
Shelter Quotes

There are 684 quotes

"Woman opens cafe at night to shelter stray dogs."
"Welcome to Vault 118, your home away from home underground."
"In New York City, we have a legal and moral mandate to provide shelter to everyone who needs it, and we'll continue to fulfill that mandate."
"We can't criminalize homelessness and people that don't have a shelter."
"The problem is that there's not enough shelter space for people who need it."
"How do you end homelessness? You provide shelter for everyone. You give people homes."
"When all hell breaks loose in this world, God will be your shelter."
"What Martha did not realize was that the address belonged to a shelter for the homeless."
"These new shelters... will provide women with a safe place."
"A lot of people say, 'Well, it's just a tent.' And it's not just a tent. This is possibly technology that is thousands and thousands of years old and it hasn't been advanced on. It doesn't need to be. It's perfect the way it is."
"Create thousands and thousands of high-quality tents which can be done in one day."
"I wish to join your team and move into your shelter."
"Think about shelter, protecting yourself from the elements."
"Your vehicle is going to be your best form of shelter. You don't need a tent when you can sleep in your truck or your car."
"Evictions are violence. It is ripping someone from their shelter that they need for survival alongside their children."
"Shelter is a human right. Without shelter, you cannot survive."
"The choice to both send people to the tent as well as build a den implies that either there was disagreement in the group or that the tent was accessible but too damaged to be usable."
"Having a place to sleep allowed us to dream."
"It's a lot warmer inside here than it's outside."
"Shelter is one of the most critical needs of almost every species on Earth, including humans."
"If a person thought the world was going to end and they had to go underground because a meteor was going to hit the Earth, this is how you would live."
"This tent is a bomb shelter. Is it worth $800? 100% yes."
"Shelter first because if you live in a cold climate you're not going to survive the winter or survive the night if you don't have shelter."
"Shelter is actually an even higher priority... keep you from getting hypothermia or frostbite."
"The White Spring has been our home, a shelter from the storm."
"The house is what mankind relies upon most completely."
"Interesting thing about winter... everything freezes, you gotta give everybody shelter."
"It's pretty busy in the shelter today, nearly every bed is taken."
"Ultimately we are so lucky and so blessed to even have a place that we can call"
"These tunnels and caves... just stories... really big shelters."
"It feels like I'm outside but I'm protected by a roof, which is good."
"Using the same two toggles in the previous shelter..."
"I've never been so happy to have a place inside. So glad I have food and warmth."
"If you're ever lost... get to a safe location where you can find some form of shelter."
"Outdoor living areas are sheltered from the wind and perfect for outdoor dining, entertaining, and relaxation."
"The idea that millions of Palestinians could shelter in this area is preposterous."
"We were very happy to find ourselves some shelter."
"I really don't have anywhere to go. Can I just stay here for tonight?"
"Having a rain jacket... and a couple of heavy mil trash bags can be used for shelter but there's a bazillion uses for heavy mil trash bags."
"No human being should be sleeping on the streets at all in this country, especially when it's cold."
"At its simplest level, a house is just a place to take refuge, to shelter from the elements."
"But no matter what your background is, you still deserve to have a shelter."
"It makes the winters so much easier having four walls around me."
"Fingers crossed our feral cat takes shelter here and considers this their home."
"My shelter is done. All I got to do is move in all my supplies, then this thing will be fully operational."
"...all while remembering all of the great times we had spending some nights inside of this little greenhouse shelter."
"If we all treated each other fairly, then nobody could go hungry, nobody could be thirsty, nobody could be without shelter."
"If you move people who are outside unsheltered from one place to another, you're still leaving people outside."
"Gratitude that I have a roof over my head."
"This Sports pod pops up in seconds and shelters you from the rain and sun so you can watch games while staying warm and dry."
"The best part about living underground is the insulating factor."
"A tarp is the lightest shelter you can use, though it requires more experience to use it safely."
"Finding shade or constructing a shade shelter is one of the first priorities for desert survival."
"This all-in-one hammock tent combines the comfort and relaxation of a hammock with the shelter and protection of a traditional tent."
"The Shapla shelter guarantees a future for the children of the pr******s."
