
Spellcasting Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Rangers are incredibly skilled outdoorsmen who have learned to commune with nature to cast a limited selection of spells."
"Spiritual Weapon... has been buffed. Now, whenever you cast the spell using a spell slot of third level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every level above second."
"By the time you're casting ninth level spells, you are no longer a novice player."
"You're casting it to save your life because your airship has blown up and you're falling out of the sky; you don't have time to precisely word out the wish."
"Harry uses a spell he literally just read the name of in a book five minutes ago without knowing what it does."
"First damage spells, shadow bolt, high damage."
"Spell casting basics: arcane vs. divine, prepared vs. spontaneous, and the importance of casting ability."
"Heighten is basically what allows you to use your spells in a higher spell slot if you apply heightened to a spell you actually get to choose the effective level that you want to cast that spell at."
"What we really wanted to do is focus initially on showing people sort of how they get their spells from the master list."
"Quickened spell empowered for a blasty character redo that."
"Fireball is kind of wearing the crown of one of the coolest damage-dealing spells out there."
"The Naga is an all-around great monster with a mix of solid attributes, diverse spell casting options, and poisonous bites."
"Wish is unequivocably the most powerful spell in Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition and deservedly so."
"Saskia is actually the dragon... she was put under a spell by Philippa Eilhardt."
"If at a high level spell-casting love our skill yeah you don't really touch things in your house anymore you just walk around you're like repair that fix this spawn food eat mac and cheese out of a cauldron."
"This makes twin spell especially awesome for powerful buff spells like enhance ability enlarge reduce greater invisibility haste and polymorph."
"Just unleash my volley of deadly fireballs you just have filled happen to teleport right into the fire of them you know that kind of thing."
"A blasting focus for spellcasting is just not something I recommend, and this is why blasting is fine but if it's our focus then these are the results we should expect."
"Being able to cast unlimited spells is really powerful."
"In the hands of the right spellcaster, this could be useful in tracking him down."
"This card's really good with counter spells."
"Some of these spells are very low level spells in D&D... have far more devastating application on the large scale."
"Casting spells is a form of political protest."
"Impact perk is a game changer. Dual casted spells stagger enemies, making combat much easier."
"Words are like spells, and the spells that you cast on other people could be the spells you're casting on yourself."
"Star Squire interesting little minion for mage basically you can cycle this one into a spell that is an interesting tutor."
"Do you wish you could summon creatures? Get conjure animals or conjure elemental or summon greater demon. How about fly or counter spell? This might just be the best class feature that I have seen in all of Fivey."
"Witch is one of my favorite spellcasting classes."
"Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast is an S-tier spell, bar none."
"The wizard may be the king when it comes to the sheer volume of spells he has access to."
"This subclass is saying to you, 'Hey, guess what? Double the number of spells known as a sorcerer.'"
"Go hard with nemesis spells and make sure your demons are free of any status effects and you should be fine after it's over."
"It really will highlight how vicious some of these spells that people seem to overlook can really be."
"Spiritual weapon is that it doesn't require your concentration."
"Hyper-aggressive Demon Prince gonna cast Diabolic Strength as we go into the second phase."
"You can drop this on turn nine and play a 10 mana spell for zero mana right after it."
"When magic reawakened in the world, some people found that they had the crazy ability to start casting spells."
"The undying warlock spell list is a little lackluster... nothing that you would take above what's already presented."
"Enchantment is known for sleep and hypnotism but you should not sleep on this subclass."
"Really good spellcaster, comparable in terms of damage dealing with other flying spellcasters."
"Fizzerban, the most sane and hardworking spellcaster."
"Thresh...needs to be able to cast their spells in late game team fights."
"He needed to try wordless incantation the next time."
"All you gotta do is spam Crucio at the start of a fight, curse every enemy on screen, then hit somebody, hit anybody with Avada Kedavra, and that is it. They're all dead, battle over, boom."
