
Political Identity Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"I don't love calling myself a centrist... It implies that you are triangulating your beliefs from someone else."
"The Democratic Party is not liberal anymore. They're not liberal or conservative; they're authoritarians."
"Politics isn't just politics anymore. Political identity now encompasses so many other things: our social identity, our morals, our values."
"We're all a mix of all sorts of different positions and we are all getting frustrated by being forced to pick one side or the other."
"If you think more kinds of people deserve more kinds of equality, you're probably more culturally left."
"I didn't become a conservative because of black people... It was actually white people... that were giving compelling arguments of why they believed I was actually a conservative."
"People think that being left means getting to take cheap shots at white people."
"The Republican Party is at a crossroads. Will we be the party of conservatism or will we follow the siren song of populism unmoored to conservative principles?"
"I think that if I take a moment to really evaluate, I'm probably a liberal, if not at least a libertarian."
"If the Republican Party has become nothing more than the party of Trump, I sincerely question whether this is the party for me."
"The terms progressive and liberal have virtually nothing to do with each other anymore."
"If you're a classical liberal, you're certainly not a leftist."
"I don't want the Republican Party to go back to be the party of the ruling class."
"It's just about perception...if I agree with the argument of the far-left they won't call me white; they'll call me mixed, and if I question their opinion, not even disagree, they'll say I'm the white guy."
"Rhinos could be the worst in the deepest red States because Democrats run as Republicans but govern as Democrats."
"The alt-right was almost more of a negative term. It was defining what we were not more than it was defining what we were."
"Maybe the virus is our teacher... This is the time to wake up, this is the time to change."
"She's a democratic politician. She fights for human rights."
"They are not conservative they're not really Republican they are Maga they are their own thing and it combines fascism with idiocracy."
"It's harder to be a conservative and come out as a conservative than it is to be gay."
"There are plenty of regular Americans who I would call populist right."
"Trump wasn't an anomaly in the Republican party, he was actually kind of the soul of it for the last 25, 30 years starting with a guy like Buchanan who ran in '92 on a lot of the ideas that Trump ended up running."
"Blackness is not tied to who it is that I choose to support as president or any politician."
"The beating heart of the Republican Party is libertarian ideology."
"The beating heart of the Democratic Party is cultural liberalism."
"Pulling that Republican lever doesn't make you stand for something. You will fold without God."
"Republican Party is the party of the American worker, the American family, the American Dream, and of course, Honest Abe Lincoln."
"Not current media, not current supreme court, not current person in office, but our founding documents, the constitution, the declaration of independence."
"If you want to vote for Trump, I don't care. I'm not going to smear you as a person."
"The party of Abraham Lincoln don't ever you know I say it all the time."
"I'm actually very left... but I think what unites me... is liberty."
"I stand before you tonight as a proud deplorable."
"Bernie Sanders exemplifies what I think of when I think of progressives."
"If Boris can't be Boris, there's no point to him."
"Women on the left are more on board with being erased than the men are."
"Republicans have always traditionally been about smart reform and smart justice."
"Elon Musk is a disaffected liberal... the media treats him like he's a far-right maniac."
"Republicans are the party of parents, of education, of small businesses, of freedom, and of family."
"Barack Obama campaigned as a unity candidate, declaring an end to racial conflict."
"CNN admitting this is the party of Trump... The party for Maga and America First and populism is just beginning."
"I've become more libertarian... less friendly toward government intrusion."
"I've always been a Democrat... even though I predicted Donald Trump would win in 2016."
"They were just Democrats, mainstream Democrats who were proud of what they stood for and they had an agenda and they had a story about the other side. Sometimes that's all you need."
"I genuinely think believes in her mind that she's the real progressive and everyone else has just gone overboard you know"
"I'm disappointed in the Republican Party. I'm going to change my party because I'm not a Republican. I'm going to change my party independent."
"I've noticed a huge uptick in people claiming to be conservatives siding with these insane pedophiles."
"I'm a populist. I'm not elitist. That's the antonym of that."
"It's just tribalism in general. I remember something that really disappointed me was, I went on a bunch of right-wing shows and I stayed liberal, you know?"
