
Constraints Quotes

There are 556 quotes

"Constraints are good in creativity, in life, and stuff."
"When we are given something imposed on us in such a stringent way, it stops us from discovering who it is we are."
"You give an objective to a machine, and the machine strives to achieve this objective. If you don't put any constraints on this objective, like don't kill people, the machine, given the power, will do stupid things just to achieve its objective."
"To make a world that's actually highly constrained because it is a video game, after all, and make it feel as though it is utterly unconstrained, is really a remarkable feat."
"We rightly say that the state should be constrained... an arbitrary exercise of state power is evil."
"These constraints often incite the creative process."
"We perceive beauty because we exist within this world, and certain things within this world, given the physical constraints of what's capable within this world, we will almost inevitably perceive as beautiful."
"I call that being imprisoned in an invisible Jail."
"Every now and again, escaping and doing some cool ass [ __ ] but then being put back in the box."
"It's time to release yourself from the bondages that are keeping you down."
"Don't get distracted by that, some of the most creative photos you can do are when you're limited to where you are and you have to get creative."
"Constraints are liberating because they focus ingenuity in the directions that matter."
"Creativity knows no bounds, even when the blocks are limited."
"We made our case in the time that was available to us."
"We're not going to do the best science that we can if we are constrained ideologically."
"With Mystic Mine, you're forced to play some kind of out in your main deck, or you risk losing the game on the spot."
"I really don't like when people are not at liberty to say what they want to say in the way that they want to say it."
"Design without any constraints makes it easier to produce good designs."
"There's no margin here, there's no wiggle, there's no wiggle room."
"Constraints can have a negative connotation but choosing self-imposed constraints is paradoxically incredibly liberating."
"He loves wrestling and sometimes in other places that love of wrestling kind of gets squashed..."
"Yeah, I like that they know okay, we need within the color pie constraints that we have, we do still want to be able to have some way to just not lose to those certain cards with no ability to do anything."
"Constraints can foster innovation when they represent a motivating challenge and focus."
"Taking a vacation is one thing, but having to take it within the tiny window that it's open is something else entirely."
"Rebecca Sugar said 'Endgame or not, I'm shooting us into a corner.'"
"Constraints are your friend, constraints are what allow you to do really great things in fusion 360."
"The more limitations we have, the more inventive we become."
"Limitations are a very beneficial thing to creativity."
"The modders in the Elder Scrolls scene are so good. They do help people get longevity out of the games."
"Constraint makes for great art. Constraint makes for great startups."
"Money's the key to freedom... but money can also trap you."
"The existence of that rigid constraint is what provides the basis for our freedom and creativity."
"It's often restrictions and limits which push us into being our most creative."
"This is truly an interesting concept for a city builder, forcing you to work with some constraints that modern city planners need to."
"There's got to be a way to solve the problem and get through this game without obeying the AI in some way or like but it seems Maybe not maybe this is again similar to uh FNAF VR where the only way to win is by losing."
"The enemy of a good game system is having to have it kind of linked to this sort of system where we're trying not to break the balance of the game."
"She's not good at it, so she's just in a position where she's locked down."
"Constraints breed resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and innovation."
"A proper constraint forces you to explore language in the neighborhood of the concept you're trying to convey."
"Constraints are one of the most important ways of [creating fun]."
"You can't be creative when you're trying to survive."
"Reality: we all think we have infinite possibilities but when you really analyze it every question and answer is constrained by previous choices."
"You put a fucking bird in a golden cage still a caged bird isn't it."
"Define the constraints. Know the parameters you're working within."
"Most businesses imprison the person who creates it."
"Creativity a lot of times comes from constraint."
"Their loyalty sometimes hinders them from disobeying."
"I don't believe creativity should have rules because it forces people to do things in a certain strict way."
"Limitations can definitely force you to be more creative."
"You are locked down until you could talk endlessly."
"Every developer has tried to do the best job they can under whatever constraints they're working under."
"I think 13 kilobytes is a brilliant constraint, constraints often lead to greater creativity." - "beau from freco camp"
"A classic single-player dungeon crawler game crammed into 13 kilobytes."
"Creativity needs boundaries, dungeons constrain a complex world and bounded by walls and doors and floors and ceilings and within these boundaries you have near infinite space to create."
"Almost any problem has to do with this concept of constraints."
"Understand constraints: like a light bulb going off in your head."
"Ultimately, who has the freedom here? Who had the freedom to make a variety of choices?"
"So, it's like kinda you guys breaking this uh this restriction like the thing that's kept you bound for so long it's like they are about to be freed from that."
"Limitations can make something way more cool."
"If it's used as a way of constraining or denying someone's identity then biology is bigotry."
"I always hate doing that because there's been a few times where, for example, I had a review out before the next day because maybe I was busy and couldn't do it."
"Life is not supposed to be lived being locked up in a damn crib."
"It's important to just not box yourself in right now, if you're experiencing eight of Swords, it's leading to... you're expanding, like you are breaking free from something."
"Action principle for classical fields is significantly constrained due to the principle of locality."
