
Emotional Range Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Undertale really knows how to lighten the mood just as well as it knows how to darken it."
"The height of your joy is tied to the depth of your sorrow."
"Humans experience emotions on a range of zero to ten, then you get married and the range goes from negative 10 to 20, and then you have a kid and the range just gets completely obliterated. It's negative Infinity to Infinity."
"This is such a rollercoaster of emotions, man."
"This theme is perfect. It's intense, fun, scary, and exciting."
"Dead Space 2 emerges as a distinct individual as the game works through various moods."
"Mother 3 is full of joy, full of sadness, it'll make you laugh and yeah, it'll make you cry."
"There will be a lot of answers, there will be a lot of pain, there will be a lot of joy and maybe a few tears as well."
"This story is a lot of things right? It's sad. It's very sad. There's parts of it that are very sad. There's parts of it that are just ludicrous. There's a lot of interesting characters, a lot of mystery."
"Depression, twist, turns, pure unbridled joy."
"Because of the way Drake navigates the highs and lows of his very existence, this allows the album to flesh out its concept in any way that it desired."
"You will cry of laughter and joy, but mostly of sorrow and pain."
"He’s able to communicate menace, vulnerability, whimsy and cynicism with just a few words and a look."
"There are moments of just soul-crushing heaviness on this album and then there are moments of just like beautiful breezy airy very refined sounds as well."
"Love and hate, we're here to provide all emotions."
"Life is just hard and unfair for a lot of people and turbulent and crazy and happy and sad."
"Afterlife was fantastic, a show that can move from making you barely laugh to bringing a tear to your eye."
"Bailey Madison is really good in this role... gives the best performance... killing it in this role... experiences a wide range of emotions... sells it perfectly every step of the way."
"I was able to live in this movie the music the dancing of fool the good times the bad times the darkness the light of the Chicano community."
"There are some dark moments but overall it's way lighter."
"We are going all over the place emotionally and I just appreciate it."
"Both of these paint schemes are pretty doggone gorgeous."
"They want to stand up for this connection, and they can handle the lighter side of life and the deeper side of life."
"There's a lot of way to go emotional, there's a lot of ways to go cerebral, there's a lot of ways to go just physical and cathartic."
"Please call me by my true names so I can hear all my cries and laughs at once."
"A movie where you can cry, laugh, you know, just have a lot of emotions to it."
"It's a surprisingly relaxing and somber album though there are plenty of excitable battle tracks that deviate the emotional complexity throughout gives it weight."
"Each sentence starts with the same level of nihilism anger and despair you would expect from an insult writer which then Bloom into sweet adorable depictions of joy in a way that's invented a new form of Comedy for me."
"The blend of mystery and solving, first love and horrible loss was just phenomenal."
"Permission to have both the innocence and then the complete insanity that goes with feeling different."
"It's one man's journey but at the same time, he goes through the entire lifetime of emotions."
"It's impressive for a movie to achieve such a range of emotion so flawlessly."
"This movie made me laugh it made me cry at times I was horrified."
"I think there's a range where everybody experiences this to an extent."
"Thank you to everyone for the support, the criticism, the love, the hate, and above all else the loyalty."
"To write one phrase that can support so many different arrangements and emotions from the lowest lows to the highest highs takes an artistry and craftsmanship that puts Wintery a step above his contemporaries in the modern video game music space."
"Max's journey in the sequel is about him stumbling into a murder case involving Vladimir Lem and Mona Sax."
"This was a creator who wasn't afraid to make a show that was different."
"One story can feature extensive amounts of cosmic horror or body horror while the next could be a comedy or a heart-wrenching tale."
"You can play that in films you can you can have serious really serious films and then lighten it up a bit." - John
"You're meant to experience all of your emotions, the full range."
"It's as extraordinary and difficult in painting to express joy as it is to express drama."
"There's levity, there's pathos, it's poignant, it's sharp, it's ludicrous and silly."
"I'm looking for extremes of emotion and experience."
"The ups and downs make for a great story. You cannot have a great story that's not like this."
"There was a spectrum of experiences from those dominated by love to those dominated by fear."
"The opening of our heart means feeling all of it, not just love and light."
"Some had ended in tragedy, others ended in pleasant surprises, while others still brought me great hope!"
"the entire film exemplifies humor charm emotion and excitement"
"It's the perfect combination of crazy video game action and serious moments."
"It's impressive for a movie to achieve so much range of emotion so flawlessly."
"Be thankful for the good, bad, evil, and ugly."
"At times touching, at others amusing, and heartwarming throughout."
"It's just incredible how many moods the game conveys with the presentation alone."
"If you want to see gratitude or joy and rejoicing, if you want to see sorrow and remorse for sin, if you want to see praise and real worship, then look to the book of Psalms and experience it."
"The story here was an emotional roller coaster for me it was funny it was sad it was happy it was joyful it was silly it was just everything in between."
"That's life: fun, funny, scary, sad, tragedy."
"To truly convey these tense moments, happy moments, or those that can fluctuate in emotion suddenly, we felt that voices were absolutely necessary."
"Ethan Peck is outstanding as Spock, playing his rapidly shifting emotions, from confusion to panic to anger to points in between and beyond, with hilarious and sometimes touching results."
"I'm just saying just be free... you don't have to dress like anyone, just be yourself."
"Destiny is about feeling powerful and having things that are infuriating and things that are also just really fun. I think that's part of the magic."
"Love doesn't just give birth to ease and harmony but also a range of expressions, including fear, as an expression of self-love."
"Blue rev Creature Comforts Ooze from every note Joy Melancholy and the whole nine yards"
"It is funny, it's touching, it's inspirational, it's romantic."
