
Economic Stability Quotes

There are 434 quotes

"People need a livelihood to get food and to get medicine."
"There's no truthful barometer for the debasement of fiat currency; Bitcoin is like an irrepressible barometer."
"The job of monetary policy is to promote maximum employment and price stability as the economy works through this challenging period."
"We have the tools to protect depositors when there's a threat of serious harm to the economy or to the financial system, and we're prepared to use those tools."
"We have both the tools we need and the resolve it will take to restore price stability on behalf of American families and businesses."
"The most important thing is to become more productive. If you're a great doctor, a great nurse, a great accountant, you're a great anything, and you're really the best at that, it won't matter what happens with the currency."
"Having price stability for an extended period of time is just enormously beneficial to the public."
"The bigger mistake to make would be to fail to restore price stability."
"Build up cash, get rid of your debt, get rid of your shaky investments, and buy gold and silver."
"Fewer than half of Americans can afford a $1,000 emergency."
"Freedom from Want... means economic understandings which will secure to Every Nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants everywhere in the world."
"We can't let the banks go back to business as usual because if they do, then all we're going to see is more debt, more poverty, more inequality, and another crisis in five or 10 years."
"Fiat money maintains its value from the stability of the government and economy it belongs to and through intelligent management of money supply by a central bank."
"The central bank has repeatedly shown that it can bring the situation under control... they both can and will."
"When currencies fail, gold is a safe haven. How much more time does the Dollar have? Well, I don't know. You don't know either."
"In America, you should be able to raise a family on one single income."
"Gold will do a better job over time, not on a daily basis, but over longer periods of time—years, decades. Gold is going to preserve much more of your buying power."
"Gold and silver are honest money, they're not just sound money."
"Gold hasn't changed. Gold is the same; the dollar has lost 99% of its value."
"There is no currency in the world that has a better monetary policy to protect your purchasing power."
"I think the air can be let out of this balloon without causing another financial crisis."
"Workers should not have to have an economy that is volatile."
"Singaporeans are lucky enough to be able to buy these homes at a discount, giving them a vital stake in the nation's prosperity, personal wealth, and stability."
"This area hasn't seen the same disparity collapse as the Rust Belt because it never went as all in an industry as the Rust Belt did."
"Norway is probably one of the safest economies in the world."
"The supremacy of the dollar... that's why we have to defend it."
"Bitcoin is more than a bubble and here to stay."
"America has remained a stable quarter of the world's economy since the 1960s."
"We've got to get back to a neutral reserve currency... it's life or death for all of us."
"Gold is a safe haven for Nations as well as individuals in uncertain times."
"Russia has reached that point where the economic situation is basically stabilized."
"Rent stabilization means that on certain older properties, landlords can only raise the rent by a certain percentage per year."
"Tesla's future cash flow looking solid AF, however, the world at this point in time anything but stable."
"86% of respondents said the country of China has the greatest economic stability and growth."
"I can see there wasn't anything in history as much of a sure bet as gold and silver."
"We need business to be intact and we need workers to be able to make rent and other expenses so that literally our entire society doesn't fall apart."
"To get the kind of Labor Market we really want to get we really want to have a labor market that serves all Americans... you've got to have price stability."
"One of the main things we're here for, perhaps the most fundamental thing we're here for, is to make sure that inflation of that unpleasant high nature doesn't get entrenched in the economy."
"You can't have confidence the doge is going to retain its value you can't have confidence the u.s dollar is going to retain you you can have confidence that bitcoin is going to in the long term based on the structure."
"Gold is a safe haven against all that stuff."
"An ounce of gold today will buy the same thing it bought 2,000 years ago."
"We need reoccurring checks. Every other developed nation has given citizens stability."
"Remain patient, prudent, focus on fundamentals over fear and greed, and follow a framework."
"Gold and silver have proven over thousands of years to be the ultimate store of value."
"Historically, gold has survived through currency collapses and it maintains its purchasing power."
"Ukrainian willpower obviously hasn't broken, and the Ukrainian economy obviously hasn't collapsed."
"Real gold prevents governments and central banks abuse via inflation via the loss of your purchasing power."
"It's certainly a sign that the market is stabilizing at these levels."
