
Series Quotes

There are 4334 quotes

"It sucks when a good series has to come to an end. It makes you feel so empty."
"I thought it was fun to watch despite how dark the series got. I just liked it from start to finish."
"Thank you so much for watching our new series. We are really very grateful to you."
"The limited series has been incredible, to say the least."
"We are now just finding out their names after they've been in the series for about two decades."
"I've never been so enraptured in a series in my life."
"Hopefully, you all continue to enjoy the series, and thank you so much for sticking with it up until this point."
"I think we've got a good series of games coming along."
"The Corporate Casket, a bi-weekly series, where bad businesses go to die."
"If you're enjoying the series, guys, keep supporting it, please. I really appreciate all the support you guys have been giving so far."
"It takes a really good series to make me relive the thrill of the early days of Night Mind."
"Welcome to the new series on my channel, skincare 201, where I delve into skin issues, ingredients, and products a little bit more."
"We're super excited to share the real story behind the Midnight Club. This will be a two-part series."
"It's that difference that sets it apart from others of that vein and made the series feel like a breath of fresh air."
"This video is part three of my series on the evidence for ancient advanced technology."
"Wednesday, are y'all watching Wednesday? It is so good."
"I'm quite pleased with the success of the first installment of this series."
"The story here in my opinion is one of the best of the series."
"Awakened serves as the real ending to the series."
"Sometimes game series movie series whatever they just need to end and there's nothing wrong with that."
"The Last Airbender was the perfect marriage between serialized storytelling and episodic three act structure."
"Breath of Fire series really hit its stride with three and four."
"A reminder that not all inactive series become lost forever."
"Overall this was a fantastic series if you haven't seen you yet I recommend it."
"One of the most complex characters in the entire series."
"I think this is the best MCU series out there."
"Evangelion, it's gotta be. Everything about it is really, really good."
"Attack on Titan is the greatest anime of all time, not even a debate."
"Berserk. I still meet people who watch anime that have not seen 'Berserk'."
"You can't watch three and not want to watch 10 more, it's crazy."
"I genuinely have no idea why I played Dark Souls 1 and 3 first and for some reason, this game just got me."
"With the unprecedented longevity of GTA 5, we know many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series."
"Thank you guys so much for the support on this series."
"This is our first glimpse at the infamous purple lightning which will be a recurring theme throughout season three for you know who."
"This entire series is about how the dark ages weren't dark but sometimes I should just shut up and let you see the proof for yourselves."
"Welcome back to Disturbing Thanks, your One-Stop shop for bite-sized creepy discoveries."
"Best TV show: Watchmen, Catch-22, The Boys, Fleabag, Chernobyl, Umbrella Academy, Black Mirror, Crisis, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, The Witcher, The Mandalorian."
"The Ramanujan sum manages to capture aspects of naturally ordered series and it pops up in many other branches of the theory of divergent series."
"Probably the season four storage room in Hermitcraft."
"Playing through an entire series from the beginning is an incredibly fulfilling experience."
"This series works so well because it truly is timeless... each one has an equal chance of being someone's favorite."
"My wife and I binge the whole thing in three days after hearing you guys talk about it so much."
"I just started 'All of Us Are Dead,' it's pretty goofily fun so far."
"Prime video starts hasb been Hotel this is very interesting this is an animated series from a24."
"I want to dive a little bit more into the slew of comments I got... So far there are two parts and I hope you guys have watched them."
"The character development in this series was immaculate."
"Favorite first book in a series? I'd have to go with Lady Midnight because this is fantastic."
"Second book in the series? It was like oxygen after being strangled for an entire book."
"Perhaps I could do the same with the third season, and while I still believe there's going to be some long neglected gems that await us, this season had a really, really rough start."
"Thank you to our sponsor and remember that this is only the first of multiple parts... Your support is very very much appreciated."
"It quickly became one of my favorite books in any series that I've ever read because it's just such a good conclusion."
"Don't underestimate her power. I've spent an entire series with her."
"He may have just been missing from Avengers Infinity War, but Jeremy Renner is back as Clint Barton in the new Hawkeye series."
"We are really coming along, seriously having so much fun with this series."
"The Mandalorian is quickly getting quite the following."
"A Warhammer series on Amazon is in safe hands."
"Gran Turismo: the role-playing game of races returns with the seventh entry in this long-running series."
"I think this is Dan's best performance in the whole series."
"The Golden Compass: Due to the movie's underperformance, New Line canceled the remaining two entries of the series."
"Season 1 sets up the rest of the season beautifully."
"It has my favorite line in the whole series."
"Jobless Reincarnation is just utterly oozing charm."
