
Crisis Response Quotes

There are 946 quotes

"It's a real challenge but we have to take the virus for what it is and what it isn't."
"In times of crisis, Canadians come together."
"If I have to choose between getting help right now to Americans who are hurting so badly and getting bogged down in a lengthy negotiation or compromising on a bill that's up to the crisis, that's an easy choice. I'm going to help the American people who are hurting now."
"With every crisis, America has always emerged stronger and more united."
"Be vigilant. The second it pops off, you've got to get over there because a lot of people are going to rush. It's going to be like Noah's Ark."
"Sometimes, in order for us to wake up, we really need a wake-up call."
"The meticulous deployment of these resources underlined the gravity of the situation and both countries' united commitment to avert a nuclear tragedy."
"Americans have found it hard to be separated from their money, and the bank crisis now in its fifth day continues to cause eruptions of violence."
"Bitcoin loves a crisis; it's built for a crisis. It was given birth to because of the global financial crisis."
"In times of crisis, it is our duty to act against injustice."
"This crisis is serious, this crisis is scarring, but this crisis also is filled with opportunity and inventiveness."
"Our whole response thus far has been a response to a crisis."
"America's eyes have been opened, and in this crisis, we have seen the truth that government matters and leadership matters."
"Ask yourself why, for decades, you have been asked to give more and more, and when a moment of crisis comes, we're getting the smallest portion of the resource."
"It has been an outpouring of support...coming in from this community. And if there's one thing...Baltimore knows how to do...that is coming together during a dire situation."
"Now is a moment not to undershoot or to wait and see; now it's a moment to act."
"Times of crisis usually sort of insight revolutionary fervor."
"When people are given a choice, when they're put in a corner that they feel like they can't get out of, they will show you who they really are."
"Coronavirus will bring out the best in us. That is how desperate we are in this nihilistic state of mind."
"When crises occur, whether it's a war or economic downturn or pandemic, a technological change that would have occurred two or three or five years later are pulled forward in time."
"We have a golden opportunity to see something good from the crisis; its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change."
"It seems highly unlikely that someone who's right at the end of a very passionate fight decides to take their own life."
"It shows the best of our city in a time when the city needs help from everyone."
"All I could think about was grabbing that guy's brains off the ground and putting it all over my face and head, just hoping that he thought that I was dead."
"In times of crisis, the American people always stand as one. We have told the truth, volunteers have raised their hands to help, neighbors look out for neighbors, and businesses take care of their workers."
"How many ventilators are there? How many tests are there? When are we going to reach the peak? This is a new vocabulary for a completely new reality."
"What we're doing at the moment is ramping services up in order to meet the crisis that we've currently got."
"But you know, you've got to respect the efforts of these lads, using whatever's to hand to take down this knife-wielding maniac."
"Canada has never faced a situation like this, and we will face through it together."
"The system does not is not really geared to what we need right now, what you are asking for. That is a failing."
"This is an epidemic, for God's sake, and it has to stop."
"In this moment of crisis, we need all the help that we can get, and we're giving all the help that we can offer."
"The last thing that was on my mind when I watched 60 and 70-year-olds on their deathbeds, suffocating to death, was taxes. I was worried about healthcare."
"The question shouldn't just be when do we reopen and what do we reopen? The question should be let's use this situation, this crisis, this time to actually learn the lessons, value from the reflection, and let's reimagine what we want society to be."
"This is a war. Then let's act that way, and let's act that way now, and let's show a commonality and a mutuality and a unity that this country hasn't seen in decades."
"Right now is not the time to be thinking about debt. Right now is the time for the country to be thinking about what we can do to get everybody through this."
"Necessity is the mother of invention, and often times when our planet has faced an impending crisis, that necessity has required an incredibly vital solution."
"If you hear [your family member] got diagnosed with cancer, you'll call. If you hear he got into a car accident, you will call. You'll forget all of the fights of the past and you'll call anyway, you'll show up to the ER anyway, because blood is blood."
"I didn't want to have to do this, but drastic times call for drastic measures."
"Economically, financially, socially, there's going to be a huge storm coming, and when that storm comes, people are going to come together."
"People who have done nothing wrong don't know how they're going to put food on the table or don't know how they're going to pay rent."
"I don't think we've seen the end of direct payments. This is an emergency, a challenge to the conscience as well as the budget of our country, and every dollar that we spend is an investment in the lives and the livelihood of the American people."
