
Valor Quotes

There are 2059 quotes

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once."
"It's a poignant moment reminding us of the sacrifices the heroes have made."
"The Ukrainian forces... have really given everything. They have fought like devils."
"Roy Benavidez had survived six hours in hell and saved eight lives."
"By the end of that day...Kane, according to eyewitnesses, had destroyed three tanks, and no one had ever done that before. He had begun to win his VC."
"This selflessness is perhaps the most key issue in winning a VC."
"The VC to my mind has a place above all other national awards. It is the highest regarded award for gallantry...the Victoria Cross is something special, and anybody who's got the Victoria Cross must be somebody special. And they're right."
"He held out and after he won the Medal of Honor for his courage and leadership."
"He has two Bronze Stars with V's for valor and has earned a Purple Heart."
"Their will is all the more precious because their visions have been taken from them."
"Not a single word about the resistance, Sangonomiya, or the situation on the front line. What about the soldiers who gave their lives on the front line or the hardship endured by the people? Do they deserve no mention? Utter disregard for human life."
"Consider the so much at stake. We did, and that's why I'm going out to die. Ad Victoriam, Scribe Grant signing out."
"It is a fine thing for a brave man to die when he has fallen among the front ranks while fighting for his homeland."
"It's a fine thing for a brave man to die when he has fallen among the front ranks while fighting for his homeland."
"Arise, Brienne of Tarth... a knight of the Seven Kingdoms."
"We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea."
"I think actually that people that join the Army are fantastic and bold and brave."
"No greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friends."
"Heroes don't proclaim themselves as heroes. The world does, their actions do."
"Meliotis challenges Doguetto, believing that the heart makes a true holy knight."
"The villagers showered Sephi and Nura with praise for their valor in defending the village."
"The Prophet said a single endeavor of fighting in Allah's cause in the afternoon or in the forenoon is better than all the world and whatever is in it."
"You don't have to be a soldier to understand and appreciate the importance."
"Yo, we lost a lot of boys, yeah, to fight for them burgers, yeah. Burger was a paragraph bro, that was the whole whole book, it was a whole [__] book."
"True men earn respect standing up fighting each other toe to toe."
"The men and women who sacrificed their own lives for a promise of a future of peace and freedom deserve nothing but the utmost dignity and respect."
"When you're prepared to die for another person, that's what defines you," he explained.
"He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic and selfless actions."
"Torment totally gets you, he would Knight you ten times over and Jaime only knighted you when he brought it up by the way."
"The greatest thing you could accomplish in life is to fight well on the battlefield."
"There is no greater honor... than to die for those that you care about."
"It is worth being shot at to see how much one is loved."
"Ram embodies three important values: the value of ethics, the value of sacrifice, and the value of valor."
"Memorial Day, a day on which we celebrate the Valor of our soldiers of our of our service people all over the world."
"I think it would be a great footnote in history that the last Syrian elephant was a total badass."
"The Swiss: fiercely loyal, capable, and would fight to the death with honor."
"The police are the bravest people we have in America."
"Marines win 22 of the 27 awarded on Iwo Jima, the most in any single battle."
"Thank you for your heroism, your gumption to stand up for the great nation of the United States, for freedom, for the electoral process."
"There is no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends."
"Valor is a gift; those having it never know for sure if they have it till the test comes."
"You fought bravely, that’s all anyone could ever ask."
"Taking up heavy armor and weaponry of justice, holding the unwavering belief that any battle waged to eradicate evil in the world is righteous, these paladins stand on the front lines in service to all others."
"To me, Edward Lin is the hero because being a hero requires sacrifice."
"Man must die sometime and since he must die he can find no nobler death than that which overtakes him while fighting for his home his fires and his country."
"A shining sword in a ruined Kingdom filled with noble Souls."
"It is better to end our lives in action and fighting than tamely to suffer a shameful death."
"This day shall gentle his condition, and gentlemen in England now abed shall think themselves accursed they were not here."
"For their heroism, each crew member of the helicopter rescue team was awarded the Air Force Medal."
"There's nothing better than a good hero's death."
