
Religious Education Quotes

There are 311 quotes

"All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace."
"Biblical illiteracy... that's where you are if you would open up the Bible and read it for yourself."
"We've got to see Jesus as He's always meant to be seen, and sometimes it requires you going to find a parent, a spiritual parent, who can show you the Jesus of the Bible."
"If you want to raise spiritual kids who aren't religious fanatics, teach them about all religions."
"The plan of this catechism is inspired by the great tradition of catechisms which build catechesis on four pillars: the baptismal profession of Faith, the Creed, the sacraments of Faith, the life of Faith, the Commandments, and the prayer of the believer, The Lord's Prayer."
"If you really want to know what the prophet did is to pick up the sources of Muslims the Quran and pick up a biography of the Prophet read his life well if you really actually know how he lived his life."
"More than anything else right now y'all people need to know what the Bible actually says."
"Christianity does not encourage you to be credulous, to just believe what you've been taught. People should think critically about the faith."
"May you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"We are not having any systematic syllabus or systematic courses to teach our students about what Hinduism is."
"One of the objections I sometimes hear from atheists and secular friends is, 'You religious people like to raise your children in your faith tradition. That's indoctrination, that's brainwashing.'"
"Is there any reason left for us not to learn this book?"
"Learn and live the traditional doctrine and morals of the Catholic Church as found in pre-Vatican II Catholic writings..."
"So, the first floor is theistic apologetics, the second floor is Christian apologetics, and the third floor is Catholic apologetics."
"I want to explore the balance of Rights between a parent's right to educate a child in their own faith and the children's rights to determine their own beliefs and approach the world with a genuinely open mind."
"Summary of scripture will never hold a candle to a study of scripture."
"The purpose of scripture is to teach us about God and to tell us how to live before him."
"I just want you to learn to think biblically and process these things... I want all my cards on the table."
"Prophecy does you no good unless you understand the word of god."
"The number one responsibility of a parent is to lead your child into an understanding of God."
"Never ever ever stop pursuing this method and reading and studying the text and the doctrines and you'll get your answers from pursuing both."
"Being taught biblical stories early in my childhood is one of the ways I learned about morality."
"If you encourage him to think and question and learn, and you introduce him to the idea that there are multiple religions, you've done him a service."
"I had to admit I was wrong on so many issues. I knew so much about the Bible growing up. I was convinced I knew so much about Christianity. But I realized once I started reading the Church Fathers that I know nothing."
"You can read the words of the Doctrine and Covenants and they're great, but then once you watch the play, then you love the songs because you understand what was going on in the background."
"The aim is to get you interested in the works of the Bible. If your interest has been peaked then please read the original text yourself."
"Just because a word may not be in some translations doesn't mean that concept is not taught."
"You can't get your theology from Noah Webster's dictionary. Get your theology from Scripture."
"And that's going to come through getting the knowledge of God."
"We have so much fun there learning about the Bible and what God's principles mean in children's lives."
"I'm really looking forward to talking about Exodus and the mosaic stories."
"If the church doesn't teach about the supernatural, the world will."
"We should always try and put our efforts in conveying the message because if we didn't do that how do you expect people to remove their misconceptions about Islam?"
"Welcome to our first session of the late-night khatira from Valiant Islamic Center with Shaykh."
"As Christians, we can't let the world teach our children about human sexuality."
"Patience and perseverance are keys to seeking knowledge and guidance."
"I think we should include it in our Bibles with footnotes and hopefully a careful and helpful explanation for why there is some question about it."
"I think within a 10-year span, even within a decade, we can reach a point where the average Muslim teenager has a pretty good knowledge of the Quran and a very clear understanding of their Deen."
"We tell people that's haram, that's haram. If you educated people to the Deen, they would know it's haram and they would leave the haram."
"Studying other religions is wonderful, but first, learn your own faith."
"The Book of Revelation is as vital to us today as it was to the early church."
"The evidence study bible will thoroughly enrich your trust in God and in His precious word."
"The first rule of good Bible study is to ask the question, what did this mean to the people to whom it was originally addressed."
"The purpose of this meeting is to teach Christians apologetics so that you can share the gospel."
"Religions are very in-depth and I love the way that every one of these features ties in to one another."
"The Supreme Court should very much generously respect the First Amendment rights of these religious schools."
"Learning even the basics of this fascinating and ancient religion gives us an insight into the worldview of over a billion people."