"Listen, Joe Biden is not Joe Biden of 10 years ago. He's not Trump. Say what you want about him, but at least he was a real person saying real things."
"The Republican Party is the party of the American worker, the American family, the American dream, and of course, the late great Abraham Lincoln."
"I am proud of my progressive beliefs, and I'm gonna talk about progressive policies."
"I became a better human being when I left the left."
"I think for a lot of people Bernie or bust isn't their exact position, so framing the conversation is always like, 'Either you're Bernie or bust or blue no matter who.' That cuts those people out of the conversation."
"This is no longer the party of the country clubs."
"It's just it's it's a Preposterous place to be in it is party is is it's Trump's party and it's party that wants to use immigration as a budgeon..."
"He has gone beyond the dichotomy of Republican and Democrat."
"I'm a Democratic Socialist and I support Bernie Sanders for president very very strongly."
"I consider myself an independent with conservative values... it's great when I can agree with somebody that allegedly has a different ideology."
"I consider the party to be the people." - Brent Welder
"The Democratic party has got to reclaim what it once was - the party of the working class."
"I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican party left me."
"I'm in the middle, and I call myself politically homeless... It's up to people to make me feel welcome."
"Left-leaning political identities may be more likely to protest in general."
"If I was a grifter I'd just be a right winger."
"They're calling us political nihilists. No, it's political realism."
"The Republican Party is now the party of the working class."
"I'm like a moderate, you know? We're fighting for the soul of our nation."
"Following what we just saw the democratic debate I'm really questioning where I'm standing."
"We're not the party of insurrection; we have to embrace the constitution not embrace the insurrection."
"Let's get back to being Democrats, and that's why Bernie starts off by saying, 'It sounds like you're ready for a revolution.'"
"We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists, we are Americans."
"I hate Trump and everything but now I'm kind of... figuring out my politics a little bit without him."
"I call myself a left-wing libertarian... there is a left tradition which does value freedom."
"The left wants people to believe minority conservatives don't exist."
"I am running as a Thatcherite and I will govern as a Thatcherite." - Rishi Sunak
"I'm kind of in an interesting place here, just considering the fact that, kind of like what I told you in DMs, I used to be, um, a fan of your content, you know, I used to follow you really closely when I used to be pretty right-wing."
"We are coalescing not around Donald Trump but around a guy who was willing to stand for the principles of this country and stand for quite honestly to say enough is enough."
"If you tell me the side of the political spectrum that you are on and I can accurately predict all of your beliefs, you are not a person, you are an NPC."
"The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln and the party of more opportunity for all Americans, not nativist dog whistles."
"I probably will. I think it's a good chance we'll stay White."
"Republicans have always prided themselves on being the National Security party, and yet they are letting Tuberville do this."
"The Democratic Party is a vessel that can either represent working people or can represent... corporate interests, wealthy interests." - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"The Republican Party is the defender of American core principles."
"I legit can't be friends with a Trump supporter."
"We're the party of the American worker, the party of the American family, and the party of the American Dream."
"He's an anti-capitalist he's a guy who's a Social Democrat."
"It's not just about Democrat Republican okay, it's about establishment and Americans, it's about people who want globalist governance and who want American freedoms and American governance and a constitution that's what it boils down to."
"Conservatism in 1985 is not quite the same as identifying liberal today."
"I think Trump is more moderate. He's a New York conservative who is not very conservative."
"If there's a God, that God absolutely knows what it would take."
"It really is time for this party to re-examine what it stands for."
"Just because I voted for Biden doesn't mean I am stupid."
"There is no more Republican party, it's now the party of Trump."
"Why don't you just say that you're on the left is it so hard for you?"
"Joe's going to want to be Union Joe against all these elitists like Trump and stuff. This is about the national message about them supposedly being a working party."
"I'm not a Democrat because I disagree with Republicans. I'm a Democrat because I believe we are in this together."
"The Republican party is the party of the people."
"I'm an anti-establishment president... our moment uniquely calls for it."
"I love bipartisanship. Do you know that I even had times quite frankly being a Democrat... they said bipartisanship is a bad thing."
