
Logical Fallacy Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"If tomato is a fruit, does that mean ketchup is a smoothie?"
"Calling your arguments terrible is also not an ad hominem because I've demonstrated why."
"The fallacy is so common it even has a name: the argumentum ad consequentiam—'X is true or false because of how much I like or dislike the consequences.'"
"You can't be a married bachelor unless your last name or first name is bachelor."
"What movie has a plot hole that can't be ignored? The Santa Clause! The parents are so skeptical that Santa Claus exists, but the movie clearly shows Santa delivering presents on Christmas Eve."
"They do everything they can to appeal to emotion rather than logic."
"Just because there's controversy of something it doesn't make it false, that's a fallacy."
"The slippery slope is not a fallacy. It never was."
"Just because you are X, it doesn't mean you should be X."
"Label your opponent as a Nazi or racist if you can't defeat their argument with real truth and logic."
"Assuming that because many people can't do this means that nobody should is called the physically feeble fallacy."
"To claim that that Eternal self-subsistent cause has a cause is a contradicting question."
"Caring about representation of the highest levels of government is wrong? Nice Kafka trap."
"Predicting that you'll find something if your theory is true is a logical fallacy. No, Kennedy, that's called science."
"The reverse Nirvana fallacy: 'Well, it hasn't happened yet, therefore it must be perfect.'"
"If you start with the wrong assumptions, you'll likely get the wrong conclusions."
"Not all products are for everybody, not all methods work for everybody, and correlation does not equal causation."
"House of cards falls in on itself bad logic always reveals itself."
"When we isolate one part of our lives and compare ourselves in this one area to someone else in this one area, we commit a huge logical error."
"There's no correlation causation or sorry correlation does not equal causation."
"It's silly and it's a false dichotomy, uh, in fact in the last program we mentioned this."
"The whole thing just collapses in on its own logic."
"It's not an either-or thing, it's a false dichotomy."
"Correlation equals causation. You can't deny this, there's absolutely no other possible explanation."
"Remember what we said about the clustering illusion? He takes one example out of this kid's whole event and says look any new skill player can topple ICS."
"Humans are not rational; it hurts to hear that because Reason promised logic."
"That's why a straw man's logical fallacy is because I exist and it doesn't, so suck on that."
"Giving ideas equal time when they don't deserve it, it's a f***ing fallacy."
"Being angry does not necessarily make you correct."
"Begging the question is actually the fallacy of basing your argument on the assumption that the thing your argument is based on is true ironically."
"One thing does not negate another. You cannot turn around and say, 'Yeah, but Joe robbed the bank so therefore I should be allowed to rob a bank.'"
"A Kafka trap is a fallacy where if someone denies being X it is taken as evidence that the person is X since someone who is X would deny being X."
"His logic is illogical, that's why it's perfect."
"The idea that your sexual orientation or your gender identity should determine your politics is now as logical as saying your height or your hair color should."
"Interesting that the evidence for the flood only shows up if you start with the assumption that there was a flood."
"Absence of evidence does not mean evidence for absence."
"If I don't understand my opposition's point of view correctly then what I'm arguing against is a straw man argument."
"Your admission or your denial of guilt is used as proof of your guilt. That's a Kafka trap."
"It's almost proof that they're not, that it doesn't make sense."
"The only way you can prove the supernatural is to experience the supernatural. Well, congratulations, you've now set up a tautology."
"It just turns out to be an argument from ignorance."
"The problem with this line of reasoning is that it's an abuse of how the actual fallacy was supposed to be used and it is based on a misunderstanding of history."
"This whole comparison falls flat on its face and way too explore to any length it just illustrates the difference between religious faith-based thinking and scientific evidence-based thinking."
"This fallacy is known as post-hoc ergo propter hoc, which is a fancy way of saying B followed A so A caused B."
"This is what we call an ad hominin argument. It has nothing to do with the text of scripture."
"Your argument weakens when you say how come that it's irrelevant. Okay, you don't know that because so one country is not doing well you're gonna say that's a reason for another country to pay reparations makes no sense it's illogical."
Analogies we've discussed "part versus whole" is a famous flaw that assumes whatever trait belongs to the part would apply to the whole or vice versa.
"But you want us to hold contradictory views at the same time. That's nonsense."
"The single cause fallacy oversimplifies a complex issue into one simple cause."
"The slippery slope argument argues against the issue at hand by diverging attention towards negative and unlikely outcomes."
"The straw man fallacy misrepresents an opponent's argument to make it easier to dismiss it."
"The Hasty generalization occurs when we use limited evidence to make a broad claim."
"The fallacy of relative probation... It's a fallacy because it implies that there's no point attempting to improve any one area because there'll always be something worse."
"By the way, you can't be a movie in the scream era and have someone run up the stairs legitimately when Scream pointed out how dumb that was."
"Correlation does not show causation."
"Just because two things go up at the same time, that doesn't necessarily mean one is causing the other one."
"It's a little unwise to assume the conclusion and build your case around it."
"An absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence."
"The fallacy of presumption is when the conclusion is presumed in the premises or vice versa."
"A false dichotomy is when someone makes an either/or binary distinction that's a false distinction."
"The fallacy of suppressed evidence consists in passing off what are at best half-truths as if they were the whole truth."
"The fallacy of equivocation is when you take one term that has two different meanings but you treat those two meanings as if they're the same."
"The fallacy of composition occurs when the inference in an argument depends on the erroneous transference of a characteristic from the parts of something to the whole."
"Arguing from an absence of evidence is a logical fallacy and frankly ridiculous."
"Bad presuppositions lead to bad exegesis every time."
"I think that's a false dichotomy."
"All bullfights are violent events, and all executions are violent events, but it does not follow that all bullfights are executions."
"Appeal to force... occurs when an arguer motivates you to make an inference by some sort of psychological or physical threat of harm."
"Straw Manning or the straw man fallacy occurs when you distort or make a straw man out of your opponent and their views."
"Red herrings are a very common hot seat maneuver; they occur precisely when a person can't get around the original argument or topic."
"All A are B, therefore all B are A. This form of argument is always absolutely fallacious or invalid."