
Synchronization Quotes

There are 668 quotes

"Their next trick involves precisely coordinated shape formation, which requires mind-blowing levels of synchronization."
"I love how in the background everything is completely synchronized like a Michael Jackson video."
"Watching two or more things move in perfect unison can leave you questioning reality."
"Imagine if the world wasn't syncing their clocks to the same time. How disruptive that might be and how challenging everything becomes."
"That little spin I just did was so in sync with everything else. That was so cool."
"Literally everything is aligning simultaneously right now."
"Blaze's ability to work fluidly and sync his work to what the team had put together was key."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the greatest duelists in the Jedi Order, faces two capable warriors who were in perfect sync."
"With this setup, both front-end applications share the same backend, meaning they're always synchronized."
"First globally synchronized recession in history."
"It's amazing the two manage to stay perfectly in sync given how fast their feet are moving. This scene is definitive proof that this family has plenty of tap talent."
"Harmony of control is what binds a pilot with his aircraft."
"How do we sync and how do we serve our customers?"
"I changed a few things in my diet, I changed a few things in my style, changed a few things in my mindset and it all came together when it needed to."
"A lot of the songs are integrated so well into this movie... literal like they'll fire a machine gun to the beat."
"It makes it really convenient and they sync together."
"I cannot remember the last time a piece of music has fit so indescribably perfectly with the tone feel and pacing of a trailer."
"I want to know how in the hell they were able to mouth exactly what Luiza says as he was saying it."
"Sync will line up the BPM of the tracks and hold them together so they sound good."
"Instant doubles: put it on the other deck at the same speed and at the same place."
"Synergizes really well with the timing you get with spies."
"Reminders app: Finally, a to-do list app that syncs across all devices. It's a game-changer for organization."
"The inspiration Catalyst will fire up in the week starting January 23rd which is the exact same week that patch 10.0.5 drops."
"Audio syncing up with visual cuts... generally good."
"Holy crap, that was good! The editing and directing, and how everything was in time to the music, that alone pleased me a lot."
"We seem to be pretty in sync back there, I sure did."
"Every time there's a change, we're firing this snapshot function and updating the docs, so it always stays in sync with the database."
"Now both of your computers will be the same."
"Everything is coming together for you - the dots are connecting."
"Mega Evolution at the right time for them to be in sync."
"Pause. That was an amazing jinx, like perfect sync. Touche."
"They're moving in a very possessed manner, like they're all in sync."
"Their hypersync low latency technology ensures that what you see is what you hear with no lag."
"I've had the time of my life synced up flawlessly with their choreography."
"For the first time since Gordon's arrival, the back of the house is in sync with the front."
"That battle down there was really something, you and this fella looked perfectly in sync."
"The trick is all rhythm blocks throughout the level are turning on and off in the same looping pattern, which means the active chunk of blocks the player is expected to be walking on isn't the only active chunk."
"Synchronizing breath with movement is key, key, key today."
"Looting largely synced... XP gains, horses, werewolves, vampires."
"Bobbing your head, it was perfectly timed with the writing."
"They do this whole like bit where they're trying to sync up their lights and music to play and one of them keeps messing up. It's really cute."
"He found that clocks that one set of individuals say are in sync relative to each other, they would say they are not synchronized."
"We're plotting X versus Y, the two 10 MHz signals, and if they were perfectly in phase and perfectly in frequency with each other, that would just be a constant circle of some diameter."
"It's all about can you be wide and tight and then wide in sync with your own body."
"Take time to practice after you get a form piece looking right because then it's time to sync it up and make it feel good."
"It's important to have that frequency together and into the music."
"I like being able to use the same web browser across all of my devices."
"People's moods may sync with the moon."
"If we all use the server timestamp, then we all get a consistent timestamp."
"It's not entirely Hitori's fault, it's just that in a band, syncing with your fellow members is very important."
"You would have thought that we had apple pie and mac and cheese and fried catfish before we went out there because we was all in sync."
"What we got is because all of us work together and all of us are setting their timing together and everything."
"Harmonic sync is the idea that if two frequencies are matching each other, one can become invisible under the other, manipulating or damaging the mind."