"Before coming here, it wasn't even close to being on my radar to ever having something like a bunker to hide out in."
"One of the things that most of us want is a roof over our heads."
"It's a heavy-duty tarp. You know, tarp makes a great shelter. It's got a lot of other uses."
"So where you are there, you're in the shade and this Bimini hangs out just stick your arm out to where the Bimini there you go so to there so to there so it could be raining and you're not going to get drips down your back."
"If you're lost in the woods, always try to sleep a little above the ground. You can lay on a layer of branches and leaves as a makeshift bed, or stretch a hammock out between some trees. At night, the temperature drops, and the ground becomes cold."
"It was a good way to give them dignity and a place to call home."
"Providing is putting shelter, putting the roof over your head, providing clothes on your back, shoes on your feet."
"Some of the campsites on Bois Blanc have covered gazebos you can hide out in. Pretty much perfect for brewing a late morning coffee in the rain."
"To survive, we need shelter. It keeps us safe, dry, warm, and well. That's powerful medicine."
"As long as you're safe and you've got a roof over your head, you haven't failed yourself."
"The reality of homelessness is that nobody wants to go without a roof."
"Ada realized that she wished never to leave this fine shelter."
"The go time gear life tent is a weatherproof two-person tent made of tear and puncture resistant pet myar with an interior that reflects 90% of your body heat."
"Love is a safe place of shelter. It never stops believing the best of others."
"Come on out. Let's get out of here because we're about to get another downpour and I want to be dry."
"In pursuit of better sleep, we got up, got breakfast, and got prepared to find our new shelter."
"After a nutritious breakfast, we took off our drone to seek out a new shelter in the unexplored buildings."
"I think this is where we should set up camp, you can see the entire city over here, plus we have a roof to protect us from rain."
"...housing is a right and shelter is something that even animals need feral animals of the wild need shelter."
"Prosperity, like a house, is a roof over a man's head, affording him protection and comfort."
"She revealed that the shelter was too small to sustain life."
"I found a rather large Driftwood log to get behind out of the breeze and started a fire."
"As you can see this tree is virtually a shelter in its own right."
"It is in the shelter of stories that people live."
"This shelter itself, yes lean-to type configuration. The highlight of this for me is the tie-out points are just there. It's easy, it's lightweight, it's super durable."
"Now you have a shelter and you can pack this away. You're not carrying big things. It's great."
"Wow, it's like a little house! It'll keep out the rain and it will keep you warm from the wind."
"In a survival situation, it's essential to have a reliable shelter to protect yourself from harsh weather conditions or even from the wilderness."
"The average citizen sees an abandoned building, but to someone battling opioid addiction, it's a place for shelter."
"There's a lot of water coming. Celebrations will turn to panic as the venue becomes the city's shelter of last resort."
"The Anderson shelter came as a kit of corrugated steel sheets which were designed to be partially buried in the ground."
"They took us in and gave us warm food and a place to rest for the remainder of the night."
"A perfect shelter is a house that looks like any other in regular times but transforms into a secure bunker during emergencies."
"It could be a good shelter for astronauts that land on the moon or even be a harbor for a lunar Colony."
"I had about an hour left of daylight, lucky for me I happened to come upon an old farmhouse that was situated about a half a mile away from the main road."
"Because we all really need and want a home."
"Nests are what we build for security."
"There's nothing more secure for a woman than to know that she has a safe and secure place to sleep every night."
"It also taught me that having such a shelter is not going to guarantee your survival and it's still not going to be easy. Survival is work."
"The back of the project building sheltered an enclosed garden with high walls and a pleasant shaded fountain."
"You mean I can sleep in a real bed tonight? Oh my God, you have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you."
"I probably stayed at 10 different safe houses."
"Stay in your shelter spot, storm shelter, basement, closet, or bathroom away from windows, lowest floor possible."
"Be sure to adopt don't shop plenty of animal shelters full of the brim with loving animals that are looking for a home so you should be like me and give them one."
"Choosing a shelter for the end of the world depends on the environment; in some cases, a simple car extension from Rover King could be sufficient."
"The shelter's never seen so many pets coming through the shelter than right now."
"We gotta figure out a way to make shelter out of all the junk, which is kind of like a fun thing."
