
Community Effort Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"It's going to take all of us. I mean, we're going to have to do this together."
"There's no doubt that these recommendations mean inconvenience and disruptions for many, but we all need to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect the most vulnerable."
"We did it. We did it. A challenge that could only be done with the help of this community."
"Let's not loosen any thread. Let's keep it all tight. We hope it's going to be the last difficult month, but the month of April will be critical."
"It's on every single Victorian and that's why I'm asking you not just as the premier but as a dad, from my family to yours, we have to follow these rules."
"Keep doing what you're doing with the 30 days to slow the spread, and we will hasten the day that we heal our land."
"Those who have taken it seriously over the past seven weeks, you have saved countless lives."
"Victorians have earned this restrictions being eased. There's more we can do, but we can only do that with the certainty and the protection of having the public health information, testing, and responses in place."
"We're going to start a new effort today, a public education campaign that reminds people that it's smart, it's right, and it's caring to come out and get the vaccine."
"After half a decade of collaboration from the community, it was impossible to save another frame on any level. Absolute perfection."
"For the first time ever, we fought for this and we won. This is big news, folks."
"Let's work together, let's follow the rules."
"It's not a sprint. This is a marathon, and we need to keep on doing the right things and keep being strong all together."
"No matter where we live in our country, everyone must remember to keep doing the things that are helping to slow down and then to stop the transmission in our communities."
"All Canadians have been working very, very hard to practice physical distancing in their lives."
"Hey all, Yeti here. We've got another $10,000 to push even closer to $3 million."
"The purpose of the Florida python hunters was to unite everyone together to focus on the same objective, which is to save the ecosystem here in Everglades."
"Given what Mandela had done for us, it's given us this belief that there's someone coming to save us. And you said, 'There is no messiah. Nobody's coming to save you. I mean, we have to do it ourselves.'"
"This is really going to take a whole Community effort."
"We want to rebuild them better, more resilient."
"It's a community effort, it's a country effort, it's a global effort."
"Our goal is to be carbon neutral on the total by 2030... it really shows the power of getting people together toward a common mission."
"This is not an option; let's keep up the momentum. Let's get this right."
"Thanks to the hard work and sacrifices of the British people in this lockdown, we've helped to bring the R level down and the number of infections down."
"If we come together, we can solve all these problems."
"It's so important that we roll up our sleeves together as a community here and do the hard work every day."
"Every day that we stay home, that we do what we have been asked to do, we stay apart but staying connected brings us a day closer to being able to manage this response."
"If we all play our part, if we all follow the very clear medical advice, then we can turn the tide of this virus."
"People in Macon didn't have the most money, but they were working hard to be in charge of their own future."
"That's a lie... we're doing exactly enough as we are if we work together."
"We made the decision that we have to do more than just fight individual tickets and fines."
"Almost every state has taken steps to begin reopening, and the American people are doing an extraordinary job."
"We slowed the spread, we flattened the curve, we saved lives."
"We need to have solidarity of commitment from everyone."
"The American people and American businesses are coming together to help defeat this virus in our country... The greatness of the American character is shining forward. Thank you, Mike."
"We are beating this disease and we will beat it together if everybody works on it together."
"The American people have put them into practice... we've saved lives, we've protected the vulnerable."
"A moose got stuck on a railway, and people organized an entire rescue mission."
"We only Build a Better World if we're doing it together."
"Every American is asked to do their part to prevent the spread of the coronavirus."
"This epidemic will be stopped at the community level, it's Americans and their response that will get us over this hump."
"Drac’s Night Out, a holy grail of the NES, was saved by the neighbor of the person who created it."
"Back in the ancient times of August 2017, a member of the Hollow Knight community known as Nook began chipping away at mapping out the entirety of Hollow Knight’s world."
"The detail and lengths fans have gone to in keeping the dream alive is nothing short of inspiring."
"The Census is a massive operation that takes years to plan and it takes a community to see it come to fruition."
"We truly do believe that if all of us will do all that we can do, we will slow the spread, protect the most vulnerable, and heal our land."