"Here we had honored a soldier from the Vietnam War. Very important, we still do that."
"As a result of their bravery and quick thinking, the two truckers and the police officers would be honored with Medals of Valor."
"Their courage is unquestionable, their valor is unquestionable."
"The men of Gondor have fought bravely, ridiculously brave."
"America was made by real men and real women who stood for something."
"HMCS Sackville: A lasting symbol of Canadian valor."
"In the chaos of battle, courage shines brightest."
"I long for the day that the phrase 'getting Tarkov' is synonymous with going down honorably in the line of duty to a skilled and smart enemy at the end of a prolonged, intensely fought badass firefight."
"Richard was a giant in the battle, his sword shone like lightning."
"Let us speak of the power of proving your valor."
"If you risk your life for America you pretty much win at everything like there's no like you are an amazing human being immediately by default."
"You have freedom because the currency of freedom is blood."
"Farewell and tell the Romans that if they practice self-restraint and add to it valor, they will reach the utmost heights of human power."
"This medal today is a testament to his uncommon valor, but also to the parents and the community that raised him; the military that trained him; and all the men and women who served by his side."
"Almost beyond any of the controversy, I'm also unmoved in my feelings about the men who flew in those planes because they were demonstrating such unbelievable bravery to get in those bomber planes night after night after night after night."
"Trying to save your fellow human beings, it's a pretty good way."
"Pittman near-single-handedly thwarted an enemy attack that day and was awarded the Medal of Honor for saving the lives of his platoon."
"His act is an act of great courage, great humility, and above all, an act of great love for the church."
"Dude made the ultimate sacrifice right there."
"Nothing excites the interest of the public as a good fight and a gallant fighter."
"To serve with the United States Special Forces, a soldier must stand apart in his valor and dedication."
"There are still heroes out there willing to put their lives on the line."
"In the crucible of combat, heroes emerge, forged by fire and blood."
"A lot of brave people put their lives at risk."
"He became one of the few soldiers to serve in five battlefields - France, Norway, Italy, Yugoslavia, and Burma."
"Then a battle cry by Philip of Artois was heard as he seized a banner of the Virgin Mary: 'Forward in the name of God and St. George, today you shall see me a valorous knight.'"
"I should die in the mud with those men than live forever as a god."
"Whoever fired the bullet did as much as any Founding Father."
"There's no more highly vaulted hero than the one who risks everything."
"For those who fought and died on all sides, risked their lives for their country, who showed bravery and courage, they shouldn't be forgotten."
"Greater love has no man than this, that he laid down his life for his friend."
"The gun itself is very cool but the story behind the firearm is what to me is the most interesting aspect the human element the extreme of The Human Experience and the level of Valor and selfless sacrifice that went into it."
"It's not the critic who counts, it's the credit belongs to the man who was actually in the arena."
"Go forth and live as we have fought, with honor."
"You want to be a righteous strong mighty man of Valor."
"The greatest thing you can do is to lay down your life for your friends."
"She didn't need to be knighted to be a knight; she already was a true knight."
"The potential to set some really bad precedents."
"Everybody died, you know giving their life for something or giving, yeah taking that one last opportunity to make a difference in the battle."
"Cole Phelps was the best kind of man, a war hero who led his men with true valor."
"We're gathered here to honor Detective Cole Phelps, a war hero who led his men with true valor."
"Valiant defenders of Salah who fought an unequal battle with inferior equipment deserved to be remembered."
"They had a unique attitude to death, considering it a badge of honour to be killed in battle, while survival in defeat was a humiliation."
"Enterprise may disappear and her men may die, but she is still one of the most decorated, most valued, and fightingest ships in US history."
"Those who help the fighters are just as important as the fighters."
"Nobody deserves a medal. Just the ridiculous situation you find yourself in and how you react to it."
"People with mental illness are the bravest, strongest people, and the most beautiful people."
"For his daring rescue mission, conspicuous gallantry, and profound concern for his fellow airmen at the complete risk of his own life, on the 19th of January 1967, returning home, Fisher would be promoted to the highest rank of Colonel."