"Whenever there's a pandemic, whenever there's something brutal that happens, like on 9/11, where there's a major crisis, people get out of their corners for just a minute, and they think to themselves, okay, how do I help out my neighbors, how do we craft a policy that works for right now?"
"No one can predict what will happen with the outbreak, but you can predict how you're going to respond to it."
"There is an inherent goodness in people that will surprise you, and they will rise to the occasion."
"The widespread issue in our faces, we're trying to be compassionate and measured."
"We are all in a problem together, and we're gonna win. We're gonna win soon and with as few lives as possible lost."
"This pandemic is moving extremely quickly, and it is an exceptional situation that requires extreme flexibility and rapidity of response by governments."
"In moments of crisis, human beings are overwhelmingly inclined to go out of their way to help each other."
"In actual danger, it can also be beneficial to practice calming your body to help you make better choices and take action."
"The government's response has been woefully inadequate."
"It will be at the time the world will most need the intervention of God."
"The border is at its breaking point. We need help. We need legislation. We need additional funds."
"Every cloud has a silver lining, and one positive to come from this outbreak is complacency around getting vaccinated has all but disappeared."
"It's given a lot of people a wake-up call which I think they needed."
"China, culturally different from America, reacts differently to crises."
"During times of crisis, it's an opportunity for Christians to draw together and stand firm for God."
"Companies can make great products for 10 years, have one bad launch, handle it poorly, and destroy their reputation for the next 10 years."
"Montgomery’s calm yet firm leadership under pressure, restored cohesion to the Allies’ northern front in this moment of crisis."
"When push comes to shove, when chaos hits the fan, all of a sudden now we fall back to the 1950s. The men need to go to war, the men take the risks."
"In recent weeks, as the virus has spread and economic hardship has followed, we have seen Americans unite with incredible selflessness and compassion."
"If my house is burning I don't want to hear about fire prevention, let's put out the fire."
"This is beyond embarrassing, this is danger to the Safety and Security of the entire world."
"Every disaster brings us one step closer to saying enough is enough."
"The church has now agreed that in situations like this she's not essential."
"What will the country do? Will people get transfixed on fear and insecurity and the threat, or will they see this as an opportunity to truly lead the world?"
"The government's response has been a 'great success story.' Is that the right tone and message?"
"Desperate measures to try and contain the deadly coronavirus outbreak."
"Support is on its way in various forms. We are going to help them get through this."
"This is America and money, and until something blows up, then that's when we decided to wake up."
"I think actually when you look at what's happened during this crisis, there has been very good and very close collaboration."
"The response that we've been able to muster as a one-hole United Kingdom has been incredibly impressive."
"We had no ventilators we had to make them and we became a very major manufacturer of ventilators."
"I didn't mind explaining photosynthesis to you when you were 12 but you're adults now and this is an actual crisis."
"Fleeing to the mountains is when this doctrine stuff, when these structures are breaking down, go to love."
"Americans need recurring payments to survive this economic crisis."
"The risk is not doing enough and this is the time to act now."
"It's time to save people's lives. This is a problem."
"Do you think if they could go back, they would have paid the ransom? I guarantee you they would."
"If only for a moment, let's respond to a national crisis where we say it's not red and blue. It's the United States, and we're going to act that way."
"Congress deserves credit for moving quickly."
"This is an unprecedented economic and public health crisis that requires unprecedented solutions."
"So you need energy but also stability so how do you create a government that both can respond energetically to foreign crises and domestic crises but is also stable and that's what the Constitution is for."
"In times of crisis, we're forced to return to core principles to physics to chemistry to science that is true no matter what your horoscope says."
"We've stared into the abyss of insurrection and autocracy, pandemic and pain, and we the people did not flinch."
"The problem is that this power outage isn't just bad for the cold. People can't get food, restaurants and grocery stores can't open, it breaks down the supply chain."
"They'll blow up that Dam, and they have to do something because they could have stopped it..."
"All of the remaining students were able to be escorted out of the building with faculty and staff."
"We've done a great job... the professionals have done a fantastic job."
"This is a real crisis, it is a real emergency, and you have many thousands of people like thousands. This is happening all the time."
"The full power of the federal government is there to support [the New York metropolitan area] in its battle against the outbreak."
