
Healthcare Access Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"People need a livelihood to get food and to get medicine."
"If you really wanted to stop abortion from happening, you would be out there rallying for open doors to women's reproductive healthcare access."
"There's no financial barrier, there's every good reason, and it is essential that people come forward as soon as they register symptoms."
"No one should be afraid to seek care as the coronavirus spreads, placing our communities at risk."
"The mere fact that we've had a difficulty in getting healthcare in some parts of the society for a period of time and now we're seeing excess deaths, that's what you'll call a temporal correlation."
"Access to health care in this country is abysmal. We are failing people at enormous rates with regards to allowing them to achieve the health status that they want, particularly before pregnancy."
"We will not rest until every American has access to the highest quality, most affordable health care anywhere in the world."
"I want everybody to have health care. I want everybody to have education."
"I'll work to tear down the language barriers that keep AAPI from quality healthcare."
"The only way to make sure that people have a choice in the way they earn money is to make housing affordable, healthcare accessible, and to not burden marginalized people with criminal records that lead to a cycle of joblessness, homelessness, and desperation."
"In America, access to health care should not be determined based on how much money you have. Health care and access to health care should be a right."
"President Biden does not believe, as a principle, it should be difficult for people to gain access to healthcare."
"His mother died of sepsis when he was just eight months old due to the fact that his family had no money to seek medical treatment for her."
"She couldn't afford an ultrasound or medical care and didn't know what her options were, so like thousands of others before her, she went to Google."
"People being discouraged from getting treatment for STDs absolutely leads to an increase in the spreading of said STDs."
"Reproductive justice links reproductive rights with the social, political, and economic inequalities that affect a person's access to reproductive care."
"This executive order... safeguards access to reproductive health services... protects the privacy of patients and their access to accurate information... promotes the safety and security of patients, providers, and clinics."
"Every year about 300,000 moms die in childbirth, and 2.3 million kids die in their first month on this planet... and it's not rocket science why. It's because they don't have access to basic healthcare."
"So many of our people can't afford to go to a doctor."
"Self-diagnosis is often needed and valid for people in a variety of different marginalized communities who don't have access to expensive health care."
"Everyone should have access to health insurance; everyone should have access to healthcare."
"Finally can afford to get my teeth fixed after a childhood of no dental help."
"Everyone should pay their fair share, and everyone should have free healthcare, free at the point of usage."
"It's so immediate and people don't have to wait for an appointment four to six weeks down the road."
"We changed that description, so as the president said, anyone who on a doctor's order wants to be tested can at a doctor's indication be tested."
"For Macon County where poverty was everywhere and wages were incredibly low, free healthcare sounded like a real nice gift."
"We don't want any American to worry about the cost of getting a test or the cost of getting treatment."
"Women could completely lose their access to abortion care."
"Trans kids deserve access to transforming healthcare."
"I think people should have access to tests, so government's talking about giving people free tests now."
"ZocDoc is the only free app that lets you find and book doctors who are patient reviewed, take your insurance, are available when you need them, and treat almost every condition under the sun."
"It's extremely common for me to receive telephone calls from different parts of the country attempting to find physicians, psychiatrists, who are familiar with this phenomenon."
"We haven't had one person in this whole country that hasn't had a ventilator that needed it."
"We intend to do everything to make sure it's available to them, not just in a week but moving forward, period." - Health and Human Services Secretary Javier Becerra
"We passed Right to Try to give critically ill patients access to life-saving cures."
"There is nothing humane about putting a parent on a 170-mile journey when they need NICU services."
"No waiting rooms, no traffic, no endless searching for the right therapist."
"We are slowing the spread, ensuring every American family has access to healthcare."
"We are slowing the spread. We are ensuring that every American family has access to the healthcare we want any member of our family to have."
"I give it a 10 out of 10, to be honest, this is awesome."
"Health care is not a privilege, it's a right. Everyone should have the right to have affordable health care."
"You consult with somebody online, you don't go to the doctor's office, you don't have to wait in some super long pharmacy line. These are real scientific medical solutions backed by science. This is what you need to do today."
"Reproductive health care is health care, and if you do not have access to it, then your health is in jeopardy."
"The economic stress caused by climate impacts can also mean less money for medication for pregnant women to get the care they need."
"Over 1/3 of hormonal contraceptive users say they've had gaps in pregnancy prevention or self discontinue their medication solely due to issues with prescription access."
