
Societal Need Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"I don't think you have to have a talk show to be nice to people. I just think that kindness is something that we should all have. That's an innate quality that we have, and we need more of that out there."
"We need freedom of speech. We need to preserve freedom of speech."
"Your vocation is where your passion meets the world's greatest need."
"We need more empathy in our world today, desperately."
"We need great leaders and there's a hunger for them."
"We're really looking for characters we can look up to because it feels like we're lacking good role models nowadays, especially male role models."
"Whether you like it or not, we've always needed 4chan; we just didn't realize it."
"We need serious, competent leadership now more than ever."
"We have failed to build the institutions that we need which are necessary to maintain a more peaceful order."
"People needed hope. We always need hope but especially at that time, it was definitely needed."
"We do not want another committee; we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and be he god or devil, we will receive him."
"I think this is absolutely a time with 100% clear, people are hurting like never before, they deserve a rent freeze."
"Are we at the place where we should all be progressives because progress is absolutely required? I think so."
"Most people want a convenient, affordable, fully regulated, hopefully publicly owned bus service."
"Food security is an important consideration."
"Humans need humans, especially in times like this."
"It's that type of moral courage and conviction that we need right now."
"There will always be a need for some form of policing."
"We're going to have to start producing justice."
"The bigger problem, leaving aside the politics of it, is are we doing what we need to do to make this economy grow?"
"Technology has given us everything we could ever want. And at the same time, stolen everything we really need."
"Nobody's doing them and nobody's learning them."
"We need mental health care, we can't disaggregate mental health care from regular health care."
"Honesty really really matters... give the world the much needed honesty... rarely the case."
"America is not going to be able to fix this problem until we have police whose first priority is protecting and serving the people instead of protecting and serving themselves."
"Cognitive thinking needs to make a serious comeback."
"I think any time but especially right now is the time that we need to unite."
"It's amazing. We need more of this, not less."
"Everyone is very anxious to get out of the house, get back to work, get the economy moving."
"We need real journalism and real fearless journalism."
"And the need for harmony between human beings and peace is more important than ever."
"I feel like this country is in desperate need of religion."
"The fact that people are starving right now and are scrounging to try to get a $1,200 check."
"The world needs stronger men and women who speak their truth and lead."
"We really need better mental health support."
"Norman Jayden injects self-awareness into a world that severely needs it."
"We've never needed colleges less than we need them right now."
"The world needs more heroes... I want you to become one of them."
"The world needs more teachers, so we appreciate you."
"We have a lot of assets, but we don't do a good job of connecting them with the people who need those assets."
"Develop the ability and the habit of critical thought."
"I think we could both agree that we need to get some adults back in the room."
"People are lacking resiliency in a huge way right now. We need to be looking at our lives in terms of what is not resilient and what we can do to actually create resiliency."
"We desperately need that to happen and I think we need short medium and long-term goals."
"We need to fill this world back up with love. Our love tanks are empty at the moment and we need it."
"The world desperately needs people unafraid of the truth and brave enough to stand up for it."
"The world desperately needs more people like us."
"Let's all try and... we need more love and compassion and empathy and less anger."
"I definitely think more stimulus is needed, I think our economy is going to need it, I think people are going to need it, I think businesses are gonna need it."
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues... very much needed today."
"Does the world need more feminists like a fish needs a bicycle."
"We cannot have a functioning society without security and safety."
"Telling the truth is not popular when money is Flowing easily. When a world starts to fall apart, people want the truth."
"Decentralization is genuinely needed in society."
"I try to entertain people... we need to laugh, there's so many reasons to laugh these days."
"I think one thing that there is a hunger for and that we're lacking is connecting politics in a real way to people's lives."
"Keep shining brightly, we need more lights in the world right now."
"If there's one thing we need more of in the world it is more debate and conversation."
"That's called need, that's called redistribution of wealth."
"We need what you could contribute if you contributed it."
"We have more than 11 million undocumented individuals in this country... compelling and urgent need for legislation to fix our broken immigration system."
"The world certainly needs it right now, need you to be your best."
"Intelligence is the commodity that is most in demand."
"These are the mothers we need, these are the people we need."
"We need more people that are making us laugh in these trying times."
"The world just needs a little bit more love, man."
"We are dying for real legitimate leadership. I don't know where it is."
"People are looking for something to look forward to right now."
"I feel like pretty much everyone's looking to find a little peace these days."
"Empathy in our leaders is something we didn't think we'd ever miss, but boy do we miss it."
"We need men and women of character to lead us."
"I feel like it's there it does need like more transparency and it needs more honesty."
"And if there's anything that the world needs to see today, it's stability."
"Bravery is the one thing that is really undervalued and really needed more than ever."
"I genuinely don't understand why the American public needs to be better informed about the history of black people than it is roughly now."
"You can't treat health care the same as you treat any other product because health care is vital to your life."
"You're going to lead by example, you can show a better way because we need good leaders right now."
"It's clear that there is a great deal of need for assistance."
"Make us laugh. Make us funny. We need it badly."
"The very thing that you're doing, the very way that you're engaging, I think we need that right now."
"Barely literate America needs better schools."
"What matters is that you ask the question in the first place."
"The real lesson is we need more financial literacy in our public schools."
