
Self-growth Quotes

There are 500 quotes

"It's going to be such a positive month of self-growth and learning your self-worth."
"This whole connection has helped you come out of illusions, helped you to take back your personal power, helped you to love yourself more."
"The prerequisite for spending time with any person is that they nourish and inspire you, they feed your flame."
"Attachment really works when you're practicing the journey, enjoying the journey, and you're learning self-growth."
"Gorgeous gorgeous girls learn how to master the art of detachment."
"I think self-doubt is fully part of self-growth."
"Honestly, we have to give ourselves more credit because who we were turned us into who we are and is going to turn us into who we're going to be."
"Fear is a powerful thing. I'm taking responsibility for my fear, the willingness to suppress my own self, and am grateful for this lived experience loaded with lessons to continue to learn from."
"Your environment has an enormous impact on how you develop."
"This is definitely a relationship for self-growth."
"I've actually learned a lot of life lessons from this stage in my life."
"Life is calling on every single one of us to move into the place of wisdom in ourselves."
"I wish I could go back in time and say to that little boy, 'Stop wasting your time, none of this is going to matter to you someday. All you're going to care about is telling the story of Jesus.'"
"Ramadan could be the hardest month for us as a first timer but perhaps it could be the best month for self-growth."
"Enlightenment was man's emergence from self-incurred immaturity."
"I decided it was going to make me, but I had to put my dad on the side at one point. I had to put everybody on the side and concentrate on the path."
"But you know what, my friend, your life right now does not need to suck. You can do whatever you want with your life. You are free to make choices, you are free to make decisions, you are free to grow as a person."
"Your future is calling you, and you're waiting on an apology."
"Rey doesn't need to become emotionally secluded, she doesn't need to not care about the safety of her friends, she can learn to find a balance with her powers without obsessing over past masters or indeed any deep lore."
"You can create your reality within your mind, you can live in a way that brings yourself to a place of having growth and joy no matter whether everyone likes you or not."
"There is no such thing as failure so long as you are being authentic."
"This New Moon represents creating something new in your life."
"Step into the fullness of yourself, accomplish great things."
"I don't regret nothing I've done in life because what I've done in life has helped become the man I am today."
"You will get there be patient with yourself" - Encouragement for beginners
"I release any beliefs that no longer assist my soul's growth."
"You're in your manifesting queen era right now."
"The person who made a mistake in the past is not the same person who is alive now."
"There's a lovely moral lesson here about growing and accepting every part of yourself to become the best you can be."
"Feeling more stable and secure within yourself is gonna give you love blessings and career blessings."
"I hope to never become that person that runs away from struggle."
"Believe in your own capacity to grow and give others a chance as well."
"This is not about perfection, this is about progression. This is about allowing God to grow you into a beautiful person that you don't even recognize."
"None of this is easy guys none of this is easy it's going to be freaking difficult it's going to be hard-ranging at times you're going to fail you're going to fall on your face."
"Who you are now is a compound effect of what you were."
"Break free from these limiting mind frames, break free from your safe zone."
"Step into the greatest season of your life and they are met with the harsh realization that they were all used as vessels for the underworld to try and stop you from stepping into your greatness."
"Don't just be okay with the wins... accept your moments that are perceived to be losses."
"Let something go because it is time to rise in your own light stand in your own light."
"Developing compassion and awareness is key, as everything is a reflection of the one consciousness."
"You will go through transformation and find your balance."
"Change in you is not going to change the narcissistic relationship."
"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become."
"Release anything that has held you back, this is your life, be ready to evolve."
"It's about success, movement forward, and honoring your uniqueness."
"To rise, you must let go of fear. Be brave, face what you would normally run away from."
"Learning to follow and trust your heart, spreading your knowledge so you can grow."
"I opened my mind to the love wisdom and guidance from the universe and I will learn to trust again."
"When you get an opportunity you think you're not ready for, say yes and then figure out how to do it."
"Better yourself, and the future only better things can come."
"I've got comfortable with just being myself out there, you know, and I hope I've grown."
