
Individual Uniqueness Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"You are created in the image of God. There is something so unique and special about each and every person that walks the face of the earth."
"You are special, you have something different."
"If what you contribute to the company is just the same as everybody else in the room, let me tell you something. Next year you won't be here. The company doesn't need you. Eventually the market doesn't need you. And the world-- they don't need you."
"I think he's a genuinely gifted unique basketball player."
"You can never duplicate who he was and what he meant."
"Every single person in this world has a gift within them."
"People aren't that typical; everyone's unique in some way."
"There are no extra people on the planet today. The very fact that you are alive means you are built for your own unique original form of greatness."
"This guy's doing a different sport honestly."
"She felt like she wasn't like the other kids, she was just destined to do more in her life."
"The world still needs that very special gift that only you have."
"Everyone has something unique to them and something that they can offer."
"There's only one Conor McGregor, I love Conor."
"God only makes one you. If you don't be you, then nobody else will."
"Being okay with that, yeah. I mean, I think listen, I think if everybody was more uniquely who they are, the world would be a better place."
"Find those places where you have the power to do something that the powerful people can't do."
"Stand your ground. You are very unique and you have a lot of originality. Don't let anyone stifle your shine."
"He is always authentically himself and I got to tell you I just love that about him."
"Isaiah is a fantastically interesting person."
"Be confident in the skills that you do have because you are unique, and that is your superpower."
"Every individual is indeed unique... billions of different combinations."
"We are far more spectacular than being normal."
"Each autistic person is a unique phenomenon."
"All of these guys are unique, they're sweet, they're special."
"You are the most extraordinary person I know."
"Every single one of you was created and designed specifically for a purpose."
"Everyone is different for a reason, and that's beautiful."
"We're all crazy in our own different way. You just have to find your crazy."
"Jane Foster should be allowed to use the name Thor? No, she should have her own name, have her own identity."
"Flaws are the things that make us special, the cracks within us are the beautiful parts that need to have light shed on them."
"You are beautiful the way you are. You should not feel pressure to fit societal standards of beauty. You are beautiful the way you were made."
"We are all different sizes, colors, ages, backgrounds, you know, but that's what makes us special."
"Your power is being yourself and no one is gonna be better at being you than you."
"Think about how unique you are as an individual and think about the billions of people on this planet."
"Yuki had the self-indulgence that her fellow special grades had the self-indulgence of the strongest but in her case it was simply paradoxical and this trait of Yuki is what I liked most about her."
"Each of us is unique. We all have the opportunity to find our own way of practicing unconditional love and conditional access."
"The separation between Mike and the rest of the world was so big and so vast, it looked like he came from the future."
"You bring something brand new to this world each and every one of you."
"Definitely, blindness is a spectrum and we're all so unique."
"You were never made to fit in, you were always meant to be set apart."
"Your power lies in what makes you different."
"God only made he made you and he broke the mold when he made you so he created you distinctively different for purpose and a reason for his glory."
"You're all special in your own way and every element of humanity plays an important role in moving the world forward."
"I am one in a billion. You can't compare me to anybody."
"I'm very outspoken about my mental health. There's nobody else in this world like you, and you should be proud to be yourself."
"What kind of a world would it be if everybody was an absolute identical duplicate of anybody else?"
"You are so much more interesting than an A or a B or a C or a 1 or a 0."
"It's our unique quirks that make us truly special."
"I teach every single child that I ever work with every client: you were marked with something that stands you out from every other person."
"No slice is like the best slice and no slice is the worst slice, we're all just different slices."
"If everybody realized how special we all are, how unique every single life is, then this whole world would change overnight."
"Ben's got some of the craziest calves you'll ever see hands down."
"Listen to those hunches, listen to those ideas that come to you."
"She's not special yet if you have to admit there is something about her."
"You are very unique, and you're meant to be unique because that is what's gonna make you shine baby."
"Your biggest superpower, your magic, is you."
"None of us is for everyone but all of us is for some one."
"If you can't see the difference, that's how we're different."
"You find where you are unique where you are successful where you have an edge and that's what you do in life."
"You are uniquely and powerfully you, and you have to let that aspect of yourself shine forward."
"You're like that awkward one that doesn't fit in anywhere like you don't fit in anywhere that's a huge sign that this message is for you."
"Know that you're special the way you are, that you're worth something even followers not included."
"We all have unique codes that tap into our hearts and minds."
"Each person has been given a unique gift; grow that gift."
"Everybody is different in some way. No one is going to perfectly fit the mold of what most people look like or do or sound like or whatever it may be. And those differences don't have to be a bad thing."
"You're only going to be a benefit to society if you stay different."
"Honey, there's nothing wrong with you. So what if you're not as tall as everyone else? It doesn't make you less smart or kind or beautiful."
"You are totally unique, totally unique."
"That each of us has something that no one else has or ever will have, something inside us that is unique all to our own."
"For each of us is an original. We must forsake all jealousy that diminishes the value of others."
"They are all really, really good in their own way, just like you."
"There's never been a person like you on this Earth. There's never will be a person like you on this Earth period."
"Biodiversity is the return of individuality, which is immortal and sacred."
"It's our differences that make us powerful; they're differences that progress us."
"Everyone has something unique, valuable, and beautiful about them."
"We're all unique expressions of the Divine, and that truth most certainly applies to you."