
Technical Issues Quotes

There are 360 quotes

"And today is going to be a wonderful day, and we're gonna have zero technical hiccups."
"Right now, Dragon's Dogma 2 has mostly negative reviews on Steam, with many players having the same problem I did where it would constantly crash."
"This led to an overload and the cancel link ended up crashing and left users unable to end their subscriptions."
"Is this broken, mates? Is this broken? We just got a ghost without ghost specialization. Paul samurai operator, and it just destroyed him."
"I'm going to stop myself there because if I go into detail about every technical issue I encountered this review is going to need special features and a director's cut."
"Every time that there's drama is whenever the servers are bad - that's when they get really mad."
"Enemies speed up and slow down depending on how good the game decides to process itself."
"I've created a small problem in my rope system."
"I lost on Wave 50 to one of those glitch toilets that just zoomed."
"The CPU gets locked to that PC's firmware key by fuses that are set at the factory."
"This is embarrassing alright, actually after, let's try to be chapter 1 and then I want to, there's the server link right there."
"What if one day it goes missing all of a sudden? It's going to be difficult working without the scroll bars, right?"
"Battlefield 2042 didn't just suffer from visual performance, server, and gameplay balancing issues, nope, it suffered from core game design problems."
"I have no doubt that CD Projekt will address most of these issues, especially considering that they had some similar launch woes back when The Witcher 3 first released."
"Guys, I think my YouTube is lagging. Oh, they're spawning mobs now. Oh, thank you for the 4.99. Thank you so much, I appreciate that."
"I wasn't very comfortable spinning it up with two bent threaded rods holding it in place like that."
"The load times are kryptonite. Believe it or not, some games can be ruined by loading screens."
"So what is your weirdest troubleshooting computer gremlin... because this whole 3700 X and gigabyte motherboard one... it's one of the most aggravating problems that I've ever had."
"Street Fighter 5s online is super [ __ ] up."
"That wasn't too bad. I thought this would be stuck in there."
"Colonial Marines received negative reviews from critics who criticized its uninspiring gameplay, technical issues, and low-quality graphics."
"The soundtrack is more than just a collection of songs; it's an emotional journey."
"This one's a little bit more clunky and it is leaking, which, yes, we're going to talk about in a moment."
"It is the worst thing in the world when you've done all this work on the inspection you you present this car to the customer and guess what the radio has problems because it needs an update."
"Sometimes the reload animation just doesn't happen [__]."
"Cyberpunk 2077, for a lot of players, is just unplayable."
"This structure is all about the lore, really. It's so interesting."
"Not only does Battlefield have myriad crippling technical issues across all platforms, but it also has some very intractable design issues that will each themselves require some level of overhaul and rework."
"I think I know why it's a little icy. I put it all on ultra, that's why."
"Unexpected technical issues implies either that they didn't even look at the game prior to launch or they're lying."
"Man, I wish Roblox would fix clipping stuff. That'd be great."
"The service has been degrading over time, there have been outages, it breaks down."
"Last year it was discovered that certain late model Hyundai and Kia models had a security flaw."
"I think I'm blaming our issue on thermal. We've added too much, exponential. That's us, yeah."
"I'm so happy about that. Alright, so we're going home. I don't know if he left his bike there because, I don't know if you saw, kind of a glitch there, that might be a problem, but I guess we'll see."
"Now I don't know how to end the show should I push buttons."
"Elon Musk sent a late-night email, 'By the way, I'd like to apologize for Twitter being super slow in many countries, app is doing more than 1000 poorly bashed RPCs just to render a home timeline.'"
"Should we be concerned that it takes like a whole like what three seconds three or four seconds for the system to power on?"
"I actually think it's gonna wrap it up for the stream guys because it's lagging and I don't know why it's frozen for everyone and it's been like this for like five minutes now so I'm sorry."
"This whole day has just been technical difficulties."
"The problem is when it stops working, you don't know why."
"I actually cannot recommend fear enough, and that isn't nostalgia talking."
"That's a good example of the kind of core problems that they were having with these guns."
"I've had a couple of issues with polygons stretching and tearing."
"Despite numerous attempts at patching it, leaks would still be a continual issue."
"I'm sorry about the really poor quality of the target camera footage earlier."
"In the case of desync, it does have that so we're gonna check it out."
"The game is half-baked. There are many game-breaking bugs."
"If there's a big red X by one of your pieces of hardware, well, there may be a physical problem with the hardware or a needed driver."