"We need to have sufficient doses of those vaccines so that all of the front line health care workers who put their lives at risk, who are interacting with patients on a daily basis can have the vaccine if they're willing to receive it."
"My beauty with a purpose project is about providing free medical health care to those who can't afford it." - Miss Nigeria
"Access to care is not based on your ability to pay, it's based on your medical need."
"Do you want a six-week abortion ban or do you want access to reproductive health care?"
"We must ask for help if you feel you need help and support, then do come forward and do ask your health visitor, your GP, and for that support."
"Every form of health care should continue to be available, including reproductive health care for every woman in this country."
"I fear that some people are going to die because they can't get hospital treatments in January, February, even in our sophisticated western countries."
"The ascent of billionaires is a symptom and an outcome of an immoral system that tells people affordable insulin is impossible but exploitation is fine." - Alex
"My American dream is to have an America where every human being in this country has access to quality healthcare."
"Violence is denying kids education. Violence is denying people healthcare."
"We're treating thousands of Albertans every year and they get that immediate same-day access to evidence-based medication that brings relief to them."
"They're younger, healthier, they have access to really good treatment."
"When we go back to Washington we will be putting Roe v. Wade codification on the floor of the House to make sure that women everywhere have access to the reproductive health that they need."
"You're not radical if you believe that healthcare is a human right."
"Access to medical care is a basic human right."
"Take action to protect patients, protect abortion access."
"I want to see a world where people don't have to die because they can't afford to go to a doctor or because they're sick and then couldn't afford to pay their bills and went bankrupt."
"I think it's worse to get diagnosed with something and not be able to get it treated than never getting diagnosed."
"Who needs the W.H.O the most? It's countries in the global south."
"Telehealth provides convenient healthcare at home."
"Everybody deserves to have access to the same care."
"The immediate production of necessary medication to rural areas in areas that are underserved."
"We let 45,000 people a year die because they don't have health care because they can't afford health care."
"Cheating can just shatter everything that you tried so hard to build."
"But we are now at the point where people can't access pain medications even in the situations that really should be getting them."
"There's an entire demographic of the population who are routinely denied life-saving medical care."
"We are only as safe as the least insured person in America."
"I do not want anyone to die just because they are poor."
"Imagine being able to go to the doctor without worrying about the bill."
"In the black community, access to mental health care is lacking."
"It's effective, safe, and doesn't cost you a dime."
"We're really so lucky that there is a procedure that can help Ethel."
"They're literally picking who lives and who dies, who gets the tests and who doesn't."
"I'm losing my patience with the oligarchy who won't give people healthcare during a deadly pandemic."
"We will insure all Americans have the freedom to consult with doctors from the safety and convenience of their homes."
"If you're a wealthy woman, you've always been able to get whatever care, whatever doctors, whatever you ultimately want. This is really about the autonomy of poor and working-class women."
"The vaccine must be free and freely available to everyone."
"Guaranteeing health care to all people without any premiums, without any co-payments, without any deductibles, and without any out-of-pocket expenses."
"People are feeling the pain, people are feeling rational. We should have access to the best quality medicine at the cheapest price possible."
"Absolutely inequities or lack of access to care across the spectrum of our populations is of primary concern."
"I am a human being, and I'm gonna go to the doctor when I need to."
"The idea is not having to worry about whether you have enough money to pay for the visit."
"People are dying because they don't have access to health care."
"If health workers do not vaccinate in your village, take your children to the nearest health center to be vaccinated."
"I believe that health care should be guaranteed in the United States of America, and that is why I support single-payer Medicare for all."
"I want to stop you right there okay when you said she saw me it wasn't that I scheduled a visit it was that you had a health care provider who said I am going that one I'm going to talk to you anyway about."
"Black Ops 2 score system is better because it awards you for playing the objective and there are no more death streaks."
"We're telling anti-abortion protesters that they can't physically harass patients outside of Planned Parenthood."
"Things are hard for our people. The economy is bad, people can't sleep, food is scarce, and healthcare is out of reach."
"IVF is so much more tangible to people than when you explain to them what has happened since Dos in terms of women with ectopic pregnancies and being denied procedures because doctors are leaving to call their lawyers."
"Palliative care has a little broader definition... it opens the doors to many more patients who normally would not have access to this kind of care."
