
Religious Conviction Quotes

There are 515 quotes

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"Our God is able to deliver us, but even if He doesn't, we're not going to bow down."
"My faith has only increased with time. The more I've engaged in the philosophical, religious, scientific conversations, my faith has only increased."
"You're an invader, you're a trespasser, and you stand between God's people and their deliverance. Come out, Pharaoh, all the way, go to the pit, all your minions with you, come on out in the name of Jesus."
"There will come a time where you have to stand on what it is that you believe, and you're gonna have to know Jesus for yourself or you will be swayed."
"The willingness of the Apostles to suffer and die for their belief that Jesus had risen from the grave shows that they're not making this up."
"I want to say that the Bible is the only source of divine truth, and Jesus is the only Savior."
"The thought of you dying in your sins and God giving you justice is horrifying to me."
"We need some believing believers that believe God is who he says he is, that God can do what he says he can do."
"I personally believe that the coming of the Lord Jesus and the establishment of his kingdom on earth is the only hope for the world."
"I'll solve the whole thing, your sin problem, your grave problem, in 72 hours."
"Faith isn't blind; it's a response to evidence, a conviction of truth based on what we know."
"The worst thing you can possibly do... is to flee from doctrine... because if somebody gets upset or offended we're going to have a split." - John MacArthur
"I know what scripture says... nothing that you're going to say unless you can show me in Scripture... is going to make me waver from the ultimate source of authority which is the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"All religions are not the same... we have been given the truth and the fullness of the truth in our Church."
"Miracles are proof that the one you serve is alive."
"I believe the Bible is the infallible inspired inerrant Word of the Living God. I believe it from cover to cover."
"To trust in the Lord is to abandon trust in yourself."
"I am not ashamed of the power of the Holy Ghost!"
"Perpetua refused to worship the Emperor and declared herself a Christian."
"I testify that when life brings you disappointment or sorrow, and on occasion it will, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the church that espouses the fullness of it, are true and strong."
"Marianne Williamson was doing something different than everyone else on the stage last night."
"He would have done whatever it took to bring me into heaven, and there's no stone left unturned." - Dante
"Don't be afraid when you stand for God and His truth."
"If the actions of the Bible offend you, you are accursed."
"Satan hates God so much that he's lying to you and trying to destroy you and your children."
"The best way to do Dawah as a Christian would be to use the Bible to persuade other people of Christianity."
"God's message has to be clear. You can take it for what it says, and it tells you to be a Muslim, one who is submitted to the will of God."
"If you can communicate the perfection of tawheed, the oneness of God, and say, 'This is my salvation.'"
"When someone comes who's not around here and tells me things because he comes from heaven, Jesus himself who ascended and descended and he comes and tells me that this is my body, I'm going to have to take that pretty seriously."
"The life of the believer is meant to be one of total Victory."
"We're high energy, we have conviction, we're geniuses, we're better looking, and we have Christ on our side."
"Will we obey God rather than man? And you're going to choose. All of us will be forced to choose where our faith really lies."
"Jesus is coming back because of this much wickedness in the world."
"We are destroying speculation and every lofty thing raised against the knowledge of God and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."
"God says no, I'm the real one and Jesus Christ is your only hope."
"I appeal to you to sense that Jesus is coming soon."
"The scripture has one author and I need to say this: I am a Christian because of the Old Testament."
"I love the way he said it: I am a Christian because of the Old Testament."
"Right, and we wanted to overdo it, but of course, hey, if this is still inside the church, I think it would be right and just to rip it out."
"The conviction I feel, not only for how real hell is, but guys, we have to be sharing our faith."
"I feel a strong sense of gratitude to our Heavenly Father and to our early pioneers... That's the Lord telling you that this is His work and He's directing it. We get to participate."
"In order to be true and faithful to God increasing in our world, you must be willing to be counter-cultural and to stand for what you believe in rather than what society tells us."
"The church needs to stand on God's word, never apologize for it."
"I love being Catholic. I think everyone should be Catholic because it's objectively true. It's the early church, the Apostolic Church, the biblical church."
"If you're not dealing with the baptism of Christ, I don't care how many people in your group, you are an antichrist."
"If you're a Catholic you believe that error has no rights... it will protect you from the errors of passing fashions."
