
Political Integrity Quotes

There are 376 quotes

"She's never posted a video pretending to kill another member of Congress. She never threatened to kill the Speaker of the House of Representatives."
"To govern this country is an honor, not a birthright."
"Whatever your politics, whichever party you vote for, honesty and integrity in leadership are non-negotiable."
"I think it's a legitimate position for you to say that you're not going to take money from dictators."
"Voters hate hypocrites more than anything else. They hate somebody who has something to hide."
"It matters not to me what you say when you're running for reelection. What matters to me is what you do, and if you are doing the things that you're not saying, then [__] that."
"It will show that you put the Constitution above partisanship."
"Loyalty is ultimately to the Constitution, not personal or political loyalty."
"Politicians shouldn't pick their voters; voters should pick their politicians."
"It is long been a widely accepted belief in the US political system that it is extremely dangerous to have the CIA and the NSA abuse those powers for political ends."
"What we want is an empowered population well-informed by independent media and able to vote for independent political candidates who are dedicated to bringing an end to this hypocrisy and corruption."
"Wouldn't you prefer a politician who says, 'I'm not going to accept that money so you can trust me'?"
"Having principled men and women in office, that's how you protect yourself from tyranny."
"Knowing full well that he would face the wrath of his constituents in his deeply conservative state, the Louisiana Republican Party has moved and did so immediately to censure Cassidy for voting his conscience."
"If you're only concerned about voter fraud when it happens on one side of the aisle, you are not really concerned about voter fraud."
"This is too important for anyone to play politics."
"On Election night, Hillary Clinton said, 'I lost, good luck Trump,' and left. On Election night, Trump tried to claim victory when he was losing."
"One of the central foundation stones of a democracy is the idea that you do not allow the politicization of the criminal justice system."
"We need to restore faith in the integrity of our political system."
"We need to bring trust and integrity and decency and honesty back into politics."
"Adam Schiff has been an incredible member of Congress; he exposed Trump's lies and corruption."
"We are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns." - Elizabeth Warren
"Republicans support making it easier to vote and harder to cheat, and so do the voters."
"The President's failure to tell the truth rips at the fabric of the nation."
"There's no room for faking evidence, and at the very least, the House needs to consider whether to censure that kind of behavior."
"The voters deserve the truth and that no one is above the law."
"Responsible government and an independent judiciary." - Jody Wilson-Raybould
"Trump cannot become irrelevant unless you make Trump irrelevant. You cannot nullify Trump and Trump's rhetoric unless you have political parties and political leaders that behave with absolute integrity and authenticity."
"I'm calling on the entire Democratic leadership and saying, if you take corporate contributions you are corrupt and you are taking bribes."
"He said he believed her but at the same time he uh he didn't try to brow beat thomas enough."
"All that matters is we have this guy who's running to take an office that he tried to steal through violent means based on a lie four years ago."
"Liz Cheney, an exemplar of putting patriotism above party."
"I will always stand up for our constitution regardless of the political pressure."
"We must place country over party here and stand up for the basic principle that no one is above the law."
"The only litmus test that I would argue is incredibly important: whether or not these candidates are taking corporate PAC money."
"It's such a powerful message when you tell the people I'm not taking formal PAC money and I'm gonna represent."
"You can't have [someone] trying to steal your olds running for president."
"I believe Americans care about corruption and do not want to see their president involved in corruption."
"I'm not going to let my family's last name go down in history as colluding with a foreign power."
"Sometimes you have to forget politics, do the right thing, and trust the rest."
"If we want to keep our republic, we must ensure election integrity."
"If you're not willing to stand up to your own side now and every now and again there's really no point in having this job."
"He did the right thing, the right thing for the country without a doubt."
"Betraying the sanctity of the American election to serve the ego of a failure."
"The rule of law must be impartial, it can't be based on what U.S. politician you support or oppose."
"I err on the side of the elections are probably fine, but I don't think there's like Chinese ballots being flooded into the system."
"Don't tell me that you're conservative and love your country when you can support people that are funded by Pfizer, that are funded by the actual Epstein Network."
"If there is even a hint of impropriety, let alone these credible allegations bravely brought forward by Dr. Ford, we should pause and thoroughly investigate."