"The U.S banking system is not sound and resilient, Mr. Powell, you are not a good poker player."
"Bitcoin fixes that though, because it's finite supply and it's got intimate demand and it's a safe harbor."
"If my choice would be to accept some volatility and live or I had non-volatile cash that bought 30 percent less in a matter of eight weeks non-volatile that was 30 percent less at that rate you're not going to make it through the decade."
"Gold is always, at least from a market perspective, a currency and the last currency of resort, and that's not going to change over the next 5,000 years either."
"Fundamentally, everything is still on track provided the lows remain higher."
"By doing the right thing, not only did they get over the pandemic without massive destruction, their economy is in good shape."
"They keep their Savings in foreign currency."
"We all want healthcare, a good economy, and financial stability."
"Whatever reversal we got would not go down all that far."
"The United States is not in danger of becoming Venezuela next week but we are moving closer to it."
"Three in ten currently don't have the means to cover a $400 setback."
"There's nothing more stable than an ounce of gold. It never changes."
"Gold has value against the government, gold has value against a digital dollar, gold has value against a collapsing economy."
"Gold's prominence as a medium of exchange will increase as a consequence of unstable geopolitics."
"It's pretty fundamental: protect investors, protect the economy, promote Innovation, go after the bad guys."
"Inflation is declining significantly and the economy is remaining strong."
"Everybody feels much more comfortable dealing with US Dollars rather than the local currency."
"He doesn't want to go back working three, four jobs, not be able to put food on the table at the end of the day. It's about being able to take care of your family, pay your bills."
"This is a very popular investment in Germany. A lot of people's pensions will be invested into Juniper."
"But I think overall the trajectory is you know the people are investing much more sensibly today and it's a combination of the availability of the right instruments and the right programs right."
"Stability and confidence are one of the most important things in economics."
"Don't overreact to the news. There's always going to be times of war, especially at the time of this recording, right now, there's going to be times of insolvency."
"Kids do better when they go home to parents who have jobs."
"I want freedom of speech to return. I want privacy to return. I want people's savings to have value. I want people to become richer while they sleep."
"OEM quality keeps it clean, fresh, and good."
"Ideology is not the source of stability; the source of stability is the economic and material constraints that workers face."
"The overall market cap doesn't seem to have gone down that much."
"Escaping poverty has two fundamental premises: one, the minimum predictable income that is enough to cover the basics; and two, the ability to access growth opportunities."
"Having Bitcoin as our safe harbor or our safe boat, our life raft for people who want to preserve their purchasing power or even to be able to conduct commerce directly in Bitcoin, that's definitely there."
"We are in this transition of stable and steady growth."
"Mid-Atlantic was still going to start still going to be doing great business."
"Having multiple streams of income don't look so bad no more do it."
"The stability provided by a good paycheck and reliable benefits creates real freedom, actual freedom to make life choices and to participate as a full citizen in our democracy."
"The difference between gold and silver and anything else is simply that it's more universally accepted and it doesn't have a shelf life."
"Automatic stabilizers play a critical role in mitigating the negative impact of the recession."
"Nobody should have to live paycheck to paycheck being employed by one of the biggest game developers in the world."
"Gold is doing what it's supposed to do, reacting to the instability."
"They shared the wealth, they took care of each other, they made sure that they were all economically stable. That's real discipleship."
"Price stability for Central Bankers is where you and I do not change our financial behavior because of inflation."
"Our foreign policy ought to be how do we stabilize things how do we try and reduce tension how do we strengthen this country and the best way to strengthen this country is to get our debt and deficit under control."
"Destroy the middle class and you eventually destroy the economic engine of the United States."
"The labor market resilience has stuck... unemployment rate remained below 4% for the past 2 years."
"Real estate is truly a generational wealth-builder and will always be in demand."
"Our only hope is those foreign exchanges hold up strong."
"Owning physical gold... it's an investment and it's one that has historically proven to be good."
"Throughout history, gold has maintained its value better than any other asset on planet earth."
"If we simply pull up the drawbridge, we would destroy jobs for everybody in this country." - Nick Clegg
"Nike is built for this. Their online game is crazy, and they're recession-proof."