"The early followers of Jesus claimed to be eyewitnesses to Jesus' resurrection and went to their deaths proclaiming it."
"We will have peace and in that way, you and I, my friends, we can contribute to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary." - Dr. Mark Miravalli
"Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess."
"How can I do this great evil and sin against God."
"When God becomes your ally the no more old man is worth fear or even respect I will destroy any mortal man on the planet I fear one person and that is God alone."
"Jesus Christ is Lord and one day your knee will bow."
"You're outnumbered, but don't you worry about a thing, you keep going because there will be those that will put you to death thinking they're doing God's service."
"If you're going to hate us, hate us for what Christ and the word of God has declared to be righteous."
"Salvation is not for beasts but Brethren. Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, come out of the darkness and into the light."
"The best thing that could ever happen to a person is to become a Christian."
"Every Muslim needs to be armed with certainty, far from any doubt, that Islam is the true religion."
"The world of today is not where the answers are found. The answers are found in Jesus."
"I may have to put on my coat one of these days and kiss you all goodbye and say I'm going to the church, and I might be in prison tonight because that's where we're headed. And it's worth it, amen."
"Put forward the correct version of Islam and don't fear the blame of the blamers."
"I think we have an opportunity because of the craziness in our culture...to actually be a bulwark against something that is completely and utterly insane."
"You want to go to the church not of your convenience but of your conviction."
"For he that shall be ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man also will be ashamed of him."
"If you look into it, if you are sincere and you really look into it and you study it, there is no blind faith. It is faith based on clear signs, clear information, things that clearly make sense."
"We've got to pursue peace and holiness, for without holiness no individual will see the Lord."
"If you're not willing to stand up for the religious convictions of your members step aside and let people stand up who will but don't abandon your members."
"We shall not adjust our Bible to the age; but before we have done with it, by God's grace, we shall adjust the age to the Bible."
"The more I've read... the more convinced I become about Jesus... Jesus is in fact the savior of the world."
"Scriptures so I trust what the apostles preached. Oh yes, I have no qualms about it, I believe it all. Love it."
"It's heaven or hell, there is no in-between, it's God's way or no way, that's right."
"When you stand before God, you ain't going before God telling him, 'I think I have it, maybe, I guess.' No. The word of God says we have a more sure word of prophecy."
"I know Donald Trump is not my savior, my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness."
"Is Jesus the only way to God? They don't understand the blood of Jesus... If you think he's one of many paths you don't get it."
"How can God reveal the next step to you when you have not done the first? I was convicted."
"Instead of checking the textbooks to see if our Bible is correct, we need to check the Bible to see if our textbooks are correct."
"Any Christian who actually believes that people are going to hell hasn't completely devoted almost every aspect of their life to telling people about Jesus."
"God is truly present and no one can tell me otherwise."
"As believers we see and know that the world system is lying to everyone and it is directing the masses towards judgment in the lake of fire."
"We are modern day Noahs preparing for Yah's judgment, and you must understand that this life can be challenging but it will be extremely rewarding as long as you keep moving forward and overcome."
"You praised gods that can't see, hear, or know. But I know a god who holds your breath in his hand."
"Knowing Christianity is true is different than showing Christianity true."
"God loves you my friends ladies jesus loves you with an everlasting love he is alive he really died on the cross he really rose from the dead."
"Jesus Christ is true and he is good, and he's worth it, he's worth all the whether it's misunderstandings or strained relationships or whatever it is he's worth that."
"We are soldiers in the army of the living God and we are going to occupy through this till we get to the other side."
"You cannot lose when you believe in a Deen that's more vast, you can't beat those people."
"When you trust the Lord Jesus as your Savior, everything in the Word of God that applies to us, also applies to you."
"Like that's one way I see God the most, is when I'm out in the woods like that."
"I know with all my heart that God lives, I know that Jesus is the Christ, that he will come again someday."
"Stay in that place of belief in what Jesus has done."
"Zion is a temple to the Lord. The white legs are defiling this temple. Zion belongs to God and the people of God."
"No matter the battle you are faced with, you, the child of God, are more than a conqueror."
"I would rather offend someone into heaven than comfort them into hell."
"God sent me to you so you can have a chance to escape going to hell."
