
Economic Challenges Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"The economy right now is going through a real shock."
"This idea of weaponizing capital is very dangerous and is probably the largest issue that our country is going to face over the next couple of years."
"In tough times, sometimes you have to take less than you're worth."
"How are people going to make it if this continues? How are people going to pay their bills? How are people going to feed their babies?"
"The primary driver of U.S. sovereign debt is, we are getting old; it's demographics and demographics isn't Republican or Democrat, it's math."
"The fact is very simple: when you get to 9.1% inflation, it devastates single mothers and seniors on fixed income."
"Once the inflation genie is out of the bottle, it's not going back in."
"I see ominous signs here and there, and I want that if global capitalism will be able to cope with it in the long terms."
"Higher energy costs, lack of workers, high wages, and now Chinese competition are toppling Germany's once famous competitiveness."
"The primary problem we're having is not so much fewer workers... it's fewer consumers."
"A lot of people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck."
"The American dream is to be a homeowner, but that dream is becoming a little bit more difficult to accomplish because home prices are rising so fast."
"Understanding the economic factors standing in the way of a logical transition away from these resources will help to show that not only are none of us truly blameless, but that it will also take a lot more effort to make a change."
"The lack of workers is creating a drag on the economy, slowing production, contributing to supply-side strains."
"The idea of building generational wealth has essentially been wiped out because now buying a home, which gives you security and can protect you against tragedy, is so much more expensive."
"You have generations of people who feel like they're stuck in this loop."
"This is scary, to be very clear. This is scary. You can't afford to survive right now."
"We're not great when half of our people today are living paycheck to paycheck."
"How does a regular 28-year-old person that got out of college, they got a job starting at 50 grand a year, then they go to get a 3 percent raise, let's say a 4 percent raise every year... How the hell are you going to buy a house?"
"It feels good, it feels like things are looking up."
"Jobs are getting incredibly hard to get because of intense competition for the small number of jobs that are available."
"The big war is with ourselves, that's standing in with this internal conflict and the financial things if we can be strong and do those things right then we're going to be in the best of shape there'll be less threat."
"We know this is extremely difficult and this is through no fault of the restaurant owners."
"More and more Americans, especially a lot of Boomers who are going into retirement, aren't able to retire right now. They're just not able to do it because of the inflationary rate."
"You don't associate professionalism with a lack of means."
"Impact fees alone in the city of West Sacramento are upwards of $50,000."
"Margins are so thin here, if the needle goes one way, it's by point zero zero zero one percent."
"Pushing on that string is not going to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. We got a hard problem here."
"You're not going to make any money as a female athlete because there won't be female sports."
"Not everyone has the financial flexibility to optimize their use of resources."
"It's gonna be dark for the people who work in advertising."
"The farming industry is under a bit of pressure."
"The single biggest limiting factor in the western hemisphere for the next 30 years is going to be capital availability."
"63 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, including nearly half of six-figure earners."
"Our farmers got through a very rough period."
"This is not a hot economy when 43% of households can't afford to pay for housing, food, childcare, healthcare, transportation, and a cellphone without going into debt."
"China's economy faces a double whammy with reduced access to chips and slowed market growth."
"Why do we feel like we keep getting in the situation where we're taking out micro loans?"
"Middle class families now spend up to 35 percent of their earnings on essentials."
"Okay, well, then okay, let me tell you something: if you think it's hard to make a million dollars, how you think it's going to be living without it?"
"He talks about rolling back the vast coveted state at a moment when people need more help not less to deal with rising prices."
"I just don't know how this generation is going to accumulate capital and if you can't accumulate capital, it's not clear why you should have any instinct of love for capitalism."
"For many futurists, the primary challenge posed by declining population growth is economic."
"I know these market conditions are difficult, but we will be here every step of the way."
"Bear markets require innovation in order to ultimately bring new money into the space."
"Working-class men can't get the jobs their dad got with the same level of education."
"The withdrawal of foreign capital from China is attributed to challenging economic environment, rising geopolitical tensions, and tighter control by the Chinese Communist Party."
"Average person is doomed. They have bought a house and borrowed all the money to buy the house."
"The biggest financial mistake you will ever make was being born after 1980. Homes are unaffordable."
"Millennials might be the unluckiest generation when it comes to economic growth."
"The rental market's very strong here but do your best everybody to try to help each other out because it's a crazy time out there right now and it's tough for landlords and it's tough for tenants and a lot of it is just not fair."
