
Insects Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"Most spiders aren't venomous, and spiders kill the insects you really don't want."
"The bullet ant is known around the world as the most painful insect sting."
"Did you know yellow jackets are a much more aggressive insect than wasps or hornets?"
"A pound of insects has three times the nutritional value of a pound of beef."
"Bugs actually have a really important job to do."
"Everyone likes to nurture the bugs. They're fantastic family friends."
"A clever way to try to eliminate the pests in your garden is to use other insects to do it."
"Despite her interest in most living creatures, she absolutely hates insects."
"Insect hatches are one of the best times to catch trout, you know right where they are."
"We're not made of jell-o, we all get behind a fellow black and yellow."
"From a nutritional standpoint, insects might be more balanced than red meat."
"We should think of them as flying keys to longevity and resilience."
"Watching the mantis breath as it was chewing up its meal was truly a sight to behold!"
"If I save A Bug's Life they can pay me by letting me watch them for like 22 minutes."
"If you can spend just five minutes a day in the company of an insect your life will never be the same."
"40% of insect species could be extinct in the next few decades."
"Guys that go along with it... put a cup over the fly and take it outside and release it outside sort of things."
"Neil does have a favorite book quickly oh my favorite bug is the uh Western Conifer seed bug oh I gotta look that up it's a cute little guy."
"This type of food exchange is called trophallaxis feeding. It's a key part of the social contract between the workers and the developing young."
"Atlas moth: Despite its significant size, it has no facility for eating."
"Hercules beetle: Can grow to the size of an adult man's hand."
"That's honestly the only insect I'm not gonna lie. I feel like spiders are gonna be an S tier once we get there."
"Ants, bees, and wasps are masters of both empire building and military tactics."
"There's no denying the abundance of these insects due to their incredibly powerful strategies."
"When you get the fly in your room a chance to leave but it doesn't so now it's time to murder it."
"A world without any insects would lead to an apocalyptic scenario."
"Deebo Samuel might be one of the best offensive weapons in the NFL."
"Dubia cockroaches: the best insect feeder of all. They're amazing for almost everything."
"Hercules beetles can grow to the size of an adult man's hand."
"The elephant hawk moth looks like a party moth."
"The giant long-legged katydid looks like it crept off the set of a 1950s b-movie."
"The Australian walking stick looks like an alien when you see it up close."
"The Devil's flower mantis is perfect nightmare inspiration."
"Bugs are disappearing: 50% of insects gone, critical to the survival of ecosystems."
"The largest insect in the world is a moth from India called Atticus Atlas."
"Bugs are living in like World War Two times a million every day."
"The pain of its sting is 30 times more intense than that of a bee or a wasp."
"My first experience was with a mantis, and I was in my 40s."
"As of 2022, the European Commission has approved three insects for sale and consumption as food: crickets, mealworms, and locusts."
"Bees are without a doubt the most important insect on this planet."
"Please don't squash the spider if you see it. Just let it catch the other bugs that are lying in your room 'cause trust me, you're not alone in this room."
"They're literally called murder Hornets, that's literally what they're called and I'm not joking."
"Are you scared about the bees, the killer bees? Yeah, the Hornets look, I'm not scared of very many things flying needles are one of them okay I don't like flying needles especially aggressive flying needles."
"These bugs are so big, look at this. Do you want to try just an ant? Yeah, of course."
"A little tip: if you're worried about spiders or creepy crawlies inside our shelter, tuck your pant legs into your socks."
"Insect populations are absolutely crashing, so do what you can to feed and house them."
"Check out how beautiful this fire ant queen is!"
"Peppermint essential oil is actually incredibly helpful when it comes to keeping the little butterflies away."
"I'm actually really kind to bugs and flies and stuff, I don't kill them ever."
"We've just got so many bees and bugs... it's fantastic because I'm surrounded by all this insect life but it's not bothering me because it's all in balance."
"...the annual migration of billions of these magnificent insects fills the sky with a breathtaking rainbow of color."
"When this power becomes greater than a certain level, the person is reincarnated into long-lived insects."
"Insects carry diseases and it is unacceptable for insects to be found in the healthcare setting."
