
Community Empowerment Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"I want to empower the people of this city to be part of the solution here."
"I feel like we've left it in the hands of non-blacks for about 10, 15, 20 years; nothing's happened. So now, let's see some young Black people take a stab at it."
"Share this video...not for us to get more subs or this video to get anything else, but if everyone can share it to five people, just imagine how much you can have, how many Muslims can be empowered, and how many non-Muslims can slip out of ignorance."
"Black people will have a type of sovereignty where we can take a Black child and have that child educated by Black people, employed by Black people, and empowered by Black people."
"It's about the community being empowered and inspired, not about a single person or guru."
"The good news about all of this is that it is completely within the power of black people to solve the problems plaguing the black community."
"Empower local sources, empower local authorities, medical experts, civic leaders, clergy in some cases, to be the communicators about the effectiveness and the efficacy of the vaccine."
"I can't reach a million people, but I can reach a thousand people and empower them; they can reach a thousand people. Together, we reach a million. Man, we can actually gain economic empowerment in our community."
"Let's have a Powernomics Christmas, let's have a Powernomics holiday, one where in February of next year we are better off as a people than we are right now."
"Imagine a black neighborhood with its own transportation systems, its own grocery stores, cafes, hotels, barbershops, banks, doctors' offices, newspapers, and schools. A black economy so rich that the dollar circulated 36 times within the community before leaving it."
"I can both vote and set a black agenda. I can both set a black agenda and operationalize that agenda. I can secure the bag and make sure my community is taken care of."
"Most of all, what we're advocating for is our shared collective voices and our ability to independently communicate with one another."
"Black love is important because it seeks to use the power of love and close connections and Community as a tool to uplift black people."
"And if the Black community has more money, this country has more money."
"Every time we want to do something for ourselves, they send us Stacy Abrams or a Warnock or Kamala or an Obama to come down here and say yes we can do it for ourselves."
"I can't promise great things will happen if you take the census, but if you don't, I can promise these white people are going to use those low numbers to cheat you out of the schools, hospitals, and representation that should be yours."
"We controlled the narrative, we control the direction of what's going to be done."
"We need to share the future and empower people to shape their own."
"The energy of unity, yeah, the energy of black dollars, the energy of buying land has been spread everywhere, everywhere."
"I want blacks to start ruling their own communities and empower their own people."
"We're going to start withholding our money and keeping it in our own communities."
"Let's create our own opportunities and employ our own people. That's the answer."
"Empowering the community with knowledge so they can make smart decisions about their health."
"Real estate is the number one wealth Palooza vehicle especially for our community."
"The type of energy that Black people need in power."
"We're all in this together, and the people are so powerful, and we're gonna get it done." - Edwin
"Do what you can in your own space and empower the hell out of it. Make sure your people in your community got their own businesses and doing their own thing, maximizing the skills and talents that God has given them."
"Empower communities to prepare students not just for today, but for tomorrow."
"What kind of move of God would happen if everybody listening to our voices today said whatever that little thing is you went and did it right wow, well it would be a different world and the body of Christ would be so much more empowered."
"Opportunities are there, we need to educate our own people."
"We are not equipped to handle crises because crisis management isn't profitable."
"Our number one goal is to share the gospel of black economic empowerment."
"For black people to control our dollars, for black people to invest our money."
"We as a people are being starved of information."
"Postal banking is extremely important. I think would be huge. I think would be a game-changer."
"Invest in black people and stop just giving charity."
"If you're not going to hold the same standard of Oneness on black businesses to be just as intentional about who else they raise up as their raised up, now we got black businesses dominating everything."
"The Zeitgeist is there for black men to actually start to demand a different type of treatment."
"I wanted to make a video showing my people that we can do anything and if we can do it you can too."
"Taking control of our own communities, our health, and our nutrition."
"In everything we do, we are focused on empowering the dreams and aspirations of our citizens."
"Never be fake. Stick to the code for three. What did he say? Create jobs, support our own, educate the same, and buy back your home."
"Can you move away from 'I'm right, they're wrong' into a 'well how is that position helping me grow, how is what they're saying helping me learn'?"
"If black people educate our own children create our own jobs and support black businesses then you can begin to build the pillars of power."
"Together we are experts... as the movement towards web 3.0 in communities with open access to information has super empower community decision making."
"He [Nipsey Hussle] was talking about good [stuff] man, talking about buying property, helping the black community, educating our children."
"We gotta create our own heroes, create our own movie stars, create our own leaders."
"Educate our own children, create our own jobs, support black businesses."
"We're here to give black and brown creators a place to tell their stories and shine a spotlight on the rich history of our people."
"The better way to do that is to remove these top-down targets and give more power, agency, and responsibility to local communities."
"If you start to transfer ownership of the community to the community everyone will prosper."
"Every time I talked to him he was always thinking about empowering our communities."
"Black people must educate our own children, create our own jobs, and support black-owned businesses."
"Together with the incredible people of Nevada, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America proud again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again."
"We can do both. We can shut down the schools until right and create our own schools."