"Healthcare is repeatedly raised by small business owners as one of the largest costs they have."
"The middle class is financially ruined as long as they're living paycheck to paycheck... thankfully it doesn't always have to be that way."
"Good luck buying a home, good luck renting an apartment."
"Domestic price inflation continues to rise around the world."
"The economic damage comes right as the global economy is dealing with..."
"In a world where inflation is still hovering at a high level and Retail investors have lost about 350 billion dollars, most of us are likely struggling in these major economic swings."
"Stagnant wages, housing affordability, and rising debt levels paint a grim picture."
"Europe now faces years of economic and geopolitical crises."
"It is time now to deal with the economic and social realities of the world."
"Housing is becoming extremely expensive, which is making it very difficult for all people."
"Affording a home has become a major challenge for most workers in the USA."
"We need to stop being so fearful of telling the truth about the debt and deficits because if we don't grow up and take this head on, it's going to take our head off."
"When you have large amounts of debt and a slowing economy and a reduction in revenues then that means that you can't service that debt that you're going to potentially default on it."
"What we've experienced so far is just a small taste of what we're going to have to swallow when it comes to higher prices."
"More than 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Serious talk right now about real supply chain shortages."
"Everybody is struggling right now, ad Revenue has gone down for everyone."
"We're facing a trifecta of macroimbalances today: the debt to GDP problem of the 1940s, the inflation problem of the 70s, and the speculative environment of the late 90s."
"We live in the hardest time in human history to get people to part with their money for the first time."
"By 2023 I think the world is going to be in a really difficult Finance situation."
"Level out the playing field a little bit because unfortunately, it's only getting worse."
"You're spending more and getting less, and that seems to be a recurring thing whether it's on gifts, groceries, gas, or a house."
"There's no daylight in the economy, there's nothing unless we invent some new invention."
"Six goods that most middle-class families value: home ownership, college education, healthcare, two cars, family vacations, retirement security."
"The American median household income froze, started declining we haven't had an uptick since the year 2000."
"Wages have been stagnant and the price of basic middle-class goods like housing and healthcare have gone through the roof."
"The impetus for movement towards regional integration took place in the context of challenges, with the idea that cooperation and resource sharing would help all members of the region."
"Our industry is facing a new normal with subdued demand."
"People with no money are just not very good at taking it."
"I've never seen central banks so backed into a corner as I do now."
"Living in LA, you'd see Mexican food restaurants struggling, mom and pop shops."
"Being a Sony artisan of imagery, I don't get a salary. I don't get paychecks. I don't get anything like that."
"Economic adversity is a terrible thing to waste. It offers a scope for substantial reforms, if there is a will."
"How is Gen Z going to buy houses? I don't know. Physically, Gen Z will not be able to afford houses."
"Low social mobility makes it harder for people from poorer backgrounds to climb the economic ladder."
"As housing, education, childcare, and food prices continue to climb, many Americans are struggling to make ends meet."
"Nuclear power plants are expensive to build, construction often takes longer than expected, and debates over how to handle radioactive wastes rage on."
"There's a palpable sense of frustration about people trying to get jobs."
"That mass extinction of small businesses in the U.S. that were clinging on mostly by the desire of the entrepreneur to make it work."
"When it comes to these free markets right it's like you have to be aware of what you're up against."
"Families down here are close-knit, and neighbors work together. You'll often see smiles on the faces of people in this part of the country, no matter how empty their bank accounts are."
"The IMF has slashed its growth forecast for the United States by one full percentage point, blaming supply chain disruptions and weaker consumption while warning of growing economic crisis to the world economy."
"The economic calculation of reparations is a difficult one. That's the bare minimum, giving immediate financial restitution for some of these wrongs is just a starting point."
"How do you not only survive but hopefully thrive in this world of out-of-control central banks, big governments, and central bank digital currencies?"
"Everything is overpriced, it's very expensive to live here."
"Developing economies have very high investment needs, but they tend to have very low savings."
"He understood what people in this economy are really facing."
"California's tax burden: pushing away businesses and wealthy individuals."
"The once glorious California Dream is starting to erode."
"I really want to play more of it. Where the story is concerned, I never knew if I was really making the right choice, you know?"
"The lack of commitment to honor the financial obligations soon turned into ongoing pressure."
