
Prosecution Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"You don't get to arrive at the trial unless you have a fundamentally fair process, and it starts with the prosecutor."
"The very fact of a former president being criminally prosecuted has never happened before in our nation’s history."
"Being a fair and good prosecutor is a very important thing."
"She endorsed legislation that would allow for the confiscation of private assets before a prosecution took place."
"There is no one in American history who did what I did and has been prosecuted the way I have."
"Listen, it's about the facts and the evidence and the case. The prosecution of the state did not have the evidence to disprove self-defense."
"You are literally allowed to steal up to 950 dollars worth of stuff and they will not prosecute you."
"Prosecuting someone for forming a conspiracy in Alabama is not an extraterritorial application of Alabama Law."
"There were so many questions that were not being asked of the witnesses that were being presented by the prosecution."
"We know he's criminally investigating Donald Trump we know that he's brought in someone named Matthew Colangelo who's a top prosecutor."
"Any prosecutor can convict a guilty man, it takes an exceptional prosecutor to convict an innocent one."
"The frightening future he alleges where presidents are seldom if ever prosecuted because they have to be impeached and convicted first is the one we have lived through for the last 235 years."
"To be a responsible prosecutor you must look at all of those things in investigation to be fair to everyone involved." - Fannie Willis
"You're not taking on the deep state if you are facilitating the deep state's favorite prosecution."
"It is time to make arrests. It is time to prosecute. It is time to lock criminals up."
"The law is the law, a rapist is a rapist and we prosecute them."
"Why is it even being prosecuted at all? It's because it's political."
"Now what's the advantage of the prosecutor it sounds great we keep talking about Rico what's the advantage it's easier for her to prove her case."
"I think this is open and shut... based on the video evidence in the first place the prosecution should have never brought these charges."
"President Trump's acquittal by the Senate bars prosecution for the conduct that's been alleged in this indictment."
"The Justice Department had material referred to them for prosecution."
"Possibilities are not what we are here for. The prosecution does not deal in possibilities."
"Nothing that you do will derail the efforts of my staff and I bring the election interference prosecution to trial."
"The corruption of the American justice system is such that we now have increasing opportunities to see how prosecutors deliberately confound right and wrong in the courtroom."
"No charges have been filed. I and my prosecution Task Force believe we do not have sufficient evidence to warrant the filing of charges."
"A former president enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for his official acts."
"If immunity is not recognized every future president will be forced to grapple with the prospect of being criminally prosecuted after leaving office."
"It's critical to the Integrity of our criminal process... prosecutors must refrain from making extrajudicial comments."
"Prosecutors are meant to do justice, not just what they can get away with in court." - Hermit Dylan
"Building a racketeering case that proved Carl Cooper was the leader of a criminal organization."
"She wanted to make it crystal clear that there is more than enough evidence to prosecute Trump and his kids Beyond a reasonable doubt."
"No one should escape justice, but unfair prosecutions must be prevented."
"Donald Trump absolutely should be prosecuted for a conspiracy to commit offenses."
"A mark of a good prosecutor is that they see the case for what it is and they dig in right."
"My focus as a prosecutor was protect my Witnesses protect my case and by protecting the case that includes protecting the rights of the defendant protecting the case from undue influence from outside influence protecting the potential jury pool."
"The only way that we fix this is by changing Supreme Court precedence so that we can actually prosecute and go after these jailers."
"The most weaponized political prosecutorial system."
"Six hours in a closing argument from the prosecution over two days going over detail detail after detail and witness accounts."
"So, your agency will be separating children from their parents and those what we'll be doing is prosecuting parents who have broken the law just as we do every day in the United States of America."
"This is bombshell evidence. It proves a malicious prosecution."
"Miss Von Karma is one of the top prosecutors in the country at the moment."
"It's a lot harder to charge someone, never mind get them prosecuted for, and have them ultimately be found guilty of it."
"I want to see those people indicted, prosecuted, and convicted because they broke the law."
"She left her own trail of evidence, her own trail leading right to the defendant."
"This is the first direct evidence that we have heard from the prosecution."
"The question is not did the person break the law because that's gonna be a slam dunk yes when it comes to Comey the question is is can the prosecution prove now here's the key."
"If you're serious about bringing criminal prosecution, you do it like Mueller did."
