
Happy Ending Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"Monsters have returned to the surface. Peace and prosperity stretched over each piece of land. This is a perfect ending, a perfect ending."
"A happy ending can be a great way to end a story because it leaves everyone with smiles and warm fuzzy feelings."
"His story is so moving and hurtful and it was a happy ending with a support system."
"My first ever Nuzlocke of Pokemon Scarlet has been defeated, and everyone lived happily ever after."
"It's nice to see a happy ending on the skib toilet."
"Oh my goodness, this story has a happy ending. The handbag was later recovered and returned to the store."
"This ever charming, always idealistic movie genre all but guarantees a happy ending, after the good fun of a string of wacky misadventures along the way."
"Resident Evil 5 has like a pure happy ending."
"Everybody gets the happy ending. It's everybody's series wrap."
"If you wanted Bojack to end the show as a changed man and finally find happiness, this is the point where that happens."
"You're gonna have a happy ending no matter what the scenario is."
"I don't think you could ask for a happier ending than that."
"Talk about a fairytale ending for this movie."
"She was no longer mean, and they lived happily ever after."
"Slicer got adopted. This was the happiest ending ever. Let's go!"
"It was a simple and sweet love story that ended well."
"It's very much a happy ending alternate timeline take on breath of the wild."
"It's a happy ending when the princess kisses the Frog."
"Superman flies upward from out of the explosion. His only mission now is to find and rescue Lois. Sunlight returns to Metropolis and all is well again as Superman flies high above it all with Lois to live happily ever after."
"What a story to end it like a fairy tale story."
"A woman who vanished while walking her dog at a campsite has remarkably been found alive."
"The game ends as Ratchet, Clank, Rivet, and Kit all decide to hang out and repair the damage the Emperors caused, all in all, a happy ending."
"After The Strife that it's been through during its production, the show stood with confidence and gave everyone a happy ending."
"The happy fairy tale love connection, the happy fairy tale ending."
"Chance has now been adopted... and is living happily in his forever home."
"They want a happy ending with you, and that's why they have a crush on you."
"And they all lived happily ever after."
"The hero married the princess and became the king. In the end, the hero and the princess created a wonderful country where no villains ever lived, and they eventually lived happily ever after."
"This really was like a beautiful movie and I'm glad it had a somewhat happy ending."
"Damon and Elena live a long and happy life together as humans and after dying peacefully together in their old age they move on to a happy afterlife."
"Now this is what you call a happy ending."
"they all lived sniffle-free ever after"
"A happy ending was always planned for the show and its characters."
"I've got a pretty incredible ending in store. Get excited again because the happy ending I've got coming is going to."
"The storyline is a bit all over the place, but it can be said they get their happy ending."
"And so they all lived happily ever after."
"It ended up being a happy ending."
"Well, it ends well, that's the most important thing."
"Thank goodness these two ended up together."
"But friends, this story would not turn out this way. This story would not have the happy ending that it does had Maria not made that very difficult choice that she did."
"I want to tell you that this story has a happy ending."
"The history of the house may not be the warmest story but there is definitely a happy ending here at Belvedere."
"Oh, wow, okay, so it's a happy ending. Alright, I'm relieved, I can breathe easy."
"There's a happy ending, I love a happy ending."
"Some people don't deserve a happy ending because of the way that they are, they have they deserve a happy ending you do the work."
"In the end, they lived happily ever after."
"he finds his happy ending with their spirits and the memories he has of them that he'll always cherish."
"Creating a happy ending, the Universe 7 fighters returned home happy to be victorious."
"It’s a happy ending to what otherwise could have been a tragedy, and it’s certainly a subversion we could use more of."
"The hero defeats the demon king and everyone lives happily ever after."
"It is a happy ending, and it is beautiful."
"This match makes this list because we get the happy ending, and life is all about the happy ending."
"Comedy is simply the opposite of tragedy. It's simply a happy ending. That's all it needs to be."
"The story has a delightful ending. Eppie marries Dolly's son Aaron, and the young couple settle with Silas to live happily ever after."
"Are we actually getting a happy ending?"
"It's a happy ever after after all."
