
Graffiti Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Graffiti was an integral part of it from the beginning."
"Donkey-headed Jesus: This is the Alexamenos graffito, a piece of graffiti in Rome that might be the earliest depiction of Jesus."
"They were once viewed as criminals. Many graffiti artists now make considerable money for their work, gaining the attention of major brands."
"Why the jews? I don't know if you saw the toilet graffiti: 'How odd of God to choose the jews' and somebody answered, 'No, not odd. The jews chose God.'"
"Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing."
"Graffiti is always the heartbeat of society, capturing what's going on at that time."
"From the guys that he was with he was off the radar at that point you know he wasn't one of the known writers from operation Anderson the police didn't have his number they didn't know who he was hence's anonymity was so important to his work."
"I'm like a shark in the ocean, I got a taste of blood. I got a taste of what the graffiti life is all about."
"I got caught when I was, I forget, maybe 15, writing with a highlighter on the side of some building." - Mohawk Matt
"Graffiti was huge in the 90s... you felt alive." - Mohawk Matt
"Graffiti was something that... it was scary, it was fun, the adrenaline." - Mohawk Matt
"You felt alive... it was like the thing to do." - Mohawk Matt
"Graffiti is the biggest part of this game... some of the artwork in this game is just brilliant."
"They cleaned up Banksy graffiti valued at £300,000."
"If you are someone that's into the New York scene, if you are a New Yorker, if you appreciate graffiti, a combination of these things will make you appreciate this figure a lot more."
"This figure is going to be a nice hit with a lot of designers, and graffiti artists, and anyone who loves the urban look."
"For me, that's what life was like: painting graffiti and partying."
"He Was the Kingpin in LA Graffiti History."
"Graffiti at That Time Was Treated Like Superstar Status."
"It's really nice when you walk into an abandoned place and you don't see graffiti all over the walls."
"But even an interstate exit over here did nothing to keep the businesses of Conway afloat, and now it's a place for people like me to come and use up their leftover spray paint."
"It's clearly a hotspot for graffiti artists 'cause it's everywhere."
"That exit graffiti is so proper right there, I never saw that before, love that."
"Graffiti: When arriving in Germany, you will surprisingly find a lot of graffiti art all over the place."
"What drew me to graffiti was, um, it was like a, I guess the lesser of two evils. I mean, I needed to be mischievous but I didn't want to be a gang banger."
"Graffiti is perfect for the kid who eventually wants to blow their brains out or become a [ __ ] shaman. Either way, it can lead you to all paths."
"I was posting about it and probably being a little too forthcoming. I was like a 16 year old graffiti kid just being like 'yo this I got the sickest yard we went there today we painted for eight hours we didn't see anybody.'"
"Super dope. They made that spot. It's been there for a minute. It was just knobbed, right? And then uncapped. It's like a perfect cover."
"I am the grandfather, The Godfather of the graffiti culture."
"A lot of newer graffiti artists they would have cluttered the actual letter structures and not allow the letter structures to actually form."
"It's not proper graffiti, you know what I mean? It's not like catching a tag with a marker, you know? It's different, but it still counts as far as I'm concerned."
"While graffiti and the world of street art has traditionally been seen as male dominated, thousands of female yarn bombing artists gave the scene a much needed facelift."
"Get up stickers is the ultimate bombing sticker."
"Not everybody even within the industry itself knows how to remove graffiti from walls."
"It gives me hope for the future to see people like of your age to be so knowledgeable about graffiti and the subcultures involved in it is just... it blows my mind."
"Graffiti writers are like the [ __ ] Marines. They kind of, like, make it cool."
"To this day, I'm still doing throw up, drawing graffiti."
"None of the graffiti was commissioned... we did all this on pure love and just for the love of our sport."
"Graffiti is just it was in constant motion it's barely standing still it's pulls in and pulls right back out so you're constantly like watching it Fly by so it's it's hard to explain the feeling unless you're on the inside."
"The whole Banksy phenomenon for lack of a better name changed a lot of that because people in the graffiti world saw Banksy, saw money, saw success."
"What people could do with spray cans today...the fact that European companies make this paint with like 50,000 different levels of grades of fat caps...it makes it easier."
"Just the fact that graffiti exists illegally...that's the true Spirit of graffiti."
"Something like this on the side of a train can be beautiful."
