
Ethical Conduct Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"She's never posted a video pretending to kill another member of Congress. She never threatened to kill the Speaker of the House of Representatives."
"She seeks justice over convictions, and that she may strike hard blows but never foul ones."
"I always acted in a way to protect the most vulnerable because it is the right thing to do."
"You are supposed to expose the evil doers and have nothing to do with them."
"Creators need to be aware of their power and potential for abuse in relationships."
"Creators need to acknowledge the power dynamic and avoid manipulation."
"There's no room for faking evidence, and at the very least, the House needs to consider whether to censure that kind of behavior."
"I still think that you shouldn't be using slurs like that that's just it as a basis it's just I think if I if I go down that rabbit hole of doing that over and over again then I'll justify doing it to another one and another one another one."
"Enemy envoys were to be safeguarded and inviolate, non-combatant civilians were to be treated as neutral parties and truces were to be accepted wherever possible."
"I will take no pleasure in slaughtering the innocent in the streets of Stormwind."
"A decent person, a decent father, a decent man would stop this. You could stop filing motions, you could stop fighting, turn over the discovery, stop seeking abusive discovery, and just knock it the [__] off."
"It's really more about doing what is right, no matter what."
"We shouldn't take lightly cheating in any way, shape or form, including online."
"You're responsible for every discharge of your weapon."
"By emphasizing the importance of integrity and ethical conduct in government, tror's directive aims to instill a culture of accountability and transparency."
"With great power here comes great responsibility."
"I still have this hope that folks are going to do the right thing."
"Just do it in a way which harms no one and which does not promote or bolster right-leaning media figures."
"How hard is it, people? Stop thinking about your careers, think more about just doing the right thing. Bureaucratic challenges and inflexible mindsets continue to plague the department at all levels."
"We can't allow bad officers to rule the day... it starts with these good cops getting these bad seeds out of here."
"You're not doing anything wrong. The problem is that a lot of people will do something wrong, and it's preventable."
"Ignorance is not an excuse for what you're doing."
"I think there's so much good you can do with this kind of position. Of course, I'll never swear on a video, nothing like that."
"Real leadership means taking responsibility."
"That's why it's about accountability... Absolutely."
"Why is it so hard for people to just do the right thing? Why are we crabs in a basket?"
"I did the best that I could and I sleep good at night about what I accomplished in sports."
"Any happenstances of that nature absolutely need to be called out and taken seriously."
"He refused to put his name on the patent; he thought it was unethical for a doctor to profit from a discovery that would save lives."
"Right speech, right action, and right livelihood constitute ethical conduct and is considered as the indispensable foundation for all higher spiritual attainments."
"Tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth."
"Actions and ethical conduct are considered more important than adherence to a particular set of beliefs or dogmas."
"We must protect those who demonstrate courage to report alleged wrongdoing."
"Compassion for everyone and everything for those who appear to us to be good for those who appear to us to be bad throughout history throughout the globe and into the future."
"If we don't have to employ lethal force, let's not."
"You have power and with great power there must also come great responsibility."
"Just do what you're supposed to do, and that is right."
"That's not okay, and I'm not just talking about the affair. It's not okay to withhold information about the fact that you had more than a friendship with a woman who was just found dead."
"I believe in karma. I had to tell him what it was worth."
"It wasn't illegal, it was wrong, and I totally violated the spirit of what I was preaching."
"Bravery in battle, respect for your enemy, and generosity in victory."
"People sacrifice income to help others and punish cheaters - altruism."
"There is nothing wrong with a little self-preservation. Doesn't mean you don't wear the white hat."
"If a bishop says something harmful, you go above their head. You use the processes that the church provides. Obedience does not erase conscience."
"Releasing the footage is a matter of integrity."
"Love God who made you and your neighbor as yourself. Whatever you want people to refrain from doing to you, you must not do to them."
"If everybody followed it, the world would be paradise."
"There are a lot of heroes too, and they're heroes because they did the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing."
"The best among you are those who treat their wives in the best possible manner."
"The only thing better than doing the right thing is having a paper trail of doing the right thing."
"Vic showed that Funimation published two tweets stating that 'following an investigation Funimation will not be engaging Vic in future productions' and 'we do not condone any kind of harassment or threatening behavior being directed at anyone.'"
"I think that we have a responsibility to act and behave like humans."
"In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds... we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plain of dignity and discipline." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"If you take that long game and you do the right thing, that stuff will come back to you."
"Just have to try to do right by people around you."
"If you feel like I'm cheating people or not doing things right then please do not fish the tournament."
"Elon Musk's fraudulent behavior and his cons have given him many benefits and boosted his stock price."
"You shouldn't let them get away with it, and it's selfish to think, 'Well, you know, they got away with it, but it's not worth my time to get the money back.'"
"Go forth and live as we have fought, with honor."
"Your conduct should be governed accordingly to instill public trust."
"When those in the highest offices of power can evade the truth, flee from accountability, and disregard the principles of ethical conduct, it erodes the foundation of our Republic."
"You can't make good duas in the midst of horrible deeds."
"Our code: we do the best we can, we do the right thing, and we show each other we care."
"It's humanity 101. It's only cool if you're the one doing it right."
"He resisted pressure to diminish the work he was doing and did the right thing."
"You cannot be doing all these wicked things and think you're just gonna keep getting away with it absolutely not."
"Change the way we conduct our money matters, be honest in your dealings."
"Do the right thing even when no one is looking."
"Make sure if you are carrying out someone else's wishes that it meets your own code of conduct."
