
Spiders Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Most spiders aren't venomous, and spiders kill the insects you really don't want."
"Treat spiders the way you want to be treated: killed without hesitation and quickly."
"Seriously misunderstood creature spiders are."
"Spiders are just inherently so freaking cool."
"Some spiders also have senses amazing that are very close to what we have."
"I don't like that there's spiders everywhere, so that's nice."
"My biggest fear? Loneliness, spiders, failure."
"That's okay, that's a big spider though, that's a big... I'm scared."
"Let's save the minority. Spiders are fascinating."
"In what's called a mass ballooning, millions of spiders dropped from the sky..."
"A genuine fondness for spiders is essential."
"Peacock spiders are more into romance than combat."
"Hourglass spiders are a unique variety of trapdoor spiders known for their unusually curved abdomen."
"Everything will kill you, especially spiders."
"Spiders are neutral during daylight so you don't have to attack them. Peace was never an option."
"Spiders can dream... their sleep state is remarkably similar to our own which includes rapid eye movement."
"Even though many of the large spiders in Australia are frightening it is very unlikely that they will kill you."
"I know there's like a lot of exotic animals, big spiders, scary spiders, kangaroos that are aggressive dragons."
"Brazilian wandering spiders are some of the most venomous spiders on the planet."
"Yeah, if you don't like spiders then you're probably hating this right now. I'm sorry."
"A huntsman spider the size of a dinner plate once made its way into my house."
"Nothing will make me scream louder. I hate spiders."
"The spiders can kill hundreds of diseases like yeah yeah okay yeah okay okay so only we let them get degrees."
"Peacock spiders are perhaps the cutest arachnids in the world."
"Their faces are just so cute, guys, if you haven't yet, Google close up jumping spider face, oh my gosh."
"I apologize to the spiders for stealing a meal, reassured them that it was for a good cause."
"Spiders live in all kinds of places."
"Spiders may seem very scary, but at the center of it, these spiders want to survive and not have their legs or abdomens crushed over anything else."
"Jumping spiders have eight individual eyeballs which give them full 360 vision of the world around them."
"Spiders started to suddenly disappear a few weeks ago, entire clusters abandoning their webs from one day to the next."
"Spiders in Chernobyl are literally making radioactive webs which is the stuff straight out of a comic book."
"I like spiders I like what they do in theory"
"I've lived in tropical climates before. There is no way in hell you would share a home with a spider that we saw a day later."
"Despite venom tongue lashings from the general public about the irresponsibility of stating that there are no brown recluses in the state, not one of the several hundred spiders submitted by Florida residents was a recluse. Not one."
"I usually hate spiders, but this fella is just so cute."
"Why are spiders so smart? They can find everything on the web."
"Spiders have really poor eyesight and they rely on the webs that they make...then they go in for the kill."
"These spiders are just the opposite...they just have such big eyes."
"They actively go out and they're called jumping spiders for reason they're super athletic."
"No one has ever been able to produce hard evidence of these spiders, or any others larger than 10 and 1/2 inches."
"New species of spiders are being found every week, every month, every year."
"I have this irrational fear that I'll get bit by a spider."
"Spiders absolutely hate peppermint."
"Are you guys ready for spider season?"
"When a green bellied Huntsman tackles a colony of jumping jack ants, it's a clash of the titans."
"In other words, if spiders scare you, this is gonna scare you."
"The way I see it, and you may give this, there is another spider myth completely and utterly busted."
"Such a beautiful, beautiful spider."
"It's actually been interesting, I've had to read up about these spiders to try and understand what's going on."
"The most dangerous spider is the one that bites you."
"Spiders are more afraid of us than we are of them."
"Now the other thing to do with these is this is a le blondie, the sturmy which we will be doing a rehouse of shortly."
"I sincerely hope you enjoyed watching today's video on the cutest spiders in the world."
"I love how you tell the spiders, 'Tell them you don't want to tap-dance.' They want me to tap-dance?"
"They kill bad insects. Hey, good for spiders."
"Spiders are amazing engineers that can build all kinds of beautiful webs."
"A single field in the South of England can support a population of up to two million spiders per acre."
"What makes a spider a spider? Without exceptions, spiders have eight legs."
"The spider's greatest secret of success is also their deadliest weapon: silk."
"There's a single purpose for all orb webs: to catch fresh, juicy prey."
"Australia's net casting spider has excellent night vision, able to concentrate available light even more effectively than an owl."
"This highly specialized spider also builds a strange structure of silk, a mobile death trap of incredible ingenuity."
"Once the mobile trap is ready, the spider turns around, hanging motionlessly upside down in a trapeze of silken threads, ready to pounce at any time."
"Jumping spiders... they're adorable, they have big eyes, they're fun to work with, they have tons of personality."
"After day three, I was no longer scared of the eight-legged creatures that used to haunt my dreams."
"If you find a spider in the house, don't squash it, just let me know and I'll take the poor thing outside."
"Spiders are so amazing, such amazing creatures."
