
Commercialism Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"The commercial imperative is incompatible with the news."
"Do you want to make art for the interior design trade and sell art to people for them to put in their home as home decor, or do you want to make art that makes a statement that's going to change the world?"
"Commercializing Christmas with a Santa-themed theme park was a revolutionary concept."
"The Gospel is not for sale, and the blessings of God are not for sale, and miracles are not for sale, and prosperity is not for sale."
"The soul of gaming lies in the joy that it brings to the players, not the dollars that it generates."
"As soon as you walk into the church, you see ATM machines. That's something that I despised in churches."
"'Cause it takes from K-pop, which is dazzling and intense, and it's just a lot, and... But there's a kind of squeaky-clean commercialism to it."
"The film is trying to have its cake and eat it too, by humanizing Barbie to represent all women being humanized, yet still using that to symbolize women as an idea that we can then commodify conceptually to sell as a product."
"Whenever you pervert [video games] into something that's profit-driven, you kill the art."
"The abundance of remakes and remasters is a shameless cash-grab."
"It's become so much about the product and not enough about the art."
"At the end of it all, the sole purpose of all of this is so that you can sell a water filter. That's literally the lamest thing ever."
"Now, I'm not saying that co-opting a phrase like Painted for your own monetary benefit is a good thing."
"Selling enlightenment through paywalls raises questions about its true value and accessibility."
"The emoji movie exists to be an advertisement, that is all it exists for."
"Ideas from the very beginning. But hey, when has a bad idea ever stopped someone from making money? From a summer staple to an insanely hot 1950s sensation, let's count down the 20 most dangerous toys ever made."
"Christmas isn't about what you can buy in shops."
"Christmas isn't about what you can buy in shops. Christmas is about the people you gather around you and what you do with your time."
"You've already got enough money to buy the earth and all the heavens. Why do you need to sell out to Sony to just say stuff that's just not true at all?"
"It's odd how far we have come from a crisis, a pandemic, a health emergency, an opportunity to acknowledge the sanctity of human life... now it has to just be sold ruthlessly as a product."
"Live life with no regrets, don't make excuses for yourself. That advice has been around for a long time, so the fact that he's trying to sell this program from this advice, it's just like the funniest thing."
"I'm not against sequels, I just feel like sometimes sequels are a money grab."
"I hate the word business and associating it with my football club because it kind of breaks my heart."
"Sincerity is the best weapon against the vacuousness of irony and cheap commercialism."
"Valentine's Day is honestly kinda just a holiday that somebody made up to have you buy more things."
"The fact that like people don't realize that this woman was using this story to push her book and make money is crazy to me."
"It's a pretty transparent cash grab from my perspective..."
"But Mirage isn't this. It's a lukewarm attempt to reheat the classic formula using an engine that was built for a Viking simulator to rake in your money while they work on their next Odyssey RPG and game about [___] witches."
"With this status as the world's most famous artist, Banksy was now inescapably part of the over-inflated commercialism, fashion, and celebrity of the mainstream art world."
"When miracles are presented as currency, they show us they're not in the business of providing explanations, they're in the business of selling stories."
"Here we're gonna pay you some money hold up this sign yes and you don't know what it says you don't know what it means but okay I'll do it now I think anger worm either sounds like a pokemon or a mythical beast"
"They care more about making sure it's released at the Christmas window than revealing a finished game."
"At the end of the day, this comes across as a shitty, soulless cash grab."
"The spirit of Christmas is easily lost with the lure of presents and retail costs."
"I think there is something to this idea of making art for the joy of making art without any preconceived idea on how it will later be able to be used to turn a profit."
"This show isn't a cash grant it's not YouTube read trying to use a franchise to finger your wallet."
"Thanksgiving... it's the one holiday that hasn't been successfully commodified yet."
"In terms of eye candy, however, I have noticed over the years that there seems to be an ironically commercial pattern of filmmaking going on."
"In today's commercial Society we are made to believe all sorts of things that are untrue."
"Every day Magic: The Gathering feels less and less like a game and more and more like a pure cash grab."
"Grime as a reaction against perpetual aspiration and commercial success."
"Isn't that antithetical to Christ's teaching?"
"The minute that you put Jesus on top of something that you're selling."
"Cynical me thinks they would just charge for it."
"Church has now become a business for many people."
"Love is in the air all over the world, people celebrate the day of marriage."
"It's a movie that was a cash grab based on YouTubers who were popular at the time."
"People love narrative, and after a while, as an artist, you start to appear like you're just a Salesman."