"The world needs to understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus."
"What a difference it makes when you think foundationally starting from Genesis 1 to 11 to know what you believe and why and understand the absolutes of Christianity."
"The Sahaba program is essential to re-establishing the correct understanding of Islam."
"Teach people the Quran, keep teaching people the Quran."
"Let's work much harder at presenting the faith in a way that younger people are gonna find intellectually satisfying and compelling"
"We cannot give our children the biblical worldview if we don't have one."
"Because the people of Timbuktu had digested so much Islam, they were able to give it real meaning and accessibility for the people."
"We teach the law statutes and Commandments, so that we are not living a life of sin."
"It is important to understand the Bible is inspired but it is just as equally important to understand how to understand the Word of God and how to interpret the Word of God."
"I've always been telling people look we live in a time where you cannot be ignorant of your faith. You have got to be studying it because otherwise you're just going to end up falling into error."
"We have a problem if 70% of our own people don't understand the meaning of the Eucharist."
"Teach me the ways of God, Holy Spirit. Open my mind and my understanding about how I should live as a child of God."
"You've got to read the Gospel of Luke... if you've read the Bible or if you've gone to church all your life."
"Ignorant of Scripture is ignorance of Christ."
"In an age where catechesis is almost destroyed completely and the tradition of the faith has not been handed on hardly at all, the occult and the devil's deceptions can enter in very easily."
"Our approach has been very effective in helping individuals respond to sincere questions and objections about the Christian worldview."
"What you didn't know all these things were you not listening in Sunday school as a child?"
"God will increase your knowledge of the scriptures."
"It is so easy to read, so clear, and I understand Catholicism so much better just by having this book."
"We must grow stronger in our knowledge and our understanding."
"It really shows how wrong something must be if this information that is in our Bibles is not widely known."
"Teach them Iman and not just Islam, consult your children, and be merciful."
"The Quran teaches us principles, not specifics."
"We should be making an effort to elevate the intellectual baseline of the Muslims."
"I want to give a shout out to tome, they are the makers of some incredible biblical content online to help people grow in their relationship with God."
"What is the rapture when is the rapture and am I ready for the rapture well this brand-new DVD is filled with information scripture a PowerPoint presentation that will help you prepare to be rapture ready."
"Bingo. That's the work here at Church Militant is to inform Catholics that they don't know and they don't know what they don't know."
"This is a time for catechesis that we shouldn't let pass."
"Now more than ever we need to know what the Catholic Church teaches."
"The Bible is sufficient and we use the Bible to critique all other books and not other books to critique the Bible."
"I remember when I was in seminary I got involved in homosexuality."
"The purpose of the Bible is to understand God, ourselves, and the world."
"Because this narrative is so different, it's almost as though we're obligated to reintroduce them to these prophets. We have to reintroduce them."
"He's now part of the president now... Dad every time Norm takes people around the Bible Museum."
"Early American education was to teach you to read so that you could draw close to God."
"Lewis will help you grow in your own faith but he'll also help you to talk about your faith to other people because he kind of way has that enabling dimension."
"Expand your understanding of Scripture, advance your effectiveness in ministry, earn certification for your knowledge of the Bible."
"Knowing God's word is the first step of knowing His voice."
"More than ever now is the time to really pick up your bible and like learn to read it, learn to spend time with it, learn to dive into the truth and understand how the bible is put together."
"I'm so blessed by your programs. You explain the Bible in a very clear and understandable way."
"Challenge me about what I should believe... don't assume what your pastor told you is correct."
"Understanding what truly happened at Nicaea helps combat ignorance and spread the truth of the gospel."
"This knowledge is your religion; be careful who you learn from."
"I want her to understand why it's obligatory in Islam and I want her to feel like it's the right decision for her as well."
"Matthew's the most read book of the New Testament... but most people have no clue really what Matthew's trying to emphasize."
"Be sure to join us next week, we're going to talk about Deuteronomy in the later writings."
"The first thing is that we want to teach practices for godliness."
"If someone is willing to take the shortcut of 'I'm a person of Faith who hasn't studied the scripture but I've been stamped by Jesus,' then you should take it seriously."
"It's okay to tell a child the truth. But what I think is deeply immoral is to tell a child that when she dies if she's not good she's going to go to hell."
"I genuinely feel like people, for their own sake, need to understand what Islam is."
"Let's become informed and pursue the God of the Bible."
"This is the missing piece that ties the Bible narrative."