"The Green Party is the only National Party that is not poisoned by corporate money."
"Bernie Sanders says he doesn't give a [ __ ] who's helping him, foreign actors shouldn't be interfering in our elections."
"We will not be intimidated into accepting the hoaxes and the lies."
"This is the real deal Justin Trudeau is being busted for literally handpicking Senators."
"Be a real Republican stand up and fight against autocracy and dictatorship and fascism."
"An unforgivable breach of trust in our democracy."
"There are a lot of processes, institutional changes that need to be made so we can guard against anybody, regardless of political party, ever attempting to overturn a U.S. election again."
"I hold them to the bar that they ran on while campaigning for congress."
"You gotta watch their deeds. Not what they say. Politics is personnel. Politics is outcomes."
"Let's talk about restoring voter integrity into our elections."
"The strength of our democracy relies on our votes being authentic and secure."
"In the face of vitriol, honor attaches to Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for seeking truth."
"She said yesterday that preventing a no-deal that may threaten the livelihoods of her constituents means a great deal more to her than keeping the Conservative whip."
"We're not the party of insurrection; we have to embrace the constitution not embrace the insurrection."
"Because people have got to know whether or not they're president or crook. Well, I'm not a crook."
"Let's ensure we have free and credible elections because the foundation of democracy is built on that."
"This is about the American people this is for the office of the president what happened at Donald Trump can never happen again."
"If we allow this travesty to stand, we might as well give up on Nigeria."
"The president kept pressing even though he had been told that there was no evidence of fraud. The president keeps saying that the department was 'obligated to tell people that this was an illegal, corrupt election.'"
"If you're making money off your time in government then I don't think you're fit to be president of the United States."
"Finally, a Republican leader in Wisconsin stood for democracy."
"Isn't it refreshing when a politician actually does what he says he is going to do?"
"I'd rather be a one-term congress person that gets something done than be there forever and get nothing done."
"It is morally wrong to have any interference into independent countries elections."
"The only way to beat a big lie is with big truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"Integrity, honesty, and decency in the country... Bernie Sanders exemplifies."
"We must rise above partisan politics and hold our own accountable."
"If we don't hold the integrity of this process, then we are simply a third world country."
"Complete and utter anti-corruption. We will not represent corporations, we will represent the voters."
"I personally would welcome a politician who would stand up and say, 'Do you know I've had another look at this and I was wrong?'"
"We need secure elections and the confidence of the American people."
"None of these people take corporate money and they all have a shot."
"Members of Congress should not be selling individual stocks, put it in a blind trust, trade in mutual funds."
"Romney showed a level of moral courage that validated the founders' faith in self-governance."
"It's not about Democrat or Republican. We don't want criminals in office."
"Bernie's funded by small donors, you know, and that's why he has the integrity that he has."
"It's important for the next Senator to have a respect for the rule of law and the Constitution."
"Even if you don't agree with me or Democrats on policy... you should still want to see a restoration of honesty and decency and lawfulness in our government."
"I am NOT going to for a second allow for the kind of bullshit disingenuous performative politics to be marshaled to undermine Bernie Sanders."
"The erosion of confidence in our elections is an existential crisis for the United States of America."
"If you once forfeit the confidence your fellow citizens... you can never regain that respect and esteem."
"We're taking no corporate money, we're taking no billionaire money."
"Refused to succumb to games and partisanship."
"I believe that the way we will unite this country is by being uncompromising about the principles that set the country into motion in the first place."
"When politicians use rhetoric, make sure it's backed up by their policies and actions."
"In a time of unrelenting partisanship, Dick Lugar's decency, his commitment to bipartisan problem-solving stand as a model of what public service ought to be." - Barack Obama
"When we say we believe in putting people over politics, we actually mean it."
"It's about time we got some backbone in our government and people stood up to the abuses of power and defended the American people and the Constitution."
"Election deniers those who refuse to accept lawful election results purposely attack the rule of law and the foundation of our country."
"People telling the truth, even if you find it politically inconvenient, is not a reason to expel someone."
"Human rights should never be instrumentalized as political tools."
"You got to have public officials who support the public good, not the advancement of their own career or their own political party."
