
Self-evaluation Quotes

There are 320 quotes

"It's tremendously beneficial to learn about perspectives of why we've performed poorly but also why we've performed well, in the context of these verbs not labels."
"It's important for you to self-evaluate and have self-awareness of who you are and where you're at because that is the only way that you can begin evolving."
"When the world cannot leave any imprint on your self-evaluation or estimation, you are then truly free."
"I felt only as good as the last video I'd uploaded."
"99% of people fail, and I beat it, so that means I'm in the 1%."
"For analysts, it keeps you on track; it keeps you figuring out, 'Well, I was wrong there, so why was I wrong?'"
"The journey ahead requires us to self-evaluate."
"Slow down every once in a while and take inventory and be like, 'But am I really happy doing this?'"
"If you do it for yourself, if you're judging yourself, shit gets real easy."
"If I don't change my mind about something for a very long time, I become very worried."
"If you want to develop a quick inferiority complex, I would recommend going and reading Steven's Wikipedia page."
"It's important that we all take inventory on who is in control and who it is serving. Who are we serving: Him or is it Him serving us?"
"Evaluate yourself: Where are you? Are you where you need to be? Are you desirable? If you are, what do you desire? And are your desires realistic?"
"I think that I just slightly outplayed them because I also played really well."
"Your body is a smart machine that's developed over millions of years and knows that it's best to rely on itself than on external substances."
"If you're always measuring yourself against your ideal, you're always going to feel this gap... Whereas if you measure yourself against your former self, you'll see progress."
"Despite seven years of scrutiny, blunders, and criticism from everyone, including myself, we never gave up."
"Even when we are winning, I kept saying we're not really playing that well, you know when we start playing well, teams are going to feel it."
"I think I could... be at least in the A tier... at being a journalist."
"Ask yourself the question: Can I and take it from there."
"You don't need to be the best in the world on it you just need to be better than you were yesterday."
"Habits just are, and then we get to decide if they align with where we want to go."
"Can you look yourself in the mirror and say, hell yeah, I'm proud of the man I'm becoming? That's all it comes down to."
"If you want to know if you make good content, you have to answer one question: What value will I provide to someone who watches my content?"
"How much should you change for someone that you want to be with?"
"These challenges are very minor in comparison to what you are capable of and also to what you've achieved thus far."
"Let's start measuring ourselves based on the content of our character."
"If you judge yourself, nobody will have to judge you."
"This is a liberating moment, a moment for us to look at our relationships, our projects, our self-worth."
"Evaluate yourself and see how much of yourself is out of place. And I guarantee, as a whole lot of us, if not all of us, got something out of place."
"I always think of the billions of idiots who have successfully accomplished it, and then I just remember like all you gotta do is you know do a little bit better than that, you'll be fine."
"It's a good idea to think about it in that way so that you're really focused on am I improving in these areas?"
"If what you were doing was working right now, you'd be married or at least engaged to a man of value."
"The question is not are you worthy to reach your goals. The question is are your goals worthy enough of you."
"Most of you probably wouldn't be able to do that, would you?"
"Look in the mirror every month and ask, 'Do I see a change in myself?'"
"It just so happens that these individuals are groomers. I'll say it every single time."
"This is so weird, um, I was very impressed, I was like, wow, I was like, that's, that wasn't too bad, I'm good at YouTube."
"Do you believe what do you think is better, Bill Russell or me?"
"The measure of a person is how well they succeed at being who they are."
"Am I actually missing this from my life or is there something else missing?"
"What people end up liking from you the most is not necessarily a manifestation of what you hold in highest regard as a technical high-achieving artist."
"This is a race against other people but also against yourself."
"Take a new inventory of yourself starting tomorrow."
"Understand everyone else's point of views and their beliefs but take a moment to step back for yourself and really just kind of like self-evaluation."
"Normalize the weighing of the pros and cons of people in your life."
"There's a lot more possible, don't sell yourself so short."
"This is the real test to see exactly where they stand out."