"Being patient with yourself, trust in divine timing."
"In order to regain your power, you have to be willing to take responsibility for yourself."
"Be patient with yourself as you move forward on your unique life path."
"It's not about others becoming different, it's about you becoming a match to what you truly feel good and at your best at being."
"Choose to open your heart by simply being open to these possibilities."
"Black likely represented a desire for self-growth through war."
"You're under no obligation to be the person you were five minutes ago."
"I realized in this moment that breakups or uncoupling isn't a reflection of personal failure."
"Your past explains how you got here, but where we go from here is a different story."
"A wealth of the soul, a wealth of the spirit, a wealth of the self."
"You're releasing anything and anyone that is not for your highest good."
"Stepping away from passive aggression and hyper-emotion helped me step into maturity and improve my relationships."
"Sky's the limit now for self so that's for real."
"Either you let that destroy you or you use it."
"Your authentic light is going to be so shown in this relationship, absolutely gorgeous."
"Leo energy will last for the next six months, empowering you to step into your own power."
"You're kind of gonna ascend to the next level of being like okay this is my authenticity this is what I need and it's like you almost advance a level and you don't take no [ __ ] no more you don't you know look at."
"Unless you confront the core issue of insecurity about your appearance uh on an inward sense then you're you're never really moving on and growing as a person."
"Less enticing but more meaningful and rewarding long roads less traveled."
"Yes, I do want to move forward from this place of authenticity."
"Self-discovery is the most important thing that we could ever do, self-improvement, self-discovery, trying new things."
"Beth realizes that all this time Rick has been an impediment to her self-actualization."
"Allow yourself to shine and grow because wow, it's gonna be good."
"Understanding your partner's trauma service system awareness, commitment to each other's freedom, knowing when your egos are speaking, and non-judgment and non-interference."
"The moment a man is willing to say to himself that I'm willing to endure the pain of losing her in order to live by my values he's won."
"You're attracting someone into your life who it wasn't you weren't ready for them before this journey."
"I want to tell young people don't be afraid. I'm not the same Anne you used to know."
"Unless you work on the person underneath the powers, you don't have anything."
"The best guy will come into your life while you're doing what you're doing for yourself to grow."
"You're choosing to rise above playing victim."
"Embrace uncertainty; it's part of the feminine energy."
"Life's about going outside of your comfort zone... believing that there's more to us than what sits here now."
"Fear is an opportunity to befriend the aspects within ourselves."
"There's nothing wrong with being single. Being alone can be a time of education and realization."
"Blossoming into this self that's so determined and so confident, such a go-getter."
"Accept yourself as you are and move forward."
"Black magic won't cage you in; you keep growing and healing."
"I would hope that you can look like me, come from any walk of life, and still be given a opportunity to be who you ultimately can grow to become."
"That feeling in your stomach, the nerves, the discomfort, maybe even the doubt as you walk up to do that one thing that scares you, that stretches you just a little bit further than you're ready for..."
"Your gift is you, you have something to share, explore, nurture, and grow."
"You're ending the karmic cycle by being one independent ass [ __ ]."
"You need a purpose that is bigger than the relationship."
"Jupiter entering Taurus is about really looking at how we're here to grow in our self-value and our personal worth."
"It's the presence that you truly find the gifts that you're giving yourself in order to step into that version that you're creating."
"Foundation is what the castle of your soul is built upon."
"In life, guys, you just gotta face your fears."
"Focus on your internal growth, your expansion, your progress towards your personal goals and dreams."
"It's time to open yourself up to something new coming in."
"Don't try to change other people, change yourself. Put yourself first, metaphor of origin, you know, build that better version of yourself."
"You're gaining some type of inner peace and patience with yourself."
"In June, you are going to have a lot going on spiritually."
"It's really important for you to feel it. Is it going to be hard? Yeah."
"Those who would seek to protect us from our own selves are actually asking us not to grow."
"Spread your wings, give yourself space to move and explore new surroundings."
"I want to step into my own in the future."