"The X-Mid is a highly versatile shelter so there are a lot of different pitch variations you can do to adapt it for different conditions."
"What actually is a shelter? It's a temporary refuge, a place of safety outside of the chaos or storms."
"Two doors and two vestibules, you can zip up the doors and have full mesh, have a lot of ventilation in and out."
"This is one of the most bomb-proof shelters on the market."
"I mean, I'm sorry, but this would be the perfect place to run to if, like, God forbid some kind of Apocalypse was happening or something. I'd want to fly here and going down in this tunnel, this seems safe. Like, a safe place to be."
"Shelter, of course, is not just talking about building a house, it's talking about discovering yourself."
"So he needs something with a roof, you know what I'm saying?"
"People are comforted in God, sheltering in God's grace."
"If you seek Him wholeheartedly, you will be sheltered."
"Build your shelter where all your materials are present. Anything else is just uncivilized."
"Cheap goat house plans and shelters are an essential part of your planning."
"Whichever shelter you choose for your goats, just know it will be your goat's safe place."
"Tonight, tens of thousands of veterans will spend the night without a roof over their heads. But in Los Angeles, some are finding shelter in a village of tiny homes."
"Shelter love is amazing like if you're not using shelter love, get shelter love."
"It's a fall out shelter, it cuts atmospheric radiation, it's defensible, it's concealable, it's relatively fireproof."
"You provide me with shelter from life's storms, from life's difficulties."
"Rescue dogs aren't always troubled; they often end up in shelters due to overbreeding and lack of research."
"Guys, we literally just found where we're gonna sleep tonight."
"Our homes should be places of comfort and shelter."
"You have tucked yourself in the cleft of the rock, you are in the shelter of His wings and the shadow of the Almighty."
"The shelting bay becomes an emergency shelter in the storm."
"We urge you in the kowa county South of Greensburg and Greensburg itself we urge you to move to shelter."
"The underground city spares humans from having to come outside during cold winters."
"Most people would say I'm gonna buy a dog versus adopt a dog because there's a certain kind of dog that I want, but they're often at the shelter."
"This is the perfect place to hunker down for a couple of nights."
"It definitely feels better to have a roof protecting your head."
"It's raining hard. You are soaked through. Get in here."
"...she is high end poverty right now I'd say because she made herself this little like house tent thing I saw it it's nice."
"That winter was brutal, but luckily I had attempted to get into the women's shelter on Reading Road."
"Lucky enough to have a nice cabin so I didn't hear much of it."
"If you're too sheltered you go insane."
"Clothes are very important. Shelter and protection from the elements is the number one thing."
"Now, let's make a roof for my teepee tent. A few cardboard panels stapled to the sticks will make a great shelter. It's great protection from the wind."
"Haunted Mansion would have everything I need to live you know it's an actual house so we've got food we've got shelter we've got a bed we've got closets full of clothes so realistically I could live in the Haunted Mansion."
"Most people would agree that having a safe place to sleep is a human right."
"It's all those little things that all of the shelter team does that makes a big lifesaving impact on the dogs."
"First things that I want to get to when I get to camp is my shelter system."
"Whenever trouble comes to Cabbage, we'll stay warm and dry when the winds get rough. When they huff and puff and the rains fall from the bluff, we'll heed the Master's plan, the best location on a foundation, all else is sinking sand."
"In a bunker in Kiev, 18 babies are sheltered from the war zone."
"Construct a shelter to protect yourself from the elements, such as heavy rainfall and extreme temperatures."
"If you don't come in now, you're not going in the shelter tonight. I think you're trying to keep me out."
"Happy are those who shelter in the shadow of this grace."
"He shall cover thee with his feathers."
"Religion is about shelter. We need shelter, and I need the shelter of myth, the shelter of religion, the shelter of a great house."
"The first thing I did was wrap my shelter around me, and it was like a breath of fresh air."
"Now, I want to show you an awesome shelter frame. It's very versatile and there's several different ways that you can cover it."
"Kelp forests provide food as well as shelter and a nursery for several species of animals."
"We made a huge donation of items to the DV shelter, One Heart for Women and Children."
"Reconnecting a dog with their family is always the number one goal, and it's what the shelter works really hard to do."
