
Spiritual Assurance Quotes

There are 522 quotes

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
"His presence is your promise, now and forevermore."
"I declare that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"God is the one who makes all the promises and keeps all of the promises."
"He who did not spare His own Son but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him freely give us all things?"
"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
"The gift of God's Spirit in you, He will never leave you nor forsake you."
"The seed of the righteous will never be cut off."
"No more fear in your life, no more lack in your life, no more sleepless nights in your life, no more depression in your life."
"You and I can have confidence in the finished work of Jesus Christ."
"God has not given us the spirit of fear, He gave us the spirit of love and power and a sound mind."
"I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life... will be able to separate us from the love of God."
"The moment you receive Christ, your name is written in the Book of Life."
"You do not have to beg God to do something that is in his will to do."
"It's safe to release your fears; whatever this is, it's already being taken care of at a higher level."
"I want to know my sins are forgiven, I want to know if I died I'd go to heaven."
"Lies can't hurt me, Hans. My value doesn't come from stuff; it comes from God who made me and loves me, and that's the truth."
"There is a theme in scripture that God's children do not have to be afraid of anything."
"Macro Factor will take care of all this for you."
"Allah will give you something better than what was taken away."
"The only word that will not cross you, that is not too difficult for you. And the only word that you don't have to go over the sea to achieve because Jesus has already done it."
"Belief is enough... Just keep believing and you'll be okay."
"If you trust in Christ today, then I'm going to see you at the rapture."
"Faith can't fail because the Lord intercedes for us."
"Scripture makes it clear: Jesus has the victory."
"Jesus said, 2000 years ago, as he died on that cross for your sin, he shouted out over your life that it is finished."
"There is no condemning voice against you! The case is closed!"
"Our God has promised to protect us and guard us against all evil."
"There is nothing that can separate us from His love."
"God is so concerned about you right there. He knows the numbers of hairs on your head. He's seen your destiny."
"He'll never leave or forsake you and he would never mislead you."
"Protect our thoughts with the fact that my eternity is secure in God."
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus."
"I am never alone, for God is my ever constant companion." - Marianne L. Freeland
"God's not changed his mind... his intentions are clear."
"You can call on God and God will step into that space right where you are."
"We do know that what God has promised to those who love His Son is absolutely wonderful."
"Those who are truly in Christ will never finally or completely fall away from the faith."
"Do you know Him? Are you sure that you know Him?"
"When God tells you he has designed for you a life of victory and glory, he says that on the strength of the provisions that he has made available to you."
"Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you're a child of God, not for a season of time, but forever."
"Arise up and stand, behold the number of those that be sealed."
"No one is excluded, no one is left out, no one is cursed."
"Unto him that is able to keep you from falling."
"God's loving eye on us is a profound reminder of his constant presence in our lives."
"Help is indeed on the way God is moving even now preparing paths opening doors and lighting up the way forward."
"God is not going to leave you with less, He is always going to leave you with more."
"Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."
"If it had not been for the Lord on my side, tell me where."
"God is never far away if you are a child of God, he is always with you, always by you, and always for you."
"With God, you will not lose; he pays, and he pays well."
"Stand now embraced by the lovely certainty that I will bless and aid you in all things."
"Our Lady promised whatever you asked by this prayer, she will grant."
"If you're a born-again Christian, you're not gonna go through the tribulation. You're gonna be watching it from up above."
"This is proof positive that you can rely on God's word."
"The narrative of divine separation is not just a comforting notion but an enduring promise."
"So thinking about like subhanallah jannah the akira the mountaintop is not here the mountaintop is in the hereafter you only arrive after you pass away but the believer with they have such certainty in the hereafter it's like i know it's there."
"Trust in me alone, and I'll become a sanctuary for you."
"God will never expose you to what he doesn't want to give you."
"You praised gods that can't see, hear, or know. But I know a god who holds your breath in his hand."
"His reign is righteous, his promises are sure, his goodness is limitless."
"Even if we don't feel God's presence, we can trust that he's with us." - Hebrews 11:6
"God's words come with peace and not anxiety."
"Cheer up, my child. I will not leave you. I will not forsake you. You have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and you're the fourth man."
"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. In other words, I know that's where my goal is, I know that's where I'm heading, I know that I'ma see God face to face one day."
"We must trust in the Lord, lean on Him, and know that He is God."
"You will not fall because God stands with you."
"A pandemic does not eradicate the promises of God." - "COVID-19 has not erased the assurance of God's eternal word."