"Healthcare is a human right, and nobody should go into medical debt."
"These changes are going to ensure access to affordable coverage for millions more Americans and help more people with diabetes get coverage they desperately need."
"My vision is that people worldwide have access to eating disorder treatment."
"It's crazy that we live in a society where you have to go to a back alley in order to get a haircut but if you want an abortion, well, Planned Parenthoods are wide open."
"It's a privilege to be able to get diagnosed."
"Make Healthcare as available as possible, as affordably as possible, to as many people as possible."
"Stock up on Plan B, condoms, everything related to personal sexual reproductive health."
"Our White House will be a beacon of light, providing hope and opportunity, assuring a new century where every single person will be able to get the healthcare they need."
"Medicare for all means you walk into any doctor you want to, freedom of choice."
"If we really want to tackle it... we have to make those treatments available."
"Universal healthcare isn't Universal if you don't actually get the healthcare."
"Over 10.1 million Medicare beneficiaries have accessed care through telehealth since the beginning of the pandemic."
"You go to a hospital, you don't feel good, go to a hospital room and wait for three days to see a doctor. I will never allow that to happen under my administration."
"Most people actually think everyone should have access to healthcare."
"No one should have to go without medical care because they can't afford it."
"Abortion services are hard to access for rural people across the country."
"No one, no matter what they look like, where they're from, or what they do for a living should have to choose between taking time off to heal from being sick or caring for a family member or paying the bills." - Mary Kay Henry
"What we want is for the poor to have access at public hospitals."
"Every adult who wants the vaccine will get it eventually."
"We also supported our tribal communities, delivering rapid testing systems to the Navajo Nation."
"Paxlovid is usually only given to people who are high risk or elderly."
"Yes, we're in the dark ages... because we've turned medicine into not a right but a privilege."
"When the economy tanks and people become unemployed people start dying. It's not just about suicides which is sad and scary but it's also about people losing access to resources, people losing access to insurance."
"As a black woman, I usually keep my college jacket in the car if I have to go to the emergency room."
"Bill Gates is lying to you when he says that lifting patent protections will not help with access."
"Millions of Americans can now save thousands of dollars because they can finally get a hearing aid over the counter without a prescription."
"Private companies making private profits make it harder for millions of Americans to access drug stores."
"No family should be kept from seeing a doctor or getting treatment."
"If you're sick and can't get care, you're also limited in your ability to be an activist, to work, to earn a living."
"Access to healthcare is more expensive for poorer people."
"Americans have access to these tests, healthcare providers, hospitals, primary care physicians are already providing these tests today."
"Finding a therapist can be really hard, especially when you’re limited to the options in your area."
"Abortions are a medical right just the same as you have the right to go get treated for the flu."
"If you can't afford health care, the government should provide some basic level for you."
"Every person in our nation should be able to access and afford the healthcare they need to thrive, not as a privilege, but as a right."
"Every other country in the world guarantees healthcare as a human right. Here in America, we guarantee contracts that deny us healthcare if you don't pay for that contract."
"Readily available Medical Technology should be democratically available to everyone."
"The reality is that trans people of all ages are stuck for years on waiting lists for gender affirming healthcare."
"I'm a firm believer of everybody having access to health care and education."
"If my nephew and niece, if my uncle and auntie, if my elders in my community get some intervention that will help them... if a Clansman gets it too, that is a secondary concern to me."
"Plastic surgery is a privilege... not all of them are able to access large amounts of money."
"Free housing, free health care shouldn't be a pipe dream."
"They want to seat Judge Barrett now so that she can rule on a case in November that will take away access for 129 million Americans who do not have access to health care."
"There was a lack of compassion by government entities to give people access to the treatment that they need."
"You know, healthcare is like one of those basic human services that everybody should get. It'd be like the equivalent of, you know, imagine if our society treated firefighting and policing like they do medicine."
"Keep in mind if you become ill if you become injured and you need to go to the hospital the hospital can't reject you simply because you don't have insurance."
"No one deserves to die because they're too poor."
"60,000 Americans die every year because they don't get to a doctor."
"23 and 24 year olds invited to book jabs from tomorrow."
"No American that needed a ventilator has not received one."
"In Georgia, you are more likely to be treated in prison, incarcerating you for being sick."
"Access to doctors is critical, especially in maternal care."