"The more you feed that beautiful heart of yours... the closer you will be to being able to give more of yourself."
"You're focusing on yourself and your growth, and you just seem to be in a really good place."
"I'm scared of what I won't become; you're scared of what I could become."
"Jupiter going through the first house is the biggest blessing that you can experience."
"Committing to your own pace takes courage."
"You see this person walking away from things that no longer serve them."
"Learning to be patient with yourself is key because the biggest thing the linear mind wants is an immediate solution."
"You've learned to embrace your sensitivity as one of your greatest gifts in life."
"You have to allow yourself space to be great."
"Don't live your life with anger and hate in your heart; you'll only be hurting yourself more than the people you hate."
"You're free to love yourself, you're free to move forward."
"Your only job is to align to the version of you that is in that loving relationship."
"Real confidence comes from inside. By focusing on your own growth and happiness, you can define success on your own terms without having to worry about what other people think."
"I'm constantly changing it. I'm constantly trying to make it better, make it my shop and grow into it because I'm gonna be here for a long time."
"You are literally becoming the alchemist of your life."
"...the biggest room in the world, there's room for improvement, we all can improve."
"Your independence or your ability to move on from situations that don't serve you is being highlighted at this time."
"By the end, I'm confident that you will finish this Retreat feeling ready to start a new chapter in your life of self-growth and self-exploration to become the best version of yourself."
"Half the day to grow myself and then half the day to give."
"You are becoming confident, strong, and empowered."
"You may forgive but you don't reattach to someone. Release them so you can release yourself."
"It's your time to make your decisions based on your new standards."
"Recognize that your past does not necessarily define your future."
"You have to be brave to move on. My advice to anyone that ever finds themselves in that position: move on quick. It's not heartless, it's the way forward."
"Life is such an adventure if you can see the beauty in it and challenge yourself to have the experiences you want to have."
"Practicing forgiveness is an act of self-liberation."
"At the end of the day, the responsibility is on oneself to grow and change, beginning with Marceline the Vampire Queen's most detrimental problem - her complicated relationship with her past."
"You're committing to your own spirituality and your own soul path."
"You're letting go of something for something bigger, sacrificing for self-growth."
"It's so important to focus our energy on ourselves or other places that are going to grow"
"It can set us on a path of true evolution and self-growth."
"Wherever you're at the accepting of this place that you're at right now no fomo no comparison we're all on our own path."
"I just started doing things that felt right for me and not right by somebody else's rulebook. And then that kind of ended up—I guess, accidentally—creating some kind of self growth."
"For me, that's also a huge green flag, friendships where we both prioritize self-growth."
"You can always choose a new story."
"Your partner is not your project."
"Put that aspect of Gurren Lagann to the side for a moment and you'll discover some very interesting thought food about coping with death, self-growth, discovery, and the nuances of sociopolitics."
"It's all about not being emotional over men anymore but taking charge of your own life and gaining instead of losing."
"We're learning how to create it for ourselves which then allows us to more freely express into the outer world unconditionally, which then attracts more unconditional relationship to us."
"Worry about yourself, worry about your self-growth, and just realize whatever Circle you're meant to be with or whatever people are meant to be around you, it'll happen on its own."
"You need to find the courage to walk away from this connection if it no longer serves your growth."
"Fear blocks you from experiencing the life you deserve."
"In Zen, there is nothing to explain, nothing to teach, unless it grows out of oneself."
"It's just about self-growth. Growth comes from getting uncomfortable."
"Do better for yourself. There's always better. Do better."
"Trading is not just a way to make money it's a vehicle for self growth and being a psychologist and someone who's really into self growth I thought wow this is an incredibly powerful vehicle for me."
"Getting over a breakup does not mean getting a new person."
"Even if you think you're doing great where you are, there's always more that you can do."
"Keep your focus on being who you are. Keep your focus on your growth. And then if the narcissist says, 'You know, I'm tired of being this way. I'd like to join you.' Wonderful. I'd love for you to come and join me. But if not, stay on your path anyway."
"Every day, you can try to do something positive, try to be better than yesterday."
