
Overcoming Darkness Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The beauty of it smote his heart, for like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing; there was light and high beauty forever beyond its reach."
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
"The light shines in darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
"Remember my loves, do all things with kindness and light will always overcome darkness."
"From darkness, the darkness of Charlottesville, of COVID, of gun violence, of insurrection, we can see the light."
"Even when the dark comes crashing through, you will be found."
"Surrender to my goodness and love and mercy and grace, and you will see a light shining forth out of your life that not even the darkness of hell can quench."
"The darkness will be defeated and the madness will end."
"But the sun will come again light will overcome Darkness."
"I refuse to let darkness be the one that defines what my story is."
"What if one person in Christ is the majority, no matter how dark it is?"
"Josiah lived in a culture of darkness and yet he stayed pure he didn't just he wasn't overcome by it he actually overcame it"
"Sometimes life can get really dark and really depressing, and we just need a sign that things are going to get better."
"The light can expel the darkness and rekindle the spirit."
"You are the lightbringer, you were just meant to shine your light on that darkness."
"You went to the dark night of the soul, you already faced the darkness, you walk into the light."
"Let the darkness be defeated and let the dark be brought into the light, amen."
"Darkness cannot thrive in the midst of light; you can be in a dark room and it won't stay dark very long if you turn a light on."
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that."
"Rise to the occasion, stand up to the battle, the forces of Darkness will flee."
"Sometimes you've got to go through the darkness to find your light..."
"You are transforming darkness with a capital D."
"The biggest 'screw you' to the darkness that follows all of us."
"I'm not going to allow darkness to shut my praise down."
"Congratulations, you successfully faced the darkness."
"As beings of light, we don't have to run from darkness. We can choose to outshine it."
"Through this fear and darkness, reveal to us your light."
"The pain or the darkness or the rumination is overwhelming the real thoughts. You know, they say light overcomes darkness, right?"
"It gets really, really dark, but know that you've made it this far."
"Every problem, every stronghold, every force of Darkness will be defeated at the name of Jesus Christ."
"It's gonna clear up a lot of darkness that's been around a situation for a long time."
"We will outshine them. We will bring that light into the fields of darkness."
"It's all about learning how to deal with and talk to and communicate with and ultimately from our perspective secure human beings."
"Light is gonna prevail over this darkness, I truly believe that."
"Remember no night is so dark that it doesn't lead to Dawn."
"Riku, one of the most self-conscious characters in this universe, would end up conquering his darkness and coming out of it all a keyblade master."
"If we want to close out darkness, if we want to get rid of darkness, we have to shed light."
"I'm gonna shine my light no matter what I have to do. Some days, the darkness may be enveloping me, but I'm gonna shine on."
"Galen accomplished what many Star Wars characters cannot: Breaking Free of the dark side and its addictive and destructive hold."
"You have the power to disperse darkness completely. You will not be taken by the dark unless you allow it to happen. You are all-powerful."
"When a light shines in the darkness, and it's the light of Jesus, the darkness cannot overcome it."
"When the world is at its darkest, that's when the light shines the brightest."
"You have power over all the plans of the enemy and all the darkness around you."
"Hold on tight to the ones that you love and try not to let the darkness win."
"In the darkest night, God you can light it up."
"In the deepest darkness of your Shadow... that's where you illuminate."
"The fact that I got through this and it was so black and it was so dark and so lonely and I was suicidal every day, the fact that I went through those emotions is why and I came out on the other side is why I want to help people."
"Dare to dream and illuminate even the darkest of spaces."
"Light always conquers darkness unless you allow yourself to believe otherwise."
"Even in the darkest, most wicked place, there you'll be delivered. Life works best in darkness where there's light, there's power."
"Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."
"It's in the darkness in which we must shine our light even brighter."
"Our love for our kids is more powerful than all the darkness that has ever been perpetuated upon us."
"We are the women who lighten the darkness. We have come to lighten the darkness. It is lightened. We have overcome the destroyers."
"I will be the light that cuts through the Twilight."
"Everything's going to be fine because light always overpowers Darkness."
"Truth and light are coming through the dark."
"Sometimes you can feel lost in the dark, and when you're lost in the dark if you don't panic, you discover you're not alone in there."
"Thank you for showing me the beauty behind the dark and twisted and giving me the courage to tap into my hidden potential."
"The Lord my God will brighten my darkness."
"In the darkness, you and the spirit shine more brilliantly than the sun."
"I'm trying to make this darkness go away, I'll paint with colors and I'll sing until my arms give out."
"The light shone in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it."
"The darkness can't exist where the light is shining bright."
"The darkness shall never prevail."
"If life is dark, there's hope in the dark."
"I'm going to let the sunshine in the day, I'm trying to make this darkness go away."
"Only dreams can awaken consciousness from the deepest darkness."
"There is no darkness, no despair, or no battle that Jesus hasn't crushed with his love."
"You've escaped the weight of Darkness, for now."
"Only light can defeat the darkness, and the light has come."
"I will never come back to the darkness."
"For those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned."
"Every laugh a deterrent to the nightmares of the past, every kiss a special moment of light in the darkness of the Shinobi world."
"There was still good inside Anakin Skywalker, and he had the strength to free himself of the dark side's sway."
"It's about us letting the music pull us out of the darkness, letting inspiration pull us out of the darkness."
"There's a light at the end of the tunnel; you're in darkness, you may not be able to see, but there's a light."
"I love life now, even though there's always going to be that darkness."
"The way to reverse that darkness, that curse for me, is to get out of isolation and connect with people."
"Then shall your light rise in the darkness, and your gloom be as the noonday."
"When you turn on the light, darkness takes flight."
"If we just smile, we can forget all of our troubles for a while; we can just live inside this moment, you and I get through the darkness now, and we'll find the light."
"Darkness always runs from light, just remember that."
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never overcome it."
"The light has the ability to overcome the darkness."
"I will praise you until the dry bones wake, until the mountains shake, until the darkness breaks."
"Darkness is the absence of light, even when light invades darkness, it can't do anything but overcome it."
"I want to remind you with such dark content that you are powerful enough to become the darkness or to brighten it."
"You made a way through the darkness into your marvelous light."
"You are the light and you will always shine, darkness trembles at the mention of your name."
"If the light shines upon you, the darkness will never overcome you."
"Your light will drive their darkness to madness, still I smile, that's winning."
"Love is stronger than the hate, the light you carry is stronger than the darkness they're living in."
"In Jesus is life, and that life is the light... the light of Jesus shines in your dark tunnel, and the darkness has not, cannot, and will not overcome it."
"The light shines in dark places, and darkness cannot overtake it."
"He's feeling hopeful because it's finally the dark is behind him and the light is in front of him."
"Light can penetrate the darkness."
"You are more powerful than any dark thing on this planet."
"Either let the darkness fester and grow, or let the light inside shine through and vanquish the darkness."
"You're changing your story, instead of being in the deepest darkest place of a movie, you are now starting to win."