"In times of crisis, the community around you can really save you in so many ways."
"I was scared as [expletive] when they closed down the United States."
"This crisis has cemented the need for a universal healthcare system."
"I didn't know what I was willing to do until I was faced with it."
"When adversity strikes, for some reason, people think they rise to the occasion. You don't rise to the occasion, you revert back to your training."
"Americans don't panic. He panicked. But guess what? In the meantime, we find out..."
"The time for standard measures has passed... something is very wrong."
"I think the much bigger risk is that we don't meet the scale of the crisis with the urgency it needs."
"We need to choose life, and whether it's popular or not, in a time of crisis, when somebody's headed down a route... you speak up."
"Always in the back of their minds is the anguish families are feeling."
"There's no question of leaving now, I must examine the scene of the fire."
"The biggest effect during times like this is not outbreaks of panic it's actually outbreaks of altruism."
"It's just not who we are as a people. If there's ever a time for humanity and decency, now is the time."
"We have done far more, far faster than I think any other state in the country."
"Massive release on local radio, people were given like two hours to take only the most important things."
"The diplomat paused and he said, 'I was a Green Beret before I was a diplomat. Tell your buddy to say pineapple and say it now.'"
"We have the worst coronavirus outbreak in the world."
"All you have to do is look at Hong Kong and look at Taiwan during this covert situation and see how they supported themselves and how they acted and how they added to the world."
"She could have saved herself so easily if she just went, 'Yes, I panicked and said I had a brain disorder.'"
"There's a period of shock, of asking why is this happening again, then you get into working mode. Okay, what are we going to do?"
"The sacrifices our citizens have made in this time of crisis will be remembered, studied, honored, and praised for generations to come."
"This is an immediate solution they're trying to come up with right now to get that money to people who are already hurting because of this."
"Investing ten dollars a day is something that almost anybody could do on autopilot."
"Consumer safety is our highest priority, and we have taken immediate steps to stop production and distribution of the product and conduct a root cause investigation, which is ongoing."
"China often gets a bad rap and I'm often critical of them but their troops fought hard to protect the people in South Sudan that day under difficult conditions with limited resources and limited equipment and Firepower."
"There's a super villain on the loose and you need to work with us."
"If we need ships for helping people, Carnival would be absolutely willing to help us."
"When it comes down to the threat to them personally that's when you see things fall apart."
"There's always gonna be chaos... but if you know that everyone's ready to handle anything, you have a better chance."
"It'll keep getting darker until we turn back to God."
"Can both sides rise above and admit that we have a life preservation problem on our hands?"
"One of the most heartwarming facts of that day was that due to the closure of several hotels near the blast zone, a number of Boston residents opened their homes to complete strangers in order to provide shelter and comfort."
"This crisis marathon requires prudence and caution in private finances, a durable nominal anchor, a resilient financial system, a careful management of external balances, and flexibility and efficiency in the allocation of scarce resources."
"Desperate times called for desperate measures."
"They blame the capitalists when it hits the fan."
"Humanity collectivizes at that crisis moment."
"Unleash the full power of the federal government. I am officially declaring a national emergency."
"No resource will be spared, nothing whatsoever."
"We will unleash every authority, resource, and tool to safeguard our people."
"This is terrible. This is something that you never occur."
"We're going to build our economy, our country better than it was before this god-awful crisis." - Donald Trump
"By all accounts, the officers who responded on June 4th acted heroically."
"You don't get to tell people how to feel or how to react in a situation that you have never experienced."
"How is it that we have a president who is talking about releasing hostages... but could not get himself to say I want to save and work to save the hundreds, thousands of Americans stuck in Gaza? What is wrong with you?"
"We want to reassure the American people we are doing everything we can to confront and ultimately defeat this horrible, invisible enemy."
"I think it's gonna go very rapidly because this wasn't a financial crisis just the opposite, this was a medical crisis."
"This is about us coming together as communities."
"Despite really terrible circumstances, they're also being moments hopefully of people helping each other."
"You only tend to get the revolutionary changes at the time of absolute collapse."
"Skyrocketing food prices, cannibalization always comes through in these food shortages when people are going to starve to death."
"It's funny though how it takes something [ __ ] to bring people together."
"The British response during the pandemic shows their unbeatable character."
"As the magnitude of the situation grew larger than life, our focus narrowed and our world together became all that we saw."