"But for all those young men who were once pinned down under hostile enemy fire in the jungles of Southeast Asia, there was no sweeter sound on Earth than the howl of the Phantom."
"O'Callaghan for this and many other actions would also receive the Medal of Honor albeit it would take some time."
"Never had I seen so great courage, nay not amongst all the Nephites."
"You put on the armor, you stood in the gap, you defended our freedom."
"These were the reasons why this man won a Victoria Cross, and not just any VC either."
"Where is the honor in marching blindly to our deaths?"
"No guts, no glory. Chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever."
"Discretion is a better part of valor isn't it... but I rode the rest of it. Oh congratulations."
"For me, the best fighters are the ordinary soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
"You do not hear it nearly enough but Americans across this country love you."
"It's such a tragedy, it's a treasure a single life to be lost let alone the life of the person putting some boots on and driving into that smokey hill."
"When an emperor's champion falls, the chapter honors his divine deeds."
"Soldiers deserve the highest respect... they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice."
"I've been fighting for a long time as a soldier and I know the value of peace."
"As we work today to confront the most important challenges of the 21st century, we pay tribute to the valor and the courage of all those who fought together to defeat fascism."
"These guys laid their lives on the line alongside American soldiers and got paid a fraction of what I made." - Jake Thomas
"You have valor in your heart and that is worthy of admiration."
"You’re one of the strongest fighters the resistance has ever had, Zozo."
"By all that you hold dear on this Good Earth, I bid you stand, men of the West."
"Being willing to step up for the greater good is an admirable trait."
"They just took away somebody that was willing to die for our nation's values."
"Courage is the most important characteristic a fighter can possess."
"He preferred a heroic defeat over a cowardly early capitulation."
"I respect the courage and strength of soldiers, but I also respect the quiet strength of people showing every day."
"The valour of those who risk their lives for the defence and freedom of us all remains undimmed"
"Courage is something that is not easily taught and is closely tied with bravery, humility, and sacrifice."
"They are heroes, they are patriots, and they are the very best of us."
"Every single civilization valorizes a person in battle who causes his own death to save other people or to bring damage to the enemy."
"The fact of the matter is that every single civilization valorizes a person in battle who causes his own death to save other people or to bring damage to the enemy."
"The Purple Dragon Knight: a beacon of courage and competence."
"The Blood Angels fought with a courage equal to any display in human history."
"We need strong men who understand that their lives are not as valuable as the survival of the tribe because when those barbarians come through that gate, who do you want stood between you and your family?"
"Remember this above all: the gods watch us today. Be sure they are not ashamed by your actions. Now advance."
"Fortune favors the brave. Credit where is due."
"Frank Paraguay decided to take action... single-handedly captured the Germans defending it."
"Better to be defeated in glory than to be a coward."
"The danger surrounding the job is what makes it priceless, they are heralded as heroes to the world."
"Courage is one of the most heroic of emotions."
"When you perform a rescue in real trouble and decent waves, that's when you can turn around and say, 'Well, you actually saved their lives.'"
"God made man then he made a few firefighters."
"The bravery and valor of Stalin's female fighters soon provide him propaganda gold."
"At 18 years old, he drove a tank across Europe, losing friends every day, fighting for every inch, every foot, and every step."
"You need heroes like him in the world of the Imperium."
"I want to dedicate this victory to my friend Max, my god, Max, you are the true warrior, my brother."
"Sometimes, the greatest courage is in showing mercy."
"One aircraft has come to represent the courage and determination of all who flew and fought."
"What really distinguishes him is courage."
"No words adequately describe the courage that was displayed on that deadly night."
"Let's show them our heart, our compassion, our recklessness. We can't just leave Metropolis undefended. We'll be in the thick of it."
"Nowadays we have heroes, sports stars, football stars, basketball... Those aren't heroes, Pilecki, THAT is a hero."
"The common epithet attached to his name, Ba’atar, signifies bravery and is often translated as hero or knight."
"The act of signing up to give your life for something greater than you, that speaks volumes about who these people are."
"There really was a time in history where a small force of just 300 men managed to hold off the might of an entire opposing army."
"I think you'll have a front row seat in Valhalla, Ace."
"A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart."