"When you come out as a conservative, things get taken from you."
"Are we gonna be a narrow party that expresses ourselves in intolerant ways or are we going to be a broad-based party that shows conservative principles but also compassion?"
"My dad is conservative, but it was never pushed on me, you know what I mean? So I was logically conservative."
"I've come to realize that my own sense of myself as a political being is very much linked to the ways in which I've learned how to experience and organize for solidarity with Palestine."
"The best way I've been able to categorize myself... I'm a liberal in my compassion for the vulnerable, I'm a Libertarian in my love of freedom, and I'm a conservative in the sense that I think you need civilization to protect both of those things."
"If being a Democratic Socialist means believing that health care, housing, and education should be a human right, then I am a Democratic Socialist."
"We are the party of Americans who believe in freedom and independent liberty and valor."
"The very essence of Maga is being a victim is being a loser and trying to coalesce a coalition of fascist-leaning losers."
"That's the modern-day Maga Republican party."
"I'm not the party of big business, I'm the party of good business."
"That's why they're going after me now because they're like our audience will like an urban liberal New Yorker in the Bronx will watch Tim cast."
"They cannot untangle him from the concept of China."
"The political homeless is probably people like me, there's more of us than you realize."
"If you have to erase yourself, your history, your heritage to be a politician, I don't need you."
"We'd be Pro-Freedom, Pro-Liberty, and Pro-Christianity."
"If you're on the left, chances are you're where you are because of other things... if you're on the right, you probably feel like you're more in control."
"You know you're a fascist if you don't accept the results of a free and fair election."
"That's how I approach politics, that's why I'm not a die-hard Republican or Democrat."
"Are you a leftist? What is your purpose of being a leftist?"
"If globalization is led by countries in the East, like China, it will be more respectful of the political identity and sovereignty of other countries."
"He has created a space for the deplorables to show who they are, patriotic Americans ready to celebrate what this country stands for." - Andrew Clavin
"Are we going to be the party of Donald Trump?"
"Not every Republican, not even the majority, are MAGA Republicans."
"I believe in free market I believe in America I'm a Christian I believe the Second Amendment I believe in Trump and he's delivered."
"For me right now being a democrat is like being in an abusive relationship."
"Trump is the most conservative politician of my lifetime."
"Solidarity politics means when you see me, you see us."
"People just assume that your politics mirror that Supreme Court justice."
"We really are the party of freedom and democracy."
"We're starting to see a new conservative movement that is starting to say, 'You can call me whatever you want.'"
"In the culture war, you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. That's all that matters."
"I've always been left-wing... I've always perceived my beliefs around social issues as being adhering to the left side of the spectrum."
"If you're a liberal, you believe in free speech."
"It's like he is the Republican nominee who's now our president, everybody. That's right, he's a Republican."
"Charlie Kirk has become a white nationalist hardcore."
"Israel can be either a democratic state or a Jewish state. It cannot be both."
"Rise up and stand for what's right, defend our human rights to live as Christians."
"The Republican party is now a pro-autocracy party. They want fascism."
"Regarding last week's discussion on birdy labeling himself socialist this is key towards building the movement beyond himself."
"I will not be leaving the Democratic Party I will not be running as an independent or a third party candidate."
"Welcome to open source news, I am your host BCP, black conservative patriot."
"Pool now postures as a rational centrist or disaffected liberal who grew loath, who supposedly capitulated to the agendas of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Democrats, and big tech companies."
"The Republican Party is not the party just of the country clubs."
"Defending my liberal principles is now a conservative position."
"We're talking about the American worker, but here's what's interesting about that: I thought Republicans said that they were the party of the working class. Hmm, that's sort of wrong."
"Your new Democratic Party is, in fact, the AOC Democratic Party." - Ben Shapiro
"Allowing... I guess we just don't write our articles with like 'I'm progressive so this is okay' or 'I'm conservative so this is okay'."
"There is nobody that is more left... than the leftist extremists."
"You're the right-winger, you're the conservative, therefore you believe all these things... but I'll tell you this, I genuinely believe Jenk will not come on this show."