"Somewhere where our people can feel good about ourselves as a culture."
"One of y'all got a child in here right now who may have a child who is going to run that trillion-dollar company that's gonna be down for black folks."
"Using a marketing agency that is from us by us or US deciding to make our own sperm bank might be something that is needed."
"It'll be the greatest thing to see a wave of regular Americans saying 'we the people, for us by us'."
"I want our little pocket of black people to literally be so powerful, so well informed, so intelligent, so strategic, so capable that when we step in the room, we will dominate any form of white supremacy."
"Economic empowerment through unity and innovation."
"Our service exists to empower communities to create together."
"We need our own media yes we got our own information that way we don't have to worry about what mainstream media is doing we we are the mainstream."
"Let's push intelligent black media and let's make our people smart."
"When we invest in ourselves, our glow, our vision of we all shine together. We are Black beyond measure." - Unspecified speaker
"For years we allowed that to happen, and we're not allowing that anymore."
"It was simply the people standing up and saying we are taking charge for our future."
"We're like trying to transform the world right now institution by institution."
"To some extent I congratulate black people because this is grassroots."
"It's our duty to leverage our power for the good of our community..."
"Let's own that property, let's start these businesses, let's reclaim our communities and stand strong."
"We have to weaponize everything, black family. We have to take back our own voice, our own music, our own schools, our own businesses, the minds of our own people, protecting our own communities."
"We have to make sure our people are participating in the economy."
"Nobody's coming to save you. You can't rely on government programs. It's unrealistic to expect anybody to come better our situation as a community. This is why we have to do it ourselves."
"Every child in our community at the age of 10, 7, 6 should be introduced to this idea early and be good at it damn good as good at running a business as we are at basketball."
"Every wealth problem that we have in our community is solved when we educate our own children, create our own jobs, and support Black-owned businesses."
"We have to have strong Black institutions because I am tired of Black people talking about us surviving when we should be having thriving conversations."
"Representation matters for diverse communities."
"We can build a trickle-up economy from our people, our families, and communities up."
"Forget what the celebrities and the politicians are telling you and get organized in your neighborhood to protect your people."
"Nobody knows better how to improve the quality of life of low-income communities than the communities themselves."
"It's allowed those participants to do things that they would never have been able to do in isolation."
"I want everybody to invest because this is an opportunity to create black wealth off the culture that we create." - Isaac Hayes
"We gotta hold on to our equity, we gotta hold on to our black economics."
"We as a black community deserve nice things, black women deserve luxury."
"If black people are ruthlessly practicing group economics we can buy every and any street in the heart of London."
"Zimbabweans are the solution for Zimbabwe's solutions for Zimbabwe."
"I think it would actually help like a small village create their own NFTs to express their art, but also monetize it as well."
"If I can create opportunities for ownership for my people, I think I'm living in my purpose."
"This is going to be ultimately a people-powered movement."
"Practice group economics as the basis of power."
"The people are ready so we need to educate them about the solutions... and then as they do that they will then be able to successfully help the world community after we get our own things put together successfully."
"We're going to go back to us getting on code and building our own institutions like we used to do."
"Crypto is this great thing that's happened and I just want to go out and tell everybody about it."
"Invest in Black own media we're investing in Black companies those people have employees and families that's how it works."
"Your dollar matters we don't have to keep asking them to cover our stuff so please support us in what we do."
"The new game is we're supposed to want black creatives. No, I want ads for black-owned media, I want black caterers, I want black photographers, I want black law firms, I want black accounting firms. It's a 360-degree thing."
"Decentralized venture capital empowering the community."
"Black lives matter enough to black people to where we want to make sure that we build a better world for black children."
"The new model of black leadership should be one where everybody feels connected and empowered."
"Let's keep waking up our people, let's keep edifying our people, and let's stay alert out there. Shalom Israel."
"Black ownership and wealth building is the key to our future."
"We need to form a coalition of black millionaires and billionaires."
"Send power down to towns, to communities, to regions. Take leveling up seriously."
"Here's one simple fact: if our stock market investment participation rate was the same as our voter participation rate, a big chunk of the wealth gap would disappear in one generation."
"Control your money, black people, get your money right."
"We're going to exert our power as a people, walking our rightful place, we're going to change our communities, fight for our communities, and build our communities."
"We as a people have the ability to solve all our problems... we can overcome it because it's been done before."
"Let's stop asking people for stuff that they don't have, they can't even give us what about what we give to ourselves."
"Support black owned businesses support black owned restaurants support black creators"
"Our goal? To help our community be stronger from the inside out. Mental health, self-love, and how that shows up in our relationships."
"We need to change the narrative on our people."
"We wanted to share with the world, it's all about democratizing success for people that look like us."
"I know we started out with this idea of police policing space and the ideology of that and how that affects communities, but you see that communities have the tools to fight back."
"Empowering more people to grow more food—that's my only mission in life."
"Black folk has spent 460 years enriching everybody except themselves."
"When you don't give the communities that you say you care about meaningful power and meaningful voices and meaningful autonomy within the process it's going to create absolute nightmare scenarios."