"There’s a legitimate public value in knowing whether or not the president’s personal financial interests... influence the public decision-making that he’s engaged in."
"We have to hold accountable every person who is criminally responsible for trying to overturn a legitimate election."
"Tulsi Gabbard does not support Medicare for all and she needs to stop saying she supports it."
"We can't allow that sociopath near the White House ever again."
"This vote is not about timing. It is about principle and fidelity to our constitution. It concerns the clear and present danger facing our country."
"You know you're a fascist if you don't accept the results of a free and fair election."
"It's not about Republican or Democrat. It's about what is the worth of America's word."
"Deliver the goods. It's up to Merrick Garland to hold accountable everybody no matter if you're the president of the United States or not."
"Your truth to power talk is about finding people who when they get to Congress will put their constituents first will put people over profit and will stand up to corporations."
"Politics must play no role in federal investigators' and prosecutors' actions."
"The only question of this election is going to be, do we let them get away with it?"
"It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power."
"It cannot be the case that our justice system is incapable of holding him accountable."
"You can't love your country only when you win. You can't obey the law only when it's convenient. You can't be patriotic when you embrace and enable lies." - President Biden
"The most important question of this evening: will Donald Trump admit and condemn that the Russians are doing this and make it clear that he will not have the help of Putin in this election?"
"You'll know you have a good candidate when they only take the small dollar donations."
"Democracy means billionaires cannot buy elections."
"People have got to know whether or not their presidents a crook. Well, I'm not a crook."
"The fact for any foreign government to interfere in our election system and for a White House, regardless of party, not to be basically saying the house is on fire and this is not acceptable is shocking."
"The times you stand alone against your party... prove to yourself that you have what it takes."
"I'd rather have an honest politician who's wrong than a crooked politician who's telling me what I want to hear."
"Politicians would get elected and do the right thing as opposed to whatever it takes to get elected and re-elected." - Gary Johnson
"I think the most important thing these days is to demand that leaders have stopped compromising their principles for partisan political points."
"I think genuine disagreements on policy and expressing those disagreements is what a politician's job is."
"If you and others like you in the political arena demand the truth, fight for the truth, represent the truth, then I'm optimistic."
"To restore America, one thing is for certain: we cannot, we must not dilute our message or give up on our principles."
"The United States Senate, every one of those senators still took an oath to defend the Constitution."
"Unlike our opponents, we have nothing to hide. The integrity of our election matters, the Constitution of the United States matters."
"Pressuring or intimidating officials into messing with election results is a crime."
"Thank you guys so much for coming on. That was so fun."
"I think voters reward you for doing the right thing."
"Is there any more clear of a contrast than a man who walked away from that power versus a man who has been clamoring for it and claiming credit for it for 48 years?"
"Bernie Sanders has been crazily consistent on the issues. You know, agree with him, disagree with them, total record of consistency."
"Every single scene has got an emotional content to it which leads to drama."
"Impeachment should not be a political exercise, it should be reserved for something like what happened on January 6th."
"Obama made the claim that quote 'my Administration is free of scandal.' Well let's put that statement to the test shall we?"
"This is a man who respects the Constitution unlike the other guy."
"I never thought I would see the day where an American president would threaten not to accept an election defeat."
"Voters across our country in our base, they can tell the difference between somebody who's actually sharing their own convictions."
"A political figure that has proven integrity, character, and pedigree."
"I call on all Americans to reject the lie and I condemn those who spread the lie for power, political gain, and for profit."
"There comes a point where there are certain red lines, and it's better to lose the election than to cross them."
"Time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom to me is the ultimate lifestyle."
"You can like or dislike Liz Cheney, but I have an enormous amount of respect for Liz Cheney because she went against the party... prioritizing the democracy and the integrity of the republic over the party."
"Joe and Kamala believe that no one, especially the President, is above the law."
"By undermining the 2020 election, he put our entire electoral system in jeopardy."
"If you can't hold people accountable for trying to overturn the results of a free and fair election, then."
"The use of our constitution to bring a purported impeachment proceeding is much too serious to try to play these games."
"My loyalty is to the Constitution, it's to a document, it's never to an individual."
