
Artistic Development Quotes

There are 391 quotes

"You end up making good stuff by making a bunch of bad stuff. That's literally the creative process."
"My goal with making these is to help you become a better photographer by seeing images that other people are taking."
"Take the time and learn how to criticize your own work and make it better and better."
"Your artistry is going to get to the next level. Your creativity is being called to get to the next level as well."
"I do believe unquestionably an artist can always get better. There's always something new to learn and improve upon."
"With this new project, I think the creator really came into his own, improved his craft a lot, and created something really special."
"The Beatles started out with only three-chord songs... two years later, they were doing Sgt. Pepper's."
"Learning how to steal like an artist is an important part of any creative journey, but there comes a point when you need to take your influences and turn them into something that is distinctly yours."
"The joy of creating comes from the process itself, from seeing a simple idea evolve into something complex and beautiful."
"Just be creative, have fun, expand your visual mind, and just make yourself a better artist."
"Every artist has to start somewhere and they all start bad, most likely. I mean, there's nobody that's just like boop here you go and you're painting like realistic looking portraits and crazy stuff."
"I feel really encouraged just from like the feedback I was getting from artists saying that I, you know, had made good progress especially for our first week."
"I felt the barrier of entry to art being lowered a little bit more so I worked a bit longer on it got the other eye and even you can see here how different the first eye and the second eye look."
"I think one of the most important aspects any artist needs to get better is to accept your own level."
"I love Yuri on Ice and I just hope that the team behind it can get enough time and money for the sequel to turn it into the masterpiece that this show so clearly strives to be."
"It's a really special track. The other three tracks on the EP take on more of an acid house sound that Richard would start to experiment with even more in subsequent releases from 1991 onwards."
"The sketches that come out now I have been highly elevated in my opinion."
"The sound has changed in a way that I believe is great for hip hop."
"That way we can take these ideas and bring them into future paintings as well."
"Winsor McCay was constantly self-improving and he always looked to push the medium forward."
"Your first work is always going to be very bad."
"Because I really think it's some great work and I really feel like I'm aging into this new thing, which is so fun."
"Recently, we've been blasting Bollywood hits before the show, and Lil Nas X."
"It takes time and fundamental knowledge to develop your style."
"Appreciate the time and energy to experiment with your art style."
"Develop your own voice; stop copying the already successful artists."
"You know the importance of collecting references to really train your eyes."
"Nonsense. If we look at every artist, every photographer at their beginning stages, they stumbled and they made mistakes."
"Once you start drawing and practicing, things become a lot more clear."
"Building a multi timeframe picture of the market is superior to drawing levels and punting."
"Learn the fundamentals of drawing so well that you can one day ignore the fundamentals and start focusing on the real thing."
"Keep drawing, keep sharing your drawings with me, do not stop, don't give up and chase your dreams."
"I think it finishes stronger than it starts."
"Reconnecting yourself with that geeky little kid... that's what the last decade of my artistic growth has been."
"Déjà Vu was unlike anything Dreamcatcher had done before."
"Nothing will be sadder to me... if a commercial failure clipped the wings of a budding creative in any field."
"Every single project he makes gets better than the last."
"It's important not to overly rely on [custom brushes] when you start to draw painting... instead using custom brushes to mask your shortcomings."
"The shading in this is so much better than anything I've seen from you. And I'm happy for you, I'm glad to see you've come back."
"I definitely think you should keep making music, I just think that maybe you should tap into your soul a little bit more."
"For aspiring artists who are lucky enough to be hand-picked for the trainee program, their work is only beginning."
"Once you learn this, it's going to help make your own character designs become really a lot more interesting than just a kind of flat-on face every time."
"Can you work with other producers and stuff like that yes the last three projects has only been you and I've enjoyed them but I like it's almost like what's next and is it only gonna be you."
"What your craft looks like right now may not be what it looks like a year from now."
"I think Jonah has a lot more music in him... let's see what else we get."
"View your failures like lessons, they're making your art better."