"It's kind of a happy ending to the story."
"The story ended with a happily ever after for all of them."
"We love a great fairy tale ending, don't we?"
"And we all lived happily ever after..."
"I'm happy that everyone got a happy ending in a way."
"And I really hope your story has a happy ending."
"What a happy ending for Calcifer the eye-stealing demon."
"Ducky got his happy ending, figuratively and I hope literally."
"Story that inspired the movie The Blind Side has an impossibly happy ending."
"Okay, if that last story bummed you out, here's a car heist with a happy ending."
"I like happy ending, especially for somebody like Neil who, you know, worked that hard and Trinity who, you know, I mean, they powered a couple, so to see them like that is wild."
"Everybody's getting their happy ending, I love it."
"ultimately we just get an awesome happy ending."
"I hope he gets a happy ending because he really deserves it."
"This is a story with different twists and turns that you might not expect and it does have a happy ending even though it has a little bit of darkness in between."
"It's got a happy ending and a nice guy prospered and finished first."
"Cara is the reason we're able to save monsters and give everyone a happy ending."
"I do love a fairy tale with a happy ending."
"...and apparently this becomes a worldwide movement and it's a happy ending for all..."
"No, it's a pretty happy ending, right? We saved Grandma and the big bad wolf was about to go to jail."
"Oh yeah, I got the happy ending so I am pleased."
"I hope they have a happy ending, I hope something happens that they can like be together."
"We have to go through the pain in order to get to the Happy Ending."
"How sweet, what a great ending this is."
"It's a happy ending to a story that could have ended very badly."
"I'm sorry, I know a lot of people loved Arya, but she did not deserve a happy ending."
"This time they get the happy ending that they always deserved."
"Every single person got their happy ending."
"I cannot believe there's a whole nother one to watch and him and Marion live happily ever after, right?"
"Jack who is now a giant, lived happily ever after with his friend who is also a giant in the world of giants. The end."
"...you can keep going you know that your your life uh story is not over yet and you have the power to write your happy ending for yourself..."
"A fairy tale that had had some bad detours, but it came to a happy ending."
"I might write a happy ending one of these days, you never know, maybe."
"I don't know what the answer to that is I'm but but I think there's there's hope and optimism there that there's a happy ending potentially for the show and for the world okay I love this guy."
"You know what, I'm a sucker for a happy ending, aren't you?"
"But this, it did have about as happy of an ending as you could have, you know? He ended up taking care of his sister and getting to have her stay with him."
"A happy ending in multiple levels."
"From this moment on, our heroes began to live happily ever after."
"I love them so much, if they don't get a happy ending, you're just gonna watch me sob for like an hour."
"Prince Erik and Ariel lived happily ever after."
"The story ends with the happiest of fairy tale endings."
"I'm so glad there was a happy ending to friendship."
"This is Dragon Ball, so there's going to be a happy ending."
"it made me cry a lot because it was just so sad but it was like such a happy ending at the end of the day"
"After all those years, Dreamseller finally had a happy ending."
"Amidst the rolling hills and the gentle whinnying of horses, they found their happy ending."
"Believe it or not, this story has a happy ending."
"We recovered the M.I.A., recovered a slightly damaged boot. I think this is a pretty happy ending."
"I got a feeling that this will end with a happy ending."
"Snow White and the prince were married and they lived happily ever after."
"Well, there you are, that's a lovely happy ending."
"Every movie in India has one scene where everybody breaks out in song and there's almost always a happy ending."
"We'll get our happy ending one day, will you?"
"...the rare combination of gritty realism with a fairy tale ending that happened to be true."
"You get the title and you get the girl; it's a storybook ending."
"Don't you love stories that end well?"
"It took something like a hurricane to make us have a happy ending."
"Remember what happened last time. The other one was unaware of it. They meet again, and this time they were able to have a happy ending."
"I continued to grow my company, increase my income, and lived happily ever after."
"I'm happy that Drax gets a happy ending and he gets to be a stepfather for all those little super kids."
"And Beauty and the Prince lived happily ever after."
"It’s a sobering thought, and a powerful final image, because it is in some ways a happy ending."