"You gotta remember that the prosecution has to be dead on, the defense, all they have to do is show that there's a little bit of doubt." -
"Donald Trump is very popular, the base of the party, the people he'll need in some measure, believe this is a political prosecution."
"Federal prosecutors don't play. They come with their evidence and have a very, very high win rate."
"It takes a passionate and powerful prosecutor to secure a conviction."
"The US government is prosecuting someone for a publication that exposes government crimes."
"A good prosecutor can tie the whole case together."
"That is golden for the prosecution, that's the Smoking Gun of this case."
"We prosecuted a triple homicide... and he's never going to see the light of day."
"Any wrongdoing will be investigated, prosecuted, and money recovered."
"This failure has a profound effect upon the post office and post office prosecutions."
"Under Grant, the Justice Department brings 3,000 indictments against the Ku Klux Klan, they win more than a thousand convictions."
"We are not required to solve this case for the prosecution."
"Simply put, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner is failing to prosecute criminals."
"After his capture by the British in 1945 zaner tried to use the secrets that he had learned while in intelligence to delay or even to avoid prosecution for war crimes."
"The burden of proof lies with the prosecution and they have failed to meet it."
"Do you understand that if you choose to testify you may be cross-examined by the prosecution concerning any matters which are relevant and material to this case?"
"In Seattle, King County Deputy Prosecutor Steve Fogg decides to file several charges against the fugitive based on the abundance of circumstantial evidence already in hand."
"Two things can be happening at the same time: there could have been a horrific murder, and you can also have a prosecutor that botches a prosecution."
"You can have a botched prosecution and a guilty suspect at the same time."
"You don't have to prove it right legally, prosecutors never have to prove a motive."
"That's a very protective stance about the source of the evidence that is being used to prosecute people across the country."
"...I think what we'll find though is that if they actually do bring those texts into evidence they're going to find that it was Rob Wood discussing with Melanie Gibb who is a witness for the prosecution."
"Piece together all this evidence gave us a prosecution case which we're happy to take to court."
"For a seasoned prosecutor like John, the heartbreaking story of the eight-year-old boy who lost his life at the hands of Patrick Kearney, was the one that stood out."
"The problem is he ran for district attorney and he simply doesn't believe in prosecuting huge numbers of crimes."
"That last quote: 'The speedy trial obligation is on the prosecution, not the judge, not the defendant, not the defense lawyers.'"
"It is not our job to solve this case for the prosecution. It's our contention they had the opportunity to do that but they failed."
"Ultimately, the jury agreed with the prosecution and LeAndre was convicted."
"The prosecution felt that they had a strong case and they had almost 100 witnesses that they intended to call."
"The prosecution painted a damning picture of Michael Gargiulo."
"The defense never rested and the prosecution never woke up."
"To insinuate that the reason he's being prosecuted by authorities is down to him challenging the mainstream media, I think is so laughable."
"If they hadn't mentioned that, the prosecution can't demonstrate that my client has called."
"Among other things, the prosecution found a Grunenthal doctor who testified that he'd seen mock-up packaging for the drug with warning labels that executives at the company had nixed so that they could sell more thalidomide to pregnant women."
"If there is a wrong, prosecute the big wrong that harms people rather than creating what is arguably a confected role."
"Procurators fiscal proceed in the public interest which necessarily connotes a broader approach than the wishes of the reporting agency alone."
"In deciding whether to prosecute, you must have regard to admissibility, reliability, and credibility."
"...there was an overarching focus on the commercial interests of both the post office and Fujitsu including in protecting the band brand reputation of both companies which contributed significantly and detrimentally to the fair prosecution of individuals."
"I think from the prosecution's point of view and certainly from the police point of view this was a perpetrator who had changed their accounts whenever it had suited her whenever she had been confronted with no evidence there was always a line of defense."
"Tonight prosecutors lay out their case against Donald Trump: a criminal conspiracy and cover-up."
"I'm concerned that these people can be prosecuted now as felons with extreme monetary penalties and 10 years in prison."
"But the state's biggest challenge was still to come, proving not just that the kids did it for Mrs. B, but also that she told them to do it."
"Anyone who says that marriage between a man and woman, that is a hate crime. You're attacking me and I will prosecute you for it."
"Everything really hinged on a confession and the prosecutor admitted that Chester's confession would not be admissible these days."
"These prosecutors were hoping to bust open a political bribery scheme in local Maryland politics."