"You have so many different versions of the character interacting that you're not going to be constrained to just this particular interpretation of Aquaman."
"You produce like nine pieces of paper you get to use those nine pieces of paper that's all you get to use."
"The limitations sometimes can really create some gold."
"That's not what I'm trying to do. Yeah, don't let them box you in. Absolutely not, absolutely not."
"How does that make you feel? You're only allowed to answer in adjectives that describe feelings."
"It's a cage, very pretty cage but the cage nonetheless."
"I wish I could just get out of the house but literally everything I had went into buying it so for now my wife and I are stuck here."
"A cautionary tale... trapped in an invisible cage."
"What if you don't? You're never free again. This is not acceptable."
"Anatomy, behaviors, colors, laws of physics—these Petty restraints shatter and fall to my feet, and I am free."
"I don't know why people get so upset about it. You can't creatively box yourself in."
"Love can't be contained by any rules or rational constraints."
"Creativity is actually a result of parameters."
"You can't put me in the cage if there's no stairs up."
"Instead of having everything open and flexible, start bolting things down a bit. When you create constraints, it actually releases more productivity."
"The Lakers are hindered let's keep it real they handcuffed."
"The Harold is an improv form, it can be a little constricting."
"The best creativity actually comes from working within limitations not the absence of limitations."
"Understanding these constraints is going to make your concept a lot more believable."
"It's like you have this glamorized view of it but I think it is a fishbowl and it's golden handcuffs."
"Inside Number Nine doesn't put this restriction on itself."
"Where we find constraints, we usually find innovation."
"We're playing in a game by rules we had nothing to do with."
"It does really show what you can do with lots of constraints."
"Your freedom is in direct proportion to the number of hooks and chains you have in you."
"I mean one of the rules was that they weren't allowed to stop playing."
"Watercress could only be eaten close to where it was grown."
"The more constraints you put on a design, the better the design gets."
"Comedy requires freedom and flexibility; if they worry about every little detail of a joke they make, they'll fail to be genuine."
"This game is short and the time to tell its narrative is also short."
"My hands are kind of strung... in the midst of this investigation."
"Don't get too hung up on the prompt; it stifles creativity and limits imagination."
"Everything I do in this song is some multiple of that or some division of that."
"I think sometimes having a straitjacket, having a very specific brief can actually really help."
"But there is no save against that restrain initially, you just have to hit them."
"Design is about needs and constraints, ultimately."
"When you give yourself constraints, that's how great art is made."
"I may not like the law but we have to follow the law. Not following the law is not an option."
"Creativity comes from thinking inside of a boundary."
"You think differently when you limit yourself... that's quite important."
"You can't unleash full creative potential if not sans pants, for being yesterday's constraint."
"Sometimes when you have restriction and constraints it's actually good because it pushes you to be creative."
"I don't think Bruce old feels going to do it because he's associated too much with Diana unfortunately."
"They've looked at this and they've tried to put limitations on it."
"Making it work, with the limited resources they've got."
"Intentional limitation makes it hard to hit wrong notes or play a chord that doesn't fit within your song."
"The six constraints which project manager should look at are scope, time, quality, cost, risk, and resources."
"The output of every project is unique because it is unique in terms of all the six constraints."
"Scope, time, quality, cost, risk, and resources are the six constraints of project management."
"The society of laboring and achievement is not a free society, it generates new constraints."
"With big broad questions like this, you need to constrain the problem to make it solvable in the space of an hour."
"There's a lot more than we can corral into words in an internally consistent, clear, and unambiguous way."
"There might also be moral constraints that limit what can morally permissibly be done even if it is technologically possible to do it."
"There are two constraints on my life in this world: money and time. And if I can save time and do more with the time I've got, that's awesome."
"My wife pushed for a budget, and I didn't like the idea of being constrained."
"The constraint that I will focus on in a funnel is usually the one that has the largest throughput difference with the smallest incremental change."
"One of the main challenges with finishing a basement is working around things that you can't move."
"Freedom is hard to come by, we're all slaves to something."
"Keep and keep those constraints in your life. Embrace them as a positive aspect of your creativity."
"If the universe has a finite number of degrees of freedom, then it is not described by a quantum field theory."
"It allows us continue giving away things like this Building Systems like these and even giving away systems like these although not as prevalent because of obviously the shipping constraints."
"There's a time constraint, you can't do it all."
"I just don't have that much time."
"There are many learning algorithms out there. If you give them the constraints that we have on the brain in terms of the units and the connectivity patterns, ultimately they probably will all converge to the same small set of classes of solutions."
"Eight and square, that's what we have to work with here."
"The most creative things we do are working with constraints."
"Sometimes you can't always be perfect. There are limitations by the customer, the equipment, the location of everything. It is what it is."
"The art of life is to identify the constraints that are holding you back from achieving the goal that you want to."
"Freedom is not so much the absence of restraints; it's finding the right ones."
"Between you and anything you want to accomplish, there is always a constraint."
"She can't even have cards in another product."
"Love can't be constrained and it should be free and so on and so forth."