"It's a little thing, but, by a lot of us working together, we can make a tiny difference in this world."
"If all of us will do all that we can do we will slow the spread we will protect the most vulnerable and we will heal our land."
"Thank you to the American people for all your efforts."
"There are actual real people impacted by this, and we should be making some effort to accommodate as many people in society as possible."
"We're trying to raise money for Nick's medical bills."
"We've all worked so hard and everyone has helped contribute to get to where we are today, it literally takes a village."
"There are passionate communities out there that are trying their best to preserve games that are going away."
"Keep the search going, keep the volunteers out there."
"People wanted the same thing, they wanted to help find him."
"Everything has to be done as soon as possible, otherwise you'll miss the opportunities. That's definitely not true."
"We see the need for this, we like it, we think it's important, we're going to do this. We're All in This."
"Positive change doesn't occur overnight, but with your contribution, we can make it happen together."
"Canada has made significant progress to bring the epidemic under control, thanks to the commitment of Canadians who are following public health advice to protect themselves and others."
"We're on the job full-time to help you, working with the state, the counties, the nonprofit community, and many others. We're all in this fight together."
"Our main goal here is to bring Riley home safely."
"If enough of us a stink, we can make something happen."
"We Namekians have assembled a last resort. The strongest warriors from the villages have been combined for this very fight." - Namekian elder
"If we pitch in and share the facts, we will flatten the curve and overcome this situation."
"We all got to come together to give them the best education possible."
"Despite the odds, there were some Central Africans in Bangui trying to stop their city from tearing itself apart."
"It's time for us to work together as we rebuild, renew, and recover."
"It's such a community effort... several drops to make an ocean."
"People are banding together to try and battle against the griefers."
"We're coming out of it and we're coming out of it well."
"Against all odds, the chat actually managed to beat Pokemon Red."
"Even amid the COVID-19 pandemic, no challenge has proved too big for the troop."
"We gotta come together... make something happen for 2028."
"Small changes can have a big impact, and we can get more done together."
"There is a better system than what's going on in LA, what's going on in New York, and it does take a community to come together and make this initiative."
"A real sense of people pulling together to fight this existential crisis."
"China is where it's at now because of the unified effort between the government and the people. It was like one unified team that fought against the virus."
"Remember, we are able to do this. Anyone can do this. Anyone you want to do it, we can do this, and we're going to create this together."
"We're all in this together. If we all work together, we can do it."
"We cleaned up the litter, we put away the toys, we made sand castles, we gotta protect this place, Melon."
"It's pretty incredible what we've all accomplished here together."
"It's 30 days to slow the spread... I hope it will only steal your resolve to continue to do your part."
"Melee is only alive and it's only great because it was a good game that people kept working on."
"Everyone is putting 100% into this purpose of Jehovah."
"We've got to figure out how to have conversations. So, I will give props to Jubilee and the people who came out to this video for at least attempting to have a conversation."
"It takes a village... it actually took a town of about 20,000 people over a period of 20 plus years."
"We went from a world where maybe there was one or two organizations trying to take on the NRA or take on the gun lobby and now there are thousands of organizations and millions frankly of activists and survivors."
"All of us have to do our part. Teamwork makes the [ __ ] dream work."
"An entire community banning together to deny the Armada an easy win and rebuild their city, that's Power Rangers through and through."
"We can beat this virus, we can reduce the number of deaths, but only if we reduce the spread and the transmission."
"We need to restore healthy black manhood, it has to be a community project."
"Please keep up the fight. It does matter. We are moving the needle. The results of last night's elections tell us that we're moving the needle. But it's all because of the energy that we all bring together to fight for our country."
"Change comes when people demand change. It's not from one organization doing anything; it's really a collective effort that happens through community."
"It's not us doing the toy drive, it's you guys doing the toy drive."
"Shout out to the Reddit people who put the work in to find this absolutely awesome stuff."
"It's not trophy brook trout but it's ours and it's worth fighting for."
"Driven by the love and sweat and devotion of everyone here today, we're saving lives."
"We thank the American people for stepping up and doing your part."