"All the real men out here, all the real women out here, do a stress test on your life."
"Success is not measured by externals. It comes from within. Success is an inside job."
"Analyze your past performance. Don't live the same year for 75 years and call it a life."
"You're actually doing fine, you're doing good."
"Creative integrity is the ability to make content that you yourself would watch."
"Greatness is something that you tap into, and I don't know if I'll ever know I'm great because I just even if I am great I want to be greater, that's right mm-hmm. I'm not happy with great."
"Legal does not equal lawful. If you are relying on something being legal as your defense, you should probably take a strong look in the mirror and evaluate your own moral compass."
"It's just being really good. It's the most consistent I've ever been."
"I'm still at the top of the game still fighting the best guys in the world and I continue to do so I think better than anybody else in this game."
"Do kind of an audit once in a while, take a step back, have self-awareness, say where do I want things to look like in three to five years."
"Taking account in your day and noticing the areas where you are depleting energy."
"I'm not a loser, I would have been a loser. I couldn't give up."
"Your entire year of 2021 comes down to whether or not you are going to value yourself on your own terms."
"If it doesn't bring your blood to a boil, if it doesn't make you question life strength health and how god damn fortunate you are, then you're yet to work hard enough."
"He's the fellow to please never mind all the rest for he's with you clear up to the end and you pass your most dangerous difficult test if the man in the glass is your friend."
"Was this all worth it? Good question. Uh, yeah, absolutely it was."
"Know what you're worth... be honest with yourself."
"The last of us 2 offered me the surety that we were actually much, much better than Naughty Dog thinks we are."
"You've got to start to evaluate what areas you can start to improve upon."
"Second place is very promising... I feel like I could have won that game."
"I didn't expect to be this good. Definitely didn't expect to be the 3rd seed."
"If you manage money for a company called 'You Incorporated' the way you manage money for you now, would you fire you?"
"This is the test of who's really it and who's not even for people who think they've been."
"I'm sure at home you are much better than you are in a pressure cooker."
"What's an area of your life where you continue to repeat a cycle that ends with you feeling less valuable?"
"If you're not right with God, you've got nothing."
"I actually ended up being the top rated performance."
"I hope you're thinking about a big dream or vision you're going after and I hope you're rating yourself as I'm going through these."
"This is a first attempt, and I think it's okay."
"I feel like I was worth more than what I got."
"Is it working out? Are you winning or losing?"
"Even if this is the best we've got to offer, that would be a very hopeful thing to know."
"Self-audit yourself regularly, figure out where am I at, what am I doing to fill my creative bank account."
"My whole life has been about 500. Some wins, some losses, some knockouts. You know, all that combined to make me probably the greatest competitor that's ever been at 500 in the history of the movie."
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing while others judge us by what we have already done."
"How you spend your time shows what you truly care about. Evaluate yourself and hold yourself accountable."
"This battle serves as a great moment to see just how far you've come as a player."
"If you would not be friends with your partner outside of the relationship, there are things to reconsider."
"The improvements don't really make themselves apparent until you see the two side by side."
"There's definitely a lot of endings going on, a time of re-evaluating yourself and situations."
"This is what Dave Stieb has done, and the mathematical odds of doing so are one in 241,190,218."
"As long as my victories overcome my losses, then I'm doing all right."
"I'm actually really happy with my performance. I think like given my strength and my profile, I raced smartly."
"You have to be able to examine what you're doing and figure out what is and is not working."
"Emotions are not facts. Don't let them hold you back from achieving your goals."
"You're in a place right now where gosh you can have everything that you've ever wanted in your life but you're down casting it."
"Whatever the heck I'm doing it seems to be working so I should keep working."
"When you're painting at home, step back, always stepping back and looking. That's how you know when you're on the right track."
"Knowing where I am today for me is everything."
"The ability to hold something we've done or failed to do up against who we want to be is incredibly adaptive."
"I have one job: my one job is to take care of this human. How am I doing in that job today?"
"Our relationship works because our evaluation of ourselves and each other is independent of what society says it should be."