"Primal Amulet: Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost one less."
"Bretons reflecting their affinity for the arcane, allowing them to cast spells with little pause."
"Fire mages are ridiculous. Every time you crit twice in a row, you get a free instant cast pyroblast."
"As a sorcerer you do not have the ritual casting feature so even if you learn spells that you can cast as rituals you actually don't have the ability to cast them without using a spell slot."
"The sorcerer inherits their abilities naturally, a true born prodigy of spell casting, they are one of the most potent arcane spell casters in the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons."
"The lead shot spell can increase the power to the greatest." - Alice
"Another really handy tool that I like to have at the table are the spellbook cards from Gale Force Nine."
"Can red and white play a lot of spells from exile? Yeah, it can."
"Honestly though, I prefer today's lightning spells for that exact reason."
"You know that one guy knew he didn't have fireball knew we did have a big spell to use and just beautiful just beautiful job there"
"Let this magic in my spell clear the space in which I do well."
"Soul cage: Awesome spell as a target dies you can trap the soul."
"Upcasting allows you to leverage the power of your higher level spell slots."
"Channel Demon Fire, a channeled spell that launches fel fire at random targets afflicted by immolate."
"Vial Smasher the Fierce says whenever you cast your first spell each turn Vial Smasher deals damage equal to that spell's converted mana cost to an opponent chosen at random."
"Noel brings everyone to the seabed temple using her spell."
"Tempest cleric... gives me the spell list that I want."
"Who's probably going to cast the most spells?"
"Unique feedback for each of the game's magic spells."
"Rangers, like paladins, not only Excel in martial combat but can also cast a select number of spells aiding them both inside and outside of combat."
"A cleric is a really fun and powerful spellcaster."
"We practically have infinite spells to cast for our Mana addicts."
"She started saying a spell or something but whatever it was she pissed this thing off."
"Your positioning is good, but it's not great. Stop walking into the enemy team when you cast your spells."
"Casting without incantations creates more powerful spells."
"If you're wanting an introduction into the world of spellcasting or you want a fighter that can use spells but don't want to multi-class, this is the subclass for you."
"Spellcasting adds tools to the Fighter's Arsenal that typical Fighters do not have."
"That enemy that you've paralyzed isn't going to be able to hurt you and your friends until they break out of the spell."
I'd like to cast "Gaslight" as a level four spell, please.
"If you're thinking about doing a love spell on somebody, just do the love spell on yourself."
"Having three fifth level spell slots every short rest is incredibly powerful."
"Timing your spell work is important. It's a conversation that needs to happen more often."
"Bards are better all-rounders with access to more and better spells better utility and social interaction and that sweet sweet baric inspiration."
"At Bard six is the promised land because yes as a lard that means we get magical secrets and that lets us take two spells from other spellcaster classes."
"...it's not this like tried and true I have this spell that's been handed down to me Generations after generations and like this is what it's going to work like it was very honest."
"The spell variety in this game is just so much fun to mess around with that I never get bored of it."
"All you need to make a spell work is an open mind and the desire and curiosity to experiment."
"Centering and grounding help combat some of the most common problems that beginner practitioners have when they start doing energy work and spell-casting."
"Intent is the intention or desire that we place behind spells."
"The pact of the chain grants you the find familiar spell that you can cast as a ritual and allows your summoned familiar to take the form of an imp, pseudo-dragon, closet, or a sprite."
"Finally, at level 20, we arrive at the capstone ability for warlock called eldritch master which allows us to spend just one minute speaking to our patron to regain all of our spell slots that would normally come back over a short rest."
"'Conjure Animals' is just such a strong spell that no druid should ever leave home without it."
"Tell us your dreams, our words are spells, we can speak something into existence."
"...as for our spells, I think absorb Elements is really good at early levels at least."
"Cat whiskers are so great for good luck spells, prosperity, and abundance spells."
"Okay, I'm going to cast Watery Sphere right on their faces."
