
Fantasy Lore Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Considering a story of him swallowing 17 dragon shouts and other tales pointing to a raw power he possesses, Jurgen Windcaller is supposedly a great hero."
"Orcs...are actually corrupted elves and men...evil cannot create; it can only corrupt or destroy."
"The Elder Scrolls is a universe full of myth, legend, and fact, but the hard part is discerning which is which."
"In Pharazon's outrageous arrogance, the golden king of Numenor has believed himself mighty enough to make Sauron his prisoner."
"The signs were clear: an evil that had been sealed away for thousands of years was going to return to the land of Hyrule."
"There must always be a Lich King, and now for the first time, there is none."
"Drow have some of the best lore in D&D, which is no surprise given that they've been developed across several novels."
"The laws and truths of Mundus are in flux. They evolve and change or rather all exist at once yet contradict."
"The dwarves discovered the cave by accident when they were mining."
"An excellent example of this kind of cursed artifact is the demon sword Stormbringer."
"There have been numerous accounts of blood angels losing control when fighting and descending into a blood-crazed Insanity."
"The Volkihar vampires are an ancient bloodline, the earliest known vampire coven in Tamriel."
"Lolth's church promotes the superiority of the queen of spiders over all other beings."
"Arachnids of all sorts are to be revered, and anyone who mistreats or kills a spider must die."
"Even the bottom tier ones are still like the daedra... some of the most interesting parts of the Elder Scrolls lore."
"Mephala, the demon of murder, sex, and secrets, contains subtle and violent aspects."
"The Morag Tong sets the foundation of a peaceful Dunmer society, orchestrated by Mephala."
"Can an object influence the world around it? It is said that the Daedra lords cannot create only imitate exaggerated and corrupt and their artifacts display these traits."
"Their most valuable relics are as likely to cause trouble as they are to benefit their beholders."
"Maybe it's not in the hist's interest that the An-Xileel is far more individualistic."
"It might just be the culture that's based around supporting the hist."
"The hist is a double-edged sword, in the sense that an Argonian who cuts themself off from the hist is only going to be disadvantaged."
"The influence of just yog Sauron underneath the earth and his blood literally being used to create all of those structures there's something pretty wild going on there."
"Echidna seeks the Philosopher's Stone as a potential solution to restore stability to the demon realm."
"There will be a second great war, and it may be the most vital conflict in Tamrielic history."
"Game of Thrones going back in time, like to when the White Walkers roamed the earth, that kind of stuff, you did good."
"The Emperor would unleash his full power and obliterated Horus so completely that not even his soul survived."
"The dark knight, once a noble soldier who wielded a spear, had been driven mad after having their memories stolen."
"The prophecy suggests an Outlander will come to the shores of vardenfell they will be unaffected by the blight they will be blessed by Azura and will Dawn the enchanted ring moon and star once worn by inderil nerevar that can be worn by none other."
"Not even Illidan was strong enough on his own to bring Sargeras into the world though, but he did come with a plan."
"Elune is the most enigmatic figure in the Warcraft universe... truly she is the final great mystery of Warcraft lore."
"Visions are granted to people of tat with particularly powerful desires who have the potential to ascend to Celestia and become Gods themselves."
"The invasion of the Burning Legion has begun. Lordaeron has already fallen, and now the demons come to invade Kalimdor. Only together, united against the shadow, will you be able to save this world from the flame."
"He straight up tells us he made the mongol terror and the [ __ ] stereotype into an entire species."
"All realms in general are pockets of something in the void and that's exactly what Mundus is, and it was Lorkhan's idea."
"Aragorn's exceptionally old age is due to his Numenorean heritage."
"The dunmer were not always red-eyed and drab skinned; they were once as incandescent as the Setting Sun, their eyes were resplendent and their skin was beat and gold."
"It’s pretty cool to get these glimpses of the past with Rhaegar and Elia and Aerys."
"The Sundering is upon us, and with it comes the end of the age of upheaval."
"Katie uses appraisal on them and believes they are summoned beasts artificial creatures created by the ancient race to assist them."
"Let's say that I'm not crazy here and Night's King did indeed father the others with Night's Queen."
"Ghost's eyes, which shone like two red suns, reflect the fiery nature of Azor Ahai's seed and soul."
"What I'm suggesting is that at some point he became the figure known as Night's King, the original father of the others."
"For the sake of the dead and the countless lost souls tortured inside this once-holy site, locate this fel-gorged machine, and the Desolate Host within and destroy it!"
"Be wary heroes for if this construct has been warped by Fel, her charge to safeguard the chamber may compel her to destroy anyone that attempts to bypass her."
"Illidan Stormrage and the Prophet Velen fully expect the Deceiver to join the fray at some point, as sealing off the Fel breach would cripple the Legions assault on Azeroth."
"By the time the third age rolls around and Sauron rises again, the Valar had learned their lesson."
"I'll probably never be able to, but as it's been almost a year since I covered Vesemir, I feel like it's time to discuss another witch from the School of the Wolf."
"Sylvanas was trying to cause as much death as possible to shatter the veil between life and death."
"Before we continue exploring the lore of the great skaven clans..."
"Titania tore out her own heart, which they eventually used to create a massive prison."