"At no point in this plan do you ever have to go backwards as it were living on less."
"Six goods that most middle-class families value: home ownership, college education, healthcare, two cars, family vacations, retirement security."
"Because we can make all three of these changes, and if we do so, we can dramatically reduce how often we have a crisis and how severe those crises are."
"Our job is to make people's lives freer economically, more stable, better."
"Income rules the world. Income pays your bills. Income can pay your mortgage. Income does everything."
"You can make money with Republicans in office, you can make money with Democrats in office."
"No government, no central bank with the money printer will go bankrupt."
"Silver offers a hedge against the vagaries of economic cycles."
"Gold's purchasing power cannot be inflated away."
"If we stop being the world Reserve currency every single person in America gets significantly poor overnight."
"But if you're okay with the worst possible scenario which is no, you're bulletproof."
"Bitcoin supply is capped at 21 million, so there's no inflationary pressure to rot away its value."
"Stability and confidence is crucial to the long-term prosperity of any economy, especially one that is dealing with economic hardships."
"Stability is the best medium in which economic activity takes place, a predictability, the lack of violence, the lack of chaos so you can project years ahead not worrying about it all collapsing because of a war."
"Assets maybe gold survives in that period and doesn't dump but even in during covet if we remember the covet collapse even gold dumped."
"Safety not meaning that they're going to be paid back in dollars that are going to appreciate they're fine if they depreciate safety meaning that they're going to get 100 cents on the dollar."
"You're fine, nothing's wrong with your money, you're not gonna be trapped, you're not going to jail."
"Once you keep your lifestyle creep in check, the goal post stops moving further and further away."
"I think crypto in general has a giant amount of potential to stabilize especially governments and currencies that are just unstable"
"Now the priority is this government should start right away by fixing the fiscal problems to secure the money of the people."
"Gold does tend to safeguard savings; it has never been worth zero."
"Liquidity is the lifeblood of financial markets."
"He's the one that always has money in the account when the rest of us don't."
"The progressives are gonna win, mark my words." - Jimmy from Philly
"Gold will be your safe haven if it looks like we're going to segue from a recession to a financial crisis."
"Without the middle class, I don't think we're going to survive."
"Registered nurses: highly paid, always in demand."
"The only thing that I would say is better right now are the United States Banks... but we know that can just turn on a dime."
"The two things that garners strength within a nation's foundation are one morals and number two the economic foundation."
"I'm not sitting here saying it's impossible to have a housing crash, but what I am saying is that the government and the FED are doing a pretty good job of preventing it."
"You've established an economy in every country and brought order to the world."
"There's so many factors, our economy unfortunately rather than feeling rock solid feels a lot more like a house of cards right now."
"The economy will stabilize, it won't be impacted by this Saga."
"Inflation goes away instantly. No recession. No period of high interest rates."
"Additional fiscal support could be costly but worth it if it helps avoid long-term economic damage."
"We don't want to do anything that would accelerate shortages in critical supply chain and workforce pathways."
"Stocks, real estate, and businesses have been time-tested to build more wealth than any other asset class."
"It's just so important to not live paycheck to paycheck."
"You don't own gold to get rich, you own gold to stay rich."
"Those who were prudent coming into this are going to come out a lot better off than those who stand to lose."
"No matter what the price does, it doesn't change the underlying fundamentals."
"The only way to get ahead and have sort of the stable classic American dream in this country is to become a homeowner."
"The world changed in 2009 that existential risk of the collapse of the global banking system in developed countries does not exist."
"Gold has held its purchasing power for like a long long time. It's very good."
"And because the world capitalism is very shaky, a lot of people around the world are very nervous."
"A lot of us are panicking over the price, but if you live in one of these other countries, you'll realize that bitcoin is a safe haven."
"CEOs sell off billions in stocks, market barely flinches."
"Gold is the safest reserve asset for a central bank to own."
"Defaulting would erase overnight America's influence on the world built after World War II."
"Month by month I'm earning a good amount of money that's going up over time."
"Financial preparedness: the economic collapse in the US and Argentina demonstrate the importance of having an emergency fund, investments in tangible assets like gold and silver, and reducing reliance on banks."