"Even if the person never asks for your forgiveness, you still have to forgive."
"I think you've always got to sort of keep sort of challenging yourself, challenging yourself and trying to improve whatever you've done last."
"Forgiveness does not always put power to the other person, it puts power towards yourself."
"You have to go through a stage that you care about what people say, to actually move away from that."
"You have to learn to open up, even when you feel weird or uncomfortable about it, because it's a commitment you're making with yourself."
"Every video, you're always trying to one-up it because I'm always trying to improve myself."
"I think it's normal to cringe at your old self but I mean at the end of the day I was having the time of my life making these videos and I felt like I was really making a difference."
"You encourage other people to glow and in the process, you also glow."
"Peace of mind is everything for me right now. Everything. So just growing in self, really, you know? And it translates to the music. It translates to everything. But just peace of mind and really enjoying doing it while I'm doing it."
"Being able to separate myself from the channel, I was finally able to treat it like a job, treat it like a thing that I can manipulate and I can grow, instead of feeling like that I need to change myself because that's what it felt like."
"Forgiveness is the gift I need to give to others so that I can receive it myself."
"As long as I'm better than I was yesterday, then that's all that really matters."
"Don't fall for this idea that you are in direct competition with other women. You're in competition with yourself. There's room for all of us."
"The decision to heal myself is at the top of my biggest accomplishment. Even above the birth of my daughters, the decision to heal myself is one of my biggest accomplishments."
"Being single is you grow so much within yourself like you just find yourself you start realizing how much you were doing for the man even just the smallest thing like you would fix your hair for him."
"You're able to create a new identity post-breakup."
"You don't need to base your personality on an item of clothing. Try growing as a human."
"The ultimate competitor in an infinite game is yourself. It's fundamentally a game of constant improvement."
"I've done the work. I've been through therapy. I'm a business owner. I've raised my two children."
"I changed for me. I didn't change for you. And if you can't accept the person that I want to become, and if you can't accept the new version of me, then I don't need you. Snip, snip."
"Seize your happiness elsewhere, your future doesn't have to include her."
"Change what you do want to change."
"You're always becoming a better problem-solver."
"I'm constantly challenging myself to think what else can I do, where's another lift point?"
"You've got to have enough courage to say, 'I've got to let you go. I've got to separate from you. I've got to walk away from you. I've got to leave you behind because I'm going somewhere and you're not helping me get there.'"
"Impatience also comes when we're comparing ourselves to other people's growth and journeys."
"Music is not about being better than others, it's about becoming a better basis today than I was yesterday."
"If you let that fear grow, then it's not good for you."
"Don't go back to a place that God brought you out of just because you're desperate for a relationship. Make a decision: 'I'm not going back to who I used to be just for a relationship.'"
"I would not be the woman I am today without having made each and every one of these decisions."
"Just hope that it seeps into your skin and tomorrow you hatch out of this disgusting shell and sprout yourself a beautiful flower."
"We're never too old to change. As we age, we can be bitter about our circumstances, but we get to choose to put those things behind us. We can choose joy, happiness, and to be kind to ourselves."
"The infinite player understands sometimes you're ahead and sometimes you're behind. Sometimes your product is better and sometimes it's worse. The goal isn't to be the best every day. The goal isn't to outdo your competition every day. It's about how to outdo yourself."
"I love that feeling of like working on yourself."
"There's no bad decision or bad choice or wrong decision. Everything makes you who you are today."
"You are the servant of your higher self until you become your higher self, then you're free."
"It's not about finding perfection, but finding someone actively working on themselves."
"Everybody has a past, everybody has certain baggage that they deal with. I think I've let go of the baggage and I'm ready to find love."
"When your past calls, don't answer."
"What your ego fears most is what your soul loves most."
"Maybe God really does want me to step out a little and be more independent."
"...that version of you that has the boundaries... give her permission to bloom."
"I'm in this era of life where I don't have time for immaturity, you know, and neither should you."
"Your life doesn't have to be figured out tomorrow. I don't care if you're 40, you still have time."