"Stand with the truth of the Gospel, stand on your feet today if you want it!"
"If God's people don't get a backbone, you'll be nothing more than a church goer."
"Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me...of him also shall the son of man be ashamed."
"We refuse to turn the elections of 2024 over to the powers of Darkness."
"His rock solid faith in the god of the bible and his steadfast commitment to seeking truth, beauty, and goodness."
"It's done, it's done, it's done, it's gone, hallelujah!"
"He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine."
"I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied."
"This is church, this ain't no game. Preacher brother, there's people's souls you're dealing with."
"The only legitimate evidence of real salvation is a transformed life."
"God's never wrong. God's the one. He's the very standard of truth."
"Every one of your righteous rules endures forever."
"I hate Satan, but Lord, I yield that to you. You are the judge, Lord."
"There's something about this message with the truth of God, there's nothing like it in the world. Glory to God."
"There's only one supreme, and Jehovah is that."
"Eventually, I realized there wasn't anything left except for me just deciding to be a Christian because I wanted to be a Christian."
"Either we have the inspired preserved authoritative word of God, or we don't."
"Joan believes God told her to lead the French armies."
"If you come to a point where you actually feel convicted about the Catholic Church's claims and you want to become Catholic, I promise to start a GoFundMe for you."
"We will not bow our knee to Baal, we will only bow our knee to one God."
"Don't speak the gospel timidly in fear of who you may offend. Speak it boldly in thoughts of who may be saved."
"What's coming is a triumph of the gospels, the fulfillment, the vindication of the gospels."
"The time to accept Jesus is now. Jesus is the only answer."
"My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips."
"Allah has guided me to Islam and it is the happiest and the best and the most complete way of life."
"I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and Men."
"Stand firm in the face... always abounding in the work of the Lord."
"Jesus was absolutely believer and had will have his place in paradise."
"Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." - Mark 1:34
"The war is over... the rest of history is a mopping up project for the glory of Jesus Christ."
"God calls sin sin, there is no compromise or middle ground."
"Men of Prayer who believe in a supernatural God."
"If you truly believe that God exists, the demand to live in congruence with that belief is incredibly high."
"If you cannot say for 100 that if you die tonight you would go to heaven and you want to make sure, Jesus Christ will save you right now."
"God's word has never been wrong, he's never been inaccurate."
"I come in the name of the Almighty God whom you have defied. You will soon lie defeated at my feet, and all the world will know that there is a God in Israel."
"The accuracy of the prophetic utterances... was one thousand percent."
"Be steadfast in taking our stand for his values, his priorities, his kingdom."
"Nobody took jesus's life from him he laid it down he said my not my will lord but yours that's a tough thing to say i pray for that truth no matter what the cost myself so we see here the right to defend yourself."
"God is Sovereign. God is in control of everything, always."
"God, we ask You that You would convict us, that You would bring Your power and Your spirit."
"Father, we pray for Your convicting power to be released, that You would show us if there's old relationships, if there are soul ties."
"God Almighty going to work down in your heart and tell you to bring you towards his word."
"The prophetic message is so on track that soon many will realize we're in the end times."
"If I actually say I love you but I don't even give you an opportunity to enter into eternity with God do I actually love you."
"Everything that is happening around the world should strengthen our faith in a God that is faithful to His promises."
"I cannot live without the doctrinal truths and ordinances restored by Joseph Smith."
"Glory be to God he's going to give us one because he will never unlike the Bishops Our Father in heaven will never abandon his children and we we just have to live with that with that confidence absolute confidence that he will come to our Aid."
"If Jesus really has changed your life like that, then you shouldn't be ashamed of it."
"The Incarnation is the absolute foundation for everything that we are."
"Anytime you destroy a person's faith in the Bible they become easy pickins to deceive you take a Christian that's rooted and grounded in the scripture full of the Holy Ghost he's hard to deceive hard to deceive but that's not the case..."
"Stand firm on the word because the word won't return void."
"Never be afraid to stand up for the Lord and for his truth if you are genuine God will take care of all your needs."
"You can't take what Christ has said and say you're a follower of his and believe that he is God but only sort of pick and choose what you want to believe."
"Satan, you're destroyed. Every man is a liar, but God's word is true."