"Cash will be king when that total financial collapse happens again. I hope you learned that from this cycle. Cash is always king at the tops of markets."
"Putin sees the EU and US’ struggle to maintain financial stability as a waiting game."
"Gold had intrinsic value. It still has value today."
"The real winners are gold or things that central banks can't create."
"In order to be in the reserves, you have to be a very good store of value."
"Gold stands unwavering in the tempest. It remains a bulwark against inflation."
"Everyone turns to the dollar when there's weakness, imagine one day when everyone turns to Bitcoin."
"Just the fact that the fed's not as able to be as hawkish as they wanted to be can keep things afloat for longer than you might expect."
"The biggest of the benefits would be a steady income for African countries, considering the unstable government shifts."
"Central banks have the tools to kill inflation and we are on guard."
"Long-term treasury bonds are going to be a great place to be."
"Super easy Mulligan, you always keep Omen Hawk."
"Bitcoin is already replacing real money in many parts of the world where fiat currencies are failing."
"I do consider it more of a store of value or an insurance against other fluctuating markets."
"Everything is always doing something... the beauty about having multiple income sources."
"If we do see central banks adopting bitcoin in their foreign exchange reserves, I think that abates a lot of the uncertainty."
"Inflation is here to stay unless something really breaks."
"The average black male built his legacy off of stable Factory Blue Collar work."
"It's never been a good bet to bet against America, and that's more true today than ever."
"The world of sound money and the environment where your currency and monetary system is stable and prices are stable, that's a different scenario to a world where prices are rising and people are getting impoverished." - Philip Haslam
"The economy has been calibrated a lot better."
"Bitcoin is the best store of value we have today."
"I think cash flow stability good quality companies. When this is all over are gonna be valued once again."
"Things will not change in terms of the structure wages."
"Countries with a huge foreign reserve are the most economically viable."
"We want upward mobility and we want safety. People want some money in their pocket and they want to feel secure every day that they wake up in this country."
"As long as we're playing within the rules of capital, even if we achieve those things, they will never be stable or safe."
"Real assets maintain value through monetary shifts."
"That idea is just like basically going to bring your accomplishment when it comes to finances, financial situation, financial stability."
"Gold and silver represent honest weights and measures and always have and always will."
"A large middle class is key to economic stability."
"Nothing ever changes. He was right. That was true in 1929 right before the crash and every market top since that time..."
"The looming threat of an inflated market bubble raises serious concerns about the stability and sustainability of the real estate landscape."
"Crypto, the safe haven status... will be the biggest catalyst."
"We created this blog to normalize the conversation around not just getting rich but actually staying rich."
"Fiat is dangerous to hold on to, very dangerous to hold on to."
"Gold goes up in deflation and it goes up in inflation. Gold wins every time."
"You are in a position where you can make more [military factories] relatively quick as long as there's not some sort of economic disaster."
"The people that hold the gold and silver are going to hold the wealth."
"The stability of banks is basically one of the main foundational columns of everything we have."
"Cash and things like that liquid cash save cash is likely to be one of the very best places to be."
"The United States has really done its best to create a safe, stable, and consistent inflation rate of about 2 annually."
"Achieve stable prices so that we can have long expansions."
"Bitcoin is the most important cryptocurrency, with all the things you want in sound money."
"You're guaranteed to lose purchasing power mathematically guaranteed to lose purchasing power with the dollar and all fiat money. With Bitcoin, you're mathematically guaranteed to increase purchasing power."
"There's a fairly strong economic rationale as to why companies with stronger brands would be more protected against macroeconomic risk."
"I think the capitalist system is very fragile right now."
"The full faith and credit of the United States government, the economy, the American people, everything is at risk."
"For a minimum of 20 years, natural gas and electricity prices here are in the bottom 10 percent of the United States."
"The Fed is ultimately making sure that rates will not go to zero or will not break below zero. No negative interest rates."
"We need to make sure our country is strong, our economy is functioning, and we're reputable in the world."
"That's right like that is how much gold will ever cost it will never cost more than that it just happens to be more than it currently cost."
"You're the one that's going to be around when everybody else and their Grandma are getting their cars repoed."