"Mosquitoes are number one, and wasps, that's it."
"No-see-ums bite the snot out of you, they're worse than the mosquitoes."
"Nobody thinking about the insector and how they are everywhere."
"Most people are scared of cockroaches because sometimes they move really fast."
"Centipedes prey on small insect pests, controlling the population of cockroaches, midges, flies, termites, and other bugs."
"Honestly, butterflies may be the best bug."
"I just saw like two cockroaches pass right by me."
"Driver ants are regarded by experts as the most deadly insects on the planet."
"The area with the highest concentration of blood bugs is the Molden drainage."
"I was hoping when I heard buzz bomb, I was like please let it be a grenade that is just filled with like Hornets or wasps or whatever like that."
"Some people call them water skimmers... we always call them water spiders."
"Spiders the size of your palm just casually chilling on the wall every summer."
"They're always active with bees and butterflies and hover flies and I just butter did I say butterflies like all the things."
"The cocalis beetle uses a trick that I think is way more interesting: geometry at the scale of nanophysics."
"When you think animals, you think birds, mammals, reptiles... but bugs make up 94% of our animal species."
"There's a bandito bug man what can you say about it? It's just the dang thing just works man."
"Waitomo glowworm caves: illuminated by thousands of insects called arachnocampa luminosa."
"Seriously, her power is to summon hundreds of tiny hard-to-see insects that all have the power of the Bee Miraculous."
"For all you bug fans, let's take a look at the 25 most painful insect stings in the world."
"Insects, they're very brutal. No compassion."
"She finds bugs to be wonderful creatures."
"There are many beneficial insect plantings that you can put in, insect repellent plantings, and companion plants."
"These bugs are amazing, whether it's inverting nectar into a preservable product or taking nectar and honey and converting it into beeswax."
"They're tiny mosquito-like bugs and they bite just like mosquitoes do, but they're so small it's hard to see them."
"Insects make up 94% of our animal species."
"People take them for granted, even though they spend days upon days for a 10 to 20 minute video just to make people happy."
"Without insects, we would all die. We would all perish."
"The crown of the most dangerous insect in the world goes to the mosquito."
"So the next time you kill a fly, remember, you might be killing an expert witness."
"One of the coolest things about insects is that there are so many different kinds."
"The Tasmanian devil of bugs, I'll leave through plaster, through wood."
"I love squeezing insects. I would walk around out in the garden in the summer and I'll go 'Ethan's here!' when I see Japanese beetles."
"Unlike locusts, cicadas don't damage plants by feeding. But females can do some harm by drilling into the bark of small twigs to lay eggs, causing some twigs to die."
"I just really, really love insects, so a bit reluctant to say I had a problem. But the thing is, I feel like the whole place is moving."
"Asian Giant Hornet - In short, if you ever see this bug, run for your life."
"Ants, wasps, and bees are closely related, all belonging to the same order of insects known as Hymenoptera, characterized by a special waist segment all these insects in the order possess."
"Does anything good ever come out of a forest fire? They often destroy harmful insects."
"There's no place like home, but while you may love your home for its warmth, comfort, and security, so can a whole host of creepy crawlies."
"We really can turn insect declines around."
"Bees have their own little ecosystem, their own little nursery."
"Cockroaches actually help us. They're actually eating like the bacteria and like bad stuff."
"There are so many different kinds of bugs, did you know? There are way more bugs on earth than there are people, it's true."
"If you don't know about this and you encounter this insect for the first time, it'll scare you to death."
"Seeing that many cockroaches was disgusting."
"Insects are really good indicators of changes that are going on in the environment."
"Insects really provide us with a tremendous amount of information."
"Is that moth supposed to look like it has a funny face on it? Because it absolutely does."
"Look at the size of them things, they're bigger than a quarter, because there's not a cluster, there's just a few alone, they're in here"
"Animal themed guitars, but this time we're taking a dive into the insect world."
"There's a bug, god, there's so many bugs in LA right now you guys, you have no idea."
"It's not okay if they disappear. Insects are the primary drivers of our ecosystems and if they go, we go."