"Using black and making that bold decision to keep it within my style is something that I feel like has propelled me with improving in my art."
"My father allowed me to paint several heads in pastels and also to dabble with his crayons all day."
"Start in a crazy sound and work it and polish it."
"Your work is not crap, understand that it is a moment in time and you're going to have many of these moments moving forward as well."
"Portfolio building is without a doubt one of the most important things I'm going to talk about today it is absolutely crucial."
"He pushed himself to reinvent himself wholly again."
"Music is going to a new place, it's just something else now."
"It was pretty amazing, I think for many reasons. One is that it's so rare that you get to make your Broadway debut in something that you've developed from the very, very beginning."
"Keep improving, keep watching people's artwork, it's all a journey."
"Learning the actual techniques and finding your style just takes trial and error."
"But once they wrote 'In My Place,' it helped them realize they still had the chops to craft a great tune."
"Dude, I can't wait to see if your music evolves... we're all cheering for you."
"Criticism, when given in good faith and with trusted opinions, is one of the best ways to improve."
"Sleepy kink is one of the best animators on this platform. He has a very good passion for improving his art."
"Every single time I finish a sketchbook, I like the sketchbook as a whole more than my last one."
"Just embrace the wonkiness, how much improvement do you see in your work from when you first started 10 years ago and now? Oh, so much. It's night and day."
"An artist who can actually take constructive criticism... that is why her career is skyrocketing."
"Doing animation as a hobby is really important."
"There's gonna be for sure like Improvement there's gonna be it's gonna be more evolved and I feel like lyrics Wise and sound wise and production wise for sure."
"A great moment of flowering of Chinese culture."
"Spike Lee just gets better and better... he comes out with a movie like this."
"There is no way you got 19 out of 26... there is so much space for an artist that does not have enough."
"Mental health for artists is so important because you literally won't improve and learn if you are not giving yourself that space."
"The only way to get good at art is a lot of practice and hard work."
"Every art piece is just a stepping stone, and your best work is always ahead of you."
"Looking back on her music, you can see her evolving with the hindsight of knowing what her sound comes to be."
"Tantrum is the name of this new track over here, and it goes a lot harder than some of the stuff she's been doing as of late."
"I love trying different options and testing what else we can do to make it more interesting."
"Have the bones and then you build the meat around it too and just allowing yourself to have fun with it and find the joy in it again."
"Leorio's progress since embracing the art form has been nothing short of astounding."
"You know, the cool thing about watching us progress, especially on the art front, is that you get to see as passes occur, the graphics, you know, get improved, the models themselves get improved, they become more performant."
"There's no need to rush finding your own art style... Just find what works for you."
"Strive with every photo to be different with anything creative strive to be a little different strive to push things forward."
"The depth and quality of her performance represented the making of Nicole as a megastar."
"I think I've said this before but I think had I had the like necessary like skill set and know-how I think I would have made this album last time."
"When you see your friends do that, you go from open mic to over the years becoming that, it's really just inspiring."
"So I wish people would just learn how to get a bit more of a sculptural feel of their work."
"So it's nice to put a little bit more layers and meanings into already existing things."
"The more bad paintings you get out, the closer you'll get to that one good painting again."
"Every little bit of learning you can do adds to your growth as an artist."
"If you're serious about trying to improve, it's important to tailor the kind of art that you create to the progress you want to make."
"The value of reference in art cannot be understated."
"Having your own style is an amazing skill that makes your work personal and unique."
"It's the best encapsulation of the Weeknd, and even though he's been around for a decade, it feels like he's only getting started."
"Encourage yourself to draw more often when you have time. Plan your week out with drawing time in the mix. Practicing drawing is extremely important in improving."
"You always want to improve and you always want to be a better artist than you were yesterday."
"When I started understanding how to put things into depth and creating depth on the image, you know on a 2D plane, that really was like magic to me as a little kid."
"To be a good artist, you gotta challenge yourself."
"It's interesting to see how using that ability to rhyme and stay on beat and your flow, your cadence could even evolve as an artist."