"Crypto is money for the people, by the people."
"The best reparations package for black people is gonna come from black people."
"Ain't nobody going to come to save us but us."
"We have to build our own media and our own narrative."
"We want everybody in the rare breed community to know that they have that same power."
"Media is critically important for any community, especially a community that wants to be liberated."
"The people were empowered to share their truth."
"It's only when black folks start owning the vices..."
"We believe in empowering our community and giving them economic opportunities."
"Darker skinned people got to their bag, they put their head down, they went to work, they focused, they got degrees, they started companies, they started building."
"Believe in people bottom-up solutions for a top-down world."
"Always be skeptical of those fear-mongering about putting political power back with you and your neighbors."
"We need our own schools... we gotta take care of us and I don't think that's a bad thing."
"This is disgusting, this is sad, but it should also be empowering that we can do something about it."
"Let's get into part two and give respect and power to the people that's here also."
"They can't stop us all, but as we all know, they sure as hell try."
"Black power is not a solo sport, it's a team sport."
"Decentralization, real democracy, power for you, power for me in our own lives and our own community."
"Color of Change leads campaigns that build real power for black communities."
"We have a whole black business school for children."
"The ultimate goal is to ensure support for black-owned businesses across the board."
"Let's start empowering ourselves within our own communities."
"Systematic racism is a system; where are our systems? Wealth is a team sport; I see strugglenomics, not powernomics."
"We need to give control back to the community. We need to give control back to the individual."
"We don't need to rely on the government to change your situation... we got enough money in our communities to fix this."
"Collectively we can own the bank, collectively we can own our government and govern ourselves."
"I bestow the power of the horn unto you, lovely villagers."
"More we give knowledge to people it helps them ascend and manifest."
"We're making sure that we're empowering our community and we're making sure that we're taking care of the people."
"We can't talk about black economics and black self-empowerment if folks don't actually do it."
"We need to learn how to take control of our own communities by becoming familiar with who's in power."
"For black Americans to be able to succeed in this country, for black Americans to be able to actually build up our communities, to determine our own futures, it is going to take some level of radicalism."
"People start to have power over and over and over again. It changes the dynamics. It brings hope back into communities."
"We need to start employing more of our black people, we need to own more businesses so we can generate that revenue and that wealth."
"It's never about one individual's feelings. I'm never going to stray away from my message because I understand what I'm saying will bring power back to us, our community, not one individual, but to us as a whole."
"Black folks were not given loans or any type of resources to build their community."
"We need a moral ethical revolution within the African-American community. No white racist makes a black person harm another black person or harm themselves."
"We have to get ahead of the problem, get our youth while they're young and cut the source off that's feeding this violence in this community."
"Meanwhile, all over the world, local groups and communities are no longer waiting for government, U.N., or corporate action. They are taking action themselves."
"First of all, we want to empower global SSI communities... as long as you give credit to the person that created the material... you can use it in whatever way you want."
"When you see in the communities people who have nothing, the changes they can make, it makes me realize we all can make huge changes."
"I just want my community to be fired up about it because that's what's going to make them Rich."
"Could the community do this better than us if we gave them the tools and the functionality?"
"It's time to get our community back, own some business around here, and that's what we on."
"What gives me real hope is the emergence of the community level of various organizations that talk about local production for local consumption."
"We got to support black business, we got to support Kingdom Business, we got to support business."
"We always talk about the black dollars always going out; you have to have a model for it to come back."
"It is significant to economically empower communities, especially youth and women."
"It was great to give this community a voice for a short period of time."
"Designed with purpose, powered by people."
"We need to see our community wake up to real estate, get heavily involved in real estate, and get wealthy from real estate."
"The state of the future will give the people in their community much more freedom on how they want to shape the future for themselves and their descendants."
"Empower the community, get parents involved, work with them collaboratively."
"The time is now for us to support ourselves."
"We want our local veterinarians to be empowered to support these cats."
"Change could only occur when communities themselves have control of the law."
"Our elders... had said, 'The same way they wrote us out, right our kin, they taught us to read, we participated in the system and now we're going to use that system to also highlight our community once again.'"
"We're trying to cure financial literacy in the black community."
"Community empowerment is Paramount."
"Our goal is to provide useful, actionable information to individuals today and empower communities to plan and build resilience in the long term."
"True community development uses a bottom-up approach."
"We're calling on our community to reject the future of this dying social system and embrace that which comes with black people capturing power over our own lives."
"We had a very large school-based project in Kenya where we again were doing some vector surveillance and a lot of community empowerment and education."
"Playtime is over, we need our own media."
"Afro Vegan Society is helping disempower communities take back control of their health and environments through vegan living."
"I wish that we could prioritize the stuff that really matters as far as the black community goes and we can hold each other accountable and lift each other up."
"Empowering communities to build multi-staker networks faster and more affordably than legacy telecom models."
"They believe in being healthy and not perfect, so they're all about empowering their community to feel good in the skin that they're currently in."