
Personal Interaction Quotes

There are 975 quotes

"You're gonna realize, most of what you said really doesn't matter to me."
"Sometimes you just make me laugh my head off."
"I wouldn't say we're close personal friends...but we have met in person."
"With Twitch, the connection with my viewers is so personal. They hang out with me for 10 hours a day."
"There must be a mistake. 'No mistake. I can afford to cut back a little. Have a wonderful day.'"
"It's also refreshing when you see somebody who's only always behind a desk... just seeing them on stream with somebody else in a free form, not so constructed context is actually like a little bit different."
"Keep it honest. I love a sincere compliment. It really means a lot more."
"Life happens out there in life; people, your ways of interacting with people, your social skills, your soft skills, are going to determine whether or not you have a happy, healthy, productive life or a life that's just misery."
"People develop more of a heart by being kind of up close and personal."
"The impact that you have on people... you don't realize it until you come in contact with them personally."
"Do you like my haircut? Do you like the new...well, I'm glad."
"If you ever see me on the streets, don't be afraid to come up to me, we'll talk football."
"She seemed really sweet. She was really, really nice."
"It's now easy to take algorithms and embed them into computers and gather all that data that you're leaving on yourself all over the place, and know what you're like, and then direct the computers to interact with you in ways that are better than most people can."
"I want you to be real comfortable with being you because I've talked to you for just a few minutes, and I really like you."
"I'm a '90s baby. I'm used to walking up to the register and ordering with a human face to face."
"I saw your face, I'll remember you. Forget a thousand things every day, how about you make sure this is one of them?"
"If people are going to be offended by me in our first interaction, let's not have a second one."
"You don't know how happy that just made me feel, seeing you at the doorway."
"At the end of the day, bro, I have to disagree with you."
"Allow others to experience you, not what you provide for them."
"I know what you're busy doing there, just come out to the car. Let's go get peach and then back home, please."
"People never forget how you make them feel... they might forget what you say... but they'll never forget how you made them feel."
"You smell really great, man. Like roses, man."
"Small talk is not really about revealing your knowledge in a given subject; it's really about showing who you are as a person. It reveals a lot about your character and your humanity."
"I really like personal negotiation and talking to people, networking with people."
"I love what you did with your hair, it looks so good today."
"David buddy come on, Jesus how'd he get past me? Holy [ __ ] David you [ __ ] goober what are you doing what are you doing you goddamn goober come on man come on you goo, knock it off."
"Hello there beautiful, how are you doing today? You were looking stunning as always."
"I see you, Sauron, turn off your ringtone. I'll switch it to vibrate."
"We're gonna use a singing voice, not a yelling voice."
"Thank you very much, I appreciate it, see you."
"Kelly Roland remains one of the kindest, most amable humans I have ever met."
"I did my thing, but how are you feeling about it?"
"Shout Out To The Man in the middle Legend run for uh he actually recognized me here and he is the best Belle boy here probably the best YouTube channel."
"How can I have fun and delight the person in front of me?"
"I think a lot of [ __ ] overcomplicated us, man."
"You have to meet them at their level because every program is different."
"Every single individual that you come in contact with has programming like we do."
"I want you to see what it says to you more than what it looks like. Yeah, you know, I'm prepared."
"I just want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me."
"I did get to talk to him I mean Jeremy and I went to see one of his shows and we wore we actually had custom hats made from his book."
"He care about his players, like, he'll come up to you and talk to you one-on-one."
"I'll make out with you if you win the Shorty Award, sweet."
"I told you he's going to play a game with you."
"Every person you meet has a story to tell that you have yet to hear, and all you have to do is listen."
"Well, that just tickled me, you got me Neebs."
"Thank you for taking time out of your day to spend it with me here on YouTube."
"The best way to interact with me or to follow me is on Twitter."
"Let me tell you something, you son of a... uh-huh, happy birthday, thanks dude."
"I will watch it knowing cuz I I said when I stopped I went and told Dan the next day I was like hey so I didn't finish the movie and then Dan was like you should and I was like okay that's all I needed."
"Until we get to a place where... are gonna start holding the leaders of these departments just as culpable and accountable as the bad actors, we're not really gonna get change."
"People are gonna hate you. But you can control how you interact with them."
"Your kindness might make a major difference in their life."
"And every time I see a toolbox in the future, I'm gonna be like, 'I see you. You see me. We see each other.' And I'm gonna slowly back the (beep) away."
"You're well aware of their intentions with you, you're also well aware of what this person is capable of doing in this relationship."
"These conversations need to be had in the homes, amongst friends, amongst neighbors."
"Thank you so much for taking the time to spend the last two hours with me."
"From the moment they meet you, they're not going to stop thinking about you."
"If you have a disagreement with somebody, giving them a hug, it's done, it's solved, it's like it's like sealant."
"I very much appreciate Callie's comment here."
"I get along very well with Anthony, but he did say don't wear masks."
"I look forward to seeing how you express yourself."
"You don't have to go to the extent of just pissing away six dollars to try and ruin a hobby for them."
"Genuinely I saw that laughed out loud and took a screenshot there and then so thank you so much."