"CLC's mature concept saw its return with the release of Black Dress."
"Don't push yourself to create a style...it will come to you."
"Draw all the time... obsess on it." - Sanford Greene
"Experiment with styles when it comes to improvement."
"If you're not getting many commissioners when your art is cheap maybe it's time to take a step back and improve your drawing skill."
"I really do expect big things from them in the future."
"You get that kind of depth within the music that's where I feel like there's been a massive turning point for me as a Creator."
"Drawing Transformers: From self-doubt to skill - a journey of artistic growth."
"I don't want to get stuck in my style, you know? And this is a way to."
"One of the most improved artists to hit our generation ever."
"You can really see just how far human animation had come."
"All the Arts which embellish life had flourished in this overgrown Forest."
"He has this amazing ability to just get you straight to the goods and expose you to artistic principles you never even took into consideration."
"If it's something you enjoy doing and it's something that you're good at, keep practicing, keep working on it. The audience will eventually find you."
"What books have influenced your creativity and driven you to do better as an artist and try new things and step up your game or just find more joy in your creativity?"
"It's a step up from Kill This Love, and I really appreciated the song."
"Develop your imagination, creativity, and execution by starting with simple objects like boxes and spheres."
"Practicing speed is not just to impress your friends or other artists. It's also really practical for obvious reasons like you can pump out more work more quickly, you can iterate more quickly."
"Every time you paint and every time you practice, it's not a waste of time, it's actually more practice and more knowledge that you're gathering over that time."
"Ultimately, you start out influenced by somebody or you sound like that person and then most definitely you continue to evolve."
"One of the most important things any artist can do is find a medium where they play well."
"You gotta go out there and do different things, you gotta push yourself, have new experiences, all that stuff will help in your art and your storytelling."
"I started a sketchbook journal and I drew every day in it."
"This is your time. This is the time that everybody's been looking for to work on music and get better."
"I was always really creative as a kid growing up, into music and to film."
"Not just hone in on your craft but say something."
"It's almost like a rough draft of their first album fallen."
"Ultimately caused our breakup, it's like when I look back on it I only see the good moments."
"Jordan Peele is really continuing to develop his sense of filmmaking and his own personal style."
"When he was three, Michelangelo returned to live with his family in Florence."
"Among the apprentices, Michelangelo was an immediate standout."
"I feel like he's evolved as a rapper... evolved... step in the good direction."
"Keep delivering material and consistently improving."
"If you want to paint like that you just have to practice and not give up."
"As artists, we can learn a lot more about writing and creating art from dissecting flawed works than from masterpieces."
"Every actor, concept artist, whatever they were a beginner at some point."
"I'm always trying to better myself as an artist."
"When I designed my first fabric collection, that's when I got good at it."
"I think rejection is key... it's really essential for art to be really good."
"Create a routine, even if it's just a half-hour of drawing a day, and incrementally grow that amount of time."
"Study your favorite artists, study from life, study from everything."
"You look like the character every single year; the quality bar just goes up and up."
"Our passion is always there, but you guys have helped us push it into something legitimately impressive."
"If you are already an artist, and want to learn about fabric design, I would recommend this method for starting out."
"Drawing is a muscle that you need to train and practice."
"Travis Scott announced the completion of a draft for a film based on his upcoming fourth studio album Utopia." – Travis Scott
"I really didn't like the way that my transitional areas were working so I spent a good amount of time there to improve those shapes."
"Honestly, I'd probably feel more like a creepy invasive pervert than I would kind of turned on."
"Every drawing is just practice for the next one... I must even be on the internet forever."
"The most important thing is drawing every day and drawing everything."
"I don't know about remembered but I know that I do want to grow just develop more every time."
"I'm moving to a bigger, better studio to record in. It's gonna be awesome!"
"It's all about trying and figuring out for yourself: There are endless of art out there that you could learn and take ideas from, but eventually, you'll develop your own method of solving creative problems."
"Comedy is an art form, and I think you have to improve in that art form and grow in that art form and change in that art form."