"Cinematics: one of the coolest things you could do with a series."
"A ton of fun... seasons 1 & 2 are really good."
"The most popular game in the series, Final Fantasy 7."
"Devin Butler will become the main enemy in this series."
"The baby Yoda brings a sense of just wonderment and mysterious and just potential to the series."
"And that is what greatness requires. Welcome to The Legend of Zelda Challenge Series."
"Wind Waker is a great Zelda game... one of the most gripping titles in the whole series."
"Either way, it's just been a phenomenal series to be a part of."
"It's no exaggeration to say that these two who take a very center stage in the entire series are more than likely the strongest spirits."
"The Mario Kart series is a pillar of gaming."
"It's different, isn't it? It's different to the cliffhangers we're used to in other series."
"Yeah, let's measure the Netflix MTG series on its own if it's just good for what it is and not in comparison to anything else I'll be happy."
"The shadow of Israphel, the greatest Minecraft series ever."
"The original series of films are still beloved by many."
"Thanks for watching! If you'd like to check out the rest of the lessons in this series..."
"Season four is already done and written and ready to go."
"I'm just happy we're advancing the plot of Metroid finally."
"Metroid is probably my favorite series of all time."
"Don't walk into this film expecting it to be the conclusion to the series."
"The Witcher or vigilant is a dark fantasy adventure series started in 1993."
"I've had a lot of fun with this little mini series."
"The love and support for this series has been amazing, thank you so much!"
"I like Monster Hunter period. I'm going to play every new installment that ever comes out."
"Kingdom Hearts re:coded received mainly positive reviews."
"Dream Drop Distance received mostly favorable reviews."
"Nothing quite like a Disney Plus series that covers all those family-friendly topics like geopolitics, national identity, the treatment of military veterans, racism, and what it actually means for a superhero to also be a symbol of a country."
"Everything just changed on the series today, man."
"We love doing this series it is it is so much fun for us to just actually be able to talk."
"If you enjoyed this series and would like to see me do version differences between Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum..."
"Every single game in the entire series, both the Interplay games and the Bethesda games, feature agriculture."
"This is the first of a weekly series coming to my channel."
"George Martin is actually involved in the show."
"Anyway that's where the Maclaurin series for sine comes from."
"Season three, here's my review. How's it going, my fellow Titans? Welcome to my Titan season 3 no spoilers review."
"Resident Evil 7 and Village both managed to revitalize the series."
"Nobody wants to watch a Wonder Woman Series without Wonder Woman on it."
"It's actually the series that inspired me to start my own."
"Devastated that I do not get to see more Swamp Thing."
"We will continue this series next week, discussing a particular topic."
"We already know that volume eight is underway. We ready know that volume nine is greenlit for production eventually."
"Overall though I loved season 3 and I can't wait to see what goes down in season 4."
"Starscream, a fan favorite aspect of the series."
"Starscream, ascending to his classic role of the traitor."
"Starscream, portrayed as Megatron's sycophantic underling."
"If you want to see the inspiration behind this two-part series, make sure you watch part 1 because it has the entire explanation down there."
"Sora tries to smile despite fearing for his friends. This pain is present throughout the series."
"Anohana... I can fully recommend this series without qualms or hesitation."
"Whole new series can spring up inspired by the accomplishments of still ongoing hits."
"This was easily the best domestic series I've ever seen."
"There's never been a better time to be a fan of the series."
"Up until this day, Black Ops 2 remains the most successful release and thereby the commercial apex of the entire series..."
"The trail series is wonderful and I think it's the best in the genre currently running today."
"Stand with me in awe of this incredibly well-written series."
"Just Cause 4 is the game that ruined Just Cause for me."
"Sonic the Hedgehog... there's actually been a ton of really good Sonic games."
"Megaman 11 feels right at home with the rest of the series."
"The Mandalorian feels more like Star Wars than anything produced since the original trilogy."
"Book 4 is arguably the best in the entire series."
"I wasn't happy about some of the inaccuracies in the series, but overall I did like the quality of the production."
"No people aren't learning to live with it, they're learning to die with it."
"You guys are incredible at supporting this series."
"I am loving this series Dark Tower by Stephen King. I love its quirkiness."
"I can't believe how much this series has become so important to me."
"If there was one season of elevated significance and importance, it would be season two without a doubt."
"Each part of the series offers a glimpse into Ash's personal journey through each region and generation of the show."
"That just goes to show how great this series really is."
"Resident Evil 2 reflects the ongoing evolution of the series."
"We're gonna have this twisted Groundhog Day effect from season one into season two."
"They got it out of the way early... the whole show is perfect."
"Star Trek Deep Space 9: the Trek franchise's most compelling series."