"I think until I went independent, it was really hard because you have corporations looking at numbers and data and they're like, 'Alright, well because you were on this Children's Network, we can't do anything too racy or we kind of got to be safe.'"
"It's just a simple mathematical fact that you cannot put U's and D's in these six circles that satisfy all four of those constraints at the same time."
"What matters is your poly budget. If I know that this grenade has to be maybe 10,000 or 15,000 triangles or even less, I have to do some heavy optimization to this."
"You are free. You're not tied to the constraints that these dumbasses have tied themselves to."
"You should still have the presence of mind to think, 'I would like to do this, but we can't make it look good with our budget constraints, so we should do something else.'"
"Create constraints for yourself to do things more effectively."
"Don't fear constraints because it often is the spark you need to be creative."
"Sometimes due to budget, time, or other reasons, it's just not possible to use probability sampling."
"...constraints breed creativity. AJ had none because he had no constraints."
"...in any point in time there is really one or two simple constraints that are limiting your ability to grow."
"The Earth has created constraints that the consciousness of humans moves through."
"You couldn't possibly have done this in a democracy—not with all of the interest groups, and legal restrictions, and constraints on power that exist in a modern liberal democracy."
"The biggest constraint in a lot of people's lives is time."
"It's always about the budget, the time, the constraints, and how much gets changed at the last minute."
"Take a look at your business and see where your constraints are."
"We live in the middle of a set of broken systems which are constraining and deforming human autonomy."
"The cost of nuclear is a political artifact, the speed of nuclear is a political artifact, there are no technical constraints."
"There are severe limits on what they can do over those first few days."
"It's better to have lots of constraints and only a few key dimensions."
"Freedom is not the absence of constraints, it's finding the liberating constraints."
"Breaking free from certain chains, certain things that are binding you."
"You can't completely style your car as it suits you, you have to go along with what's available at what price point with what package."
"I love limitations. I want to feel like I have constraints to play within because it just makes me a bit more of an attentive photographer."
"Now with all the math we've just done, it's entirely possible that we've created the value above 255 or below zero, so we're going to use the very handy constrain function to constrain our values between 0 and 255."
"I'm also being mindful of manufacturing constraints. I know that the front section will be made from Forge carbon, which is the process of compressing Cho toe and resin in a mold."
"Planning involves defining a flow to all the activities of a project keeping in mind all the constraints like time, resources, and risk."
"The triple constraint refers to scope, schedule, and cost in project management."
"Types are an excellent way to express constraints and constrain ourselves in programming."
"Great designs are built from patterns and constraints."
"Construction management usually entails a broader set of constraints."
"Rights are side-constraints on our actions. We can't elbow them as we go on our way to maximize our own utility."
"Very, very difficult to get these within a box if that's what you're hunting for."
"Constraints can boost creativity, however."
"When you have constraints on what you're doing it really forces you to be creative and think outside the box."
"Concepts: implicitly creating a template that constrains how a function can be used."
"We all have limitations in a room."
"The real constraint on government spending isn't money; it has an unlimited supply. The constraint is physical resources."
"The key is keeping the budgets low. That's where freedom lies."
"Constraints are often the ticket for focusing creativity and building something."
"Freedom is the transcendence of those constraints."
"You are only as free as your options."
"One of the reasons I chose the idea of a heritage project was the fact that it has so many constraints but there are also so many solutions."
"Sometimes constraints can breed creativity."
"Your budget is very determinate on what you can eat."
"The ultimate constraint is resources, not finance."
"I envy them... absolutely free, nothing to tie them down."
"A lot of people think that we have a choice of when we review cars. No, you get offered one week."
"You're free, but you're not really."
"Creativity really is, to a large extent, cutting and pasting stuff and satisfying consistency constraints between them."
"Constraints are extremely important and they tend to always be the same in any CAD package, and if you can understand constraints and master this 2D workspace, then the 3D stuff really just becomes easy, and I promise you that."
"Design is now following these constraints, and if we click and drag the corner now, the lines are staying straight."
"Because you're going downtown, you realize that you can't buy all that land for a parking lot."
"Every project has limitations, every project has constraints."
"What's the point of being transported to a different place if you're constrained by the limitations of the original place?"
"Free inquiry is a convenient rallying call, leading the nerds to greater efforts at innovation and even tighter constraints on our general freedom of non-technical mental movement."
"...the constraints of architecture can be more liberating because they help define boundaries and allow for creativity in other areas."
"The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees oneself from the chains that shackle the spirit."
"I'm impatient. But on the other hand, again, there's not a big budget and there's usually no time to mix the music, so my template is adapted to this type of projects."
"There are many groups or idols who seem to support gay rights but they unfortunately live in a place where they can't be too loud about it or they'll be ridiculed or fired themselves," they said. "And that sucks."
"Mathematics expresses the underlying generic constraints of networks."
"Constraints mean you're stuck with this time frame, this cost, this quality."
"The sea does not like to be restrained."
"Remember that's our goal, subject to the constraint that u1 is a unit vector."
"Problem statements help us understand constraints."