"Thorn bugs belong to the group of true bugs and they have remarkable thorn-like structures that cover their bodies. These bugs live in tropical and subtropical regions where they feed on plant sap with their specialized mouthparts."
"The lobelia wasp captures our attention with its alien-like appearance. This parasitic wasp native to tropical regions boasts an elongated and slender body accompanied by antennae that resemble the jaws of a lobster."
"The sethy cyanus is a unique mosquito species found in the tropical regions of the Americas. The species is characterized by a stunning combination of blue and metallic hues, giving it a visually striking and beautiful presence."
"The riper is a peculiar longhorn beetle with an elongated neck reminiscent of a giraffe's. This unique characteristic challenges the traditional notions of beetle anatomy, making riper a fascinating subject of study for entomologists and nature enthusiasts alike."
"The bee fly, despite its name, is not a bee but a remarkable insect celebrated for its unique appearance and intriguing beauty. With a fuzzy exterior resembling that of a bee, this fly has evolved to mimic the appearance and behavior of its stinging counterparts."
"The copia moth, renowned for its majestic presence, stands as one of the largest moths in North America. Captivating observers with its impressive wingspan, known to reach up to 6 inches in width, this colossal moth is a true visual spectacle."
"The Brazilian tree hopper is an exotic and visually captivating insect found in the rainforests of South America. Its appearance is nothing short of extraordinary, featuring elaborate structures that give it an almost otherworldly aesthetic."
"Insects can contract and relax the muscles they have in their abdomen and this creates this pumping mechanism so gas gets pumped in and pumped out."
"We're gonna try different Gourmet bug dishes and we're gonna rank the worst ones."
"If you could imagine there being a giant bug the size of a small human standing, then maybe you would have ever seen the fly."
"A bee hotel is just a little wooden box where certain types of bees can nest."
"The honeybee has sacrificed itself for its brothers and sisters."
"Insects helped identify a missing person."
"Rhinoceros beetles are like tanks on the bug battlefield."
"In the eternal tussle for insect supremacy, some bugs are goliaths and some more like Davids with a bad attitude."
"When bugs go to war, there are no rules, no sense of fair play, and no concept of picking on someone your own size."
"In a battle of strategy and brute strength, an army of green ants faces off against a swarm of paper wasps."
"The jumping jack ant has one more astonishing skill: like a super action hero, it leaps tall branches in a single bound."
"These Army ants have powerful mandibles and deliver a potent sting—there'll be no surrender."
"The flag-tailed assassin bug is a methodical murderer—it stalks its prey very softly and smoothly."
"I just love them so much, they're such beautiful ants."
"Insects require very small amounts of water and food and land and time."
"Ready to make some grasshoppers cry? It's payback."
"The bug club will look for bugs that have wings or ones that have lots of legs or really teeny tiny bugs."
"They kill bad insects. Hey, good for spiders."
"For someone who doesn't know a tsetse fly from a housefly, your phrasing is superb."
"Silkworms are incredible feeder insects. They have arguably the highest level of protein found in any feeder insect on the market."
"Praying mantises... they're like aliens in our bushes."
"Aim for the eyes, especially if it's an insect with really interesting compound eyes."
"Incredible insects, just watch what they can do."
"Flies may revolt us, but there's another way of seeing them, not as agents of death, but as insects on the side of the angels."
"The possibility of insect pain and suffering should be taken seriously in insect research laboratories as well as insect conservation."
"They're going to be as snug as bugs in a rug, and they are bugs, so they're going to be snug."
"Around 40% of all insect species are currently under threat."
"I originally thought when I started this model, I was just looking for any old Weevil to model. I didn't know very much about them other than that they're extremely silly, so I had to model one."
"If I see a bug outside the house, I'll leave it alone. That's his habitat."
"It's actually not the adult beetles or the adult moths that eat the wool... it's the larva that do."
"An entomologist is a scientist that studies bugs."
"Maybe ghosts of insects you've killed come back to haunt you, and that's why you feel a bug crawling on you sometimes when there's actually not."
"Black widows are actually drawn to houses. Can you imagine why? What do spiders eat? Other bugs. Bugs are drawn into lights."