"We've got real challenges and I'm sure we're going to get to talk about the economy in a minute, but that's the number one challenge we've got to get the NHS back on track."
"Russia is losing in the military field, in the energy field and may also end up losing in the economic field as well."
"At least we're in a weird position economically where because people are trapped inside during the pandemic we're basically rooting for the pandemic"
"Maybe it will be a much smaller company when it does survive this."
"How can you make sure that you survive and thrive this economic storm that is likely coming our way?"
"It's easy for economists to say, 'Just go out and specialize,' but when most people are only making the equivalent of $4.00 a day, it's simply impossible to survive by specializing in a traditional role."
"The Marshalls are heavily dependent on money from donors or from the United States."
"I'm excited for the future of PC gaming, especially in a time with high costs and inflation."
"Millennials aren't buying avocado toast and lattes. Can they afford a home?"
"God blessed that time before streaming and when bands didn't have to tour endlessly to pay bills because everyone just listens to music on spotify now."
"As the globe goes into a Slowdown and possible recession, we could see a lot of individuals struggling."
"That's the most pressing issue despite everything that we've just mentioned: the pandemic, international relations, the truly failed economy."
"In the midst of an economic depression, money for the expedition was hard to come by."
"Most people don't even make thirty grand a year. Even if you have a hundred thousand dollars, even if you're making a hundred grand a year, it's really hard for people to save that type of money."
"That VC money is drying up left and right and the problem with VC money drying up left and right is that so many of these Silicon Valley companies and companies in general are funded through VC."
"The American consumer has been resilient despite all odds."
"Imagine that, all the Independent Grocers working with razor-thin margins already are probably just going to call it quits and file for a wave of bankruptcies."
"We're in a storm of economic difficulty... eventually, this is going to catch up... and more and more people are going to see that this verbiage is way too little and way too late."
"In the EV world, trickle-down ownership doesn't work the same."
"A foreign policy based on virtue signaling when your economy is in recession and you can't heat your homes, your morals change real quick."
"Interest rates, leaving you in debt for the rest of your life. That ain't right."
"Tesla is well equipped to weather this type of storm and come out the other end much stronger."
"Innovative companies THRIVE during economically challenging times."
"This cold is going to flush out weak companies and only the strong will remain."
"It's a problem and it's hard on the pockets, but it's something that we have."
"Putin found himself in a more difficult situation as the Russian economy's turmoil damaged the Russian army fighting on Ukrainian soil."
"The economic thing is just absolutely crushing."
"And perhaps this is hinting at a world that is more recently fallen on harder times."
"It's harder for working-class rural people to get to work if the prices are high."
"The FED is challenged, doesn't have the world's best tools."
"I think that's going to increasingly lead to a lot of markets stocks bonds and countries uh really feeling a pinch here and facing some headwinds."
"Even with all these measures making their way through various legislatures, Americans remain crunched between what they need and what they can afford."
"It's just getting harder and harder if you're a working-class family."
"Being a gamer is hard work. It doesn't matter if you're a modern or retro gamer, you just haven't got the money to play or buy them all."
"If you can afford a $1500 card but that's it and you have a $300 card that's all you could afford, the problem is just as big to the $300 guy as the $1500 guy."
"You gotta have excess today to live somewhat even with the quality of life your parents or your grandparents had."
"We fought during the bear times and now we are winning."
"Not having a solid Financial understanding really hindered me and slowed down my financial growth."
"It's going to get rough economically...but what are you going to do?"
"Being poor sucks, it's more expensive sometimes."
"It's going to have a major impact on our hobby and/or small businesses."
"It's rough times ahead, that's what scares me."
"Life support, if you will, for businesses who probably shouldn't have been expected to plan for a one in 100 year event like this."
"You can't crush creativity because there's not enough money in it. It's a very basic human desire to be creative."
"What happened to SoftBank Group is that we are in the middle of a blizzard. It's a big storm. It's the first cold blast of winter."
"Nearly 30,000 people have donated to the digital freedom platform in a time of recession."
"Turkey may need to borrow more money as its currency reserves dwindle."
"Let's pretend [world debt is] not there, because the alternatives are really, really painful."
"The gas side of things is a major problem for Russia because they've grown used to sending all of that gas down the pipelines those pipelines will very quickly become redundant they will be obsolete soon."
"As Spartan families became poorer, they could not afford to pay for the equipment."