"By synchronizing your energy, you become a magnet for every possibility aligned with your intention."
"To combat stress and enhance your life, it's essential to synchronize your energy with your desired future."
"It's described as we're in heart coherence. The rhythm of our heart actually changes."
"Every sound effect, including car horns, ATM beeps, and motorcycle revs, are all in time and a part of the song."
"You ideally should await it. If you don't await it, then it might happen that nothing reached the queue."
"I love how the music matches, man. It's so epic."
"Each time the music would change so would the castle and the projection that lit it up."
"So as soon as I delete Project Artemis, the synchronization happens, OneDrive can see the Project Artemis notebook still in Microsoft 365, and so it pulls it back into my folder structure."
"But from the very first note we all played together, I mean, everybody's mouth kind of hung open and we said, 'Yeah.'"
"These muscle cells that are contracting, they synchronize their action to where they contract as a unit. They call this a functional centium."
"...we have an operating system, we're run by rhythms of light and dark."
"I don't know if Josh has ever been able to properly sync up one of the songs he's trying to sing."
"If we update the units sold, the gross sales and every other field that's dependent on it will also update."
"We're kind of getting to the point where we're in unison right now. We are honestly like a dance squad here, okay? And I like it."
"All subtitles, all the images, and all these thumbnails, all of this need to be synchronized all the time to the servers."
"A good Lip Sync has Flair, emotion, and lips that actually sync up with the lyrics."
"...Apple ID is required to purchase or download things from the App Store, any music or media, as well as this, it is also a great way to store things in iCloud for example your contacts, your mail, calendar, and ensure that all syncs across all of your Apple devices."
"I love when they synchronize the punch with the music."
"We're not trying to do a resync and repaint everything."
"Every cell in your body has a 24 hour clock."
"It syncs up across iPhone, iPad, and desktop."
"The sync version I had, it's had a few updates, but it works."
"We just knew each other's minds and bodies on the rink, and we fit together perfectly."
"Hey guys, this is fascinating how they're both sort of synchronizing."
"IAM Identity Center... supports a synchronization of the identities from your identity provider into Identity Center using a well-known protocol called SCIM."
"I feel like you are getting onto the same page."
"Notes SE - it is bloody fast and it syncs to all of my devices over iCloud."
"...your heart and your brain is synchronizing..."
"...if we want to sync everything up with our motherboard we just need to hold one of the mode buttons in for 3 seconds."
"You don't have to worry about syncing the audio in post."
"We're like so in sync, basically like we're besties, wow."
"So now I can say, 'Yep, stay signed in,' Edge has identified that I've got a new account here so I could click sign in to sync data and then that keeps it all synced up together."
"'3, 2, 1!' he cheered, simultaneously."
"If everyone in the world all blinked at the same time, nobody would know."
"I mean, that's the number one thing, we have music on our ride, the ride is choreographed if you will to the music, it's so much better."
"You want to make sure whatever platform you're thinking of selling on with your shop is able to be integrated and synced."
"When you improve the individual consciousness, there is a phenomenon in physics and in nature called entrainment."
"I think it's totally normal to be out of sync sometimes."
"As long as you have everything set up on your remote correctly, once you get back to Wi-Fi, your remote uploads everything to the cloud. Then, once it's on the cloud, it goes into this app."
"Cycle syncing has become quite big in the last couple of years."
"It's a song that would never match Wolverine tearing people shred, but that's the thing, it doesn't match so much that it flips back around to kind of matching."
"...it's an absolutely perfect example of matching up specific beats of the song to what's going on on screen."
"...the piano is synced up with Yuji and megumi's hits...it's so satisfying."
"The code should always be in sync with the real world."
"Good, falling behind the motion a little bit."
"Everything is perfectly timed from the burnt toast to the TV turning on. That's really impressive."
"Synchronize the breath with the movement, and the movement with the breath."
"Right on that note, we're both yawning."
"Everything is built around the tempo of the song."
"You want them to be the same size, right? So they'll be that way when you're cooking them and you're grilling them, they're all ready at the same time. That's key."
"In the second half of the montage, the two also start to do the same exercises, though in slightly different manners and settings."