"It's time to expose some of the most shameless cash-grabs and the most awkward get-togethers that none of us ever asked for."
"People are mad at Kanye West for what using religion to sell like pastors haven't been selling dreams for years."
"The greatness of America is that America is the world's first commercial Republic and that's why we kick ass."
"Evil sells more than good and that's just what it is."
"In the content era, creativity is devalued under the guise of profitability."
"Everybody and their moms want to just hop on rap just because it's an easy moneymaker."
"Stop treating serious health issues like mental illness to push your products because that's just not fair."
"Beauty is not something you go to the store and buy in a jar."
"The gaming industry is turning into a corpulent hell bent on making as much money as possible while giving you as little experience as possible."
"They cannot compete on the level playing field which is why they sell you seminars claiming that they're going to explain to you how to level the playing field."
"Mr Wonderful himself will gladly take your money and endorse anything you put in front of him if the price is right."
"A full moon in Virgo in your career house... Fulfillment over the 2 weeks and six months that follow this February 24th full moon."
"They care more about record sales than they do about humanity."
"People will keep seeing these movies no matter what it seems like."
"The unifying aspect among all of these have been that they are all relative obscurities made to cash in on something ultimately mainstream."
"It's a lot, child. These people, they do whatever they can because they're making the money."
"Happy Father's Day. Order Hardee's... Maybe I'll get McDonald's."
"They just crank stuff out to get rich get famous and be controversial that's it that's all."
"Fox News monetizes and commercializes extremism."
"They're making money and these artists are just trying to make something good along the way."
"When corporate needs to gain money overshadows artistic attempts to make something enjoyable, the product loses all heart and class and just becomes a zombie of what it once was."
"July 4th is nothing more anymore than a commercial day."
"Our dreams cannot become just another playground for corporate advertisers."
"Overall, the book feels like a cheap quick cash grab."
"The industry being so Money Motivated now is exactly the thing that's absolutely killed the art."
"Happiness is an illusion made by greeting card companies."
"Black Friday is a tradition made up by big companies in order to destroy competition from smaller companies."
"This world of science doesn't care about the human beings. The world of science only cares about Commerce and contracts."
"Beyoncé does stand for something: for a particular strain of racial capitalism that is concerned mostly with selling the aesthetics of Black liberation for mass consumption."
"It's a holiday made by the corporations. It is the [ __ ] over boyfriends, isn't it annoying?"
"It's a perfect mix of commentary, commercialism, and art."
"It felt like Hasbro was constantly holding a gun to the writer's heads, turning RID from an enjoyable cartoon into a subliminal advertisement for absolutely pathetic toys."
"Art isn't just existing as art... it's being sold to millions of white people." - No Name
"The corrupt spectacle that is the modern mega church has sadly become the standard and the goal."
"Power Rangers was less of an action drama than it was a giant toy commercial."
"If we're going to poison our youth's mind, promote fat culture and other stupid stuff, at least let it be known it is being done for commercial American profit."
"If a movie makes a lot of money nowadays, you could guarantee they're gonna squeeze out a sequel."
"Apparently we're getting product placement now from Starbucks."
"This football club is a disgrace every single week they drop a new bit of merch."
"When the corporations are advertising your movement, you aren't the resistance."
"Disney has also debuted new holiday face masks on Shop Disney."
"A never-ending cycle of new products and lowest common denominator brand tie-ins are more important things to pursue over maintaining a once-rich legacy of brilliant storytelling in a unique world."
"Award shows aren't for artists, they're for companies."
"We are nothing more than targeted commercial actors."
"It's a holiday made for corporations to sell stuff, to buy into the idea of a fancy meal, which yes, that's what I'm doing. It's an opportunity to indulge."
"I actually think 100 thieves went too far. I would say that their org has huge sellout vibes when I look at anything hundred thieves."
"That's the most cracked sponsor I've probably ever seen, that is the greatest sellout that's ever been on this channel."
"Wokeness isn't just an ideology, it's also a business racket."
"The end of the world is a product."
"Write some garbage, apparently it sells."
"You have to figure out how to push some sense of honesty into this commercially imaginative space."
"Commercial transactions are defined as the exchange of consideration. There was an exchange of consideration here. You gave money, you got the feeling of goodwill. You paid for that feeling."
"Nowadays everybody sees it as like an opportunity to sell something."
"We couldn't get our way on MTV, no matter what anybody thinks. People were buying everything."
"They're Glory Hogs and they've swooped back they might be able to have a great match what about drawing money what about selling tickets."