"As Jedi Survivor is almost the perfect sequel, sadly improvements in gameplay, story, and visuals, and more is mired in an undercooked package with horrible performance and fatal crashes plaguing at the very least this game's launch week."
"If you can't check out, it's normal. You just have to keep doing it over and over."
"Disneyland Adventures Kinect: 'A surprisingly immersive recreation of Disneyland park...despite some clunky controls.'"
"Would it be a Destiny event or launch without a bit of server problems?"
"Oh my God, an overwhelming amount of people have had their entire systems bricked. It takes a lot for that to happen. I think there has to be something already wrong with the PC for that to happen."
"Every now and then for reasons that escape me, YouTube apparently has issues with our videos."
"Remember, patience is key with this glitch. It might take some time to get it right, but you'll get there eventually."
"WB games have historically had a pretty terrible track record on PC."
"The improvements are so minor that I don't see much reason to play it over the original, especially when you take into account the previously unseen glitches."
"Traversal stutter: the unwanted companion of Unreal Engine 5."
"None of which are used. It has been installed for more than a year but none of them can work properly."
"They just made them too short. If you see anywhere it's close to rubbing, check that first, and then you'll see probably the white black wires come apart. It was a design flaw."
"Apparently I'm a robot... Oh gosh, testing one two three, it's still doing it. I don't know what is happening, dude."
"Clearly we have some kind of error going on."
"Rather, it appears to be an unpolished game with an open world that is CPU limited by single-threaded performance."
"It's a month or two after release, so we'll definitely be looking into that, and if it's still a problem, then that is going to be a big problem for 12th gen."
"Could an altimeter be to blame for the Air France crash?"
"If you try to play the play disc, that won't work."
"Balance is key for smoother operation; unbalance leads to slippage and problems."
"Crippling server issues led to negative reviews on Steam."
"It froze alright, it's fine now, it's like it froze for a bit, it froze for a bit, I went down to 2,000 we lost 2,000 viewers because of it what the hell."
"Look at the screen on this thing, it's upside down!"
"I didn't even do anything special but it's working just fine now."
"Mercury retrograde causes problems with machinery."
"Why you guys gotta crush my server? Why you guys gotta crash the server using laptop?"
"I'm sorry has the glitch been fixed because my followers... have not been receiving their notifications when we go live straight up."
"So while making this video, that actually happened to me. So if you do get errors where your product isn't showing, try switching the permalinks to default."
"Okay, well, we now wait. I have to relog for these to be available to use, right?"
"Now, if I try to reload this while I'm not logged in, then we can see that we get an error."
"Authentication credentials are not provided."
"But sometimes depending on where you're standing, you might see weird things like, you know, your head getting deflated into your character, or you know all over the place, something not feeling right."
"Having full control over the character being a separate entity from full control over the camera was one of early 3D's biggest problems."
"Igor's professional opinion: the problem lies not in the 12vh power standard itself but in these adapter cables Nvidia has shipped with pretty much all of the first run of RTX 4090s."
"It's screws that came loose, which could have been a manufacturing fault."
"The night before, 3:00 p.m., the day before, they need it for an upload. My computer blue screens and wipes out 12 of those 18 polish minutes."
"I think what happened is this capacitor was squished up against the drive chassis and was shorting against the chassis."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum absolutely pumping today and I know we're a little laggy."
"Don't judge a game based on day one demo server problems."
"This track is almost 26 years old and the hit boxes are still too big."
"Zeeple Dome is the real deal; this game is bad. The controls are the least problematic issue here; the bigger issue is the latency."
"The evidence is pointing to a problem with the plane's tail."
"We've got bubbles for sure...we're actually picking up leaks on the other coil too."
"When I die because of lag, that is the worst."
"The wheel can also come off the ground and skip over bumps, with excessive amounts of compression damping."
"Thanks for taking so long to make me have to reprocess and reupload this."
"Hopefully it works, hopefully it doesn't glitch out. I know a lot of people have had that issue where it just goes straight to the payment and then you get paid zero dollars for some people."
"Glitches, exploits, you name it—don't get me started on how glitchy modern games are."
"It's a pity there are so many technical problems with this drama."
"Wow, we fix the glitch. Brilliant. What could possibly go wrong?"
"Once the game is running stably, you probably don't need to worry about that."
"Controller drift is a failure of the product."
"You complain about the sound equipment, you're refusing to wear your microphone."
