
Past Trauma Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I help guide you to heal past painful experiences, mostly about rejection and abandonment."
"You need to heal from your past... you got to process these emotions, you have to release this negative energy from our spirit."
"If you're fearing your future you're stuck in the past somewhere because we don't have a dominant fear of our future unless traumatic events from our past are holding us hostage."
"What happened to you in your past was not your fault."
"Possibly caused by his memories of serving in the military."
"Ryoma's tears kept flowing because this warmth, the one that he lost all those years ago, he was finally feeling it again."
"I feel like whatever that is, it could have happened in the past and you've been carrying the trauma."
"Haunted by memories of her past encounter with the Minotaur."
"Their heart is telling them to trust in love, but their anxieties and past traumas are holding them back."
"Her painful past will always be an integral part of her personality."
"Horribly disfigured by his burns and tormented by his past."
"Your friendship helped restore them and heal them from something very difficult in the past."
"A horrific past is one thing, but not truly addressing it."
"I guarantee you that a piece of you is stuck in the worst moment you've ever had. That's what human nature is."
"I speak healing to every single heart that was hurt from abuse when you were young."
"You can't look forward to the future if you're still holding on to bad memories."
"We're damaged people, don't activate that, don't activate that, don't, 'cause that's gonna take you backwards. Don't activate that."
"The unsettling encounter that still haunts my memories."
"Her childhood memories had so much heartbreak that helps you understand how she was able to sing with so much emotional intensity."
"My past really did a number on me but I'm healing."
"If the past is haunting you, move your body and do some tapping EFT because I feel like there's something haunting around your emotions."
"This person wants you to heal them from something attached to them or maybe something that happened to them in childhood."
"One of the key things when it comes to accepting what had happened in our past and to overcome these feelings of despair is to actually forgive those who had wronged you."
"Breaking the chains of past pain, pursuing happiness."
"Focus on healing the shadow energy and any residual pain from past traumas."
"It's not your fault that someone hurt you, that someone abandoned you, that someone abused you. But how you choose to respond to people who have nothing to do with your pain, that's all I knew."
"But how you choose to respond to people who have nothing to do with your pain, that's all I knew."
"That memory of not being cared for can creep into every situation."
"Past trauma... past energy seems to kind of be the theme here coming in for you guys."
"When a person has had prior narcissistic relationships, it can be a process of indoctrination."
"A trigger today points to an unhealed wound from the past."
"You're still being ran by these [expletive] 25 years later."
"Because you got release your ex, alright? So I feel that for some of you, either you attract toxic people as well, alright? Or there was a heavy experience from the past."
"They feel like they're in Between Worlds and how they're viewing you right now is someone who's very guarded. They may even feel like you're wounded from something that took place in the past."
"Your person needs to heal from a situation in their past that is interfering with them moving forward with you."
"Only those closest to him knew how he was driven by demons from a dark and shame-filled past."
"She thought he might hurt her again."
"To avoid the topic, he revealed a painful memory from his past."
"Never physically," my mind reminded me. "But I had been mentally. Somehow."
"It's not surprising. By trying to help them, we dredged up our past."
"Depression is sitting in something that happened in the past and looping in your brain over and over again."
"You are now healing that wound from that life."
"You may have healed, but they're haunted by their past."
"Probably the hardest relationship you went through, right? I would say that I'm in, probably my hardest part is like not bringing my trauma from my legislation relationship into my present relationship."
"It tells you what unfinished business from the past is being repeated in the present."
"What we're really thinking and feeling in the present is not about what they're thinking about but about another emotion tied to the unfinished business from the past."
"...the older you get the more it's weird things that have happened years ago that you thought didn't have an effect or you were you thought you handled it they can pop up again and then you're like oh wow I actually am not healed from that like I thought I was."
"Beverly tried dating after that but always cut those relationships off whenever they became serious, terrified of becoming close to someone again only to lose them."
"You forget, Todoroki, I didn't exactly grow up happy thanks to Bakugo."
"He's delivering this one... chained up, like he did my old man."
"This shatters her, leading her to declare that she won’t leave his side, like she did back at the temple all those years ago."
"I forgave her for the 15 years out of your life."
"They want to heal you with all the love they have for you. They may have a bad past."
"I'm ready to heal. I realize there was so many past baggages and trauma that I'm carrying."
"The rushing water of voices is heard again, and we are shown what I interpret to be a previous horrific encounter in the past."
"Throughout her life, she had been abused and used by people, and now Sebas had shown her hospitality and love."
"If you really want to heal and you don't want that past to be destroying your present life and your future, you have to validate that inner child's perspective."
"We still have to deal with things that hurt us years ago."
"We are not forced to be defined by our past trauma."
"One of the keys to position yourself to receive miracles like that is to be healed of all the effects of your past traumas."
"I will never command you, nor return you to the horrors of your past."
"Just because somebody had something very, very sad happen to them in the past, it does not give them an excuse to hurt and harm others."
"A lot of people have hurt them in the past, and they have this mentality that I'm not getting hurt again."
"We have to teach our body that we weren't safe then, but we are safe now."
"Grounding is being grounded in the present as you process a scary past."
"If you are depressed, find out why. If it's some stuff from the past, you need to realize that that has nothing to do with you, it's not your fault."