"The defiance of Húrin Thalion is a great deed; and though Morgoth slay the doer he cannot make the deed not to have been."
"Boromir's final moment to really show what a great warrior and leader he truly was."
"Fight with valor and honor, and victory along with peace will swiftly follow."
"You carry out your mission with courage and integrity, knowing that you serve a greater purpose in the pursuit of liberty and justice."
"It is very wrong indeed that we have this denigration of those people who in the past risked their lives."
"It was a military disaster, but its name has gone down in Arab history as a synonym for heroism and hopeless courage against huge odds."
"He sacrificed his life for you, willingly, gallantly, fearlessly."
"A testament to The Valor and sacrifice of those who had fought bravely amidst The hushed Echoes."
"That’s what makes his sacrifice meaningful."
"Among the Americans who served on Iwo Jima, uncommon Valor was a common virtue."
"What an incredible effort, what a gallant try by The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes."
"Proven in battle for centuries, legend tells us of a just blade, discerning and honorable."
"Bismar had put up a most gallant fight against impossible odds, worthy of the old days of the Imperial German Navy."
"Thus making the men of the 394th Infantry Regiment's INR platoon the most highly decorated American platoon for a single action in the entire Second World War."
"Freedom is not worthy of the name unless you fought for it unless you've bled for it."
"I've got eight divisional commendations for bravery, pulling people out of burning cars."
"The battle you fought was magnificent."
"When a human goes to war, they bring the weight of their entire history with them."
"When a human goes to war in a machine like this, they're not just a soldier, they're a living legend."
"They fought like warrior poets; they fought like Scotsmen, and won their freedom."
"Never was there a more complete Victory nor did British Valor and courage have a shine more brilliant than on this occasion."
"We fight a worthy foe, and he has defended his home with admirable valor and zeal. Look to your enemy for an example."
"Despite the evil and debauchery that thrived within the Corino Empire, there was one man of great valor."
"Years later uh I was nominated for the Silver Star and I was awarded the Silver Star for uh actions Under Fire."
"Ruben Diaz is a traditional general, a leader of men."
"If anyone can claim the essence of the true warrior spirit, the one who sacrifices and fights for the greater good of his comrades and the greater good of his country, it is the American sniper."
"The Battle of Kula, where the British finally turned the tide and proved that despite their valor, the Zulu warriors were not invincible."
"All we have now are our weapons and our valor, and one cannot be used without the other."
"A worthy warrior and honorable hunter."
"Uncommon Valor is still a common virtue."
"'Soldiers that die without a cause are not really soldiers. A true soldier can only die for the sake of his comrades.'"
"I fought with the fury of ten men, raining blow after blow upon that vile prince before burying my warhammer in his chest."
"If anyone could fight as well as the Corps, it was Aussies. If it was up to me, they would have all been inducted into the Marines then and there."
"Indeed," said Gloin, "if it were not for the bjornings the passage from dale to rivendale would long ago have been impossible. They are valiant men and keep open the high pass and the ford of carob."
"The real heroes, those that truly deserve to be remembered as some of the best heroes in the world."
"Segments there for what he did under fire that could be cut out and used in any leadership school."
"His valour was as a fire and yet as steadfast as the hills of stone."
"Lieutenant Mills's resolute leadership during this action reflected the finest traditions of the Corps."
"His legacy marked by his Valor and sacrifice continued to inspire many a people even in the darkest of times."
"The enthusiasm, toughness, and obvious fitness of every single man were high, and the light of battle was in their eyes."
"A guy might even jump on a grenade if he believes that what he's doing is supremely valuable."
"Montgomery's actions did not in themselves win the battle, but his conduct did steady the front and ensured there would be no German breakthrough across the Meuse."
"There was no better reward for a valiant warrior than saving the lives of his men."
"Even now, more than 60 years later, stories of valor from the Enterprise are still coming to light."
"I admired those men. I admired the way they battled to save their way of life."
"It's incredible how they made their last stand and paid the ultimate sacrifice."
"Crazy deeds of heroism are, you know, kind of like the idea of a Guardsman holding out a post for days by himself. That's a deed worthy of song."