
Anti-establishment Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Inspired by the anti-establishment themes of the movie Fight Club."
"Anti-establishment, the streets, and pop culture."
"Julian Assange is perhaps the defining anti-establishment figure of our age."
"The divide is not left versus right, it's establishment versus anti-establishment."
"Much of politics is better understood as pro-establishment versus anti-establishment, or insider versus outsider."
"Punk is supposed to be anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian."
"This is the punk spirit right now: DIY, challenge the facts, challenge the establishment, create your own narrative."
"Most of our political differences...are not definable by left versus right or Democratic versus Republican but instead pro-establishment versus anti-establishment."
"Bitcoin is the way out of their control system." - Unknown speaker
"Trump movement singularly represents the most viable anti-establishment movement in this country."
"Let's appeal to the people who don't like that. And here's the nice thing: the woke people are helping us."
"We will end woke. We will crush the Deep State. We will save our economy."
"Alabama will not bow, Alabama will not kiss the ring of political hacks who have sold their souls to the devil to maintain their political power."
"It's really a movement of the people, a movement against the establishment, a movement against the elite."
"We are looking at a horde, a large group of different people with differing views that have united against a common wokeness, the cult, the establishment."
"NFTs are kind of counter-culture, anti-establishment, right?"
"If you're a free thinker, if you're an entrepreneur, if you're an entrepreneur, you automatically fall under the category of anti-establishment."
"I love it when the people rise up against the establishment and the elites."
"Comedy is one of the most effective weapons against the establishment, against the ruling elite."
"I think the establishment sucks." - Ben Shapiro
"I've stayed the same. I'm anti-establishment. I've said the same thing. I've been critical of the Democrats' corporatization. I didn't change."
"Bernie Sanders presidency means no more compromise with the wealthy or powerful."
"I think there is a silent majority. I think that's actually one of the most exciting things about the period we currently find ourselves in, which is that people are in open revolt against the establishment."
"I think of Minecraft as being like a work of art in a way."
"People hate them, I hope so, I hope people remember that they're supposed to hate the CIA and the liars for imperialism."
"People want someone who will stand up and throw a middle finger in the face of the establishment on the national stage."
"You might not get what you want from Trump, but at least he'll get rid of a mutual enemy – the establishment politicians."
"Trump is fighting to free us from the grip of the cabal, the deep state, whatever you want to call them, the elites, the globalists."
"I'm an anti-establishment president... our moment uniquely calls for it."
"I want to see independent artists who sell their own music not have to bend their knee to an establishment elitist machine."
"From the beginning, he's rejected establishment politics and done things his own way."
"Anti-establishment politics for the sake of anti-establishment... when you strip out what the establishment means."
"We're tired of being sold out... so yeah we're gonna send in President Cheeto just as a middle finger to the Washington establishment."
"This election is about replacing a failed political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the people."
"I'm on the side of the people. I'm not on the side of the establishment."
"I'm gonna smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." - John F. Kennedy
"I think they just wanted a big fuck you to the establishment."
"Trump's win is the biggest Fu to all his enemies, the media, the politicians, Wall Street, Hollywood."
"People over politicians and that's what America first is to me, serving the people and not the swamp."
"Is it rational to believe that those in power actually care about populations?"
"He is a middle finger to the establishment which everybody wants to send."
"With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep state... we will vict crooked Joe Biden from the White House."
"Cryptocurrency is decentralized and sticks it back to the powers that be."
"We are not part of the establishment, we're one of you."
"Re-electing Donald Trump would be a huge smack in the face of the establishment. It'd be like pimp slapping a hoe."
"More importantly, 'V for Vendetta' was a veritable cultural phenomenon with the imagery of Weaving's character and his grinning mask becoming a symbol for an entire generation of anti-establishment youth."
"These figures are seen as compelling to their followers because they are perceived as anti-mainstream."
"It's not about being anti-establishment, it's about using the structure that already exists to break the structure."
"Trump represents anti-establishment, he's not part of the same political class."
"It's a game that says to smash the system and fight back, and I'm all [__] here for that."