"Between our underfloor storage, our eight foot ceilings, our Swiss Air systems, our Gastite doors, our bulletproof hatches, sandblasting painting, steel air pipes, galvanized pipes, nobody can hold a candle to Atlas survival shelters."
"And that is why a hundred percent of people who do their homework and compare Atlas to anybody else chooses Atlas."
"So, what I'm going to do is just build a structure through here, and that is where we're going to sleep tonight."
"It'll be perfect, we'll lay some cross beams across this, should be able to put something over the top that will at least create some type of, I guess, shelter."
"The family shelters are still the best answer for people on farms or in other isolated areas, and that the people in the cities and towns want extra protection at home. We certainly don't discourage them."
"The key to survival is adequate shelter."
"Here is shelter for you; here I will protect you, like a hunted dove that I have saved from a hawk’s claws."
"It's fantastic all year round because if it starts raining, you're undercover."
"A roof over your head, protected from rain or anything like that."
"It is fascinating stuff for sure and again a great spot to hide out from the rain."
"Having this opportunity to make this video to hopefully inspire other photographers to get involved with their local shelter or a rescue."
"That asset is there to provide shelter over their head."
"We need to find shelter, that house, it's higher off the ground. We should be safer from the gas there."
"The only shelter, the only protection, is God."
"Every year, hundreds of kids and women come and stay in my organization, some for a long time, while others till their families or guardians came to get them."
"I found my shelter so that's a win for the day uh look it would have been a lot nicer coming back to sleep on the ground under a bunch of sticks if I had caught a fish."
"You three took my daughter into your home when she needed it most. You kept her fed and safe for five months just out of the kindness of your heart. You will never owe us anything ever."
"If you don't have shelter for your king, it's really hard to win with the extra Pawn."
"Building a bridge is a technique called for creating shelter."
"I ain't gonna lie, we on some real [__] that we went to the shelter, bro."
"I don't actually want your family to be stuck outside tonight."
"That keeps the wind, the rain, the snow out."
"Instead of me being on the street, she offered me a place to stay."
"I would probably buy a property, fix it up and make a shelter for families."
"It's going to be big enough that the cows can get their heads in there, eat the hay, and I want to put a roof over the top of it as well to try to keep the hay dry as much as we can."
"I don't want to live in a cold house. It's a cold world. Let me have a little shelter from it. That's all I want."
"I would say the advantage would go to the Haven during a storm, as far as keeping the wind and water off of you."
"They need proper shelter in the beginning, they really need to be protected."
"The cabin had sheltered me from many storms over the months, but this Tempest seems to be of a wholly different nature."
"Fire and shelter are vital. They must use natural materials to build a temporary home, some of which are better than others."
"It's freezing. Should we go inside?"
"The comments on this video showed support for Ariana and other commenters even tried to reach out to give Ariana a place to stay."
"If you know where you're going to sleep tonight, you're rich."
"The door to the cave will serve as a reliable shelter from uninvited guests."
"It's a sheltered spot, so this is a good place to eat out of the wind."
"I didn't want a camper that was going to be a house; I want shelter from the elements so I can live outside safely."
"The shed is empty at the moment, but that's where the red foot tortoises go during the cold nights."
"I've just received information that the White Choir Center has opened up a temporary night shelter."
"In my Father's house are many mansions; if that were not so, I would have told you."
"Excellent heavy weather shelter right there: wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail, the whole nine yards."
"For the purposes of a shelter to keep you out of the elements, it's yee-haw all day long."
"Plenty of room to lay, plenty of room to get your gear out of the elements."
"Plenty of water bottles, plenty of different hides."
"These dwellings served as both homes and fortifications, offering refuge from invaders and the region's extreme weather."
"The kingdom of heaven is like a tree that when planted in the ground becomes the greatest tree, and all the birds of the air come to lodge in its branches."
"With a shelter and food in my belly, I love it."
"The vast lake that carries us, the mountains in the distance that circle the horizon, and the protective sky form a whole within which we feel sheltered and in our place."
"Having all my friends at the shelter and just sitting around talking is probably my favorite part of the AT."
"There were definitely still some beautiful moments throughout the day, but I was pretty stoked to make it to my hut for the night."