"She's a fantastically brave actress um and direct and um and on a phrase fearless she's unafraid of of reaching to the extreme of her emotional range in a scene."
"Banner's characters seem to be the only one that showed depth and emotional range while the others were just one-dimensional."
"Comedy's like your highest highs and your lowest lows."
"You don't have to be rainbow sunshine and positive all the time to be dealing with something."
"Not everything has to be black or white there's duality you can feel more than one way at a time."
"I thought it was amazing that you could go from kind of laughing hysterically at how surreal and absurd his behavior is to then being engaged immediately with the pain and the sadness of the victims."
"...seeing him have a conversation with himself ranges from hopeful to sad and more but it's always riveting stuff."
"He is one of these actors who can make me both laugh and cry and I think that's amazing."
"Life is good, their life is going in the right direction, all the range of emotions they can experience with you."
"Life would probably not be such great fun if we felt everything."
"The big, essential spice of Toy Story 2... from joy to resentment to condescension to vulnerability to gratitude."
"He's really good at blurring the lines between that range on the emotional spectrum between humor and fear."
"Either you're happy or you're sad, either you're joyful or you're grieving. And the prophet was similar."
"Margaret: a mix of emotional beats with comedy."
"You're not going to feel the highs without having some low moments."
"...I like to have a range because emotionally I am also that way you know I have the quiet but I also have the loud in my life..."
"Love and Basketball: A Timeless piece not going to get much better than Love and Basketball has everything you could possibly want it has comedic moments it has moments that'll make you sad it has romance and it has basketball."
"I feel as if I've been through every emotion there is."
"Your heart is capable of feeling pain so that you can feel pleasure, sadness so that you can feel joy."
"This film has every emotion, covers it all."
"I think you have to know all about all sorts of emotions in order to portray them properly."
"God created you to have laughter and tears."
"This movie had emotional, horrified, but laughing moments."
"You can go from something tragic and then have a laugh...provoked inside of you."
"A good laugh and a good cry... they might be two sides of the same coin."
"By being hilarious, intense, heartwarming, and really engaging, the story leaves nothing behind."
"The highs are as high as they are because the lows are as low as they are."
"It's both beautiful, sad, and just wonderful."
"We all have the ability to go through the different emotions in life, whether it's sad, happy, depressed... there's all different emotions that we have to interpret as humans."
"I think I just wanted to like break up the sad with the most extreme opposite end of the emotional spectrum."
"We're supposed to experience all the full range of emotions that God created."
"It had moments that made me laugh out loud, it had moments that made me cry."
"It made me sad and frustrated and yet so happy and so joyful and satisfied."
"It was entertaining, action-packed, funny, and heartwarming at times."
"He could write and he could do any emotion that you want."
"It's grounding and it reminds us that life is simultaneously pleasurable and painful, that life is full of range."
"The nature of falconry is that you're going to have the highest of highs and the lowest of lows."
"R&B conveys so many different emotions and feelings."
"It was beautiful, and it was heartbreaking, and it was happy, and it was absolutely great."
"It's definitely a sad movie. I cried laughing."
"It'll make you laugh, make you cry, the works."
"Highs and lows when it comes to action, comedy, and drama are necessary and it depends on the execution."
"I like having access to the full range of human emotion."
"It's that joy of good writing where you've got people rolling on the floor in hysterics and the next minute you've turned it around and they're in tears."
"If you can't feel pain, then you can't feel the opposite."
"This show really makes you feel a whole lot of different things."
"It's your job as an actor to feel all of the emotions."
"They can get dark with their lyrics and they can make you feel a certain way, make you kind of feel a sadness for Humanity or they can totally lift you up."
"My studio practice uses drawing, printmaking, and sculpture as a means towards exploring the extremes of human emotion."
"It was action-packed, filled, exciting, sad, crazy, all the emotions you could possibly think of, all in one."
"In one scene, this guy is talking to his therapist and has to go from sad to angry to introspective to jealous to happy."
"Wendy says it how it is, whether it's mean, whether it's sincere, whether it's empathetic, whether it's sympathetic."
"There seems to be a direct relationship between the intensity of the lows that you've experienced and the intensity of the highs that you're capable of achieving."
"It touches on the full spectrum of emotions and the human experience."
"I ran the whole gamut of emotions."
"Don't cross, I'm capable of horrific torture and incredible joy."
"That was a brilliant promo, from screaming to sobbing and sheer devastation."
"The story is fantastic, the emotions, just the fact that they could pull every emotion out of you."
"A happiness set point... you have sort of innately because of your DNA a range of happiness levels."
"He has moments that make me laugh out loud and cry."
"He can go from fierce and intimidating to cute and smiley in the blink of an eye."
"The height of their happiness is the depth of their pain."
"All movies deliver different kinds of emotional experiences; it does not elevate one over the other."
"What I'm really loving about the song so far would be all of the differing elements and moods and emotions sprinkled into one song."
"I want to show my ups. I want to show my downs."
"You don't need to cry in order to feel emotion."
"It was happy, heartbreaking, and heartwarming all at the same time."
"I'm allowed to experience all emotions of the spectrum."
"This album won't only hopefully make you laugh and cry, but it will make you laugh and cry in the same bar."
"If you can take me through the full range that goes from hate to kind of uncertainty to actually really liking or even loving the character, well then that's impressive storytelling or character development."
"I'm feeling the whole bag of emotions right now."
"We ran the gamut emotionally with music as well as with storytelling."
"Some things make you laugh and some things make you cry, and golf will make you do both."