"She was using feminism as an aesthetic as a tactic to make more money nothing more."
"Where a kid can have fun... for the right price."
"The question is, if they went out of their way to make this whole spin-off for the sake of selling more dolls, can the story itself be any good?"
"Trying to be too commercial with your art too soon can totally ruin your whole body of work and where you're going."
"I think it goes in both directions. I mean, a lot of punk people, for example, will look at something like Green Day and it's like, 'Oh, they sold out, they went major label, they lost their way, they lost their roots, their songs aren't about anything anymore or whatever.'"
"Impressive, but it'll never sell. What the [ __ ]? It should still be about the music."
"They can't slap a label and market it because it's just a commercially available material."
"This just sounded like an Ikea commercial, didn't it? Ikea, if you want to sponsor me, I will take it. I do like that store."
"Valentine's Day is A Day Made Up by corporations and like I love it."
"You're never gonna see a commercial for like apple, kale or you know anything why not? Well, it doesn't make any money."
"...there was an overarching focus on the commercial interests of both the post office and Fujitsu including in protecting the band brand reputation of both companies which contributed significantly and detrimentally to the fair prosecution of individuals."
"I refuse to do Valentine's Day. It's a Hallmark-made-up holiday."
"The rare few creators who will sell their souls for a paycheck ruin it for so many amazing creators."
"Yellow Kid: The yellow kid came to represent the same kind of gross commercialism he was originally parodying with his shirt."
"What does it take to get to the kind of level Drake has gotten to? Well, one of the only ways to get as much Commercial Success Drake has gotten is you got to be malleable"
"But to me what it communicates as a fan when I see two collections here that were celebrated properly and preserved properly versus one that wasn't, it does scream cash grab."
"Music could be art but a record is a product."
"This two-hour Grinch live production was nothing but an excuse to play commercials."
"This is total fluff and it was only made for money."
"Is there anybody in sports that you have seen take more commercial opportunities or do more with endorsements than Shaquille O'Neal?"
"By no means a great record. I don't think it's anything groundbreaking, but if commercial relevance was the goal, I think they did an admirable job of getting to it."
"His story was meant to be this lovable moe character who only existed for commercial value."
"That's not me, I don't want to do something that's not me. I don't feel like I sold myself to the dollar, yeah, you know, like if that's the case, if you want to be commercial, like, I'd rather not take your money."
"It's ironic for me to talk about this because videos where I typically bash a movie that exists only to make money off of are typically my best videos."
"Anything that is trying to sell you something is not art."
"They want to hear some real stuff. You can't go on a song and say, 'Baby, I love you.' They're not downloading that. Oh my God."
"Jurassic Park wasn't a soulless commercial product, it was a captivating work of art."
"They were selling Valentine's Day [__] since New Year's."
"They went on to become one of the most commercially successful rock bands of the 90s wow selling over 10 million records in the United States and 20 million records worldwide."
"All you have to do in this one is smile and laugh and you'll nail it. That's very commercial."
"In modern America, companies have the power to make changes to our customs and how our holidays are understood because commercialism has a much greater grip on our lives than religion does."
"We don't have to monetize everything."
"The problem with requiring your own security Force for every major commercial operation though is it means that yeah the rich International companies can Shield their stuff but it is the average people who are suffering..."
"Honestly, it just feels really touristy to me. It seems like very commercial."
"Mickey Mouse's emergence in the 1920s signaled the rise of a new culture based on commercialism, unforeseeable before that time."
"I think the sunshine and their money ruins music and ruins the vibe."
"...they're just going out searching for hits and you know wanting to sell five million records and then I get it that's what it's all about it's all about making money..."
"Are these artists great because they have sold, or do these artists sell because they're great?"
"I think those are hardcore fans, cuz Idol companies need to make money, so in commercial wise, I guess, an Idol shouldn't have a girlfriend on the surface and go clubbing, cuz that would really jeopardize their reputation business-wise."
"Money can't buy like the Mastercard commercial, okay, no, no, no, no, no."
"It's taking the love out of Music people are not making the music that they love no more people are chasing those numbers."
"For you to start bastardizing these uniforms with, like, is it really that what in the world? How much money do you need as an organization to okay something like that onto the Jersey?"
"As soon as something becomes mainstream or palatable, then all the companies and brands gotta get involved and make some money. That's how it works, folks."
"There's no room in the rap game for murder. This is a sport, it's a means to make money."
"The challenge was to make this feel as naturalistic as possible but also giving my commercial flare."