"Doing a spell that is likely to manifest as one of your first written spells is the best way to do it as this allows you to gain almost self-belief."
"Typically, I would say that if you want to cast a spell with verbal words, do so in a language that you understand."
"Writing it down in the Book of Shadows or journal is also a fantastic way of monitoring the progress of that spell."
"Especially when you have a very hectic life, a lot of the time you can forget exactly when you cast a spell and you're often likely going to forget exactly what the spell was."
"So I really hope that this has been useful for anyone that's been interested in creating their own spells and rituals."
"For me personally, writing my own spells has created more powerful energies and I personally find that spells written by the person that is going to cast them are the most successful spells."
"There's just so many ways that you can do one spell, so be creative, be adaptable, use the things around you and above all else, be cunning."
"One of the defining features of the somatic component is that if your hands are bound, you can't cast that spell."
"I just love the idea of like casting Mass suggestion to have the enemies leave the battlefield and when they come to an hour later they find themselves on the road headed home but have no idea how they got there or why or what they're doing."
"I cast Polymorph on him in the middle of his speech. Alright, what's your spell save DC? Um, spell save 15."
"Quicken Spell lets you cast a spell with a casting time of one action as a bonus action instead."
"Keep in mind we do actually have second level spell slots currently since with artificer when we calculate how multi-classing works for our spell slots, we take half our artifactor levels rounded up which is unique among half casters."
"Just then, Lynn raised his hand and cast a slow curse."
"It's the intention behind a spell that matters. That's what makes it happen."
"Metamagic can allow for some weird and wonderful effects, like doubling up a very, very limited selection of spells, re-rolling hits, or re-rolling damage numbers."
"I think sometimes there is a specific aspect of what you wanted and what you cast for that you will receive."
"It's fun, it's explodey, we love it, and then spirit guardians, which of course is perhaps the best spell in the game, I think, for concentration based round after round multi-target damage."
"Then with a malevolent smirk that belies her battered state, Elder Rattlebone begins muttering the incantations for dimension door."
"They make for the most adept spellcasters of pretty much all dragon kind."
"When a spell is cast, it's similar in energy to a prayer, except you're delivering your power."
"Glyph magic is a spell point system; it limits the number of spells you can cast by giving you a pool of points to spend rather than a number of spell slots."
"Spell surging is where the spellcaster pilot can sacrifice a spell slot that they have."
"Incantationless magic is such a dub."
"The Helm of Awe is to be drawn between the eyebrows and then the person is to utter a spell to grant them a burst of inhuman power."
"Spell work is like a prescription, it's alchemy."
"The magic connects to the intent; you don't actually have to say the specific words completely."
"The more specific the word, the more powerful the spells may be cast."
"Casting any spell has risks and thus no matter how simple the task, all spellcasting requires a target number check."
"When attempting to cast a spell, the player must explain what they're hoping to accomplish."
"Best anyone can use spell scrolls."
"They can never leave, they can never rest; they are permanently stuck just casting the spell for all of eternity."
"He opens an aged spell book and starts humming."
"Sorcerers have innate spell casting somewhere in their bloodline."
"For spellcasters, above all else, a clear mind perseveres."
"You get an emblem with whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more permanents, you gain control of that permanent."
"This looks like one damn powerful spell."
"A complex spell flared into life as the old unicorn shuffled through the thin papers of an almost impossibly thick tome."
"With a swift, calculated gesture, the Mage unleashes the fury of his witchbolt."
"Mystics excel at versatility, they typically have a really strong willpower ability score which is used to cast their spells."
"She used the fire Crimson Lotus spell."
"Matthias then performs a fascinating spell to reincarnate himself."
"Until end of turn, you may tap lands you don't control for mana; spend this mana only to cast spells."
"He could create an ultimate magic spell."
"When you reach fifth level, you can cast darkness spell with this trait."
"It's laid out in a way that makes designing a spell easier."