
Judicial Criticism Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"A conservative Court would have some respect for precedent; this court has no respect for precedent. It is a partisan reactionary court."
"This Supreme Court has used the First Amendment to allow racism, discrimination, and bigotry, and has now embedded it into our U.S. Constitution."
"The bail system in this country has been widely regarded by experts as one of the most broken elements."
"Why does Donald Trump continuously attack the judge? Perhaps it just boils down to that he is trying to intimidate them, intimidate the judge, intimidate the court, and the legal system."
"What makes it worse is that this whole day has been wasted. They're supposed to start at 12:30, it's 3:30 p.m. and they're just starting talking about a video."
"The very idea that six extremists on the Supreme Court think they can force their personal and religious views on the rest of America is ridiculous."
"The Soros District Attorneys are a menace to society." - Governor DeSantis
"I just look at it more like, it's a system that's messed up."
"John Roberts is just a terrible justice... constantly kicking the can down the road." - Ben Shapiro
"When a judge describes you as a clear and present danger to the interests of your client, that's basically the judge saying you shouldn't be a lawyer."
"The Roe v. Wade decision is legitimately one of the worst judicial decisions in the history of the United States."
"To gag a defendant is unamerican. It's an illegal prior restraint on the First Amendment rights."
"No one is above the law, but no one should be a target of the law." - Bill Cassidy
"Criticism of the judicial system is now off limits?"
"Why aren't we asking the FBI why aren't you guys detaining her because we don't need Mexico to press charges we can do that right here in the USA."
"Our court system is a mess. What's happening in our country, they have to straighten it out."
"This is getting close to kangaroo court status."
"It proves that Derek Chauvin should not have been charged at all."
"They knew what the verdict was going to be. It's all because of public outrage."
"This is the most disgraceful ruling I think I've ever read in my life."
"You attack the legitimacy of the court and say that the court is an illegitimate institution."
"They know it's unpopular because they know it's not in the Supreme Court they know it's not what the citizens want."
"This is a big humiliating loss for Trump, a big humiliating loss for judge Eileen Cannon, and a very good day for justice."
"You can't be proven guilty on something you never should have been charged with in the first place."
"My decision is based upon her record of judicial activism, flawed sentencing methodology, and a belief Judge Jackson will not be deterred by the plain meaning of the law when it comes to liberal causes."
"Monique Worrell's administration of Criminal Justice in the ninth circuit has been clearly and fundamentally derelict."
"Pretty much everyone, from judges to legal scholars, agree that SLAPP suits are a scourge."
"The Supreme Court is a white supremacy court."
"The justice system isn't always indicative of the truth."
"If anybody says that this indictment is anything other than a ludicrous steaming pile of judicial dog plop, they're idiots. Period."
"What Germany's courts did in the 1920s with verdicts like this, or what the US Supreme Court has just done with Roe v. Wade, has nothing to do with an impartial judicial review but is an exercise of raw political power."
"Abraham Lincoln called the Supreme Court the citadel of slavery and was vocal about how the will of the people should have the final say about the big issues of the day, not the Supreme Court."
"This whole discussion we're having now about Biden being the nominee and this nervousness about whether current affairs will do enough to turn people the left."
"Is this freedom? Locking up kids for cursing, really? That's the land of the free?"
"The Roberts Court, completely out of control."
"Another scar on this supreme court that has frankly lost its legitimacy."
"The math is not lying, and for you to only convict two, even the biggest Donald Trump Mega supporter has got to be like, 'Damn, y'all.'"
"It needs to be the case that if they go to court and play these games and they're wrong at the end of the day because their legal claims tend to be garbage, they have to pay, they do have to go to jail, they do owe a hundred thousand dollars."
"There's no question about it, this is a complete black eye on the judicial system of Fulton County."
"What the Supreme Court is doing is very obviously in their view the words and the page and their decisions are just a means to an end." - Ben Carollo
"It is absolutely appalling what our judicial system has become and what our judicial system is doing to Donald Trump. Please do me a quick favor, smash the like on the way out, leave a comment, and check out sponsor MyPillow."
"Free Speech trumps judicial process whatever it is they're kind of making up is an actual legitimate threat."
"It's totally illegal, this judge should be disbarred."
"As horrific as these crimes were, for you to endorse him for him to get less time, which means you're sh*tting on the victims."
"The actions of the US Supreme Court and the governor of the state of Alabama are reprehensible and have potentially contributed to an irreversible injustice." - Martin Luther King III
"The criminal justice system claims to be blind, but it's not right."
"I've lost my father and Here I am about to lose my mother supposed to be the justice system that it's just completely broken."
"Killers get fair trials but victims don't get fair justice."
"It looks like political, purely political, partisan, Soviet-style show trials and political theater by our leading law enforcement people, and it's an embarrassment to the country."
"Put the children first, it does not seem like the courts put the child first in this case."
"The whole criminal justice system is a joke."
"The independent state legislative doctrine has the potential, in my opinion, to be the single most dangerous thing this Supreme Court will have ever done."
"The war on drugs, that is the downfall to everything in the judicial system."
"We all have been sold out by our US Supreme Court, the Supreme Court acted as traders."
"Folks, this is nonsense. I applaud Trump for fighting back, and I'm glad he's finally calling out both John Roberts and others."
"I think the worst part was where the judge told the lawyer Mr. Blanch for Trump that 'you're starting to lose credibility with the court.'"
"The hits just keep on coming, and now they decided that the right-wing ultra-religious conservative majority of the court..."
"We got video and we still can't even get an indictment are you kidding are you serious."
"This man has done some things I'm really not sure how he's still a judge."