"It's about going into your base level requirements and what you are doing differently, where you are seeking more quality, different results, different outcomes because you're understanding more of what you're worth."
"I'm only 8% worse than one of the best clans in the world."
"I'm gonna be very pleased with the way that I played this one."
"Maybe that is the actual coolest thing I've ever created."
"I challenge you to look at your life and ask yourself, am I setting myself up to fail to succeed? Am I setting myself up to fail so that I can succeed?"
"Every five years, reevaluate where you are. Am I happy? Is this building my career?"
"Would I recommend myself as a dad, as a CEO, as a business partner?"
"People think that for some reason, maybe 5 or 7, I'd be like about here."
"I would give myself an A+. Nobody has done what I've been able to do."
"I didn't walk away with the crown, but I was the best out of everybody in there."
"Qualifying pace I normally have is never normally good enough to give me pole position or anything like that normally and beast in the mid pack."
"How do you know when your artifacts are good enough? It's when you're satisfied with the performance of your characters."
"We're defined by how far we've come, how good we've done."
"If you couldn't make money last year, for real, your entrepreneurship is probably just not for you."
"I think that pretty much wraps it up, I think that was honestly pretty [ __ ] good if you ask me."
"All that's good, all the stats and stuff, that's great, man. But you know, I just like I told him, you're only good at your last game, bro."
"If you don't check your work, how do you know what's correct, right? And I find that putting that time in, investigating to what the problems could be constantly, that's the way you get through it."
"You're only as good as the enemies that you have that challenge you."
"You deserve whatever grade you get on the internal homework you've done."
"Looking at what you've accomplished this year so far, what you're hoping to do with the next three months."
"It doesn't matter what I've done, it's what I'm going to do that night that's how good I am on any situation."
"Does it have to do with where you're living? Does it have to do with the way that you're creating value in your life?"
"Venus in Capricorn is a period of testing for true values."
"I think ultimately for myself, that's all that I can ask out of myself."
"I think something that I really would encourage everyone to do who works for themselves in any capacity is really call into question every single thing that you do for work that you consider as additive to your work."
"If I'm not the absolute best at what I do, I should be out the door the very next day."
"It's just such an honest, true experience and a reflection of your ability."
"We are very hard on ourselves when we look at the lives of others and say, 'Why haven't I achieved that?'"
"Above Average means you are beating the average."
"It's not about perfection, it's progress... stop and realize how far you've come."
"Are you pursuing what you really want or what you think you can get?"
"Your spot's pretty decent. I thought mine would have been cooler."
"Figure out how much you are worth from top to bottom in a very honest way."
"Those are actually really good so I'm going to apply them to you and you can judge yourself to see if you're a good person."
"If you fail over and over again, it's not because the world is out to get you, probably it's because you're doing something wrong."
"You're gonna look back at this time, you'll be like, 'How foolish was I?'"
"Evaluate yourself. Ask, is it resourceful for me to think this?"
"I'm 1% of the way to the Hall of Fame, so apparently I'm doing something right."
"You have to have the guts to be honest about our position."
"I think we've made some pretty solid progress."
"Take stock of your accomplishments and drive towards your goals."
"I'm only as good as the last meal that I make."
"At the 12-month mark, it's time to do an evaluation: Am I staying or am I going?"
"The only scorecard that counts is your inner scorecard."
"Tell me I have led a good life... tell me I'm a good man."
"I think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is my best film."
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is my best film."
"People tend to accept you at your own evaluation of yourself, at least initially."
"I'm probably going to give myself, you know what, stuff it, I'd give myself a strong nine."
"Have I got us off to a good start? I've roasted a whole chicken, so I'm going to give myself an eight out of 10."
"When you run out of money, you need to be asking yourself, are you getting the highest and best use out of yourself?"
"Overall I think I did a pretty good job."
"You gotta have a code, you gotta evaluate yourself, you gotta follow some protocols in life there you go we wrote them for you me and Dave Burke."
"This is the most impressive thing I've done in a long time."