"Big money in politics is a big deal and a lot of these prosecutors both state and federal prosecutors do want to go after these criminals."
"I support the right of two men to go into a room and have sex together. I'm not gonna prosecute them."
"Vincent Bugliosi did one of the most brilliant jobs of prosecution I think in American legal history."
"The court has jurisdiction to prosecute the crimes committed in the golden lowlands prior to the Declaration of Independence on 15 January 2021 and OBA was implemented between March 2019 and September 2020."
"The labeling is what's so important to us but we are not saying that we are going to proceed with Ecoside because it is not an uh prosecutable autonomous crime under the Rome statute."
"The prosecutor's job is not to obtain a conviction, it's to achieve justice."
"We are not an ungracious state. We do not prosecute anyone who can no longer stand trial or who's no longer capable of defending himself."
"A president can be prosecuted after his term ends."
"That's not our goal as prosecutors, we're supposed to seek Justice."
"Not only did the prosecution not preempt the defense on this issue, but when the defense introduced evidence of Furman's racism, what did the prosecution do? They joined in the vilification of Mark Fuhrman."
"For those viewers who think I'm directing all the prosecution blaming Marcia Clark, don't."
"Darden were about as good as you can get."
"After being arrested and charged by the federal government with the murder of his wife, prosecutors will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he ordered a hitman to kill Leda."
"I believe that the Justice Department over time has become less aggressive in attempting to prosecute individuals."
"We're not going to prosecute resisting arrest in New York, we're not going to do it."
"The burden of proof is on the prosecution, and they must prove that the person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
"...part of what the prosecution may be doing here is saying we actually want to make sure you know you keep talking out here we're actually going to be able to cross-examine you."
"The post office and Fujitsu's approach to investigation and recovery of losses, as well as prosecution of alleged offenses, was deeply and fundamentally flawed."
"The prosecutor would be required to satisfy themselves that any literature or material which undermines the expert's conclusions had been reviewed by the prosecutor and where appropriate disclosed to the defense."
"The case for the prosecution rests entirely on circumstantial evidence."
"His job was not to have answers to all the questions. His job was to raise additional questions against the narrative the prosecution was forming."
"They needed to recognize that they were relying on the operation of a computer system as the basis for a whole series of prosecutions."
"Prosecuting him on these charges would set an alarming precedent that could change the very future of Journalism."
"The prosecutor's winning rate in cases in which he is a party was 99.4 percent."
"The defense talks about games that the prosecution has played. Let's talk about games."
"According to the international Committee of the Red Cross study on customary International humanitarian law states must investigate war crimes allegedly committed on their territory and if appropriate prosecute the suspects."
"Can prosecutors prove their case?"
"So that's what I think the prosecution has done right, which is this is why the pictures were so important, they led the jury into having an emotional connection and an emotional response to the victims."
"If you have the case, you're going to reward your prosecutors if they're being aggressive and they're prosecuting a lot of people."
"Bottom line is, Dr. Phil, this is something prosecutors live for, and we put people like Bill away every single day."
"...this is somebody who has a legal background, who has prosecuted cases before, who understands deeply the showmanship aspect of what you’re trying to accomplish."
"It was a distressing meeting for the family of Inga Maria Hauser to learn by video call that neither the man suspected of killing her or the woman suspected of withholding information is to be prosecuted."
"There's case law going back to old England where murders have been prosecuted without a body successfully."
"According to my reporting, I've spoken to various legal experts, and they have different opinions on why the prosecution presented such a weak case."
"Being an attorney, I know just how much capital the prosecuting attorney, if he so chooses, can make out of the really insignificant fact that the same car that knocked down the man on Van Ness Avenue killed another man yesterday."
"But it was the conviction of Denza that was most satisfying to prosecutors."
"The evidence of an 8-month period of systematic attacks conducted against porvo flag vessels is sufficient evidence for the prosecutor to satisfy the relevant standard of proof."
"The lack of involvement of the prosecution should not be a means to admit unlawfully obtained evidence."
"We're shifting our focus to prevention rather than just prosecution."
"The prosecutor's office... believe that the primary goal was to obtain as much income as possible... effectively, this was a conspiracy that these people engaged in to avoid paying the tax that they should be paying."
"If you were the DA and said, 'By the way, I'd like to take the blood sample myself in my pocket and bring it to OJ's house,' you would have told them, 'Don't.'"