"These commercial Banks are losing money hand over fist now."
"The problem here is not the economy, it's the coronavirus."
"I don't want us to be in that situation again. I don't want a doctor to have to tell a patient, you know, I know how to save your life but the country doesn't have money to pay for the booster shot that you need."
"You're the one that's going to be around when everybody else and their Grandma are getting their cars repoed."
"We were kind of broke back then. I mean, it looks expensive, so that's the story."
"Challenges in supply chains make it difficult to fight inflation with the usual tools, which is adjusting interest rates."
"Over-regulated states like California, New York, and Illinois face different problems."
"If you live paycheck to paycheck, that 'eventually' is not okay."
"The Tesla Model Y recently became the best-selling car in all of Europe even during a painful economic year."
"Americans can't save money... wages are down, the cost of living is up, savings rates only 3.6%."
"People are not going to be able to afford the down payments that are necessary to get the cheap money moving forward."
"The perfect storm is you got inflation at an all-time high still they still trying to work on an entertainment now interest rates are significantly higher than they were also moratorium in so it's a lot of people that's going to be evicted."
"Nobody can afford rent, nobody can afford groceries. This election, Republicans are fighting to block student debt relief and a livable wage. We can't afford Republican leadership."
"We can't afford rent, we can't afford groceries. This election, Republicans are fighting to block student debt relief and a livable wage. We can't afford Republican leadership. That's why we need to vote."
"Labor problems, economy problems, inflation problems, food supply chain problems. Do I need to say more?"
"The politics are awful and the economics don't look good either."
"China is currently facing a real unemployment wave which is severely impacting young people."
"Young people today are certified; they earn less and have less money than I had at their age."
"Americans are relying on their savings to cover monthly bills and everyday expenses."
"Millennial money... it's like living on 88K a year in the Bay Area. Millennial money!"
"China had two major problems to address: choking its citizens to death... and losing ground in the global markets."
"Innovation gains more traction in tough times: faster, better, cheaper, more creative, more productive."
"Being economy is not the vibe especially if you're automaker."
"She amazed me, not only did she win everyone's heart with her kindness."
"China's economy is still being held hostage. That's part of the economy you've seen massive downgrades."
"Some of our families couldn't afford multiple rooms and holidays, we had to share the room."
"It's not aliens or the Martians. They're not stopping us from getting jobs out here."
"In summary, the employment situation in China has become increasingly challenging for various groups."
"41% of black-owned businesses have been financially hurt by Covid-19... we gotta have black businesses... in 2020 who have the courage to align with black folks."
"As much as Millennials and Gen Z'ers might want to go out and buy a home right now, they're pretty much locked out financially, unfortunately."
"There's plenty of water in the world, but we got to pay for our water."
"You can't be broke and then going out and saying oh I'm gonna go buy a Lamborghini that's pretty much what people are doing when you're in a bad predicament when you're already poor."
"So it appears that these fortune 500 companies are getting pinched at economies of scale as well."
"China and America both face challenges with large, influential companies - too big to fail or manage."
"Consumers with wage stagnation are turning to credit cards to pay for things."
"This is all a scam. I mean, we got people that's getting ready to retire that's going to try to live off $2 to $3,000. Impossible."
"Restaurants are not gonna make it if you're working for a restaurant right now and you've raised your prices I'd consider at least starting to get that resume ready starting to look for another job."
"During the pandemic, while most businesses were grappling with dangerous financial underperformance and the very real possibility of permanent closures, the fashion industry thrived."
"Perhaps regular folks have merely given up on what used to be attainable."
"This makes black wealth an impossible thing to ever achieve."
"I'm rooting for it, hope it works out. A lot of people can use that connection, but in remote places with people who don't have a lot of money, that's not the answer."
"When you want to pay your employees well... you can't outcompete some of the big manufacturing powers of the world."
"California has a whopping 1.5 million tenants that are behind on rent, they simply cannot pay or refuse to pay rent in the state."
"It just became too expensive to run a restaurant, and McDonald's had to give in."
"We are in fact dealing with some extremely dangerous matters in some extremely dangerous political times fraught with economic and financial difficulties."
"Healthcare is one of the key costs plaguing Millennials."
"The impossibility of having an economically sound nation was fertile ground for coups and government assassinations."
"Confidence among British businesses has dropped precipitously, damaged by a toxic combination of rising costs and economic turmoil."