"He'll send me like a random comment from the YouTube comments that's like you should keep the beard and he's like I second this mission."
"Jason Derulo replied with, 'Kiera.' This has really given me a lesson in confidence."
"You're the first one that hasn't diagnosed me with a personality disorder."
"Friendship that turns in...yeah, because people will put on acts to like tailor themselves for each individual person and it's just like, that's not who you truly are."
"You were offering them love, and that made them feel pressured by you."
"I cannot tell you how many DMs I got on Instagram."
"You want to jump in and start talking to some people about what's going on in their lives."
"I feel bad for your wife oh all you probably need like a double shot of stone karisha oh my God."
"Thank you so much for speaking with me. Thank you, this is terrific."
"The first thing you saw once your eyes were clear was Barca go leaning towards you."
"This is a chance for you to talk to somebody and make it work."
"I forgive you. It honestly kind of felt good."
"I've met absolutely salt of the earth people today, and I've got to tell you, people in Blackpool really are so, so nice."
"Okay, shall we? Let's do it," says Bezos, threading his hand in Sanchez's.
"You're cracking me up, David. Thank you, I needed it today."
"Why did he look you in the eye and tell you that?"
"It's funny sometimes, like the power of an actual person to introduce somebody to something new."
"Rare moment of empathy, she's brutally honest."
"Nobody wants to be part of a [expletive] pity party."
"There's nothing wrong with my memory, chill out dude."
"Do you want to keep on judging people on outward appearance or do you want to actually read someone and then pass judgment?"
"I couldn't believe it. I'm making it up. She actually said that to me. No one here knows anything. Okay, this is great. I know you're loving this story. I'm loving this story."
"I love Christopher no Christopher should we give it to Christopher..."
"Thanks, Karen. He sounds really cool. I think I'll vote for him."
"I have lila inside of me. Hello lila. Did you get his call again? What's it to you old man?"
"Flexibility and in-person relational stuff, that's why I like medicine."
"If your day sucks, you fake it, 'Hi, how you doing?' Because when you smile, everything changes."
"If I can give a kid five seconds of my time and that means that much to him, I'm gonna give that kid that five seconds every single time."
"I think the biggest issue for us a lot of times is mistrust, yeah, because I got to see you."
"I had butterflies in my tummy. I was more excited to talk to him than I would be to talk to Santa Claus."
"Alyssa, what do you need from me? I'm in rehearsal."
"Put a smile on their face; if you can give them gifts, give them gifts before they even have to ask."
"I love you, I appreciate you... thank you for coming and spending a few moments out of your day here with me."
"She asks him if they could keep this a secret between them two."
"I covered it up. You did cover it up, good job. All right. Yeah, good job."
"Robert walks up to Jane, gets closer and closer, picks her up by the waist, and lifts her slowly onto the gym teacher's desk."
"Thank you so much for taking so much time to chat with us today."
"It was a very fun experience it was actually my first time doing that like meeting fans and playing my songs before it came out."
"Well noticed, well Stephen Taylor said did Dan design Larsty's new hairdo."
"I can honestly say it's nothing less than life-changing for me to getting into contact with you."
"I wanted to say it in front of your face. I want to say it in your face because."
"When did I ever mention that your interest is there anything that I did a thing I want you to show me where I did it your interest is there because that's where you came."
"I love love love just meeting you face to face."
"Even better is when we can take this connection and take this relationship we have and then make it face to face."
"I actually hung out with Leon first when I played the game."
"It's so neat that the Lord said the truth of this is going to be passed on person to person."
"It's fun, yeah. I mean, I like you, Dr. Drew, so I'll go past my comfort zone for you."
"Thanks for hanging out with me today I'll see you next time."
"I nearly spent a bomb on that for the record. Yes, should have saved that for a better room. By the way, Jonah's Jack, thank you for the follow."
"Well, anyway, thank you so much. I hope you have a really nice rest or you're just starting school so I hope school goes really well for you."
"Let me experience God in you, not a textbook."
"I've heard Tommy, what Tommy, Tommy where did you, where are you?"
"Nagatoro's the most stimulating person for him."
"If you can see energy you can see one and if you can see energy and you could seal energy you can see no long it can you conceal the people around you it's the most authentic and beautiful way I know to operate in the world"
"Karen turned out to be a very sweet and kind girl and told me all about the school."
"No matter what you're doing and who you are dealing with this week, you just be yourself."
"You understand what I'm saying, you break it down, you're making it easy and fun at the same time."
"I found something John, oh you're tick-tocking over there."
"They want to come to your house or want you to theirs."
"When you meet somebody and you actually talk to them person to person, it will always totally change your perspective of them."
"I want people when I say something on the Internet people can hold me accountable by coming to my store and meeting me face to face."
"Congratulations, Shawn. You are the Artist of the Year. You can pick up your award at my house. You can come over and we can play video games and hang out and be best friends forever."
"You're like a ray of sunshine. It felt like a day hadn't passed."
"Take advantage of this opportunity. You can also go to sherrypapini.com and look at the telephone number there and call me. Let's talk."
"KSI was the nicest person I've ever met, genuinely a really nice person."