"The animation: a step towards Blue getting comfortable."
"This album is a huge leap forward, man, like a gigantic leap."
"The first eight years was me practicing, performing, committing."
"It's like where I start like forming a style and that is just so exciting like in an artist life when they start like creating something that they're almost happy with, you know."
"Train yourself to see and apply what you see to your paper."
"I just feel like we have to give the artist time to develop."
"Guys, my drawing skills are getting too good. It's not easy being this lit."
"That's the sort of stuff that gives you reference points that you can then draw from and then use to inspire or work in or make your creative pursuit that much more interesting or diverse or dynamic or true to life."
"The first 100 drawings are going to suck, but that 101st drawing is going to be way better."
"Your creative passion is kind of showing itself through."
"This moment really means a lot because I took several years perfecting my craft."
"I'm personally taking on the challenge of learning these pinups, mastering them, and I'm here to vindicate myself."
"My photorealism was a little whack, you know. So I'm like, just get good at it."
"Keep posting your artwork so you can look back on what you've accomplished as you get better."
"When I want to learn how to do some music, they can help me."
"No one becomes a seasoned artist overnight, and in order to achieve the big and seemingly impossible, we have to focus on the small and possible things that are right in front of us."
"Allow your first ideas to be rubbish. Unless you're Mozart in Amadeus, it's very rare for a brilliant piece of music to just arrive fully formed."
"I'm just saying there's a lot of value in taking time to create your artistic career." - Mary Spender
"In order to learn and to get better at animation, you have to really do the animation work."
"It is the process of trying to sound like our heroes and failing that allows us to sound like ourselves."
"That's so awesome to see how Razer is helping these artists excel and thrive."
"This is a great start, I'm so happy about your progress and your growth."
"Let yourself intentionally be influenced by other artists."
"You're a combination of a lot of things. So don't plagiarize, alright?"
"Once you make a lot of bad art you'll be good to make good art."
"The spark of creativity has been ignited. Now it is forward motion."
"You have to progress, you know? Art's always arts always about progression."
"Just some little love, you know, to appreciate the fact that I work 724 to make sure that you can learn how to paint."
"Every piece you make is a stepping stone to the next level."
"And I think this all came from an epiphany overnight janitor the poet to songs to moments and now finally symphonies stacks."
"Practice, practice, practice. I cannot stress how much importance practice has on your development as an artist."
"Nobody is born an artist; some people are born with a talent or a gift, but you definitely need hard work and dedicated practice to grow that skill."
"Engage in artistic activities to cultivate creativity and refine cognitive abilities."
"Your process will change over time as you learn more and more about your chosen medium."
"To get good you've got to learn your technique, to get great you've got to have a style. It is not an option."
"I want to make animations once I get better at drawing."
"I guess this LP is becoming something I never intended."
"What if there was a way where you can improve your draftsmanship, anatomy, and figure drawing skills at the same time while learning how to animate?"
"Jar of Flies to me just takes everything that Sap was trying to do kind of be a little bit more downbeat, a little bit more acoustic, a little bit more intimate and just takes it to the next level."
"The answer to getting better at art is always practice."
"I've improved as a human being because of her... I've improved as a writer director."
"Every time I think I understand a peg does his design he comes up with some new thing just still."
"But after working on this video I think I've learned that creating personal art is also important."
"Drawing a variety of different aircraft can also help you develop a much keener sense of function and design."
"I hope that you guys realize not everybody started out great. You can see my old art, it's not the best but I had a great time doing it."
"If you're kind of new to color and you're not really comfortable painting with a lot of color, I would say, paint with a lot of color."
"And at the end of the day, I think everything that she's going through is only gonna make her stronger as an artist."
"Chris's line work could be phenomenal if he took the time and learned patience."
"Quadeca's second studio album from me to you, safe to say he's grown up and progressed to a stupid extent in a crazy short amount of time."
"Jagger's approach to lyrics was also evolving and with this new set of tracks he seemed to be finding his own distinctive voice."
"Draw regularly every day... little by little you will improve."