"Keep producing what you find funny. The world desperately needs a laugh."
"I think politics could use some of that right now."
"Every California family deserves to feel safe."
"This case is a reminder of why more resources are needed."
"Your compassion, your mercy – the world needs more of your kindness."
"The world needs more compassion right now, not less."
"Freedom is a strong seed planted in a great need."
"Mr. Rogers is the hero America needs right now, underrated."
"We as a society really need to get a handle on this even much more than we have."
"It's a common theme tonight with police in this country. It needs to be redefined."
"I think having that type of transparency is what I feel like the world needs."
"He is someone that has integrity that the world needs flat out."
"The real message from what's happening in the world today is we need each other more than ever before."
"What the world needs now is some true words of wisdom."
"The calls for a fourth stimulus check for many Americans finding the money looming mortgages credit cards and utility bills is a monthly cycle of anxiety."
"We need to not just believe in justice; we need to make sure justice is happening."
"Hope is the greatest need of our generation."
"What the world really needs most right now is just more kindness."
"It teaches absolute self-accountability, which is something that we need a lot more of in the world today."
"Financial literacy, man. They don't teach it. That's the thing we need to be taught."
"It's illogical that paid leave isn't already a law in this country."
"This is the sort of thing we need more of in the UK."
"We need to reinvent ourselves and we need a healthy information landscape."
"Empathy is something we are sorely missing with each other."
"Shows like these are the height of escapism, something we very much need in times like this."
"That would seem to me to be a very good example of why we would need to not defund the police."
"People need to know there's someone out there they have to have hope."
"How do you tell stories that allow us to see each other as people which we so desperately need?"
"Jake, love is key, my friend. This world needs more for sure."
"I think this planet right now needs truth at so many levels."
"There are too many unfit parents out there, we need to take it more seriously."
"It's good to have a man who stands up for his principles. We need that desperately."
"That's exactly what our nation needs right now: we need people more coming together than people being split apart."
"There's not one person on this planet that should not have access to be healthier."
"Resurrect the hero, because the world needs you."
"We're lost, we're starved, we're hungry for purpose and meaning at a time in our history when faith in God, patriotism, hard work, family, these things have disappeared."
"The criminal justice system overwhelmingly needs to change."
"Courage is contagious and we don't have enough courage today."
"A robust democracy needs a free media, needs a robust media."
"There's enough YouTubers, there's enough Gamers, the world needs more doctors, scientists, astronauts."
"Courage feels like the virtue that is most in need and most in deficit right now."
"The world needs that creative spark."
"If everything is ready, you have no value as entrepreneur because things are not ready. That is why the society needs you because things are not ready. There's no... that that is why we need entrepreneurship."
"Kindness it's an increasingly Lost Art in our world but it's an art our world needs now more than ever."
"We do need more sex positive in this world. Absolutely do."
"You get to be you and let me take that further, the world needs you."
"This world needs all the heroes they can get."
"I think we need just more positive people."
"I think we need to get back to some kind of shared concept of reality and what's true and what's not."
"We need more heroes. That's a problem."
"We face this hard problem of needing a religion that is no religion but cannot be fully secular."
"People are hungry today; they are hungry for an alternative, positive vision."
"The world needs more people that can do engineering and code, and fewer people sitting around watching silly cat videos."
"We need more Rileys in this world."
"That's what we want, that's what the public needs."
"Convergence, not divergence, is what we as a society need, especially in this critical century of change and advancements."
"We need Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek now more than ever."
"Essential workers are workers who are really needed in our society to keep it going."
"Keep making people laugh, you know I think we need that now more than ever."
"The power of the people is what it needs."
"People are just craving any sense of normality and Common Sense and no one is providing it to them."
"Net energy is what powers society; we need energy left over after our energy investment."
"More than ever, our nation and our world need people who can lead with integrity and civility."
"I think we all need a little bit more of that kindness right now."
"The Lord knows we need more men like him."
"It is this same mercy that is so desperately needed in our world today."
"This world needs more entrepreneurs that are veterans."
"We need to start making some laws."
"What the world needs now is drug lore, not drug law."
"I wanted to become a professional and have a skill because I wanted to be somebody that people or society needed."
"For the sake of our democracy, they need to do better."
"It's not only what the church needs, it is what the world needs, it is what society needs."
"I believe this is a genuine person with a breath of fresh air; this is what the world needs right now."
"I see a very real need for people to be fed the truth."
"It was a good time to bring it out because, you know, I feel like people almost needed it."
"Maybe we'll get a paradigm shift, and that would be good because we need it for sure."
"Our world needs resilient people, our world needs people of resolution."
"Empathy is what is lacking in the world."
"There still is a lot to be desired and needed by having a two-parent family."
"Most of us need health care, and in a country where Universal Health Care should be a given, it should."
"We desperately need the voice and moral authority of faith leaders right now."
"We need more of that in our world, we do. Kind and positivity."
"We need more scientists in the world."
"There's a great need for family entertainment."
"As a democratic country by name, there's a need and requirement for tolerance for each other."
"He was important. People needed him. They respected his ideas and opinions."
"What the world needs now is empathy."
"I think we need more of this in the country."
"Maybe this year it's not going to feel that way because people really need some love."
"Everyone in this country should be able to find a home that meets their needs and that's in their budget."