"The Bible isn't about your goals and your ideas. Fundamentally, it's about God's goals and God's ideas."
"These videos that Book of Mormon Central and Doctrine and Covenants Central have been producing, they're not just time fillers, they're invitations to come and seek deeper and broader connections with heaven and with the Lord."
"I hope you're falling in love with God's Word and starting to understand things about the word that you never understood before."
"Our little kids do sing 'Follow the Prophet,' but they'll never get to the verse that says, 'Follow the prophet, but he's not infallible.'"
"Every religion should have a fair chance of being presented accurately."
"The Bible is one unified book... divided into two large sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament."
"My non-Jewish father is supporting Torah learning."
"Now, I say what follows as a huge advocate for the catechism."
"There's no Silver Bullet there's no one key thing that every if everybody did this all young people would return to the church."
"The only way to beat bad theology is with good Theology."
"If you teach people many religions, you inoculate them."
"You need to understand good biblical doctrine."
"There's an opportunity in the local church to give people enough of a grasp of the big picture of the scripture."
"The best of you are the ones who learn the Quran and then teach it."
"Why does a priest give a homily? He needs to teach the truth."
"Read the scriptures based on understanding who the scriptures were written by and written about."
"There's so much to explain about Mormonism that a short-form one-minute video isn't enough."
"The more you learn about God, the better you serve Him."
"Every single year we were required to take two semesters of some sort of religious studies class."
"I do hope that if there's one thing people take from today's discussion, that they'll read a little bit of Matthew and a little of Mark and the Epistle of John."
"You know, it's interesting how in the Watchtower over the years, they've understood the power of asking questions."
"Teach Jesus Christ. Whatever else you're teaching, teach Jesus Christ."
"It's a blessing for anyone to hear [the study of the Book of Revelation], not because it's from me, but because that's what the Book of Revelation says."
"You will never advance in life if you sit on the ministries that teach you tradition but never the teachings of the scripture."
"The essentials of the historic Christian faith begin with the deity of Jesus Christ."
"Learn more about heaven and that Jesus loves you."
"Priests need a solid foundation theologically and philosophically in this area."
"You have to know the mechanics of the spiritual life, you actually have to also know the Catholic faith."
"Those of us who teach the gathering of Israel we probably ought to make sure we teach the scattering."
"Images are acceptable for didactic or aesthetic purposes, but you don't adore them."
"We have this massive spiritual authority, 90% of the body of Christ didn't know."
"Teach your children the most important thing that they can possibly learn to say today right now and for the rest of their lives: Viva Christo Rey, long live Christ the King."
"Long before Jesus touched the earth, the Bible told us every detail necessary to know Jesus Christ as Savior and as Lord."
"Every single detail necessary to know Jesus as Savior and his Lord is in your Bible."
"One of the most powerful beginnings and one of the most essential introductions to Islam is actually to introduce people to Ibraheem."
"Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the cross, and how to approach the Holy Sacraments."
"When we set our eyes on Christ instead of setting our eyes on our father's idols...you can be sure that is when we begin equipping the next generation for gospel diversity."
"Ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ."
"These churches only teach very small amounts of what's actually in the scriptures."
"The Quran has been memorized cover to cover by the Prophet, thousands of his companions, millions of Muslims throughout history."
"It's a Journey started with Paul's material in the New Testament."
"Don't binge and watch stupid shows, learn your faith, do apologetics."
"We need a renaissance in this ummah. We need the brightest young minds to be the most educated in their religion."
"But we need resourcing, we need equipping so that we know what the word of God says, we know the power of the holy spirit in us and we know how to use that word of God."
"Church discipline ought to be to that end so we teach Sunday school and youth group and bible study we do all of these things in order to help disciple one another in Christ."
"I think as a new Christian, your safest thing to do is make sure that you believe the Bible more than the commentaries."
"Learn more about Sikhism because it's a beautiful religion, very universal."
"The first three gospels, Mark, Matthew, and Luke, are also known as synoptic gospels."
"If you teach a child one religion, you indoctrinate them; if you teach them multiple, you inoculate them."
"The teachings of the Bible, and we should be unafraid to say that out loud."
"OnGuard is a wonderful book for laypeople who haven't studied apologetics before."
"One of the hallmarks of a mature believer... it's got to be maturity not just in the word that's a given you must be mature in the word but also in just the way you comport yourself the way you act."