"The creation of the Draco Ridge mythal obliterated the draconic civilization, one of the cruelest curses ever unleashed upon any group of people."
"The Daedric princes are the best part of the Elder Scrolls law."
"Flying whales, or snow whales, are a pretty well-accepted and understood species of creature in Elder Scrolls lore."
"The fit and finish are substantial when you take it out of the box."
"Necromancers are custodians of the balance, striving to maintain the delicate symmetry between the Mortal realm and Cosmic forces."
"If the Titans have truly fallen, that means that our characters, the heroes of Warcraft, the children of the Titans, they are all that are left to continue the Titans' work."
"The Witch King retained his autonomy of action; Sauron did not control him remotely."
"These five Gods make up what's known in the Empire as the old gods, the gods that have always been worshiped to some degree or other in the Empire of man."
"Ancient magic is a powerful branch of magic that's been largely forgotten by The Wizarding World."
"Even in this dark hour, they would say Elune still watches over us. And that was almost certainly true, wasn't it?"
"Lady Sinestra, basically Deathwing's ex and the mother of Nefarian and Onyxia."
"They were fools to take up arms against each other, Darius. The worgen would’ve never stood a chance."
"Warcraft is a very rich fantasy universe filled with many epic stories, characters, and amazing moments that are worth sharing."
"Valen's sacrifice is what ultimately allows the Draenei to drive back the Iron Horde, saving their city."
"Wrathgate, one of the most iconic moments from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion."
"For the last 10,000 years, the Alpha city of Suramar has been sealed in an arcane barrier, much like the other ones. But the barriers come down, since then waves of magical energy been emanating from the city like ripples in a pond."
"Orcs have a collective psychic ability that if enough orcs believe something to be true, it will become so."
"One of the biggest mysteries in A Song of Ice and Fire is the Horn of Winter. It sounds immensely powerful."
"We must not regard orcs as evil warriors raised from the earth by the Dark Lord just because they're evil warriors raised from the earth by the Dark Lord."
"The disappearance of the dwemer is quite possibly the greatest mystery in the history of the Elder Scrolls universe."
"The outer planes of existence are very important as they're not only home to many important places and creatures, they also contain the Realms of many of the Gods themselves."
"This was the birth of one of the most beloved and also populist species within the Forgotten Realms: the half-elf."
"The eternal tug of war between the cosmic forces of Warcraft."
"Long before the Maza region was inhabited by humans, Pokemon ruled the land wild and unruly."
"The demons were led by an eredar known as Balaadur."
"The Marauders map was made by James Potter, Remus Lupine, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew."
"They are an intelligent, sapient ancient evil that served both Morgoth in the first age and Sauron throughout all of the second age and clearly even up to the very end of the third age."
"Every child in Westeros knows the stories of the Targaryens and Valyrians. Before them, they've been dragging so they're willing and could ride for hours."
"Our story of this age-old woodland endures in the aftermath of the demonic Burning Legion's first arrival on Azeroth over 10,000 years ago."
"They are the most valued pieces the dark gods have. Like the dark gods do not... they're not casual about using Dragon ogres."
"The legend of the awakened who cleansed many Shadow worlds."
"Arcus the plague moon is actually the skull of a sky titan, fun fact."
"The moon was made of warpstone, they finally through some version of the scaven scientific method came to that conclusion."
"...the Lord of Light has seen his children in their peril and sent a champion to them, Azor Ahai reborn."
"The dragons flying around Dragonstone might be depicting this forging of the castle or they could be fighting one another, foreshadowing the Dance of the Dragons that this series is building toward."
"Danny's hatching of eggs required... a specific and very clear set of events that definitely included fire, definitely included sacrifice, Fire and Blood."
"Among the chromatic dragons, it is the greens who hold a distinct appreciation for Academia."
"Dragonstone does seem kind of central, probably because of all its Valyrian heritage."
"The hero is called the Dragon Reborn."
"This ancient tomb of a warlord was known to have tons of riches, of course, and was buried with his magical armor and sword."
"Magic gave birth to Eternia and the sword of power that was wielded by He-Man himself is what binds that magic to Eternia."
"To save the weave, Mistral sacrificed her own life, which killed Karsus."
"The velstrax did not originate in the plane of Shadow; they were the original denizens of Hell once."
"Stellar dragons fly and hover within the phlogiston; they're not harmed by it, they seem not to need to breathe or eat as other creatures do."
"Following a comet... could they have come from the great empire of the dawn? It kind of makes sense."
"It was just so freaking respectful of the lore and did a great job of adapting it."
"Dragon dreams are the only reason the Targaryens didn't die in smoke and flame during the Doom of Valyria."
"The pact between the 10 great families and the administrators involved surrendering what they cherish the most in exchange for immortality."
"The origins of the Night's Watch goes back to the five forts, and that they came to Westeros during the long night, Azor Ahai events, and became the Night's Watch."
"These two swords chose their wielders, and to prove that those deemed worthy by the swords each bore the mark of the holy and chaos dragons."
"I'm teaching you about elder brains and the basic mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons."
"Now the god has died, all the paladins that are left live in fear because that berserker mode can return."
"She's a dragon rider first, she loves Vhagar."
"There's just so much lore in it and so many interesting monsters and rituals and potions."