"We're definitely the only people in Minnesota that paint graffiti."
"So many years people carving their names into the walls here."
"Clapton is God graffiti starts showing up all around London."
"Of course, we can get into philosophical discussion about whether the fact graffiti is art or not."
"This one definitely stands out. You occasionally get pieces of graffiti rolling stock, but to just go head first and go everything from engine to the end of train device—it's all graffiti."
"The graffiti reflected the intelligence and education of the tenants."
"It's ridiculous to go out bombing with anything else than chrome black or white. If there's a black door and you have a white marker, come on, you can't beat that."
"I've always been addicted to graffiti, but lately, it has become like my form of golfing, like therapy."
"Graffiti for me is somebody tagging, just one word, one liner. This is more like art, this is real art."
"...when someone who's writing graffiti when they look like they're having fun, like their movements look like art."
"Good graffiti is good graffiti for a reason, so just do it good."
"The work was Basquiat's homage to graffiti culture and specifically Keith Herring's subway drawings."
"Prison that's the whole stigma about it. It's the same thing with graffiti. We all front like we're hard so the world thinks that graffiti writers are hard."
"This attic is an absolute treasure trove of historic graffiti."
"10 out of 10 for the graffiti and for adding a bit of color to this part of town."
"Graffiti writing to me was escaping the pressures of the ghetto life."
"Talking about shadows is super important for graffiti because shadows... make graffiti pieces really come alive."
"Shadows are what gives graffiti pieces depth, like you can really see shadows as the thing that makes it come out of the walls."
"Whenever you see graffiti writings on the walls, it lets you know you're more with the regular working-class people."
"The graffiti is outstanding; there's some serious skill going on here."
"Over the decades of sitting abandoned, it grew to become not only a notable abandoned structure covered in graffiti but a historic one with a large movement to save the structure."
"The vast concrete walls became a canvas for many, tagging almost every surface of the stadium, some with their name, others with genuine works of art."
"Graffiti serves as a direct challenge to the idea that beautiful art can only be found in a fancy museum or gallery."
"Keep painting, keep being you. Do graffiti because you love it, do graffiti because you have to."
"The graffiti present all over this part of the neighborhood are tags of one of Casablanca's major football teams, Widad, and shows that in Casablanca and Morocco, football is a huge part of the popular culture."
"Graffiti, when you're out doing it, it does add an element of mindfulness to your existence."
"When I was introduced to graffiti it was just kind of a aha moment of that's it for me."
"Graffiti artist Lauren strikes again."
"The freedom tunnel was named after a graffiti artist, Chris 'Freedom' Pape, who used the walls to create some of his most notable work."
"I love the graffiti on these trains; it's like a traveling art show."
"Graffiti is a good way to learn how to visualize stuff that aren't there."
"Graffiti is whatever you want it to be; art is whatever you want it to be."
"To me, this is what graffiti always was: typical classic graffiti with lots of Starbursts and all kinds of things like that."
"Kilroy was comfort and a little bit rebellion because they were told not to, but it spread all over the world."
"This paint is very weatherproof. I'm not so sure about buff proof; I don't really care, but in terms of weatherproofness, I've had tags that are up for over five years with this formula."
"Graffiti is in almost every city on earth, one place you wouldn't expect to find it is in a national park."
"You can keep your lettering really simple or you can be inspired by graffiti like me."
"It sort of tells the story of what attracted me to graffiti; it was the characters that were barred from popular culture that really spoke to me."
"Graffiti is a way of looking at things in a different way."
"The aggregate effect of the graffiti is quite beautiful and striking; there's a joyfulness to it."
"Markers in the more traditional sense, mops, metal heads, and paint sticks."
"Creating juicier, kind of cleaner looking tags."
"We're like Voltron, and that's called graffiti."
"Make graffiti whatever you want it to be, have fun doing it."
"Definitely an old dairy barn, a little bit of graffiti on the walls, but yeah, this is pretty cool."
"Graffiti is way better an alternative than going the other route."
"Graffiti fascinated me; they drew characters, dinosaurs... it was ill."
"This is some of the best graffiti I've ever seen... the rendition of the Snoopy but he looks a little bit more dark and depressed than a typical Snoopy."
"That's all freehand, like I don't use traditional graffiti, we don't use guides or tape or stencils."