
Divine Image Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"You are created in the image of God. There is something so unique and special about each and every person that walks the face of the earth."
"To comport ourselves in a manner informed by the spirit of agape love means seeing you as made in the image of the divine."
"Men and women are both in God's image... They have equal value, immeasurable value, crownings of creation."
"You can't live your life not accessing everything that's on the device and expect to be a reflection of the image of God."
"God created man in His own image... we were created to bear the image of His nature, of His ways, how He thinks, how He moves."
"What we did was for the Lord because we believe everyone is created in the image of God."
"Truth matters. There's an objective standard of truth. We're in the image of God."
"The reason that angels seem to look like humans is because they also mirror the image of God."
"Aquinas has managed to balance two of the more complex realities of the Christian life: that a human, as the image of God, has the capacity for wonderful, great, amazing things."
"The common ground we have with all of the people of this world...we embrace the idea that everyone is in God's image."
"Human beings, created in God's image, the ultimate Creator, were meant to create but we're not necessarily meant to profit off of it."
"Let everyone procure for their homes this image of Divine Mercy because there will yet come trials and those homes and entire families...will be preserved from every sort of misfortune."
"We are different from God but created in the Divine image."
"We're made in the image of God, confronting potential with truth and courage."
"You see the creator is inside you. It doesn't mean you are the creator, it means that made in his image is literal."
"The soul of an American is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of God."
"The soul of America is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of God."
"Yes, we must get back to the human and to see the divine image in everyone."
"You are not created by accident; you are created in the image of God."
"If you have to sacrifice your mind and the respect and authority of Scripture to get closer to God, then you're getting closer to a caricature of God."
"Let us create a human being after the image of God and with a likeness to ourselves, so this human image may give us light."
"We're fearfully and wonderfully created in the image and likeness of God."
"It's an amazing privilege that we have as those Made In His Image to participate in His will."
"You bear the image of God... That's where your value comes from. God says you are to be like me on earth therefore inherent value placed inside of you."
"There's something unique about man... the image of God is in you."
"There's something absolutely unique about human beings, they are created in the image of God."
"Who are we as human beings? We're made in the image of God."
"We are made in the image of God and we have an eternal purpose for our lives."
"If there is an image that we are to idolize, it is the very image of the invisible God."
"God's image in us breaks down the prejudices which divides the races."
"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
"One of the purposes that we were born and brought into this world is to be conformed to His Image."
"We have everything we need for life and godliness; we are image bearers of the most high King."
"Nobody can see God, that's why we are created in His image and His likeness."
"This gift that it is to be human is as messy and as difficult as it is, but that we remain in the image of a loving God who does not leave us."
"Our hearts, our minds, our souls would be conformed to his very image."
"Thank you that you've made them beautiful and you've made them in your image."
"This beauty of marriage is bound up in the image of God."
"You are a spiritual being, truly created in God's image."
"The problem is the exact opposite that we haven't taken seriously the fact that humans are special made in the image of God."
"We now live in a world where it's almost hard for us to see the divine image in the human level."
"You were made in the image of God, to walk in the image of your father forever and forever."
"The biggest lie on the planet isn't the workings of the devil, it's men living for themselves when they're created for God's image."
"Have you been spiritually born of God? Have you received His image in your countenances?"
"Being made in the image of God means that we matter... we have an innate dignity because we bear God's image."
"We can gather from that... that every person alive, every human being, bears the image of the living God."
"For thou art mine and I belong to thee, who didst take this handful of dust and make me in thine own image."
"Some of you just need to sit there and marvel at what men and women made in the image of God are able to do with their bodies because of the commitments that they've made to excellence."
"Every human being is the image of God; there's nothing you can do to be more loved or more worthy than you are right now."
"We hold the dignity of being the image bearers of God."
"Everybody prays. Why is it? Because we were made in God's image and we were given the ability to communicate to God."
"You have immeasurable value, you have intrinsic importance because you are made in God's very image."
"You were made to do something great; you're special, you were made in the image of God."
"We are created in Jesus' image, and we have the mind of Christ."
"A deep giving of yourself to the mystery of what it means to be a human being, which is being made in the image of God."