"The prosecution and law enforcement have approached this case with tunnel vision from day one."
"The British post office Scandal is a miscarriage of Justice involving the wrongful civil and criminal prosecution of an unknown number of Sub postmasters."
"The prosecution's case just gets stronger."
"If the defense is able to prove that by whatever standard we have in this hearing then to me the burden shifts to the prosecution to say that that didn't affect the jurors."
"Despite what had happened, she would happily bury him if she could, even in the condemned cell."
"Perhaps more than any other, not only has the state welcomed that burden, we have met that burden."
"'For the government, this is a must-win case. They said it before but this time the feds say they've really got the goods to lock the reputed godfather away for life.'"
"I love how the prosecutor says we're not trying to put down Lindsay and TJ's marriage or that she had a miscarriage but oh my gosh I heard exactly those words."
"Prosecutors alleged that as SafeMoon's market cap grew to more than 8 billion, the three execs fraudulently diverted and misappropriated millions of dollars."
"The International Criminal Court can prosecute crimes that occur in any of the signatory countries."
"A world that relies solely on the good faith of the prosecutor in this realm is a dangerous world."
"Paulson depicts Clark as a hard-working prosecutor who goes into this infamous case with nothing but confidence."
"The lawyer against the accused is called the prosecutor."
"You ought not to bring a prosecution unless you believe in good faith that there's sufficient evidence to prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt."
"I'm going to go to law school and I'm going to become a prosecutor."
"I'm going to prosecute cases, major drug cases of a guy by the name of Frank Lucas."
"What's to become of a nation whose government prosecutes those who speak out, those who ask questions and refuse to remain silent?"
"Prosecution, you want a clean case. You want it to be like sparkling clean."
"We will not shut down this office's efforts to prosecute crime."
"Prosecutors win when justice is done. Getting the wrong person convicted is not a win; it is the worst loss in the world."
"The whole idea is that we want the prosecution and that includes the police to follow the rules, because we all benefit from that in the end."
"In the UK, any citizen could become a private prosecutor if they want to take on a case they really believe in."
"The state believes that when you hear that evidence... you're going to be able to recognize that Miss Sydney Pal is responsible for the murder of her mother."
"The Constitution itself seems to dictate in addition that Congressional investigation must take place in lieu of criminal investigation when the president is the subject of investigation and that criminal prosecution can occur only after the president has left office."
"The post office was manipulating its prosecutorial function in order to embark on debt recovery."
"The prosecutors' responsibility is to seek justice, not merely to convict."
"In response, the prosecution may adduce evidence that the victim was characteristically a peaceful person."
"Give me a prosecutor who's willing to take the really difficult, politically charged case to trial at the risk of losing because he or she knows it's the right thing to do."
"The prosecution has to move the ball to Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"It does not matter if you are a politician, a government employee, or a police officer; you will be prosecuted if you violate Florida law."
"The principal aims of the investigation team are to stop criminal offenses taking place, apprehend and prosecute those who commit offenses against us."
"The prosecution must prove every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The prosecution always bears the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Too many people are overmatched by overzealous prosecutors and DA's, and that is not fair."
"Hate crime needs to be aggressively prosecuted."
"The burden of proof is with the prosecution to disprove the defense."
"Even if you think she's guilty, you should not be ethically prosecuting unless you damn well know you can prove it."
"They dismissed the case without prejudice, which means that they can prosecute Shahan in the future if more evidence surfaces."
"The prosecution has to prove every element of the charge."
"Ultimately, prosecution just says there's absolutely no excuse for it, and it doesn't matter what her motive was; this was first-degree murder."
"The burden of proof is upon the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the existence of all the elements necessary to constitute the crime charged."
"The prosecution deemed Jos’ statements to be 'wafer thin and unbelievable'."
"...the burden of proof rests squarely on the shoulders of the prosecution."
"Preliminary hearings are the opportunity for the prosecution to present evidence of probable cause."
"We are going to do everything we can to deter and prosecute."
"Any offense before or after institution of prosecution can be compounded."
"There is no prosecution if there's no law enforcement to arrest individuals for the prosecution."
"The prosecution's biggest hurdle is connecting the dots."
"We will not prosecute anyone, anybody, unless there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that they have committed a crime."
"These Millennial prosecutors are getting more clever and creative."
"On my best day with my best jury, can I successfully prosecute that case?"