"The accidents made the aviation industry aware that something simple like a pitot tube or a static port can cause a major incident."
"YouTube's glitching again, drop a like, sub up!"
"Despite the technical issues, there's still something special about the game."
"One of the problems they've had working... is that people will change their audio setup during the development."
"Until they solve this problem I mean we're going to be back doing this again soon but again customer needs the box operating so I'm going to do what I can do."
"The service still needs work. Input latency is a hurdle."
"Unity reeks of missed potential... a broken game doesn't just end up being pristine in every other category."
"Then I'm just gonna have fun now. I'm not gonna stress about missing a block, or a little glitch here and there."
"Major major problems in the car... feeling more and more confident about this two-stop strategy."
"Technical debt is the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy or limited solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer."
"Poor 1% lows are occurring when you fully exhaust your vram and system memory at the exact same time."
"ODST's launch was yet another massive dub, again it did come with a few bugs which is kind of expected but overall the quality was exactly what it needed to be."
"Tech problems are significant... please be understanding or leave you could just not be understanding leave if you want that's fine too."
"Even with all its bugs and problems, to me DayZ is the best game of 2012."
"At first, the video was just a black screen but then her entire computer started glitching."
"Memory error detected, troubleshooting required."
"So we're going to test potential. We're going to test the servers, technical crash, et cetera. But the most important thing is how will the player base react?"
"Thank you, Bob Beasley, for your super chat, Sheila, I never saw a super chat from New Media but did not go through."
"I was supposed to have a FIFA Rose Rory video today, not a World Cup won either a regular one but for some reason I can't log on to FIFA."
"Only the starboard stabilizer fin has extended."
"New World was killing graphics cards, especially GA102 cards."
"Back to our news broadcast after 30 seconds, during the signal loss, signal engineers switched the frequency, bringing the regular news back onto the screens."
"Why are all his screenings failing? Why are there technical difficulties?"
"It’s a real looker, and although I had a couple of buggy moments, you can’t deny that the visuals hold up."
"There really is a problem with documentation here."
"Believe me, I know. I've had to reinstall, delete mods every single time."
"When you plug in and do work, something's not gonna work."
"Doom Eternal may be a broken mess, but it's also one of the most refined and fun combat loops ever made."
"The engine was clearly not working out how they wanted."
"It's just a math problem now, it's their algorithm, you know? It's a math problem."
"Mistakes happen but there's a big difference between a five-minute outage and a five-hour outage."
"Ratings for this game are really good and the only reviews that I could find that were any lower were because the game sometimes glitches."
"On a technical level especially, it just looks rough."
"He's streaming on his channel so he's not going to be able to restart OBS to fix it."
"The game does seem to have slowed down a little bit here. I have a feeling it's because fraps has dropped down to 30fps."
"So it's working, let's see if control-a, I guess I should um bounce out of there and go back Pier number three."
"Let's go chat shiny verision to start the stream can i get a w hey that's that g fuel luck baby code mystic 7 30 off until monday and that's how you start a stream sort of we've been live for 30 minutes because i was troubleshooting for 15."
"The event was successful with only minor issues identified specifically the left arm restraint did not provide restraint against flailing injury."
"The lack of camera freedom was done on purpose so that you couldn't easily take in the plethora of graphics issues all around you."
"Yo, wouldn't be a Preston stream if we didn't have something like this go wrong."
"Stability so far has been a complete night mayor. I play on PC, I'm not even joking, I have maybe 75 crashes so far at this point."
"He ended up getting on a damn plane carrying 160 million dollars in U.S Cash."
"Every camera battery that I've ever owned decided to die a couple of hours ago and I don't know why."
"Again, Elon Musk confirms they had an issue with the valve."
"Sorry, Connor, I don't think they're gonna fix that." - [Skip the Tutorial]
"U5 is needed at this point since optimization has been a big problem ever since 1.31."
"Fixed issue with split-screen guest profile names being blank resulting in matches never launching."
"I downloaded so many things... my cast just breaks, huh?"
"Drivers and pedestrians are now able to cross London's famous Tower Bridge again after it was closed for nearly 12 hours on Monday due to a technical fault."
"It's quite possible that one of those was already done when we had some connectivity back and forth."
"It's a technically really unoptimized game that's punching way way way way too far above its weight."
"But the fairing didn't come off the way it was supposed to and while it wasn't an issue for those other satellites it is an issue for James Webb because James Webb is huge."
