
Unattainability Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Perfectionism is an unattainable climb because it can always get higher."
"It would be this ceaseless pathological quest for improvement, this psychotic fixation on a reality unattainable, that would ultimately cast them into the deepest pits of depravity and damnation."
"On through one preoccupation after another, we shall always pray for leisure, but never attain it."
"Idea of what we thought happiness was is just not possible. It's not attainable. That's why people feel unsatisfied."
"It's too much of a strain to want for something that you cannot have."
"I felt Nora worked better as the woman in the ice eternally beautiful, much desired but never attainable."
"Utopia may be unattainable, but we must reach for it."
"The heads of the New York families didn't have a single hope to get close to Michael."
"I'm addicted to the high of being obsessed with someone I have convinced myself is Out Of Reach."
"You're just so far off from what they ever thought they could ever land."
"Perfection is never achieved." - Ettore Bugatti
"If wishes were horses, then Beggars would ride."
"It's like a toad lusting after a swan's flesh."
"Samara: we always want most what we cannot have and this is definitely true of Samara."
"This is the best video game you will never play."
"Women want what they can't have, so they want the unobtainable."
"We desire things that we cannot have, a flaw of mankind unfortunately."
"Perfection is kind of a paradox. If we actually achieved it, we would be less happy."
"A place which does not exist, yet for the few, it promises to bring life."
"Most men want women that they cannot have no matter who they are if there is a woman out there that they can't have they want that woman."
"They see you as just on top of your game here, right? Like almost unobtainable."
"Insanity is simply put: when the moon, who is lovesick, does not have something to cling to."
"Everyone wants peace. No one has it."
"'Love is eternal, and we are beyond your reach.'"
"Yujiro is essentially a continuously moving goal post that is just never going to be reached."
"It's chasing the dragon, it never gets closer."
"We always want what we don't have."
"I want to test ERISA but not enough to have one, also I don't know hundred thousand bucks and I can't drive it anywhere anyway."
"You always want what you don't have."
"Sometimes the things you most wish for are not to be touched."
"Was there ever a time where you looked at us and Daytona and said man like I wish I was down there with those boys not a chance."
"We all dream of things we cannot have," she said.
"What cannot be attained cannot be named."
"Just admit that no matter what you do or how far you go, you will never be able to scratch that itch."
"And Serenity, it's not a place I'm going to be going and spending money in because it's mega mega money, mega expensive."
"Perfection sets a standard way beyond us"
"...we see the power of unattainability. When we don't like them, we end up noticing that they like us a lot, right when we're not paying attention."
"We want the things we can't have."
"We want what we have to struggle for; we want what we can't have."
"Women want what they can't obtain, so you have to become the unobtainable."
"Aspirational beauty is unattainable for a reason, it's goals, it's the vision board."
"Infinity by its nature, by its concept, is an unattainable thing."
"It's like something that you want, but it's just out of reach. You'll never get it."
"Deterioration: The feeling of loss over the realization that this person is in fact unobtainable."
"You see them, and you always want what you can't get, and seeing it here is pretty surreal."
"The attainable were undesirable, and the desirable were unattainable."
"Everyone wants what they can't have."
"She was truly beautiful, breathtakingly, achingly, untouchably beautiful."
"The sweetest fruit is the one you can't have."
"This is gorgeous, fine dining I couldn't afford."
"What makes the car so attractive to the dog could it be maybe that it's because he cannot catch it."
"Happily ever after seems a million miles away."
"We often pine for things that we can't have, often precisely because we cannot have them."
"It's a standard human law that applies to everything, whether it be girls or diecast cars: you want what you can't have."
"That's beautiful, that's beautiful. Yeah, you can't get him."
"It's an object that is almost completely unattainable, whether it be due to price or due to availability."
"Point X represents an unattainable combination once it's outside of the PPF."
"I wanted the winged horse because it was free; you couldn't catch it unless it wanted to be caught."
"The moon looks like it's so close you can grab it, but no matter how hard you try, you'll never touch it."
"It was never gonna happen this year, never gonna happen."
"I always considered you my idol because I thought there was no way I could be with you."
"She was perfect, beautiful, funny, rich; honestly, she was really out of my league, everyone said."
"The stars... appear always to be forever out of reach, aloof and distant, and forever unreachable."
"I'm obsessed with luxury things; I know I probably won't ever be able to afford them, but I love the idea of them."
"The picture perfect life, your ideal happiness, must remain a state that is just a little bit out of reach."
"He can have anything in the world that he wants because of all the money he has, but he can't buy love."
"If thou follow after, thou shalt not obtain, neither shalt thou escape by fleeing."