"Jesus Christ says you have worth because you're a human being created in the image and the likeness of God."
"You are made in the image of God, so you do still have this knowing, this sense of what is right and wrong."
"God makes all humanity in His image."
"The big story is that He's making us in His image with His word, who is Jesus, and He won't fail."
"All human beings have equal value and dignity because they're created in the image of God."
"If there is a God who has given us the gift of human life and he's given us innate value, then I don't care how uncoordinated you are... you're still a human being created in the image of God."
"Humanity really is special in the eyes of God, and that we're made in His image, and that's a unique honor and privilege."
"I am a spirit being recreated in the image of God."
"You were created in God's image with a purpose."
"All humanity is created in God's image."
"Let us make man in our own image and let's give them Kingdom control."
"You must still be being created in the image of God."
"God only deals with his image because you are called to be conformed to the image of Christ."
"We image God in a way that's unbelievably fascinating and should be celebrated."
"God created mankind, humankind in his own image."
"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness... So God made man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
"Humans alone have been made in the image of God."
"There is no master race, we are all made in the image of God."
"We are as human beings uniquely made in the image of God."
"And God created man in his own image."
"God created humanity in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God."
"Well, what does it mean to be made in the image of God? One of those things is that the law of God has been written on the heart, even for the unbeliever."
"And Elohim said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth."
"The central theme of The Bible, the theme about which every other in the whole book clusters, is the Redemption plan, the Restoration in the human soul of the image of God."
"God is sovereign and unique, and since he made you in his own image, he makes you sovereign and unique."
"You have been created in the image of God."
"We're all in the same image because spiritually, we are all identical. We are all in the image of God."
"Every human being has been stamped from the moment of conception with the image of God."
"We're all made in the image of God; this was about access."
"God created humankind... both male and female... and all humans were made in His image."
"They were creating humanity, and I think they are really saints in the sense of persons who are the image of God."
"He's not only redeemed us, but He's going to restore us and recreate us in the image of God."
"All people are created in God's image; we seek to alleviate injustices and iniquities so that all humans, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and orientation, can thrive in the life bestowed by our creator."
"I am a spirit made in the image of God, made a shade lower than God Himself."
"Every person you see has dignity because they're made in the image of God."
"I am made in the image of God and let that be enough."
"Being born in the image of God means that we are here to make a difference and be co-creators."
"You are valuable because you were made by and for God in the same image and likeness I was created."
"You are my brother, you are my sister, because we're both made in the image of God."
"Christians believe that every single person created is made in the image of God and has immense intrinsic value."
"The image of God here means the image of God the Son, Jesus Christ."
"If we do not like ourselves, we do not like the image of God, because we are made in the image of God."
"All of humanity is meant to be the image of God ruling in a collaborative mutuality."
"...every person is made in the image of God and is loved by God, and God wants to redeem them all."
"Every man, every woman, every child you are ever face-to-face with bears the image of their Creator."
"We are the special imprint of His image."
"What if being special and loved is not a zero-sum game? What if we are all embodiments of that Divine image and worthy of cosmic dignity and love?"
"You were made in God's image for the glory, meant for the using of God."
"We are made in the image of the one Lord, and one light shines through us all."
"Let us make humanity in our image, after our likeness."
"We are a in an exact copy when it comes to having the spirit of Hashem in us, being created in the image of God."
"We are created in the image and in the likeness of God."
"You have the Catholic faith... every heart has been made in the image and likeness of God."
"All human beings are created in the image of God, that is why I respect all people."
"God created all of us in His image."
"God made us in His image, and in His image is how to take your time with things to make something of the highest quality."
"And I, God, created man in mine own image, in the image of mine Only Begotten created I him; male and female created I them."
"The Father desires to forge and conform us into the image of His Son."
"We know we're made for greatness, we're made in the image of God."
"Everyone is a human being to God, everyone is created in God's image; they're not just numbers and they're not just statistics."
"Let us make mankind in our own image."
"Every man's brother shall preserve the life of man, for in mine own image have I made man."
"I got trouble with that image of God; that's not the god I serve."
"Every single human being from conception until the moment we die has infinite dignity and worth because he or she is made in the image of God."