"They're pieces of [ __ ]... But there was a nice moment where they're all in sync."
"This sign means that at the speed shown, the traffic lights at each junction ahead are synchronized to display the same signal."
"To conserve energy you must get your personality speed synchronized with the rate of God's movement."
"The audio in this video is super desync for some reason."
"Did we see something at both sides? Did we see the same thing within 10 milliseconds at each site?"
"Alabama starting to get in syn here offensively."
"I need three things to line up. Divergences are the best thing I've ever come across."
"Channels orchestrate, mutexes serialize."
"What makes Vulf so iconic is the lack of click. They all feel timed together in a specific way, like the bands of old."
"The way we've always used this part and these clocks is to make those two clocks totally asynchronous."
"There's a lot of pressure on all of us because we have to do this in sync."
"Let's harmonize all right three two one"
"All the bands that crush with sync aren't writing songs to the sad doctor scene. They're just writing great songs and they win."
"Oh god, that's so epic. It's in sync with the music."
"While sure you can serve things locally on a file, you might want to consider something like Dropbox or OneDrive or Google Drive that works on almost every platform and allows you to not only sync things between computers but also have an online backup."
"Always make a tiny change to make sure that your test and production code are in sync."
"SyncThing is a great tool for all those different platforms, including running it on TrueNAS."
"The syncopation between the two of them right at the end of the phrase, they play off each other in such a cool way."
"Our bodies perfectly synced up to the setting and rising of the sun."
"So, we're just blending those two together so we have less phase issues."
"That's kind of wild how like in sync you would have to be with the other person."
"It may come at the same time with overbridge."
"This naturally works best when Tempo synced."
"Async await came about around 2015...it's another way of telling your code wait for this to happen before I do this."
"Identify higher time frame order flow and sync with it."
"Even God will be like, 'Yo, you're not in sync. You're out of sync. You're completely out of sync.'"
"The first and one of the most amazing features of this is that it will synchronize with your accounting app."
"The music and lyrics play perfectly into the story."
"...the Evald reiver was intended to overcome this requirement for synchronization by just using quote unquote trust, but alas the system can't be cheated easily."
"Once those horses get to where their brain and their body are matching up they really start to relax."
"How can millions of tiny minds get totally in sync?"
"When an update happens on this record-keeping system, it is updated globally and simultaneously."
"The game feels totally in sync and in service of the story."
"With music, you hit into the beat."
"If you have disconnected with your Lightroom classic, you're able to sync these photos back and forth."
"Astrological magic involves synchronizing the inner orbits of the psyche with the orbits of the cosmos."
"They literally physiologically sync up in all kinds of ways, yeah, I mean, you know, one study had people listen to music together and their brain started to synchronize."
"They are just so happy that team is so in tune from the back of the boat to the front of the boat."
"This is biblical evidence, all three witnesses in Genesis are out of sync."
"I love that we're matching. Are we not intentionally? Our minds, you're just telepathically connected, isn't it?"
"The scene in which Yuji and Nobara execute a double black flash is a standout moment in Jujutsu Kaisen. Their synchronization is flawless as they seamlessly switch positions while dealing with their formidable opponents."
"We were just so happy-go-lucky, and we were so in sync. I think at that time, we didn't realize how connected our chemistry was. You look back at photos and we're doing the exact same thing in the exact same part of the match."
"Before doing some unsafe computation, you lock your mutex."
"The blazing speed of the pop tarts lick boiled down to the genius of Yngwie's single-string playing, which could be connected together like train cars in any order, and still remain perfectly synchronized thanks to chunking."
"Just the fact that the pyrotechnics for the bullet impacts in the water match up perfectly with the truck explosion is enough to make your mind melt."
"If you get the synchronization right, that to me is where the light bulbs go off."
"In the course of the Gospel of Luke, all of heaven, all of earth, all of society, all of nature, is completely synchronized around the central figure of Jesus."
"Keith looks over to John... absolutely on the same page all the time."
"It's really about locking into the rhythm."
"We might have to go at the same time, can't we?"
"In these sports of raw speed, we see man's uncanny ability to become one with a machine."