"The truth is... the two candidates who... were most true to themselves... were Bernie Sanders and... Joe Biden..."
"We are not just a voting bloc. We are... the secret sauce."
"This is his party. This is what animates him."
"We are the party of free speech, we're the party of free expression."
"We're not the party of violence and extremism like the far left is. We're not that. But then when we do the whole thing, it makes us look like that. And if you endorse it, it makes you look like that."
"She's the antithesis of the Republican Party."
"As a tax-and-spend liberal, that's totally fine to me. I'm totally ok with it."
"Trump supporters recognize it too, why? Because Trump supporters aren't elitists, they're populists."
"Conservatism has been cancelled by people who want to make it basically the same thing as liberalism."
"I'm not really a conservative at all, I'm actually a revolutionary."
"I think I might be a Republican... I vote the Bible."
"We are the party of fighters, we are the party of courageous people who will lay it all out on the field and fight for this nation because if we don't fight for it, who will?"
"If you are a Zionist, you cannot be on the left."
"If it's left to promote respect, then call me left."
"Stop apologizing for being a Democrat just be confident in who you are."
"Everything they threw at him just strengthened his resolve as the outsider."
"It's still #CountryOverParty for us here at the Lincoln Project."
"Boris Johnson was a token right wing around cultural values."
"What happened with Janet prawitz and the Wisconsin Supreme Court here was a rejection of the identities that Republicans held."
"Wear the hat and wear it boldly and proudly and be proud of who you are and what you stand for."
"These are my values and that is why I call myself a Democratic Socialist."
"For someone who calls himself a socialist and who really occupies the most leftward point possible in the very narrow United States political consensus, I mean he came closer to winning than anyone ever did."
"The reason I'm a democrat is I believe it is the party that is fighting for the workers."
"We are a constitutional republic and not a democracy."
"I am a McCain Republican, I am a Bush Republican, and I am voting for Joe Biden because I truly believe we are at a time of constitutional crisis."
"The Republican Party is not in the image of Trump."
"If you like America, you're basically on the conservative side of things, and you must vote out the Marxists and the leftists."
"We're voting for and backing an agenda, not a politician or a political party."
"I'm not a liberal either and like many of my viewers I am politically homeless I suppose I'm the closest to libertarian."
"For me, it's not about the red or the blue, it's about the red, white, and blue."
"What does it mean to be a conservative, what should conservatives be conserving?"
"What happened to Mr. free market Crowder where is this guy?"
"You're gonna love the stories and it's part of what made me progressive."
"This is the United States of America, not Trumpistan."
"When I said that I'm a Christian nationalist, I have nothing to be ashamed of because that's what most Americans are."
"We're all conservatives now, in essence, you want this thing to continue, congratulations, you're trying to conserve the United States of America."
"Republicans are actually seen as the party of change, which is very unusual."
"If we are crazy socialists then they're saying the American people are a bunch of crazy socialists."
"Regular people know and like Joe Rogan he's not a far-right guy he's actually kind of a left-wing guy but he's like a regular dude in his demeanor and his behavior."
"I'm a classical liberal and a free-market capitalist you know I'm not quite a libertarian and I'm not an anarcho-capitalist."
"I am actually a socialist...I call myself a progressive socialist."
"The modern Democrat Party is two things: the ever-expanding definition of sexual identity and on the other side the ever expanding definition of sexual misconduct."
"I don't see America that way. I'm running as a proud Democrat. I will govern as an American president for everybody!"
"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is. Let's show them who we are."
"The only thing he has to run on is I'm good old Joe I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but gosh darn it you can trust me."
"I think what needs to be clear is that Marine Le Pen is a far-right nationalist."
"Everybody who called in was like on some Next Level [__]."
"The Good right-wingers, the real right-wingers, the real American conservatives, are for Freedom, they are for the Republic, they're for the Constitution."
"I am NOT the establishment party candidate. I am going to govern with integrity, have your back, and govern for you."
"I think there's a growing number of people who don't know what side of the aisle they're on."
"People have conflated Judaism or Jewishness with Zionism to the point that if you question the logic of Zionism or the state of Israel, you're seen as a traitor."