"Lord Jesus, you are the reason why we are more than conquerors. No weapon formed against us shall prosper."
"Not a hope in something that might happen but a faith in what God has said he will do."
"Everyone who wants to live a godly life will be persecuted."
"The enemy wants to steal, kill, and destroy, but we have a greater God."
"I believe in evil, and I believe that this is a force against God himself."
"How easy would it have been for him to be like, 'You know what, it's all right, we can just agree to disagree on these issues.' But Paul's like, 'No, this is about the truth of the Gospel.'"
"Alhamdulillah for Islam, one Allah, a great creator."
"Having given himself over to God's Grace, Lutheran believed that no action he took in God's name could have been wrong."
"You won't do anything in God if you are perpetually trying to please everybody."
"If he is not the God of all in your life, then he is not God at all."
"You must trust Christ, there is no way to be on this side and be in accordance with this Bible and with Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is coming again and there's no doubt in my mind we are in the end days."
"The word of God is going to stand. It is not going to return void."
"Now is the time for the faithful to not only be courageous but to call out the cowardice you see live in a state of grace pray the rosary every day evangelize and fight."
"The Bible is absolutely perfect infallible and if something is perfect and infallible it means that it should never be changed."
"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and a couple of devils."
"Just because there is every kind of heresy out there with regard to the person of the Holy Spirit it does not mean that I am going to allow them to take the ministry of the Holy Spirit away from me."
"We're not ashamed of the gospel because it's the power of god unto salvation to everyone who believes."
"So it's my faithfulness to scripture that got me to start thinking these things because Jesus cannot lie."
"It is rational to give ourselves entirely to him."
"The only person we gotta fear is the Most High, we gotta prepare as the prophecies unfold."
"Resisting the devil's assault by standing firm on God's truth will cause Satan to flee."
"This is not a book we believe that this is a word for a generation."
"At the Judgment Day, everyone will 'confess that [God] is God.'"
"When this is all you got, this is all you need: Jesus Christ is the way, he's the truth, and he's the life."
"Islam will win them over because we're confident Islam is true."
"Faith and the Lord Jesus Christ is controversial because it's extreme, narrow, demanding, and very intolerant of other religious attempts."
"There's about to be an indictment upon evil in the earth."
"I know that the greatest thing can happen. God can do something in your life that nobody else could do."
"I want to be a Christian, I want to be saved, I want to know that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life."
"Always remind these demons that you have power in the Holy Spirit you have power through Christ and Jesus."
"Happy New Year and God may bless you, Dex's family and mods."
"The Bible is the Word of God right exactly right."
"I know what God can do because he haven't written here. I know what God won't do because he's in here. Are you kidding?"
"I stand before you as living proof that Jesus Christ can do anything." - Roger Stone
"No guilt, no fear in life or death, this is the power of Christ."
"Stand on His word, stand with His prophecy, even if it's a remnant. Stand! This is not new, read the scripture, saints. It's always been the remnant that stood when times were tough."
"Are you serious? Overcoming evil is something we have to do through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ."
"Compromise is impossible. If you really are serious about standing on what the Bible says, then you've got to stand on what all of the Bible says."
"You're doing your faith right when you're persecuted for it."
"We have a moral Assurance of our salvation whenever I receive Eucharist I'm stating I have a moral Assurance of myself exactly right."
"Be confident in your faith. Allah honored us with Islam. And if we try to seek that honor through anything other than Islam, Allah is going to use that thing to disgrace us."
"You should never be ashamed of Jesus Christ, never, under any condition, be ashamed of Him or deny Him."
"When we listen to the messages of the stars and when we implement and work with those energies, we can make even from the most difficult influences something beneficial and useful."
"The faithful ones, the remnants, will proclaim the truth at the cost of what may come our way."
"Our first allegiance is not to partisan politics; it's to Christ. It's not to tribalism; our allegiance is to Christ and to truth, even when that truth is unpopular, especially when that truth is unpopular."
"Refuse to pretend, but contend for the faith and for the miracle that God has for your life."
"I came to the conclusion that Allah is the only god and Muhammad is the role model."
"We have to ask the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ to issue judgment against what they've done here."
"Stand for the gospel, you might get rejected but you know what you might end up winning somebody."