"It takes a village, right? Everyone planning concert here to do better defense in cybersecurity."
"Appreciating the effort of the people on the festive event while they enjoy their meals and discuss the potential effects this might have on the town and its people."
"You guys collectively had made this sucker happen."
"Let's put that spirit of Bo going on it, family, and we can make it happen."
"A lot of our members just go out and try to put that little extra effort in."
"Every piece of this, every bit of volunteering, every donation, it mattered in these close places, it made the difference."
"Join hands and link hearts to move this project forward."
"It was launched as a collective effort by local farmers, scientists, and mills to reintroduce the crop in the region."
"We only need a thousand bucks and we will have a million, so let's rob this train!"
"Her family and friends believe that she is deceased and still regularly searched the mountain for her remains."
"Everybody needs to do what they can to get them out here."
"Every little bit helps, I know we can do it if we pull together."
"Still extremely impressed, very much impressed every single time I see a mod that has this much effort put in."
"Our work will not be easy, but the change we need is coming."
"People come together to say, 'Yeah, it's only going to work if we all lean in.'"
"It's fascinating what can be done at a very low level with just a little bit of thought, a little bit of application, innovation, and then everyone deciding, 'Yeah, I'm gonna take my chances and lean in and let's all go together.'"
"We have an army of people fighting for this."
"They've been doing a tremendous job at keeping the number of new cases at bay here."
"Look how much good we can do in a single weekend. You're all amazing."
"Let's see if we can do it, Polka Cave. Let's make it happen out of one pack."
"The guys over at Public Square... created the easiest way to win the culture war."
"The community's combined efforts finally surpassed Turk's legendary times."
"I'm very proud to say that we raised 100,000 pounds. Wow, I don't know what to say. I really can't. I can't work out how we have managed to do it in such a small amount of time."
"We're doing everything we can to flatten the curve."
"If everyone does their part and works hard to expose nonsense, then yes, eventually it does pay off."
"Hard work changes lives, hard work changes life, it's cringe, my favorite video, it's cringe, good job everybody."
"It's not your typical corporate institutional giving, just a group of like-minded individuals pooling their efforts to make a difference."
"We did it! We expected change and we only did that together, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's amazing the difference we can make when we come together."
"The Constitution DAO is pulling together money to win the auction. They intend to put the constitution in the hands of the people."
"This is probably the biggest thing we've ever done... We need a groundswell of people to break their dam and to push the water over the dam. This is important."
"I didn't think that the Minutemen would be able to get concrete and steel pipes."
"When it comes to dealing with crime, we're all in this together."
"Over two million Americans getting a shot in a single day is a really good sign."
"I love when group effort pays off, that's right. Thank you so much. So, yeah, if you ever go to a gaming event of any kind, check out the indie stuff. It's like a food court of weird games you haven't ever seen before."
"Y'all are doing amazing things this week for a great cause."
"The restaurant industry is deeply appreciative of all the support and efforts."
"After 20 years Grateful Doe finally had a name, all thanks to Reddit."
"With the continued efforts of the police and other people dedicated to solving her case I believe that one day Missy will get Justice."
"Wow, look at all the roots! Onions, potatoes, mushrooms. Good job everybody!"
"Stabilize low fertility levels. Count on you, count on me, count on everyone."
"It's not just Dr. Disrespect's game; it's all of our game. We are all making this game together."
"We haven't been able to dub the show in foreign languages at the rate that we hoped for, so we've got volunteer translation teams all over the world, and that's been really cool."
"It'll take all of us working together to make this terrible run to authoritarianism stop."
"It's coming together, don't hate on someone trying to bring it together."
"This is about us building something. We have that. We can continue to work, and this is emerging again. The only it's only possible because of everybody who has been coming."
"Absolutely insane number to say, but you guys crushed 6 million already so 7 it is."
"Just a couple of people caring about a plant can save it from extinction."
"It did feel like everyone was making extra effort to be nice."
"People seem to have just completely forgotten that something can be in rough shape at release but actually later through a lot of hard work by developer turn out pretty damn fine."