"This is both the laggiest thing and the coolest thing I think I've done in this game in a long time."
"I've got to end with a failure point though because the PC Port of Eternal continues to be the game that absolutely does not want to perform to any kind of acceptable level on any handheld."
"If it's not loading for you it's highly likely that is because when there's thousands of people trying to load it at the same time that's what usually happens okay."
"I can confirm it's an issue with our engineer."
"iOS 16 public beta testers report mixed experiences, with some praising stability while others note issues like Bluetooth connectivity and battery drain."
"When the lag isn't acting up I think the game is great it's one of those unique novel titles that I really want to throw my weight behind supporting."
"Thank you, everyone, for being so patient with us through the save system issues we're having."
"One thing I've been seeing a lot of that's confusing me is a group of people that make it seem like Cyberpunk would be a perfect game if it weren't for the bugs."
"GG, good game, very laggy, I will say, it was still enjoyable."
"Safety is just an afterthought, so we're about to hook up the battery, but they said it doesn't work or at least the battery needs to be replaced."
"Disconnections are so bad for YouTuber you know like imagine this end of the disconnection who wants to watch a video where ends any disconnection."
"I have to agree with you, something glitchy is going on."
"Destiny 2 had a peak of over two hundred thousand players during its first day, and it would have been higher if the service hadn't gone down."
"A smooth, error-free game is crucial. Nothing is more frustrating than getting dashboarded or error-coded every five minutes."
"Even with all the oddities, bugs, strange physics, and at times downright broken nature to Bethesda open worlds, I can't deny that there's a magic to the mainline series of Elder Scrolls and Fallout."
"Fixed several crashes that occurred during gameplay."
"Is the echo gone? Tell him check check check."
"I was freaking out about my camera, but as you can tell, we got it figured out."
"Battlefield 4 endeared themselves to the community through the effort they dedicated to fixing the game's crippling instability and performance issues."
"Facebook's not going anywhere, I think it's just a DNS update and they'll be back."
"I wish I could shout out some of the people who subscribe but it seems super like the last subscribe I have on streamlabs is from eight hours ago."
"So what do you make of this bizarre sighting, technical glitch, or genuine time traveler?"
"At the end of the day, Cyberpunk 2077 is a buggy mess that only runs well on the kind of PC that isn't even meant for gaming."
"Technical difficulties network problems instability all that kind of stuff that is to be expected is healthy to have."
"Nintendo is quietly gonna be taking care of this problem."
"If you do that on a direct gas gun, expect to get blowback through the bolt carrier group into your face."
"Fire! Oh no, Roblox has frozen. Look, look at the lag! Wow, and I literally cloned myself. Do they look like creepers, bro?"
"It's pipe throughput issues, a lot in general."
"The amount of bugs I've encountered in my chest hour two of playing is very off-putting."
"I still think that there is potential for it if they get it right and get rid of the bugs and stuff."
"The biggest problem with this car genuinely, the biggest problem, is that the display for the emergency flashers got out of sync left to right."
"Praying that YouTube's going to come back up, otherwise I'm talking to myself right now."
"Chill with the coward stuff. What game is this, Battlefield? Foreign, foreign, oh my green screen dude, oh my God."
"Thank you so much for bearing with me on my birthday through the technical difficulties."
"This is when they came across a strange discussion involving two users called aqua and smilex we have a problem almost everything is offline."
"We couldn't be more excited and happier. We are, however, there's some technical difficulties and we want you to bear with us."
"I'm not sure if that was Isaac or my computer. I've been having weird technical issues on this machine lately."
"Here's what the problem comes in though: we have a looping thing right here and uh, well the camera doesn't know what to do and the truck just doesn't have the power."
"Gold farms and more accurately nether portals are notoriously laggy on the bedrock edition of Minecraft."
"Apex servers are the best out there currently. People can't play Apex right now because it's broken."
"Well, that didn't work out how I planned. I got to 37 and the game started bugging out. Holy [ __ ] was I saving too fast."
"It's a motherboard issue no doubt about it definitely the motherboard to blame."
"There's still no fix for the issue with Instagram videos playing audio in the background."
"Nice lag as well, I think we're just getting off the mark."
"Tech only works when it doesn't, and then it does."
"Boys buckle up because this one's about to be a lot of fun, hopefully the battery's not dead."
"Our pay-per-view stream went down in the middle of your match. No one watching online got to see how it ended."