"I really enjoyed the ending of this because it's kind of a happy ending."
"Trinity Seven anime ends happily."
"This is one story that does at least have a happy ending."
"The book ends happily with the integration of all the personalities."
"This story resembles a survival movie with a happy ending."
"Ultimately, the novel has a very happy, tied up ending."
"It was magic, and it was a fairytale ending for me. I'm lucky enough to get the fairy tale, and then a lot of people don't, but it worked out well in the end."
"They were safe and from that time on they lived happily ever after."
"Everything was fine, we're all safe, and oh, it's well that ends well."
"God specializes in happy ever after."
"And they all giggled happily ever after."
"It really feels like the ending cutscene to like the end of a happy movie."
"It's so colorful and they lived happily ever after."
"Sometimes there is a happy ending."
"The love story between the noble lady and the gamekeeper has a happy ending."
"Kevin follows this counsel, resulting in a doubly joyful conclusion to the movie."
"But," added Duck, "it must have a happy ending."
"The story of the Cinderella Man did have a happy ending."
"Now, Beauty, you shall rule beside me as my princess, if that is your wish."
"I think the dogs just live happily ever after."
"They guide her through her whole journey of life to where she meets the prince and has the happy ending."
"It's just a whirlwind of emotion, but I am glad that we have a happy ending."
"And then Snow White and her prince lived happily ever after."
"A real happily ever after ending."
"You know it's a happy ending when the princess kisses the frog."
"It's truly as happy a Hollywood ending as you can get."
"We're all alive very easily, yeah. I love that, the happy ending we all deserve."
"It's your typical or cliche type story of tour guide meets tourist, but with a happy ending."
"He flew off into the sunset happily ever after, no problem."
"The original Star Wars trilogy... it's a happy ending, the people who should be together are together."
"The duck found its home and everyone lived happily ever after."
"The story ends with Ray and Claire going throughout the world explaining all these sci-fi concepts to people with like medieval levels of education and eventually living happily ever after with their two kids."
"The traveler would eventually become king, living happily ever after."
"It is such a beautiful ending to have because even my most optimistic side probably didn't ever dare believe it would end like this."
"It's just the perfect ending for Becky and Ryan."
"Loving couples overcome obstacles, and in the end, they live happily ever after."
"It's a good one, this is a doozy, and it has a good ending, happy ending."
"He's a fighter, and it's a happy ending to this story."
"I'm very happy with the outcome of the story, I think the story had a very nice end."
"We talked it over, and now our story has a happy end"
"Comedies were about love and they had a happy ending."
"That may even have Homeworld lay off the cluster and harming the Earth, setting up a happy ending."
"Spoiler alert: this one has a happy ending."
"It's a happy ending, and it could have gone pear-shaped, but you pulled it off."
"It's the storybook ending, it literally is a storybook ending."
"Surprise, surprise, this story has a very, very happy ending."
"She wanted there to be a happy ending for her."
"I want them to just have the time together, I like the happy ending, they deserve it."
"If between us there must be an ending then it must be the ending where we live happily together."
"Just like every princess has its own story, their own love and problems, just like that in real life too, every princess like you had a different story, a different love, and a happy different ending."
"That's love, there has to be challenges anyway but then it will bring a happy ending."
"At least one love story with a happy ending, I think people deserve it."
"You're going to have your happy ending; everything is going to work out the way that it's supposed to."
"It's just a really nice end to the story for them too, so we couldn't have asked for anything better, really."
"You're the one that I would want to commit to and have this beautiful happy ending with."
"I'm a total sucker for a good animal rehab story, just whenever animals get a happily ever after, especially ones that had a sad life."
"The emperor and the empress, the divine masculine and the divine feminine live happily ever after."
"Real life doesn't follow the same rules as fiction, and if she wants a happy ending, she's going to have to write it herself."
"There is a happy ending very much possible to be achieved for your connection with this person."
"This moving on is going to bring you to your ten of Cups, this is the best, this is happily ever after."
"Your fairy tale ending is on the other end of this."
"I realize you're my happy ending."
"You're definitely matching up with another leader, this is going to bring about abundance, a happy ending."