
Self-teaching Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Under conditions where either the teacher or the mentor is not there...we actually can serve as our own teacher."
"Confidence really isn't something you're born with; you're gonna teach yourself confidence. I teach myself confidence every day."
"The fastest way to become a professional is through unguided development, where you create something based on your understanding and research."
"The easiest way to start speaking on your own is to shadow what you hear."
"Even though it takes a while, there's not that many fields that you can self-teach and make a six-figure salary."
"Build a playlist of songs you want to learn in lesson videos you find useful."
"There are tons of channels on YouTube that I think are really instructional."
"We can gently teach it how we would like it to respond in accordance with what we were determined to design for the self."
"FreeCodeCamp is an alternative to university, a productive way to use your time."
"I learned how to make beats because I couldn't go nowhere, but I could get on the computer."
"I think I learned most of my chemistry from Ignition, right?"
"There's no need even to have a college degree at all or even high school."
"It's basically a way to hack Chinese and to decode the Chinese language on your own."
"Anything which is irritating you, anything which is troubling you, that is your teacher."
"Break your programming, stop doing everything like you did before, teach yourself to be unique."
"You don't need to go to school to be an artist."
"YouTube University is a real thing. You can get a degree from there."
"Even if you're not the best makeup artist, you can still do it."
"I started learning coding on the side to see if it's something I can help him with and eventually I just ended up falling in love with it."
"I learned so much more once I left uni and I kind of taught myself."
"It's now I teach myself to do stuff off YouTube um and I'm quite good at teaching myself how to do stuff and I wish I'd learned that when I was at school but yeah he's good for that that's what it taught me as well."
"...I did use the Floki app and teach myself."
"I didn't have internet access, so basically, if I wanted to learn how to do something, I had to learn trial and error."
"Our work in the U.S influenced his thinking about self-teaching and how children read words."
"Give them the app, let them play around with it, and they will actually teach themselves English."
"I tend to learn better teaching myself things than I do in a classroom setting."
"I had to teach myself philosophy of religion in order to actually do it."
"I'm actually not a horrible singer and not a horrible dancer. I've taught myself how to sing since a very young age because I was not born being able to sing."
"You can teach yourself every single day by summarizing what you learned."
"Writing for me is like how I do that. So I write women who don't give a because I'm teaching myself how to be one."
"There's really nothing you can't teach yourself to do if it comes in the mind, and it really takes practice and repetition."
"Every time you practice, think of it as giving yourself a lesson."
"There's nothing better than just grabbing a camera, going out there, and teaching yourself."
"You have to teach your body to teach you."
"If you want to play piano, you play piano every single day for four hours without a teacher, you'll get really good."
"That's where the creation comes in, and that's what you will learn yourself, you will teach yourself to do that."
"Without any tutor, this is basically learning by doing."
"The real way to learn is to just do it yourself."
"If you want to be able to do that, a really easy way to teach yourself is just to sing a simple melody and then pick it out on guitar."
"Anything that I liked, I figured it out on guitar."
"I did it just because I could do it, that's how you learn, right?"
"Everybody has a built-in guitar teacher, it's called your voice."
"Always knowing that the inner teacher, the inner guide, is the most important teacher to listen to."
"The pan-African e-learning platform has already grown beyond India and has become a platform for teaching by Africans for Africa."
"I didn't know what I was doing, but I figured it out, and it's part of that, right? It's growth."
"The real teacher is your own body."
"You learn from your mistake, nobody can teach you."
"One of the great ways to learn things is not to just sit and watch a tutorial but is instead to struggle and fight and learn something for yourself."
"When I started, I had zero knowledge whatsoever, nothing so special about me, so if I can do it, you can definitely do it as well."
"The best way to learn something is to do it yourself."
"Think more deeply than the conventional mass of Guru followers dare to do, and you will come to perceive that in the end, there is only one teacher for each man: his own over-self."
"If I, someone who's terrified of coding, was able to figure it out, so could you."
"Who's excited to learn? Me, because I'm gonna learn as I go."
"The best teacher is your own mistakes and your own shortcomings."
"You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the master, you are the guru, you are the leader. You are everything."
"The level of experience you can generate for yourself is almost equivalent to real-world experience."
"When you really give out in generosity of your heart, you're teaching yourself a lesson about freedom."
"Yoga itself teaches yoga; yoga itself will teach you how to progress in yoga."
"It's as if myself 20 years from now is my teacher."
"Work stuff out for yourself... it will also help your understanding of how melody and harmony work."
"I had to do a ballet class of an hour which I had to learn myself."
"The most important teaching would be that we are our own greatest teacher and healer, so we got to put energy into that."
"I learned English by playing bridge with the dictionary."
"This is how I learned to use this by just reading this myself, so I'm sure that you guys can figure it out if you need to as well."
"The best practice you can get is just knit things for yourself without a pattern and get a feel for it as you go."
"It's something to teach yourself, and you know, if you get good enough, you can make some money doing it too."
"All like every single person is their own best teacher."
"I had to teach myself how to be confident."
"You become your own teacher in a way and your own student."
"That's why the Buddha without the teacher teaching him on Buddhism can enlighten himself."
"I didn't know how to write a script before ever, so I just kind of wrote my ideas down and then learned how to write a script through YouTube tutorials."
"This is how you're going to learn how to program for yourself."
"After just this term, hopefully will you have the power to teach yourselves new languages."
"It's also handy if you're teaching yourself, if you don't have a piano teacher staring over your shoulder."
"When students become their own teachers, that's what we want in life-long learning."
"Deep learning, a self-teaching system in which a computer learns from interacting with itself."
"The Scriptures will teach itself to be what it claims to be: the Word of God."
"The goal ultimately is to teach you all how to teach yourselves new languages."
"There are no teachers; the teacher is Christ within yourself."
"You will learn so much more if you just try to break stuff and write stuff on your own ahead of time."
"I didn't give up. I didn't have a teacher or a video to show me; I just practiced on my own every day."
"You are your best teacher; you are in your body, in your breath, in your mind."
"You have no need for anyone to teach you, but His anointing teaches you all things."
"Don't try to just follow what your teacher is doing, try to also understand how to find the resources and the documentation to go your own way and why it's done that way."
"Some things you have to learn on your own."
"That this class is about ultimately teaching yourself to learn new languages."
"The best way to learn is by trying to do this on your own."
"Unlock the ability for you to teach yourself new skills on your own terms, anywhere."
"The best teacher for you is who is you."
"The greatest teacher is within you."
"If you're a developer, you can figure this thing out in no time."
"Having taught himself the path of the Jedi, aside from what was taught to him by Ben and Yoda, Luke found himself resorting back to a method from before the Old Republic."
"You are going to be your best teacher in this whole spiritual journey."
"I graduated from YouTube University. YouTube is free, Google is free."
"The greatest teacher that you'll ever find is going to be yourself."