"I'm Nina Turner and I am unbought and unboxed."
"He's trying to save Mexican democracy from the corrupt right-wing corporate oligarchs."
"We must instill in our public officials... They must tell us the truth. If they cannot do this, then they must be impeached or they must be removed from office."
"I think it's rare to see a politician who has been so consistent over the decades who has always been on the right side of history long before it was politically expedient to do so."
"The whole point of Justice Democrats is to only represent the people."
"You can't say you want to improve elections and talk about how you are a leader in the nation for free and safe and secure elections but then simultaneously do the very things that would undermine that status."
"I just want to congratulate Senator Mitt Romney for voting his conscience and character."
"I will never put party above my duty to the country. I will never put party above my duty of the Constitution."
"The need to make certain that the president of the United States, if he loses this election, will abide by the will of the voters and leave office peacefully."
"They were elected not to sell out the way so many politicians had done. They were elected to speak truth to power."
"We had a lot of really courageous Republican insiders who came forward... and put principle over party."
"We are united in our commitment to addressing democratic backsliding, corruption, and phony populism."
"He is a danger to National Security and must never be in public office again."
"There are some politicians who I respect a lot for their honesty, their consistency."
"We need a new Coalition of decency and respect for the founding principles of this country."
"I agree with him on and and I've given him credit a couple times on the show he says he does not take over Pac money he's a very very very rare Republican who doesn't take corporate Pac money."
"It's not going to be by putting an insurrectionist in the speaker's chair."
"It would send the message that a sitting United States President is not above the law."
"I know by God's grace I did exactly what the Constitution the United States required of me that day."
"It's pretty dangerous to say the election Stone if you don't have evidence."
"What is the point of voting for people who don't take corporate money if they just do the bidding of the people who do the answer is there isn't one."
"I really do think that perceived honesty and integrity mean a lot when it comes to candidacy."
"Candidates who dispute the results of a valid election... pose a danger of interfering in future elections."
"A government that isn't mired in sleaze, cronyism, and scandal?"
"We are entitled to have the accurate count of legal voters determine the result of the presidential race. We are entitled to have truth emerge."
"This case transcends political lines; it's about the sanctity of our elections and the rule of law."
"We cannot let our future be decided by those bent on silencing our voices, overturning our votes, and peddling lies and misinformation by some radical faction that may be newly resurgent, but whose roots run old and deep."
"The lies that drove the anger and madness we saw in this place have not abated, so we have to be firm, resolute, and unyielding in our defense of the right to vote and to have that vote counted."
"He's running on trying to end the corruption... and that's a very important thing to raise awareness about."
"Keep your eye on the ball. And your ball is the reason she gives us is we're uncorrupted and we're fighting for policy."
"The real danger is people denying election results."
"Bernie is a person of his word, unlike the establishment."
"I am NOT the establishment party candidate. I am going to govern with integrity, have your back, and govern for you."
"The reality of it is the Republicans historically always take the high road and, as we should, we have integrity."
"You vote for the sellouts, is what you're saying."
"What's different about this moment... having so-called public servants more concerned with enriching themselves during a crisis than delivering basic economic relief for ordinary people is totally unacceptable."
"Nothing is worth no election is worth my not doing exactly what I think is the right thing."
"Dan Carden took a stand on principle. A man of integrity in politics."
"Just because your last name is Biden does not mean you're above the law."
"He's a man that's saying what he means and means what he says."
"My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about January 6th. I will not do that. This is the moment to speak the truth and to bury the lies."
"The fastest way to lose my vote is to lie to me."
"It's time to put people ahead of politics... to vote for America."
"The politicians who are trying to do their jobs the right way are getting death threats."
"Honor the Constitution, secure our borders... uphold the Constitution."
"It would be wonderful if Tulsi Gabbard actually continued the independent street that people loved her for and was willing to call out the elites where whatever the letter is behind their name."
"If you cannot win an election based on your ideas and your character, then you should get the hell out of politics and get another job."
"It is not extreme to demand secure elections."
"We don’t lock up political opponents. We beat them at the ballot box."
"Here’s my answer, I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing. Then he says this is the final word from the president of the United States, I want nothing."