"I am NOT the establishment party candidate. I am going to govern with integrity, have your back, and govern for you."
"Julian Assange does not work for the establishment, he exposes the establishment."
"It's the only way to convert your fiat money financial terrorism into freedom."
"Crypto Bitcoin was actually invented in the first place to stop exactly this sort of thing."
"None of those deserve our support in the next election. In fact, we should work hard to defeat them and get people that will actually drain the swamp."
"There's tangible benefit to being anti-establishment."
"The people in power have been totally screwing you your whole life... finally someone said, 'Screw The Establishment.'"
"Anybody who stands up and gives the middle finger to the West is like Yay, like I'll cheer for that person."
"The Cabal is not dead but we need to destroy it and uproot it and it never comes back again as soon as we possibly can."
"Anti-establishment doesn't mean you oppose governance."
"The best thing we can do is band together, work on ourselves, get out of cities, homeschool our kids, have more kids, grow your own food, start your own business, and just try and starve out the cult."
"Fuck the banking corporations and fuck the police."
"The people on the left and the right have a common enemy—the establishment and the oligarchy."
"Punk was supposed to be anti-establishment, right? Well it is, and actually I can think of nothing more anti-establishment than young women, than people of color."
"Trump is a leader... leader of a nationwide movement... take power back from The Establishment."
"Blake Masters is the definition of an anti-establishment candidate."
"If you're truly anti-establishment, there is an argument to be made that what Assange did was necessary."
"I've been on YouTube since 2006 and a lot has changed since then, but probably one of the bigger things that has changed since then is that a genuine anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, anti-institution even exists today."
"From the very start, The Stones were presented as rebels."
"I just find it so dystopian that YouTubers who are initially supposed to be anti-establishment are now looking to pick up that exact same thing."
"One of my favorite things is taking power away from the mega corporations that think they cannot fail and giving it to the little peon on the bottom of the totem pole posting stuff on YouTube for fun and suddenly starts to take over."
"If you're gonna be burning places down to the ground, go for it. If I could burn down the Arby's, burn down every Arby's, [ __ ] Arby's. Yeah, that place sucks."
"I've been anti-establishment all my life, so it doesn't go out of style."
"I love not fitting in and I'm never gonna surrender to that system where I have to fit in and to be like everyone else. I'm not going to live one life to live like that. No way. It's depressing to me."
"'I always side with the person versus the mega corporation'"
"Donald Trump's basic message was that he was anti-establishment and for lack of a better term was a bit of a disrupter."
"That's what I'm saying, dude. Screw the police, screw school, screw the system."
"I worry that there's a whole temptation, a bias, whatever you want to call it, to valorize being anti-establishment for the sake of being anti-establishment, not for the sake of being correct."
"I think everything... uh... rebellious shows that I... that I do in a way... yeah... I've never said it like that but I think they're all a bit anti-establishment, definitely."
"I'm running for president because I believe it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics."
"I love the freedom, I love being outside, and I love the fact that the man's not crashing down on me."
"It tapped into the anti-establishment zeitgeist and resonated with youth."
"We challenge authority, don't we Tyler? Anti-establishment."
"Web3 is safely in the anti-institutionalist camp."
"What makes Billie Eilish different is that what's meant to set her apart is an anti-establishment, grungy, underground vibe."
"We cannot tolerate business as usual -- not in Washington, not in our state capitols, not in America's cities and towns."
"People who know what they're doing, who share an ethos, who have a commitment to exposing and humiliating the man, who have a very low tolerance for lies and what they perceive as evil on the part of overweening power structures."
"Life's for living, I'm sick of the grind."
"For some Australians, he is considered a heroic anti-establishment figure who fought corrupt British colonists."
"Ron Swanson, the symbol of anti-establishment in this season."
"You guys are so smart. That's really resourceful and smart. Good for you, stick it to the man!"
"You should build the institutions of the future society outside and against the state rather than trying to change the state into something else."
"It truly became the anti-t talk show."
"We came from the punk rock school of things, which was anti-establishment and anti-corporate."
"Slab City... it's a last stronghold against the American government that wants to make it so that we can't live the way that we want to."