"You can update it in one place and it's updated everywhere."
"The neat thing here is I can create it at once and if I ever want to update anything... it's updated everywhere."
"I'm gonna count down three two one click, I'm gonna click play and then you're gonna click play on your copy."
"... one thing you guys probably read it online is ... how long is the delay between when the sky track reads your shot and when your software actually shows a shot on the screen ..."
"Nice, nice, right on the count of three."
"We're so in sync I think we finish each other's sentences."
"Hypnosis is a form of synchronization."
"They matched the song and the visuals so well. There was never like bad animation or times where like held on something a little bit too long. They're not making any sacrifices with these openings."
"The key thing to keep in mind is that by synchronizing photos to the cloud, we have those photos specific photos that we've selected to synchronize available from virtually anywhere with an internet connection."
"So once this is synchronized I'll go to my mobile device right here and you can see I'm not totally synchronized just yet."
"This creates a new editor instance of the one we currently have and it actually syncs up to the main editor whenever we make a change."
"Never before seen and the parallel sync clones do take a little time to update."
"It feels like the whole world is now moving as the Straw Hats move."
"To even have a hope of having a meaningful project come in on time and on budget, you need dozens and dozens of people perfectly synchronized and communicating perfectly, and it almost never happens."
"When we move the body with the breath slowly, that encourages the breath to slow down."
"Precise synchronization is this key element of music."
"Synology Drive ShareSync: Application that will allow you to sync your Regional Offices with your central HQ Synology Drive server in a hub and spoke format."
"If the Olympics had a synchronized coffee stirring event, these two would have been gold medalists."
"Most likely, the verb here is to coincide, and that means to happen at or near the same time."
"There's just moments in time when the bowl feels in the right Rhythm."
"Contagious yawning may have evolved to synchronize group Behavior yawns often cluster during particular times of the day that coincide with Transitions and activity."
"You must synchronize local Active Directory and Office 365 subscription."
"You're essentially creating This Global Order of all the different sequentially consistent operations in reference to each other."
"Cross region replication lets us replicate our data in real time."
"When you go, you really do feel like you're in sync with other people."
"The graph is showing which ones influence which other ones, sort of which ones are connected to which. So it's some complicated graph, but at the moment they're not in phase. But if I let it run, very quickly they all manage to get in phase with each other, get in sync."
"You made a negotiation, but you still have a whole future ahead of you. So you better get in sync pretty quick."
"Use effect is not a lifecycle hook. The mental model of use effect is synchronization, not lifecycle."
"Use effect should be used for synchronization, not for all effects."
"Use effects for synchronization, not for fire-and-forget effects."
"The synchronization of the address book, the calendar, etc. is just one of the keys to allowing people to change their lives in a mobile sense."
"...when I take a photo on one of my devices, they automatically appear on all of my devices without having to do anything at all. It's that simple."
"Selenium provides lot of synchronization commands, and it's a very big topic on its own which needs to be used especially when you're working with any kind of website."
"...wouldn't it be great if by the time I got home they were already there on the iPad? Well, that's what Photo Stream is going to do for us across all of our devices."
"I highly recommend doing the voiceover first because it's so much easier to time your graphics to your voiceover."
"For future convenience purpose you can also enable sync on refresh, meaning every time when you pull it down on your iPhone it will automatically do a sync to pull the most up-to-date password and a newly created account from other devices."
"Queues are thread and process safe, but more costly to set up compared to pipes."
"There's no time anymore...we don't need to tell each other a time."
"We all need to synchronize and pick a time today and we all just need to get out and walk."
"I do all my editing on the iPad and the iPhone and then everything syncs nicely through the cloud to Lightroom Classic."
"We're literally thinking the same thing, like, huh?"
"It still blows my mind how that works, how music can be put to picture and just changes the whole emotion."
"When we can create coherence between the heart and the Brain we create signal that can be measured electrically."
"You want to make sure that those are contacting the exact same time as those cams roll around."
"I specifically chose Stray Kids for this individual dance analysis because, well, they're a great candidate. They're a group who doesn't only dance very well in synchronization together but they still have a specific individual talent within their dancing."