"Demonizing people who are struggling to receive medical attention is a pretty shitty thing to do."
"People are earning low wages. Can’t afford health care. Can’t afford insurance or pharmaceuticals. And we’re going to rally the people there to tell their senators to stand with ordinary Americans and not with wealthy campaign contributors."
"Gone are the days of the awkward doctor visits, waiting in long pharmacy lines."
"Ensuring access to affordable health care... would go a long way to making sure that people live healthier and safer lives."
"I believe in what they're doing which is to make Healthcare as accessible to as many people as possible."
"Not one person who needed a ventilator didn't get a ventilator. How incredible is that?"
"No awkward conversations and no waiting in line at a pharmacy."
"I care more about whether I have access to good healthcare than whether you think I'm a biological female."
"Many Americans can't get to a doctor right now. The good news is that for many health issues, you can see a doctor online."
"Not one person in this country that needed a ventilator didn't get the ventilator. So every single person that needed one got one, which is pretty amazing."
"Healthcare should be available to everybody."
"Favor also delivers straight to your door for free and in discreet packaging."
"It's good that they're doing this but if you need this and people do people have died recently in the past years because of not having access to the money needed to pay for the ever-increasing price it shouldn't be happening."
"People are not truly free when they cannot afford to go to the doctor when they are sick."
"I really hope that the work we're going to do is going to allow us to broaden that access and then maybe also make act as a role model to Pharma to do more of that too like open sourcing medication."
"Access is just the start. The real goal is to deliver good care."
"That would not have happened if they had just given me the surgery on the same timeline as a thin patient."
"Telehealth decreases overall costs and increases access to healthcare."
"I think it's an important treatment option regardless of age if somebody's able to receive the treatment."
"You don't want to move to the perfect location only to find out that there is no Health Care available."
"You'll see that they have great access to health care and medicine."
"The main impetus of the Treat initiative is to make sure that these medicines and treatments are available to all."
"Women are four times more likely to die in pregnancy and childbirth, and too many still can't get HRT when they need it."
"Increased access to telehealth for millions of Americans has truly been life-saving."
"This is wonderful because Appalachia really needs these kind of clinics."
"You can see any doctor or go to any hospital in the United States or its territories as long as they accept Medicare."
"We all deserve a right to basic healthcare, essential healthcare."
"It's a complete abortion ban; there are very few people who in fact know and then can access the care within that six week window."
"The irony of being a psych resident not being able to get Mental Health Care is not lost on me."
"Our obligation is to make sure that everybody gets coverage at the lowest possible cost to all of us."
"Our company is committed to being ethical and providing access to treatments on an affordable basis."
"Patients have a right to request access to their medical records in whatever digital format you have the capability of producing."
"We must ensure healthcare is a human right; housing is a human right."
"Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, about 10 million Americans have gained health insurance just this past year."
"Our priority has to be in making sure that universal access is still available."
"We're trying to make sure that everybody has good health care -- and they don't right now."
"If you want health care, you should be able to get affordable health care."
"We can prioritize caring for our most complex, costly patients who are often turned away at the door because they have Medicare, they have Medicaid, and their insurance does not pay what a United pays or what a Cigna pays."
"Making this medicine easier to access, less legally gatekept, easier to produce, cheaper to produce, this is stuff that's going to be done by multi-billion dollar industries."
"I want to open up a free clinic for lower socioeconomic areas to provide health care for those in need."
"We have achieved a form of dual regulation which ensures the full availability of medicines across the entire United Kingdom."
"Everyone, regardless of their income, has access to health care, which is super important."
"You can go to any doctor without any limit set by the insurance company."
"I look forward to being a readily accessible provider to patients as a PA."
"The way to get more doctors to work in remote areas and less lucrative medical fields is to build more public hospitals and pay doctors to work there."
"At Merck, we believe our medicine should be available to the people who need them."
"Universal health coverage means that every person should have access to quality health services without being pushed into poverty due to ill health."
"Another big theme of mental health awareness month is advocating for access to mental health care."
"What is the sum total of all of the distances from all of the houses to their nearest hospital?"
"Access to health care is something that should be based on need, not ability to pay."
"The capacity to access HRT prior to puberty is a reason for a lot of the mental illness and a lot of the poverty resulting from the mental illness that takes place in the trans community."
"All of these services will be available using your OHIP card, never your credit card."