"The Catholic church is one of the only churches out there probably the only church out there maybe there's a couple others where you can get a definitive answer on what the church believes about anything."
"If you don't need the church to teach and preach the faith, then why isn't there one universally understood Protestantism?"
"The biggest misconceptions are that Catholics worship Mary, believe the pope is perfect, and don't believe in a personal relationship with Jesus."
"Everybody should know what's in the Bible and what it has meant to this civilization whether you believe in it or not."
"There are three questions that in theology we try to answer... What are we saved from? What are we saved for? How are we being saved?" - Dr. Alan Tennyson
"Our goal is to compassionately convey the teachings of Islam especially in a time where there is much hostility towards Muslims and the religion they follow."
"Knowledge is the key to understanding and practicing Islam."
"I love teaching the word of God... we literally go verse by verse in our live stream."
"People need to see, need to hear, just as people cannot come to know Christ without the word of God, I think people can't understand his creation without the truth of that creation being revealed to them."
"At what moment on earth is a person not narrating a hadith?" - Reflecting on the lasting legacy of knowledge.
"Learning and practicing the sharia softens the heart."
"God will teach you. He'll teach you through His Word. He'll send teachers like in this teaching."
"If we want to understand Western history at all, we must understand the story of Jesus."
"There's obviously been a collapse in the church catechetical which is I connect in large part to the collapse of religious Sisters."
"It's all the more reason why we need to make sure that we're equipping our children equipping the next generation as well so it's not just pastors but parents as well that we need to be standing on god's word."
"Here's where Luther went wrong, and this is where the Catholic Church was right. Luther never gave the people the tools on how to read the Bible, and that resulted in biblical fundamentalism."
"...primary discipler of your children for Jesus... when it comes to outside resources we do use the Jesus storybook Bible for our kids."
"We're losing our grandchildren, we're losing our children, because we're not teaching you the faith."
"...as Christian parents, the Bible commands us to teach our children what we believe."
"The title of the lesson is the resurrection of Moses."
"You have to also teach your kids how to do Tawba, they need to know how they can turn to Allah if they mess up so that they don't despair."
"I began RCIA and I began to work through and and read a lot more in addition to the the early Christian doctrines that I had started with and you know histories of the church and things like that."
"Adam was honored by Allah, yes or no? Iblis disobeyed Allah, yes or no?"
"Lord has chosen you brother you need to learn more and grow in your faith faith and you need to go to Bible College."
"You don't need to teach a man that there's one God unless he's been captured by some corrupt teaching."
"I just wanted tools to understand the Bible because I knew it was the Word of God."
"Now, how do we do it? Let's go from the who to the how, OK? What do we do? First, are you ready for this? Read the Bible. Yes. Read the Bible. Read through the Bible."
"If you read it regularly, consistently, and repeatedly, it's amazing how it begins to interpret itself."
"I wanted more than anything to learn about our Catholic faith."
"If you'd like to learn more about the rosary, I have a whole playlist on the theology of the rosary."
"Using Planning Center for vacation bible school."
"Indeed, Allah has ordered this book to go through that which is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman to learn from the deen of Allah."
"Church should be a reinforcing of what you've been teaching them at the house."
"And god bless a god-fearing woman, she tried to teach them the Bible all the stories of the Bible."
"The church has got to be retaught God's way."
"The Christmas tree was used to explain the Trinity to the pagans."
"In order to truly benefit from understanding the story and why this story is in the Quran, you really have to stay with us all the way to the end."
"Blacks in New York are actually taught by Jewish rabbis and this man begins to identify with what he's reading and believes himself to be the people of the book."
"Thank you so much for watching tea time at the Seminary if you like what you saw today make sure to like comment and subscribe to our YouTube channel called saint photos Orthodox Theological Seminary."
"The patriarchal stories, these family stories are so beloved, I would guess that they are among the stories most familiar to all of you and most folks that you know in most of the Hebrew Bible."
"Education begins with the reality of God's existence and the fact that He has communicated to us through creation, His Son, and His Word."
"We learned Faith like you can't believe."
"The more you learn about the Bible, the easier it is to learn about the Bible."
"We love to talk to our kids about the importance of those beautiful, amazing, miraculous things that happened."
"The best way to learn the word of God is through the word of God."
"For many of us, we've got to go back and relearn our own faith."
"Children must subsequently be formed in the faith in which they have been baptized."
"We were taught the good parts of the doctrine, we were taught to be good people, just try to do your very best."