"Now is the time to do it. You don't see moments of crisis and say, 'Oh, we couldn't possibly make radical change now.'"
"It started to feel like every man for himself."
"Your Republic is under attack, what are you going to do about it?"
"The real character and potential of a person comes out in a crisis."
"We need to have a very calm response emotionally."
"It's time for recurring survival checks, two thousand dollars per month every month until this crisis is over."
"If there is actually a fire not only can you yell it but you damn well better."
"The sacrifice being made by the average person is pretty nearly unimaginable just a couple of months ago. Our obligation is to work together efficiently and recognize the needs of our community."
"Regulations are only put into effect after something terrible has happened."
"Flight cancellations are creating a huge economic crisis for the major airlines and their workers."
"Failure to quickly take action would result in massive deaths..."
"We need to welcome Ukrainians that are fleeing this crisis that are seeking refuge."
"You're like, 'Yo, they brought it over here.' But ultimately, when something bad happens and especially to this extent of something like the corona, you stop and you point at someone and give them blame. People always want somebody to blame, yeah?"
"We can't allow our society to collapse over this."
"It did not include that kind of money for the people who needed it so yes economic help was needed for families as well as for businesses."
"When catastrophe hits, only then you activate your plans."
"Right now is when we should get Medicare for all, a UBI, right now. That's not even political, we need healthcare for people, we need a UBI until this is over."
"When everyone's running away from something, that's when you run to it." - Grant Cardone
"In the midst of a pandemic in the midst of an economic meltdown for working families in the midst of a great struggle regarding systemic racism and police brutality."
"Innovation gains traction during periods of crises."
"The only thing that we could do was literally try and save as many people as possible at this point."
"People are literally dying, people have already died, people are fighting for their lives, and you at this moment accept the help." - Senator Nina Turner
"Let's just accept that we'll lose about another million people. That is unacceptable to me."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Rest in peace, the hood."
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those patients and all those victims."
"The dramatic rescue of two premature babies born in Ukraine just two days after the Russian invasion."
"It's devastating. So here's what I did: when I saw that order come by March 19th or March 20th, I said, 'Listen, I understand...'"
"Desperate situations require desperate measures."
"This is not normal, this is not natural in any way, shape or form."
"Truckers are playing a heroic role in helping America cope during this crisis and truckers will be a critical part in helping our economy recover once this crisis is past us."
"Alex mentioned that he sat on calls with the team discussing what might happen and when it did without any hesitation put their people first."
"There's more important things than football. We love our football clubs, but right now we are in unprecedented times."
"Rivalry goes out the window when you hear terrible news like this."
"When order is lost, the only action that makes sense is violence."
"Officials in Surfside, Florida update reporters 10 days after that deadly building collapse."
"We need to come out of this with the commitment, with almost the mantra of never again for this. We're not doing this again."
"Lockdowns are prompting just about everybody to hoard."
"It seemed like all was lost until amidst the chaos, one man chose to spring into action."
"New Yorkers always rise to the occasion. Always. They rose to the occasion after 9/11."
"Once something really bad like that happens, you realize what really matters in life."
"The need is in those towns, in those cities, in those areas that have been under russian occupation."
"Their reaction was, 'How do we save lives as quickly as possible?'"
"It's insane that someone makes an attempt on their own life and your first thought is, 'oh well, looks like we gotta fire them.'"
"There are specific people that I know to reach out to when I feel stuck or blocked in a certain space. They make up my trust account."
"In order to deal with such an economic crisis, guaranteed basic income will become a national necessity, or society as we know it could collapse altogether."
"We all have that heroic capability, the ability to create these miracles when we realize our life is on the line."
"As terrible as this whole entire situation has been broadly, I think there have been some interesting innovations and adaptations."
"I will be supporting the motion by which American democracy was rescued from the brink."
"We are praying for those impacted, the community, and our Associates."
"Without this attention, these people will be in very, very dire straits."
"The president wanted to send a powerful message that we will not be overcome by looting, rioting, or burning. This is not what defines America."
"I have to be on the lookout... Next time it gets near me, I'm using my adrenaline."
"Overwatch became the light humanity needed in its darkest hour."
"We have to have peace...go home...we love you...you're very special."
"Death toll is mounting after powerful quake struck parts of Turkey and Greece. It triggered a tsunami."