The frightening future he alleges for presidents seldom or ever prosecuted because they have to be impeached and convicted first is the one we have lived under. That is not a frightening future."
"We have never had a situation where a president left office and then was charged with crimes he committed while being president."
"The loss of freedoms for even minimal periods of time unquestionably constitute irreparable injury." - Elrod versus Burns, 427 U.S. 347 (1976).
"Marbury vs. Madison: the Supreme Court rules a federal law unconstitutional."
"The crux of this argument goes back to the Bush v Gore ruling: all votes must be treated equally."
"It's historic in a way that that you can't overstate uh the fact that it's charging a former president of the United States with a crime has never happened."
"The trial isn't just about Trump, it's about the precedent it sets for future presidents."
"A lot of people on youtube who have to deal with copyright issues will oftentimes will point to the klein case as something you know that highlights that fair use is still upheld."
"This case is a unicorn... it's its own thing that has has really never been seen before and hopefully we all you know pray we will not see again."
"The poly class case was special because people cared, because the whole community stepped forward and said, 'This is the last child you're going to take.'"
"This exact conduct was found by the Estes Court to be circumstances depriving the petitioner of a fair trial."
"If this goes unpunished, it sets a terrifying precedent."
"This judgment sets an extremely dangerous precedent."
"A president is not entitled to Absolute immunity for conduct that predates or precedes their term as a United States President."
"We are on a path to get legal precedent on this technology, on this digital asset."
"We've seen unanimous responses from the Washington Post, from the New York Times, from news organizations and free speech NGOs the world over that this is a dangerous precedent for journalism." - Jennifer Robinson
"Using DMCA claims to silence criticism sets a dangerous precedent."
"If this court affirms, it can write an opinion that emphasizes how extraordinary insurrection against the Constitution is."
"If on appeal a judge says this was a good venue, it was not tainted from the beginning, you got a fair trial by a jury of your peers, you will never in American law ever be able to justify change of venue, never."
"This is not a Kyle Rittenhouse thing, this is a judge with a long-standing practice."
"This is a landmark case in the video game industry."
"It's gonna be expensive but it would be the litest video."
"Google is fearful for what precedent this might set."
"This is beyond neglect it's unforgivable." — "The first parents in America to be charged in a mass school shooting this is brand new territory."
"This is the first time in the history of gun manufacturing in the United States that a gun manufacturer has been found liable and has paid money to the victims of gun violence."
"A Manhattan grand jury had voted out an indictment of Donald Trump, the first criminal charge against a former president in the nation's history."
"It was the first time in Delaware history that a defendant had been found guilty in a capital crime without a body or a murder weapon."
"Disney sets case president in America for the impermissibility of employment training compensation promotion hiring quotas targeted against white men Christians and Jews."
"This is inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their testimony and their meetings with me, where they both were insisted on the importance of supporting long-standing precedents that the country has relied upon."
"This is a step towards martial law. It brings us in that direction and that’s a very dangerous precedent."
"If this passes in Roblox's favor could be almost precedent-setting for larger companies all around to take over."
"Heller turned to the question presented here which is what sorts of regulations are consistent with the right that it was recognizing I think it's fairly read to extend the analysis into the 20th century."
"The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress."
"Heller is still good law and is the law of the land."
"If they start ignoring courts, and that becomes an acceptable precedent in the United States, we are not a system of government with the rule of law anymore."
"The trial of Allen's killing ended up marking a point in time as it was the first time demonic possession was used as a not guilty plea in this case."
"The general consensus of securities experts is that the Ripple lawsuit will be a litmus test for how digital currency will be defined in the future."
"There is no immunity that is in the Constitution unless this court creates it today."
"The very success of that campaign that the court started to get color out of the law as a barrier produced a new idea."
"The court's decision against Switzerland marks the first time an international human rights court has ruled on climate change."
"It's hard to imagine a right that's more fundamental than the right to raise your children as you see fit, and yet that's an unenumerated right that, happily, the Supreme Court protected in Troxel versus Granville."
"This ruling is already there. There's a legend in Morocco that had made this ruling already. Would it be okay to say, 'Well, any apostate, we'll send them over to whatever nation, it's possible?'"
"It's the first case where there's suddenly a structure."
"Lemon Stalks our Establishment Clause jurisprudence."
"Despite precedent that seems clearly to say that marriage is a private right protected under the 14th amendment, it takes 48 years after Loving v Virginia for that fundamental right to be extended to gay marriage."
"The 14th amendment has been cited in more cases than any other amendment to the Constitution."
"Marbury vs. Madison taught America that the Constitution cannot be ignored in settling great political issues."
"The Heller decision is a roadmap by which we can evaluate some of these questions."
"This Court's Landmark decision in Brown finally and firmly rejected the view that racial classifications have any role to play in providing educational opportunities."
"The Supreme Court ruled that blocking interracial marriages was unconstitutional."
"This would be the first time that an animal's DNA had been used to implicate a suspect in a crime."
"...22 and a half years. That's a new precedent in Minnesota."
"The legality of compulsory vaccination is not a matter that is in question. In 1905, the Supreme Court held that state compulsory vaccination laws are constitutional when they are necessary for public health and for public safety."
"The radium girls' lawsuit paved the way for future workers' rights."
"These legal trials were crucial ingredients for the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown versus the Board of Education."
"It's become what we can refer to as a Canon case."
"There is significant case law around how it's incredibly important to be protecting competition not just in well-established markets but especially so."
"The right to privacy has been the basis for other landmark decisions that safeguard our basic rights as Americans."
"The Supreme Court has adopted the positions in your opinions no less than 13 times."
"Wallace's sentence was overturned due to insufficient evidence, the first time that this was ever done in English legal history."
"The Ripple vs SEC case will be a precedent-setting case for the entire crypto market."
"For the first time, testimony of an FBI profiler was accepted in court."
"I'm actually about to produce a case law that will be monumental."
"...these ideals of Dred Scott were precedent for starting the American Civil War."
"But her visions make legal history."
"There are a lot of case laws that say we have the right to film in public areas."
"Mary Surratt was the first woman executed by the United States government."
"Marbury v. Madison is going to establish judicial review."
"Stare decisis, meaning letting the precedent stand, is a very important pillar of the rule of law."
"Marbury V Madison established the Court's main power of judicial review."
"Stare decisis... the doctrine that judicial decisions stand as precedents for cases arising in the future."
"Thurgood Marshall used Mendez versus Westminster as a gateway for Brown versus Board of Education."
"If we let this stand, it could set precedent to fundamentally alter the way copyright contracts operate in the United States."
"The explicit use of levels of scrutiny began in 1938 in a case called Caroline Products which has footnote 4, the most famous footnote in constitutional law."
"Commonwealth versus Hunt... stated that unions were legal and they could use strike if necessary."
"This was the first use of a 3D computer animation in a criminal trial."