"I am being present in this moment before I wouldn't have am I making use of my time now am I really making it count."
"Look at that, I've impressed myself to be honest."
"You're not an A, becoming an A. You're an F, becoming a C."
"I think it was a success if I say so myself."
"Concentrate on how many Deeds you have packed away for the sake of Allah every single day. Ask yourself today, 'What did I do? Did I do my five daily prayers? Was I charitable? Was I kind? Did I hurt somebody's feelings? Did I backbite about someone?'"
"I feel like I've been a good dad."
"When you maintain a bad situation just for the sake of it and don't evaluate what you are worth, it's time to go find something else."
"I'm pretty impressed with myself... I thought I was gonna fail miserably."
"I have to evaluate myself and say Tony, how did you treat your wife, how did you treat your kids, how did you treat your family, how did you treat your clients?"
"I think I did pretty good, I'm very proud of myself."
"One to ten, what would you give yourself?"
"I give myself an A+, I really do."
"If you met yourself, would you like yourself?"
"The types are self verifying it's like you don't necessarily need a scientist to tell you this is valid because you can read this description and look at what you do and see that it's the same."
"When you're not where you want to be in life as a human you do some self-evaluation and you say what is it that's keeping me from getting to where I need to be."
"I feel very proud of myself that I accomplished this job."
"Focus on what your opinion is of your project, of your accomplishments, of what you did."
"You're always going to think, 'Could I have done something better?'"
"You just experienced what when I shoot and you watch me shoot that is now the bar of you judging yourself on whether you've shot a 10 or whether you've maybe scored a 10 but got by with not proper technique."
"At this age, I think about legacy for sure. You think about the work that you've done and did I show up the way I wanted to show up?"
"I think it was the best thing I've ever made."
"But I should feel accomplished somewhat."
"I always think about things and what I should have done after the moment's past."
"I felt like I was doing so, so good."
"You just gotta be prepared, you gotta have a plan and stick with it and judge yourself off the plan and sticking to it not off of the P and L."
"It's like hitting the play button over and over again on a VCR, just watching your performance."
"Get yourself on video and watch. You want to know what message you're giving out when you present. Best way to do it: get about three-minute video clip of yourself, turn off the sound, and then ask a hundred people to watch it and say to you, 'What message did you get from me?'"
"Do you like this? I really like this, I think it turned out better than I thought it would."
"I just missed about three so I felt I did pretty good."
"I underestimated myself, I underestimated you guys."
"You don't really know how good you are, but the one thing that you've done all year long, you've hung in there for 60 damn minutes and you got it done some kind of way. That's the mark of a true champion."
"What about you in this area of your life makes you capable, makes you good enough? And as you take inventory, just notice the emotions that come with these recognitions and acknowledgements in relation to yourself."
"You're on a daily renewable contract... Every single day you are judging yourself, you're judging your pursuit of excellence."
"You see if your life flashed past you, would stand out for you, do you think?"
"Are you the best? First of all, are you the best? Are you the best spitter? Do you make the best music? Do you have the best cultural impact musically? Are you how influential are you musically?"
"Would you hire you? Look at your social media, imagine you're the boss running an animal park."
"If the change feels too overwhelming, maybe it's a sign to re-evaluate and consider moving on."
"I think the test of any accomplishment is how self-critical you can be. If you can't be self-critical, you may do something that's pretty good, but you'll never be able to make it any better."
"The test of any accomplishment is how self-critical you can be. If you can't be self-critical, you may do something that's pretty good, but you'll never be able to make it any better."
"I'm a better drafter than I get credit for."
"My inspection of my people is actually an evaluation of my own performance."
"It's about getting to a level where you can self-assess and know what good diving is."
"It is important to evaluate the outcome in order to figure out what works for you."
"It's really important to start looking at what it looks like and kind of self-evaluating."
"The Lake Wobegon effect... we overestimate our own abilities but when it comes to trading we tend to underestimate what's required."
"You respect yourself when you get true evaluation of the self."