"These wasps are noticeably docile unless trifled with. Leave them alone and let them live."
"Stephen the stick insect likes the creepy crawly safari, but he likes his own home the best."
"Something that we can do to help bugs is give them a safe place to live."
"We're not seeing what's going on, the insects are threatened."
"Bugs are just like us, they're living creatures, just a lot smaller."
"If a bug has six legs, it's called an insect."
"As it turns out, dragonflies may be our best friends as they hunt hundreds of the mosquitoes per hunt."
"Well, there's certainly going to be a performance of insects."
"I've been able to overcome that fear, and actually, they're awesome, they're so easy to work with, I love them now."
"Insects play a key role in maintaining the balance of an ecosystem."
"Bugs: they're gross, they're everywhere, and they're about to blow your mind."
"Look at the bugs, that means it's springtime."
"Insects show us time and time again that in the universe, everything is possible."
"It must have a red light. If you've ever been in a place where there's tons of insects in the air, the red light doesn't attract the insects, so it's real nice not having a lung full of moths."
"The more bugs you save, the more friends you have in the universe."
"Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to seafood, as these insects share a family relation to shrimp and lobsters."
"Anything that eats biting insects is on our side."
"Here comes a little beetle. Look, our first guest!"
"Don't let its size fool you; this tiny insect is responsible for more human deaths."
"Bees are like the cleanest of insects."
"Only male mosquitoes bite people." "No, it's false, only the females bite people."
"Flying stinging insects though... they will attack your ass for no reason because they woke up on the wrong side of the nest."
"Insects are mankind's constant companions, thriving alongside us throughout our lives and well afterward."
"The worker honeybee is fascinating; she is the most underappreciated bee."
"Apis mellifera, the honeybee, is humanity's greatest friend among the insects."
"Ladybugs feed on such harmful insects as aphids, mites, mealybugs, and small bollworms."
"Termites are very industrious insects."
"Ants can carry up to 50 times their own body weight."
"We have some beautiful native insects in Ontario and Canada at large."
"Insects will always make their way into our collections; they are a natural part of the outside world."
"I love bugs, I used to be so scared of spiders, and I think this is me reclaiming the power through humor."
"I was mesmerized by the gorgeous display of iridescent colours on the wings of butterflies and other insects."
"Treat spiders the way you want to be treated."
"Glow worms are bioluminescent larvae of the fungus gnat insect that emit a natural glow."
"Ladybirds are not actually birds, they're actually beetles."
"Buzz buzz buzz, I'm going to make a bumblebee."
"I don't kill spiders. Any one of them could create Spider-Man."
"The Japanese beetle, ladies and gentlemen, probably one of the coolest insects to collect when you are a child."
"Roly-polies, that's my favorite bug."
"Why are insects unique? They're different than all other animals for a few reasons, and the biggest one is that they have three body regions."
"Most insects are multi-generational, meaning they can have more than one generation per year, sometimes exceeding 15 to 20 generations per year."
"Insects eat everything and live everywhere. Any type of habitat you can think on earth, insects are going to take advantage of those little niches."
"The most common type of metamorphosis would be called complete, in which there are four different unique life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult."
"If you're able to distinguish beetles from bugs, that's going to go a long way."
"The most common type of mouth part by far is a chewy mouth part, set up very similar to us."
"Blue death feigning beetles are superbly adapted for life in the desert."
"It says technically a ladybug, get it?"
"It's that time of year we get these sorts of beetles around our house, Christmas beetles as I call them."
"That's the best name for a dragonfly I've ever heard, they do look like baby helicopters."
"Mosquito is Spanish for 'a little fly'."
"These are praying mantises. Wow, they are so cool."
"We've seen a ton of butterflies just out on our hikes, so can't imagine how many we'll see in here."
"Swarm intelligence means that insects will have some collective activity to compose as a super brain to finish complex work."
"Monkeys probably rub millipedes on their fur only because doing so helps protect them against mosquitoes."
"Oh yes, I love that. That is my favorite beneficial insect."
"One of the kids asks her why she likes insects so much, and Susan tells him she admires insects for their ingenuity and intelligence."