"Art is an imperative stronger than commerce."
"Even if these Elvis aficionados might be a bit cheesy or in some cases insane, I would much rather Elvis's legacy be preserved by people who sincerely give a [__] than by people coldly plastering his mug on lunchboxes to make a quick buck."
"In a perfect world, is an album that was created to produce a hit record. Almost every track on the album sounds like it has commercial appeal."
"Valentine's Day is a Hallmark holiday."
"Nothing would help us sell our canvases more than if they could gain general acceptance as decorations for middle-class houses."
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in every store."
"Christmas is actually not our most over-commercialized time of the year."
"Why are they making their beloved animated films into soulless live-action CGI movies? The answer is money."
"The whole idea of self-care has been co-opted by capitalism and commercialism."
"In the world of golf, the Ryder Cup is unique; for three days, it divorces the game's harsh commercialism."
"Church is meant to be intimate and spiritual, but then when you add in things like quotas and money and hierarchy... it can be incredibly damaging."
"These program makers have been united by a common belief that the quality of mass entertainment can be improved while retaining commercial viability."
"You know what really made Christmas go in this country? It's when Coca-Cola put out an ad showing a big Santa Claus selling you Coca-Cola."
"What has it become? A mad scramble to buy a lot of things you can't afford to give to people who don't need them."
"I thought I'd take you away from all the rampant commercialism of Christmas."
"I do actually like Christmas, but I think it's just been trashed beyond belief."
"The musicals of Porter's heyday were usually short on plot and long on songs that were catchy, entertaining, and marketable."
"What needs to happen is that he needs to clean up his lyrics a bit and the music needs to be more commercial and more listenable for a broader range of people."
"This trip was a good reminder that malls really aren't what they used to be."
"Remember, Easter's not about chocolate and Easter bunnies and all that bull crap."
"Art is a business like any other; what won't sell won't get made."
"Not everything has to be turned into a soulless cash grab."
"The whole world is too commercial now."
"The Monkees project is a strange thing because it has one foot firmly in the counterculture of the time and one foot firmly within blatant commercialism."
"Walmart: Concrete Jungle where dreams are made."
"Gift giving in modern Western culture during the holiday season has grown into what is often criticized for being an overly commercialized holiday."
"Do you remember a more peaceful time when our lives weren't constantly infiltrated with brands, products, and unhealthy promotions?"
"Everything's boutique; there's no 7-Elevens, no McDonald's, no chain stores or hotel brands."
"It's just advertising yes, but it is also iconography - a strange intersection between art and commerce."
"It's really not the end of the world when it comes down to it; it's a commercialized holiday."
"I know that a lot of people don't like Valentine's Day because they think it's commercialized. I personally see it as an excuse to show extra love."
"Revolutionary art today is an oxymoron; art today is an industry absorbed by a ghoulish masquerade of celebrity, publicity, and billionaire hedge fund managers."
"Pop music can be a place of passion and creativity, but above all, it's a money-making industry fueled by image and exploitation."
"It's easy to get caught up in the commercialism of these times, but let's remember the real reason for the season."
"Peace on Earth, goodwill to all men, and batteries not included."
"Christmas, a time of peace and goodwill to all men and the ringing of cash registers, especially if you're hell-bent on making the top of the charts."
"It would be totally unseemly if the first man on Mars had a Coke logo on his arm."
"I would buy anything that you would sell; you are a commercial model."
"Valentine's Day is just a cheap gimmick to sell cards and chocolate."
"It used to be about the art, man. It used to be about cinema, not just selling toys and special effects."
"The Super Bowl Sunday is an advertisement Bonanza, it's all about money."
"The fatter we can make society and the more we can accept people for being excessively overweight, well, the more money that those companies are going to make."
"Shows and movies are no longer seen as art; they're seen as products to puff out money."
"Education on this side of the world is purely business."
"Every Pride, it is annoying because like suddenly Chase Bank is like 'We love gays.'"
"It's true art being made out of a very commercial property, which is incredible."
"Love is not about spending money on questionable ethical chocolates and pink packaging."
"Snowboarding is too full of commercials about how great and amazing everything is, and that kind of gets a bit boring."
"All commercial photography is baby photography."
"A movie or a show is just a commercial, I want them to add on top of it if it's an entertaining commercial, is it a good commercial, is there still something that we can identify in there as valuable, as interesting, as entertaining."
"It's a little too marketed these days, yes, like Valentine's Day."
"Halloween is the second highest-grossing commercial holiday after Christmas."