"The promises I've made to you are solid, not mere words but divine assurances destined to come true at the right moment."
"Remember that you are protected and divinely directed."
"No weapon formed against you shall prosper. None, none. It can't."
"Thank you for the blood that was shed for me, I'm not guilty."
"Difficulties and questions and intense situations aren't going to go away but neither is He."
"Our God is bigger than any problem that we face. Hallelujah!"
"No one who lets God lead their life ever ends up in shame or defeat."
"In the darkness that comes in the future, cling to the promise: 'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.'"
"Jesus loves us, God loves his children, and he's going to take care of us."
"If you apply what I'm saying, you will be praying in tongues... it's guaranteed 100%."
"There's therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus."
"Trust in the Lord, for when the righteous cry out, the Lord hears them."
"The safest place in the whole wide world is in God's will."
"God saw her faults, her frustration, her fear, but he secured her future."
"You have literally told spirit, 'I am not going to settle for anything less.' And spirit said, 'Okay, we got you.'"
"Nobody is there for you truly except the one who created you."
"He says, 'I'm not gonna leave you as orphans. My spirit will be in you.'"
"All things are possible with God, bye for now."
"God will go before you and make the rough places smooth."
"If you have one little one who is gone and you're no longer with them, they died, that little one is with the Lord."
"A lot of happiness with the ace of cups, Scorpio."
"Our Lord came to him. He'll come to you. He came to where he was."
"You'll be blessed coming in, you'll be blessed when you go out."
"Isn't that a wonderful thing to know that when you're saved you've got the spirit of God dwelling in you? Wow!"
"Rest in him and be forgiven and be blessed. Hallelujah, praise y'all."
"God has plans for you. He's not keeping from you, but for you."
"The righteousness of Jesus, not the righteousness of you, secures our salvation."
"Believe in my assurances and you will experience life-changing miracles."
"Place your belief in him and he'll never let you down."
"If God be for you, he's more than the world against you."
"Jesus has broken the curse, he has never lost."
"The New Testament promises are based on better promises."
"God does work all things together for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose he will so he's half that's where our faith has to be."
"Have no shame, have no guilt, have no fear—universe's got you."
"When He tells you something, it's too good to be true for you, but it is true."
"There's hope, there's always hope in the Lord. Your hope is in the Lord."
"There is therefore no condemnation in Christ Jesus."
"God's love is merciful, His grace is sufficient."
"There is therefore no condemnation in Jesus Christ."
"He is faithful to hear the cries of his people."
"Israel is your insurance policy that God is a God that is keeping company."
"Nothing you will ever do could make God love you more than he loves you right now."
"You are loved by the father. He loves you more than you could ever know."
"We have the prophetic word more fully confirmed to us than I ever would have imagined."
"There is only one who will never disappoint us, there is only one who can satisfy our Soul's deepest needs, there is only one who has ever uttered the words I will never leave you nor forsake you, and his name is Jesus Christ."
"I'm excited because if I got a heart attack in your office right now, my Jesus, my Lord, is waiting for me."
"Grace is not going to end, grace is going to be working for you throughout the ages to come."
"If you will remain in this land, then I will build you and not pull you down, and I will plant you and not pluck you up."
"There's a God in the world and The Best Is Yet To Come."
"You're gonna start flowing to exactly where you need to be."
"You're gonna be taken care of and you're gonna get a financial blessing very soon."
"Glory be to God he's going to give us one because he will never unlike the Bishops Our Father in heaven will never abandon his children and we we just have to live with that with that confidence absolute confidence that he will come to our Aid."
"God put Joshua in charge. God tells Joshua, 'I'm I got your back. I got your back, your sides and both your fronts. Can nobody touch you? Nobody's ever in life gonna hurt you anywhere you fight, baby. I'm taking them down, okay? I got your back.'"
"Declare a thing, and it will be established for you; light will shine upon all your ways."
"There's always provision, there's always purpose."
"God is faithful, and you will not be triumphed over."
"God knows what you want, God knows what you need, and he's gonna send it to you at the right time."
"I trust you, God, and I believe with all certainty that you are manifesting the desires of my heart."
"Stand firm on the word because the word won't return void."
"Only those covered by the blood of Christ can be assured that God's wrath will never fall on them."
"Those who hope in the Lord will not be disappointed."
"Not a hope in something that might happen but a faith in what God has said he will do."
"Jesus cares about you and wants you to see these things."
