
Norm Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"We are living in exceptionally good times, but this is absolutely not the norm."
"Living in good times and living in peace is an exception to the rule. The role of history is conflict, it's fighting, it's democide."
"It's actually gonna be the norm now... pretty sweet norm to get used to."
"Graphic violence is the norm throughout the show."
"What you're looking at here isn't some freak one-off thing that you'll never see again, this is the new normal for the planet."
"This pool will reward you five percent in terms of annual percentage yield... I mean, that's kind of normal."
"Civilizational collapse is actually the norm."
"The norm is that the boy is always older than the girl. He's neshama comes down before the girl's neshama."
"Is it get crazy crowded out there? Typically not."
"If racism is the norm, conservatives are going to try to conserve that. If equal rights is the norm, then conservatives are going to try to respect that."
"To a monster, the norm is monstrous."
"The idea that it should be the norm and, in fact, frowned upon to not do that is crazy."
"Every change we implemented, no matter how frowned upon at the beginning, always ended up becoming the norm a few years later."
"That's just how it is in today's day and age."
"It's the new norm. Panic on the dance floor, the barrel's still warm."
"Anything that deviates from the norm is difficult to accept."
"The standard here is the standard."
"We need an epidemic of wellness. I think that people have forgotten that it's no—that should be the norm—to be well. And that's emotionally and physically."
"Just because heterosexuality is the norm doesn't mean it can be thrown away."
"Are you aware that climate stability is the exception and not the norm?"
"Evil is a departure from the way things ought to be."
"Cannibalism isn't the exception in nature but the rule."
"For us older people, that's just what you do when you're an adult."
"Histories that challenge what we're considering the norm."
"To a normal person, this is still like, 'Tana, you're [__] psychotic!'"
"One thing that is totally normal in the USA is getting paid more than monthly."
"The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon his family, in his lifetime, his norm was monogamy, not polygamy."
"The normative state of the church is turmoil, conflict, struggle."
"We've done a lot of things and made a lot of choices that are maybe a little unconventional or a little outside of like the norm, right?"
"The exception these days when somebody points to somebody's work and says, 'Oh well this seems really personal, what you're doing is really personal,' and that should be the norm."
"Secret societies aren't an aberration in human behavior they're a normal Universal part of it."
"Peace is not settling, because peace is our norm."
"Fear is pretty much the norm and there's a sliding scale."
"Imagine if the whole world were run by gay people. Well, that's the premise of the anti-bullying film 'Love is all you need,' a short film that depicts a world in which being homosexual is considered the norm and heterosexuals are a persecuted minority."
"Cruelty would become the norm, compassion a weakness."
"Nobody ever sits in the passenger side."
"Big data is the new norm when it comes to data."
"As we'll discuss further, big data is the new norm when it comes to data."
"It's essentially looking for things that are outside of our norm and then putting it on our list."
"Accountability has to become a norm, a cultural social norm."
"The clear social preference is in favor of the basic libertarian norm."
"Welcome to Night Vale, where the peculiar is the norm."
"We've accepted that as normal and it's absolutely not normal."
"Teen pregnancy should not be the norm."
"Grace Under Pressure is the norm and humans never lose their heads or their cool."
"The standard, the norm, is that we rely on each other, we do nice things to each other, we give and receive from each other, that's the norm."
"Not take things for granted, take things like complexity as not an anomaly but as the norm."
"Whatever the crazy trend is right now will be the norm five years from now."
"By the time we reach 2050, the beautiful diversity of multiracial people will be the norm."
"The default is racism; it's not an aberration, it's a norm."
"The principle of voluntary exchange has become almost a universal norm."
"This is great, this is as it should be, and we don't need to celebrate it ever again because this is how it'll always be moving forward."
"Justice is no longer seen as an exception; it's now increasingly been seen as the norm."
"The norm is that as long as you're not harming anybody else, live your life."
"Climate stability is the exception and not the norm. The norm for planet Earth is extreme climate instability."
"We employ a sort of norm with regard to this project, a finality from which this project takes up its meaning and its dignity."
"Once you've reached ten to fifteen percent penetration of people engaging in community projects, you get this sudden take off and it becomes the norm to engage."
"Polarization is commonplace; it's the rule rather than the exception."
"Accountability has to be something we talk about on the norm here."
"Having a pet is pretty standard in today's society."
"We want to restore privacy by default, privacy as a norm."
"Diversity has now became the norm."
"It's not true that just any difference from the norm is destructive."
"Keeping that from being the norm and having the norm be something more healthful, that's probably the best thing you can do."
"It is the exception to the norm that we get sick and need a doctor."
"We're watching the previously inaccessible technology become the norm."
"What I'm looking for for women's wrestling is whenever it's no longer the first ever, it's no longer a big deal where it's the norm."
"It preserves norm and it preserves information."
"It has changed the whole face of boxing and this could be the norm."
"I almost think that body recomposition is more the norm than it is like the exception magical holy grail."
"The norm of \( u \) equals \( 4, 2 \) is the square root of \( 4^2 + 2^2 \), which simplifies to \( 2 \sqrt{5} \)."
"If self-determination becomes the norm, it then becomes the norm for the rest of the world under these French and British empires as well."
"One of the biggest keys to self-awareness is knowing when you are the norm and knowing when you are the exception."
"The Euclidean norm of a vector is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the coordinates, which is the Euclidean distance from the origin."
"It's how it should have been to begin with."
"We want natural hair to be the norm."
"Full body workouts were the norm, they were common, popular, and very effective."
"That's what the new norm of 2024 should be."
"To evolve, you need to deviate from the norm."
"It just becomes the new norm in your life."
"What privilege, a privilege that could in time become the norm."
"Diversity shouldn't even be a conversation, it should be known."
"Even then, that experience tends to weave its way into the new norm and even though we might be changed on the other side, we tend to still come back to a set point or base point overall satisfaction or happiness in life."
"What we all need to be doing is just a little bit more as a society, and it needs to become normal."