"Be kind and I will see you in the next one... start an alliance with Jase today."
"Well, Brian, it was so great speaking with you."
"I take so much pride in people's parents liking me."
"At least tell me how you've been. Let's meet for coffee tomorrow and talk, really talk."
"You really want us to play out again? Did he do that sometimes? Yeah, absolutely."
"I won't refer to as a man or woman because that's respectful and that is what you want."
"Girls like it when they get to talk about themselves."
"Sounds like Ryan is ready for me. I should head outside."
"Congratulations, sir, that's awesome. I just played Halo 4."
"Don't virtue signal me and in the same line or sentence tell me that you care about me or that you're a huge fan."
"The highlight of my day so far was a student bringing me homemade strawberry jam."
"It must be that produces awesome people I like that I'll take that I'll take that I like that that's cool thank you that's a nice compliment but yeah guys I'm gonna go have a great night."
"I would love to travel more and more, you know, I love traveling and if I have the opportunity, I would love to visit your countries and meet you guys. We can hang out together, that is my plan."
"The cashier was so nice, her name is Media, what a beautiful name."
"I really admire what you did with hip-hop homicides... it does make a difference when you go and speak to people in person and you get those original first person perspectives."
"Thank you so much for being here and hanging out with me."
"Paul was a good kid. He was always polite to me. I never had any single, solitary issue with him at all."
"It's almost like relationships are like holding sand in your hand. You have to hold them delicately. The more that you squeeze, the more that they fall through your fingers."
"If you have respect for the other person, you respect their intelligence, their opinion, their views."
"He's attracted to you and he can talk to you and be himself."
"Nathan, this was the edgiest conversation I think I've ever had."
"I will remember your face for the rest of my life."
"Our personal comedy, the way that we would interact with each other."
"It's not about perfection, it's about the connection."
"Oh my God, you're beautiful. That's the first thing I said to you."
"He's just like, 'What's up, Tobin?' It's awesome."
"You will eventually speak with this person or have a conversation with them."
"I really hope you like the book give me a shout if you preorder it if I ever meet you I'll give you a really long like half that goes on for a long time."
"You ever just been on the phone and just hung up and just felt better?"
"You don't have to like somebody to respect them."
"There's nothing wrong with that, but sometimes if you speak this language to somebody that's not driven by lifestyle you cannot drive that person."
"They want a relationship with you basically, whether you resonate with that Side Story or not."
"People didn't give a crap what company I worked for. All they cared about was who's the guy that's picking up the phone answering the text messages and teaching me about real estate."
"How would you like to hit the range tomorrow with a brand new gun?" - Ben Shapiro
"Nobody knows her favorite type of food or her favorite type of music that she likes to dance to and what activities she's into. So I wanted it to be a raw organic experience for the artists and for Wendy herself as well."
"I have not begun to unleash the Grouch, kitty."
"Thank you all for coming out. I appreciate it. I will see you all soon."
"There's no [ __ ] way he was fine last night. He carried on a conversation with me."
"They avoid confrontation, sweep things under the rug, and get defensive."
"How do you treat that person will determine who you are."
"There's no substitute for meeting someone face to face. You can see their physicality, feel their vibe."
"I'm really happy to be able to jump in and figure out... how does it feel when I engage in PvP?"
"You are going to be in touch with your person again."
"Anita's like, 'Oh wait, we're talking about um Jennifer...'"
"Everyone say hello to REM you'll... let me know if you want me to make caramel curry."
"Love and hate, we're here to provide all emotions."
"Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old when I would never call him short and fat? Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend."
"Every time I see them, I have to pick them up."
"I thought you had a good sense of humor since you became an Eli."
"Get the monkey off your back, huh? We were wondering why you had that on."
"The thing is, he doesn't seem fake with that high energy, which makes it really good."
"I thought I had the perfect disguise, but you girls saw right through it."
"If you expand that locker room and you take it to the fraternity of being in the NFL, it's pretty special."
"We did it all on the phone there wasn't any Zoom... people really met with each other one-on-one like we are."
"Love some more but we really have to... I actually have to go right now. Thank you so much."
"You know when to catch me, huh? Holy moly, huh?"
"I think if you just keep continuing to give yourself to the best of your ability to people like and I don't mean that like at all in a weird way just like giving yourself like genuinely that you will have so much success."
"Overall highly recommended and my DMs are open Cornelius."
"It felt really good to have someone actually listen."
"Social media is the art of adaptation, using technology to be social."
"I'd love to get Gordon out in person at some point when it's possible to do that again and do some kind of head-to-head battle or something."
"Big pot, big pump, and the savage man - love that from you."
"It's pretty cool how they just randomly bumped into each other."
"Saying someone's name is the sexiest, most emotional thing you can do."
"It's all good, you know, as like a person, as like a person. It's all good, you know what I mean? Thank you, do appreciate that."
"I'll make sure to return to this world... the girl knelt beside me to hug me tightly... I didn't really know how to react so I just sat there letting her finish."
"I got you like let me open the door for you."
"You see her getting down and meeting children at their level."
"Young lady, I just want to say that your behavior has irritated me for the last time."