"It's still a cool little special that I'm glad was found and by so many contributions from the community working together."
"Preserving this site is the biggest fight, the biggest challenge for everyone here."
"Every citizen, family, and business can make a difference in stopping the virus. This is our shared patriotic duty."
"The more eyes and ears we have on these cases, the more we boost the signal about the missing, then the near we are to finding answers as well as closure for a heartbroken family somewhere."
"Shout out to everybody that made the best fest happen."
"We must make every day count, share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard."
"Thank you for your help with sounding the alarm. It's our collective efforts that can yet make a difference."
"That's not compassion. Our effort is unifying."
"We'll keep this ball rolling and hope that we can get back some of our long-lost rights and achieve liberty."
"Every time, hundreds of letters from you, so much work from Katrina's team and the sponsor Assemblymember Garcia's office, and you can't help but feel like it's all going to waste. But we chip away, one letter, one law, one cat GIF at a time."
"Let's not give up, let's please work together on this."
"This is a great example of people working together."
"Everyone deserves credit, it's by the people for the people."
"however, it remained unreleased for 21 years until YouTuber Red Bard reached out to Grant."
"What do we have to do to get this stock up? We need to get something going here."
"Not only did we working collectively get this alleged bad actor off the street, but we played a role in reuniting an unjustly separated family."
"We as a global community ended slavery and we did it without the benefit of social media and without the internet."
"By the war's end, it was generally agreed the rationing program had succeeded, and so had food Gardens for defense later known as Victory Gardens."
"We need everybody campaigning for a better deal."
"If you know somebody who has gone missing, then you need to tell their relatives that the length of the search is greatly dependent upon how hard the people in that family push to have the area searched longer, harder, more thorough."
"This is who we are, this is where we are, and this is all of us working together."
"Let's work together and let's exercise caution and common sense."
"Like, there's someone out there still trying."
"Thank you guys so much, this is pretty ridiculous."
"Let's just stick together, let's keep doing the work together, and put the rest in the Lord's hands."
"Let's pray we catch that or somebody catches that guy."
"It's not about blame, it's about working together and overcoming flaws."
"And if you all do your part, I promise you, my wife, Aporva, and I, and our family, we're going to do ours to make sure that our country's best days are actually still ahead of us."
"On June 30th, just over two weeks after the crime, friends, family, and volunteers fanned out across the state posting flyers bearing both Jenna's picture and the composite sketch."
"We are all in this together and we're trying to push ourselves so that the person that does succeed can go farther."
"It's vital to delay the spread of the disease and reduce the number of people needing hospital treatment at any one time."
"With your help, we will slow the spread of the disease."
"Let's join forces and really try to shape that other 90%."
"This is about you and what we can do together."
"Living here on the Isle of Man, I have never seen what I saw this morning...people coming together to plow the roads."
"Trying to coordinate everybody's efforts so we can get this place back on its feet again."
"Guoliang Tunnel Road, China: A testament to the hard work of 13 locals who carved the long road through the mountain."
"Mask up for just 100 days, it's the easiest thing you can do to reduce COVID cases, hospitalizations, and death."
"We're better together, and if we're going to end cancer, it's going to require a team effort."
"One person to come forward to help to solve this case."
"Can a second massive deadly wave be avoided? Yes, if we all do our bit."
"Black folks are carrying this ball across the goal line."
"When everyone does a little together, we can accomplish a lot."
"We did this without needing an Elon Musk tweet."
"We've made huge progress together. I know we're going to succeed and I know we're going to beat this if each and every one of us continues to play our part."
"Together we raised almost half a million dollars for animal rescue collective Wires, WWF, and a bunch of other environmental programs."
"They still believed that Asha was out there somewhere alive, and they had not given up on her."
"We need thousands of people doing this work, laying these intellectual foundations."
"People are creating entire websites to track PS5 stock updates."
"In the end my hope is that more people will band together to try to preserve the innocence of children."
"It's completely inaccurate to think that I was the single ape in this community that did it. There were so many people. We're in this together."
"Value right there, the community aspect of it. Giants are working their butts off."