"God is an awesome God and He created us in His image."
"You are my glory when I created you, I created you in my image and in my likeness."
"And putting on the new, him who is renewed unto knowledge, according to the image of Him that created him."
"God has called us to be saints, to be perfected according to the image of His Son."
"Freedom has been put to the test; God has created us in His image and established us in His friendship."
"Every person is created in the image of God."
"Every single person is created in the image of God."
"God did not create you to be evil; evil is unnatural. You're made in God's image."
"He endowed them with strength by themselves and made them according to His image."
"You carry his image; you have been fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God."
"We were the ones that were made in the image of God; we were the most valued possession that God had."
"The original purpose for religion was to find and regain the divine image in us and everything created around us."
"We were created in the image of God to reflect His glory."
"We are not just carbon units; we are spiritually endowed people who bear the image of God."
"You cannot be human, made in the image of God, unless you can have free will."
"We are all valuable in the eyes of God; we're made in the image of God."
"God created us humans in His own image."
"The culmination of His work was the creation of man, carved in His image and likeness."
"God creates man in His image and in his likeness... man was created for relationship with God."
"Jesus is the true image and reflection of God."
"...man was created in the image and in the likeness of God."
"The story is about humanity, given the opportunity to be God's people of God's image."
"You have never seen man in the way God made man to be."
"God gives us our value because we're made in His image."
"People are made in the image of God and their vocation, their calling, their purpose in being made is to worship and glorify their creator."
"The image of God is not erased in the fall."
"God made us moral beings in His own image."
"Jesus is the son of God now, and he is the express image of the Father."
"In the beginning, God said, 'Let us make man in our image.'"
"The Gospel of Thomas speaks not so much of the discontinuity between God and ourselves but of humans created in the divine image."
"God created you in His image, and you're given a purpose."
"I am forgiven, I am in His image, I am victorious."
"You are made in the image of God, so realize how special you are."
"We are created in the image of God to worship Him."
"Human beings are made in the image and likeness of God."
"God's more committed to you being conformed to His image than He is your comfort."
"...God created Adam out of the Dust of the Earth, formed him, made him in God's Own image..."
"You were all made in the image of God."
"God wants to recreate His image in us; our character and behavior matters greatly to Him."
"Every single person has the image of God or has been made with His divine stamp on the inside of them."
"Every human being is created in the image of God and therefore every person has free will and every person can change."
"Your value is innate, intrinsic; you're a human being created in the image of God."
"You have been made in God's image and you've been made in God's likeness."
"The reason we're born again is to be restored back to love, to be possessed by the image of God."
"We're made in His image and within us is the capacity to anchor ourselves in a reality higher than the troubling drama of duality: to be free as God is free."
"I believe that the state should work for the good of all, that every human being regardless of their religion is made in the image of God."
"I believe that all people are made in the image of God and therefore should be treated with equal dignity under the law."
"Human life is noble and it is precious because we are created in God's very own image and likeness."
"All human beings are made in God's image; all of us have value before our creator because we're made in His image."
"You reach out to people not because you want to look good... you reach out to people because they are human beings made in the image and likeness of almighty God."
"God is seeking to restore us to that image."
"I had to retrain my brain to think no, I'm not ugly, I'm made in the image of God."
"We are made in the image of God, right? We are meant to be the real images that point people back to Jehovah when He's dwelling in us."
"Every human life acquires meaning because it's made in the image of God."
"God's restoring His image in us through salvation."
"Every person is created in the image of Hashem."
"The face of Christ revealed innocence, serenity, benevolence, the image of God."
"Now when God sees you, He sees you as the image and likeness of His Son Jesus."
"You were never made for you; you are made for His image."
"We owe every human being pure respect as being made in the image of God."
"You are not you; you are His image."
"God freely chose to bring you into existence, and he has made you in His image and likeness and calls you to return his love and to be in union with him for all eternity."
"Humanity is blessed of God. You are blessed of God simply because you're a human being that bears God's image."
"The image of the Most High: male and female created he them."
"You are a part of the Creator, created in the image of the creator of the world."
"You are made in God's image, therefore you are a goddess, or a god."