"The purpose of this encounter was to exemplify that spiders are not out to get us."
"You have faced your fear of spiders, and you have handled a wild tarantula."
"Spiders help control insects, even the Black Widow. We just have to learn to stay away from her, that's being swamp wise."
"First pot of the year and look at it, looks like it's going to be a good spider year unless this is just a one-off, but wow."
"Treat spiders the way you want to be treated."
"The incidents of black widow spider bites in California decreased in the 1920s when bathrooms moved indoors."
"Black widows are venomous; their venom has been characterized as 20 times more potent than rattlesnake venom."
"The safest pathway to take is to say that they're not dangerous and all of our best evidence supports the idea that these spiders don't do this."
"So that's the story of how the hobo spider rose to notoriety, though it most likely never deserved to and has been largely exonerated today."
"These spiders really don't seem aggressive, and short of accidentally pinching one, I think you'd have to be trying to get bitten to make it happen."
"If you do see one running toward you, they're not trying to attack you; they're more likely trying to use you for cover."
"The giant house spider, Barn funnel Weaver, and hobo spider are overall pretty polite house spiders."
"They're really rather shy creatures who just want to hang out in obscure corners and eat bugs you'd probably rather not have around."
"Over the course of making this video, I have to say the hobo spider really sort of won me over, and I've got a pretty deep appreciation for them now."
"For the most part, spiders are on our team. They help us catch insects."
"You could live in a house with hundreds of brown recluse spiders your whole life and never have any issues with them."
"These spiders are not out to get you."
"Their silk is among the strongest produced by any spider."
"It's such an interesting thing to witness these different things and it just sort of shows us that there is a far bigger picture going on in the world of our spiders."
"Spiders are full of surprises and we see absolutely wondrous variety from one kind to another."
"Spiders eat their web, fully recycle it, process it, have this condensation polymerization work and make a new one the next day."
"The spiders can make some absolutely breathtaking combinations."
"They are often referred to as the black labs of Labrador Retrievers of spiders."
"Spiders use vibrations to determine the location of their targets."
"Arachnophobia, this old chestnut, is the fear of spiders."
"I'd rather fight a mountain of spiders than to walk into or knock down a spider web."
"Different spiders will spin different types of webs."
"Spider vision is more all-encompassing, it's more holistic."
"Did you ever see a spider flying in a glider down by the bay?"
"I always check the bananas for spiders."
"This is the next stage in my quest to crochet as many different spiders as I possibly can."
"Spiders are very important for our environment; they are natural predators and help eliminate some insect pests."
"I think spiders scare people more than any other creature on the planet."
"Despite their impressive size, they are absolutely fantastic spiders."
"You don't expect spiders to socialize, but these guys do actually socialize."
"The amount of webbing these guys produce is amazing."
"Jumping spiders are adorable with those huge curious eyes and their engaging personalities."
"These spiders are actually not aggressive toward humans at all and they're basically harmless."
"When I was a girl, I had a fear of spiders."
"It's not the spiders that are afraid of you; it's you that's afraid of the spiders."
"Spiders do not have red blood; their blood is blue."
"I don't think spiders get enough credit, by the way, for their craftsmanship."
"Spiders are just like any other critters; breed the best with the best, and you get the best."
"It's quite a good thing to have spiders in the house because they eat flies."
"The name golden orb comes from the beautiful golden web that it spins."
"Spiders have got a very special mechanism on their feet which enables them to walk over their web without getting stuck."
"Spiders... are absolutely harmless to your orchid."
"Spiders are different from insects in that they have two body parts... and spiders have eight legs and they're predatory."
"This for me is definitely my go-to book for spiders."
"Once mating with a male red back spider, she's able to reproduce for the next 2 years thousands of baby red backs."
"It's amazing how fast those bark spiders are able to spin their webs."
"I have respect for spiders because they kill other insects that we don't like."
"The ability to make spider silk defines what a true spider is."
"So there you have the evolution of spiders, where their collective genomes in the fossil record and their embryological development align to tell you the same story."
"Be gentle with those spiders; they're friendly little fellas."
"Jumping spiders are some of my absolute favorites."
"I think the hate that spiders get is a tad bit undeserved."
"A single spider can eat about 2,000 insects a year."
"It's hilarious, they come up with spiderwebs trailing and they don't seem to be terribly bothered by it at all."
"Spiders can actually walk on water."
"All spiders are venomous, but not all spiders bite."
"Spiders are pretty awesome; they're found on sort of every continent in the world except Antarctica."
"Spiders kill pests... a single spider can eat about 2,000 insects a year."
"Spiders are not harmless? Have you ever heard of a black widow?"
"Most spiders use a web to catch food. But we tarantulas prefer to go out hunting for our food."
"Spiders are also a symbol of creativity due to the intricate webs they spin."
"Spiders never die, well there's always another spider to replace the old spider."
"Whoever said 'out of sight, out of mind' clearly never had a spider disappear into their bedroom."