"Greg's quest feels like a balance between classic series and Alien Force villain."
"Ultimate Greg's saga is the beginning of Ultimate Alien and Omniverse's trend to introduce story arcs."
"I decided to binge-watch the entire first season... I'm obsessed with it."
"I really really hope you enjoy this series as much as I am enjoying it."
"The original series exists and it is perfection."
"There's so much more runway in Rings of Power... I'm having fun, and that's what it's all about."
"This series is really, really funny but it has a lot of heart."
"All that being said, this was an amazing series."
"Let me know how you feel about this whole series."
"Can you believe it guys? Season 17 is right around the corner!"
"I now want to continue my 'Explore Los Santos' series and like run around the city and identify more things."
"The third one comes out I actually thought it was probably the best of the bunch I did too yeah I thought it was I mean best of the Fantastic Beasts not the best of the Harry Potter World."
"Elden Ring looks to be a culmination and evolution of these soulsborne games."
"It's kind of a mix of Hunger Games on Mars and Game of Thrones."
"This fantasy series has been raved about by a lot of people that I trust."
"Fear Street Part Two: 1978 is definitely the scariest of the three."
"The journey starts tomorrow: beautiful ending to a beautiful series."
"Just read all the Hunger Games books, but most certainly read this prequel."
"Thundercats roar is a much more lighter childlike humorous series than its predecessors."
"I hope you guys enjoyed the first rebuild of MLB21, we're gonna be doing a lot of these."
"The fry the 13th series has a similar kind of charm as Godzilla."
"At ten thousand likes I'll officially turn this into series."
"New Horizons by far is the best entry in the series."
"The way that Rico's first encounter with the split jaw is presented is another example of the series' striking visual presentation."
"I just started watching it, it's really good."
"The characters are all so multifaceted and so well written and so interesting and it's an amazing series it's an amazing amazing series."
"This is your season two lineup of Legends of Tomorrow!"
"Shinobi Free: Return of the Ninja Master is technically probably the best game in the series."
"Dune is a series that totally subverts the typical ideas of how a story is told."
"They have hinted enough to confirm that they will be doing the rest of the series."
"Powerful is probably the best way to describe this series."
"Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games is a series of 5 video games."
"People keeping this niche little series from the late 2000s alive makes me just so happy."
"The legacy of what Vox Machina is, the legend of Vox Machina, no longer includes Tiberius."
"Thank you very much for watching and demanding this series."
"Except nothing less, this is the original 'everything new' video series with me, Biffer, looking at all the new buildings, roads, items, updates, and game-changing additions."
"I do of course love how they started it with Halo and ended it with Fable."
"I think this is gonna be a really fun series."
"Yugi Season Two Season three, he's an S tier character."
"A whole lot happened over the course of the show's six seasons."
"This is crazy, okay, alright, we actually watch the rest of the series now that we know that it's him."
"There's even some talk of Riva getting a spin-off series."
"Yay! Let's do a new category and come up with something new."
"I'm so glad that so many of you have enjoyed the show in the first season, and we really think you're going to enjoy the second season just as much if not more."
"Please read the X hex and the kiss curse because these are great."
"It's not often that I am floored by a story like I was with this series."
"Congratulations, Nick, this series has been an absolute adventure."
"This series gives new meaning to anticlimactic."
"I've never had a series that was equally fun and frustrating."
"The prequels brought a great cartoon series."
"It's a very cute recent series that started publishing. I have the first three volumes of this."
"One show that works in spades: Netflix's Dark Crystal Age of Resistance."
"The CGI map is actually closer to the railway series map than the model series one shockingly, and that is actually going to make it a hell of a lot easier to piece things together."
"The story of 'I Hate Fairyland' was intended to be a one and done mini-series."
"Secession, okay guys, this one I highly recommend if you have not watched."
"Just a perfect two-book series that I highly recommend checking out."
"Series 5 is gonna be coming out on the 24th of January, be on the lookout for that."
"At the very least DC one and two are a great PS1 duology."
"I'm stoked for season two, I think season three is gonna be even better."
"Thanks for watching, come back next time for more of us showcasing the legendaries one by one."
"I feel like there's a lot to talk about here as far as like what has made Black Mirror so great up until this point."
"Half the season to me was just bunk, was just bunk."
"They each tell a story, and that's what this series is about."
"I almost feel like it's a slam dunk for a 2x or 3xer. Am I wrong on these companies?"
"This show did more than just beat out Squid Game as the most watched show on Netflix."
"Everything in this series is officially part of Fallout lore."
"Sage is only set up to fail once in the whole series." - Unknown
"The silver bullet that pushes this season ahead of season four is, of course, the finale."