"Such undermining is Breaking Faith with the other states that are committed to securing the basic rights and protections."
"This fighter could have just finished off his opponent, but his respect for him was much stronger than his thirst for victory."
"Big companies like this tend to show you who they really are with their actions and not their meaningless words."
"If you kill someone when they're no longer threatening you, that's murder."
"No matter what other people do to you, you're still responsible in front of Allah to be a good Muslim."
"I acknowledge the rules of...I acknowledge that I have been spreading misinformation...and I feel guilty...I feel ashamed."
"There's a difference between having a right to doing something and doing the right thing."
"Integrity matters, like the willingness to... and don't tell me that a plea of guilt is not a plea of guilt."
"No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in self-defense, and that's rarely ever occurs."
"I didn't lie in my criticisms of Greg Ducette... I still believe that Greg Ducett committed an unethical action..."
"Don't lie to people, don't prey upon people just so that you can get an extra bonus."
"The Revolutionary Army may utilize the government's illegal activities, revealing them to the world. Egghead could be the stage for this revelation."
"Evil is closing the barrier to the other person, ignoring their pain."
"You've got to stay the course. You've got to do it right, even if you're mad."
"In this world, you must conduct yourself in a way that's worthy of protection."
"It's something you must do because it's the right thing to do. It's part of our code. Do the right thing, right? Show each other you care. That's our effortless English code."
"Take the high road, treat people like you want to be treated."
"You must come in at the door, otherwise you're a thief and a robber."
"Thou shall not hate thy neighbors or others that share any similarities in race, ethnicities, interests, or whatever else with thee."
"If you're trying to be persuasive, you gotta walk the walk."
"You should know better and recuse yourself if there's a conflict of interest."
"As a Christian, you cannot call people trash. They're the children of the world, the salt of the earth."
"Don't commit a crime. Don't do anything that puts your law license in jeopardy. Follow the rules."
"To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."
"Because it's just the right thing to do, it just is, whether there's a God watching you or not is irrelevant."
"Just because you were allowed to do it previously does not ever give you permission another time ever."
"They all taught me something about doing the right thing in the car business."
"I've learned time and time again that with great power there must also come a great responsibility." - Spider-Man
"Duty should be regarded as sacred and its faithful and unselfish performance one of the leading rules of conduct."
"The world is in Greater peril not from the men who do evil but from the ones who watch it and say nothing."
"We need to be chivalrous, no hacking them up for keys."
"Not giving permission to cheat, even if not found out, is common sense and wisdom."
"The noblest in the sight of God is he who is the best in conduct."
"As long as you're not harming anyone, you would consider that to be legal."
"Never scam anyone, never take anyone's money."
"You don't steal, you don't rape, you don't plunder, you don't pillage, you don't murder. You just don't do that stuff."
"Even in the difficulty Daniel you are a leader. You cannot descend to that level that he sounded like a gangster he's taken the point and he's done the humble thing and accepted that he is an approach."
"Do what's right and don't burn your bridges."
"I think you're abusing them spiritually and you have to repent."
"Because somebody's a dick does not give you an excuse to be a dick."
"Another policeman wrote that he was so disgusted with what police officers were writing about the force and about the grieving parents and he would be reporting all such comments to the police complaints the following day."
"Congratulations for surviving. There's some sort of survival here. This is doing the right thing, acting with integrity, communicating, speaking the truth."
"We have a responsibility to act in a moral way."
"Let's obey the golden rule and give unto others what we would have others give unto us. How? When? Where? The answer is all the time, everywhere."
"...you're held to a higher standard."
"One final message to the world, if you have to give somebody your age one message to the world, what would you say to them? Never do anything with anybody that is vulnerable or if they can't consent to that, okay?"
"The effort in ancient religions was to bring humanity to a place where we cease to do harm."
"Integrity is the honesty and moral character of the leader."
"We have renounced disgraceful underhanded ways."
"Taking accountability and responsibility is an important thing."
"We all are responsible for our own actions."
"See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil."
"Moral behavior is an answer to how you should behave."
"Being respectful of differences and different points of view is one way that we illustrate ethical conduct, I think, on a daily basis."
"Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally."
"The failure to respect the common humanity of our fellow travelers is to me the fundamental sin."
"Treat as though you're in a room with a couple of people watching and always just do the right thing."
"It is to impress upon our agents the role that they play in a democracy and the importance of having that judgment and maturity."
"For it is written, you shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people."
"Just do what's right, at all costs, just do what's right."
"Leaders must set the example physically, mentally, and ethically."
"It's almost like with great power comes great responsibility."
"Don't do to others what you would not like to be done to you."
"Ethics help us do the right thing."
"Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law."
"Deeds are what the intentions are."
"The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong."
"Integrity. We do what is right, not what is easy."
"It's not about me being fear of death, it's about doing the right thing."
"We abide by that Charter and we do believe that we behave ethically."
"It isn't lawful for a person to take from his brother except that which he has given him willingly, so do not wrong yourselves."
"We want you to be doing the right thing all the time."
"Be honorable, want for others what you want for yourself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Go into this with a really strong moral foundation and try to do this stuff responsibly."
"You must not knowingly participate or assist in and must disassociate from any violation of such laws, rules, or regulations."
"Integrity is doing the right thing even though no one's ever going to see you."
"I never try to win at someone else's expense."
"You shall not go after the majority to do evil."
"It is immoral to walk up to someone, regardless of whether they are wearing a fur coat, and throwing a bucket of paint on them."