
Personal Advantage Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"If you combine your skill sets... you can create a niche genre and you're going to be naturally better and faster in that genre because it's built entirely on the things you are super gifted and good at."
"Facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages."
"You never want somebody else to have leverage more than you have the leverage."
"A touch of narcissism will get you really far."
"You assume that everything's working to your advantage towards this jump."
"You can't say that pretty privilege has worked against you when you're still benefiting from it."
"Choosing signals is the holy grail... It puts you in power."
"Confidence is definitely on my side and I have some great momentum."
"I was like in case I have something going for me."
"Ted is the type of person who greatly benefits from being underestimated."
"I think structure is the exact opposite of what I have a competitive advantage in."
"You can use this vibration and energy and manipulate this energy in your favor."
"Your greatest Advantage lies in daring to be yourself."
"I liked being underestimated. I liked people not knowing yet."
"You are favored in your position at this time."
"10 15 20 of them may really suck but you haven't been arrested for anything before you didn't even pull the trigger you don't have a violent history and you know what you have a skill set with the state of Texas would love to use."
"Sometimes things just merge together in a way that works for you."
"Trust no platform or corporation, pit them against each other for your benefit."
"Venus in its own sign is going to manifest to you till the end of November because it's in its own sign."
"Your purpose, your pain, your story is your competitive advantage."
"This is destined and faded to come in for you. This is about the wheel turning in your favor."
"You have to utilize this technology to work for you, it can be a beautiful thing if it can work for you."
"The good thing about working hard is that nobody can take that away from you."
"Online testing for college is the worst thing for education but the greatest gift to me."
"Working with your ancestors is literally your cheat code."
"Everybody has something they're better at than everybody else."
"I have selected you to get my Limitless advantages in the next 7 days."
"Olga knew how to make the few [rules] that did exist work for her."
"If you make everything look bad, then it's easy to raise yourself up."
"What good is all that power if you're not taking full advantage of it, am I right?"
"If a man is dumb, someone is going to get the best of him. So why not you? If you don't, you're as dumb as he is." - Arnold Rothstein
"At the end of the day, the fewer people you're competing with, the easier things are for you."
"He's like a walking highly disciplined cheat code."
"The work aspect is that's just been my advantage is caring a lot and working hard and that's what I can bring to the table."
"How can I make this obstacle an advantage for me?"
"I think the battle is won inside your own head. For me, I had a huge advantage, because I came into the adult world pissed."
"This is a good time to resolve those past differences in your favor."
"It is where things are turning in your favor, a big turning point for you."
"You've got to figure out a game where you have advantage it has to be something you're deeply interested in."
"As long as you're speaking the truth, that'll give you the edge."
"You can use your team's map pressure to actually freely split push and get yourself extremely fed."
"Ironic that his mistake actually helped him."
"If you're over 25, especially in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, the scale has tipped in your favor. You are now winning this game."
"It's always good to have a network. It always pays off along the way."
"It seems like a really good win-win situation for me."
"I live with that moment by moment I've got a big advantage."
"At the end of the day, you have the advantage of experiences, and you use them to help better your life."
"Even though obviously I have a certain ideology, you are self-made. Jay's nephew. He just boosted your position a lot."
"The better you look, the easier it is for you to have access to whatever it is you want."
"Opportunities and those that catch that wave are the ones that are going to be able to take advantage of it."
"Everything is really working out in your favor."
"The emptiness was the greatest asset that she had."
"Go where you have an advantage in bias, because the world is going to give you both, you know, bias advantages and bias disadvantages."
"Once I hit a little extra time, that's when I'm gonna have the advantage."
"Everybody can find a place where the bias works for them."
"Ignore the panic take into consideration you are better off prepared than you are otherwise."
"Jump at opportunities and benefit from them."
"Think about the opportunity that anybody watching this has, like I have a lot of dogs, if I wanted to create a dog channel, I would be the perfect guy to create a dog channel."
"Hungary is a track that is actually surprisingly quite a good track for me so I thought why not."
"Negotiating is not compromise, negotiation is reasoning for your advantage."
"I like talking to people. I feel like if I can talk to a potential customer, I have an advantage."
"Think clearly whether you are 14 and 9 years old or whether you are 65 and use that to your advantage."
"...you have the gift of compassion and understanding all those things give you the advantage of living a loving and meaningful life."
"Utilize it to the best of your advantage to take care of yourself and your family."
"The timing of how things are playing out for you are very in your favor."
"I was always driven by understanding things, and that actually gave me an advantage."
"It's absolutely a good position for me."
"Use that intuition; it's going to really help you."