"All is perfect as it is. Trust you are eternally loved and guided."
"God is not withholding information from you."
"No matter what happens, you are mine. You can cling to this promise and count on it, and you can live in it for a lifetime now, and for an eternity."
"We're leaning, we're leaning, we're safe and secure from all alarms, we're leaning on the everlasting arms."
"Jesus is the Most High... he gives a peace that surpasses understanding."
"It should be an encouragement to you because remember, Jacob told you, Jacob told you, it's all good, it's all working out."
"Every soul is in the hand of God; no torment will ever touch them."
"Nothing's going to separate us from his love."
"Fear not; I'm working on your behalf, I'm with you, says the Lord."
"He pulls you out. You don't have to beg; you don't have to plead; you don't have to promise; you just ask Him and believe He'll do it."
"God says, 'My child, know that promotions and blessings come from me. What I have promised you, no one can take away, block, or destroy.'"
"God is with you, no matter what you're going through, no matter where you are."
"No one that has my signature on their life will ever die."
"If these dimensions are captured in your Christian experience, it is impossible for you to fail. You can fail if alone, but I said you and Jesus, you and the world cannot fail together."
"In Jesus, we're safe, in Jesus, we're secure, in Jesus, we have refuge."
"Because he lives, we live also. Because he overcame, we will overcome."
"There comes a season when God says it's time for your blessings, and no man can stop it."
"For the true child of God, everything is under control."
"Because You care for us, may Your peace, God from Heaven, guard our hearts and our minds, and our souls in Christ Jesus."
"Nothing...will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"There's no backsliding from the one who loves you, he's going to come get you, he leaves the 99 to get the one, nobody can pluck us out of the hands of him."
"Your name has been written in the Lamb's Book of Life!"
"No enemy shall harm you if you remain vigilant with my word on your lips."
"Hope looks forward, Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly."
"Her name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life."
"The Lord will protect you from all evil, he will keep your soul."
"God's promises in Psalm 91 are for those who truly know and love Him."
"The Lord loves you. You can't ask for too much. God has an abundant supply."
"The perfect love of God drives out all fear."
"The perfect love of Christ, the perfect love of the Heavenly Father would cast out all your fear."
"Put your confidence in the one who loves you, put your covenants in the one who said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
"Doubt is not the enemy of faith, but doubt is often an invitation into a deeper faith."
"Don't let anyone deceive you, for many will come in my name."
"Something good is here right now, it is Jesus Emmanuel, God with us."
"They're with Jesus. They're with Jesus and that's a way better form of existence for the moment."
"Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, your name is written down in the Lamb's Book of Life."
"Dual threat quarterbacks are having more success."
"God is faithful, man... He will give you the desires of your heart."
"God is still in charge. God is still on the throne."
"Verily he will it is quite impossible that you should have desired God and should be lost."
"God understands everything, bro. That's true love."
"He will be with me wherever I go. He's already preparing for me what he is preparing me for."
"Be encouraged in Christ your God cares for you."
"There's a rest that remains for the children of God - a life without fear."
"Joseph turned aside and wept - reconciliation had already taken place."
"Here is an island of fearlessness because we know you and your faithfulness."
"Your prayers are being answered, what you have prayed for and yearned for shall be granted to you in abundance."
"God is saying, 'I already know what you have need of before you ask.'"
"I know God is in control and his word will always be with us."
"The resurrection is like the receipt in your inner store."
"May God's peace that passes all understanding guard your hearts and your minds and your souls."
"My grace is sufficient for what you struggle with."
"Christ remains, my provider, my protector, always watching over me. He's my comforter and my counselor. He is all I'll ever need."
"He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater." - Annie Johnston Flint
"The Lord will work out His plans for my life. His faithful love endures forever."
"Every time you say, 'God's Word says that He will meet all of my needs,' something happens."
"God is with me, God is for me, God is in me."
"Allah shall never throw the one whom he loves into the fire of hell." - Sheikh
"The one who has these characteristics, the one who has good manners, there is no question that the fire of hell has been made haram for him." - Sheikh
"I just hope you know how much God always loves you."
"God's not trying to kill people, God's trying to save people."
"Faith is the title deed, it's the confirmation, it's the proof that I have what God says I can have."
"Faith is knowing to your core that the understanding you have concluded is unbreakable no matter what else is occurring."
"Trusting God and knowing that you are divinely protected."
"The assurance of God's love gives us the courage to get up and try again."
"Ultimately, it looks like you're divinely guided."
"Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved."