
Psychological Warfare Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"We are in war right now. 50% of black deaths are abortion. We kill ourselves; that's psychological warfare."
"You cannot win the war against the world if you can't win the war against your own mind."
"The Crocodile was good at getting people to surrender, with 5425 men surrendering in the actions between June and October 1944."
"The capture of the city was necessary not just for operational but for psychological reasons, to show the world the strength of German arms and to boost the morale of the Axis allies."
"Your job isn't just to rack up a body count. Your job is to sow uncertainty and doubt."
"The sheer psychological impact these imposing mechanized beasts had on the enemy soldiers was profound."
"The psychological impact of a military charge can be as potent as the physical one."
"This is a psychological warfare attack on our babies, guys."
"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... by holding out advantages to him he can cause the enemy to approach of his own accord."
"The best way to get people to go to war is to convince them that they are under attack and then rally them against a common enemy."
"The goal of CDO is to achieve what the PLA refers to as mind dominance, defined as the use of propaganda as a weapon to influence public opinion."
"It was the psychological turning point of the war."
"Magnus suffocates the opponent, making every move a problem."
"Remember, thoughts start wars if the gates are not closed."
"The essence of deception military or otherwise is disinformation the deliberate manipulation of truths have truths and lies to gain tactical strategic or psychological advantage over an opponent."
"Propaganda had emerged as a powerful tool of psychological warfare... and its place in a democratic society."
"The propaganda was deliberately designed to create conflicts, disorientate the IRA, and unnerve them."
"Psychological warfare is probably the better route if you can win a war without firing a bullet you're better off."
"King approaches monsters, and the monsters, out of sheer terror seeing the legendary hero King, they're so scared of him, he will stare them to submission. One of the biggest flexes of all time."
"Their goal is to prove that despair is better than hope."
"You want to give your enemy to stop fighting you by whatever means."
"The reaction and morale are the two biggest tools that you've got in your toolbox."
"We really have for a long time been in the midst of an information war which is essentially a psychological war."
"An attacker who never tires breaks the enemy's spirit long before their walls."
"Sowing distrust in their lies is an act of terrorism against them."
"Emotec understands mortals and utilizes fear as a potent weapon in his strategies."
"Home is no longer a safe place; they perceive themselves as being at war at home just as much as abroad."
"It's like GG, yeah they're in your head, I'm free. Yeah, it was you, you were The Gatekeepers."
"Remember we are winning. Do not trust what you read. Mine warfare."
"The war of perception: psychological, media, and legal warfare."
"There's a way to beat your enemy through preparation and through psychological warfare."
"Slade doesn't fight with might, every single course of action he takes is completely psychological."
"It's just a really fascinating tale of two dark masterminds trying to destroy each other in some ways."
"The essence of war is to make your enemy psychologically surrender."
"The secret to winning a war is to love something your enemy doesn't like."
"In the war of hearts and minds, we think we have a really good strategy."
"The war has begun. It's just being practiced on the level of psyche. We're in the middle of a psychological war being subtly fought through media and sometimes not so subtly fought—an invasion of the mind, policeman of the brain."
"I’ve got to say, that is a great way to PsyOps the guy who tried to take them out."
"The Ukrainian Army's sequence of ground and aerial attacks continues to terrify the invading Russian forces."
"Truth is the kryptonite to the brainwashing operation, the psychological warfare, the disinformation."
"You had to stand there because they not they wanted to take your dignity if they got your dignity and your pride then they could make you do what they want."
"A stronghold is a fortress that the Devil uses to control our lives."
"There are no rules in war. This war is psychological psyop." - Jenny Thomas
"Savage sends a message to Hulk, telling him to think about the worst thing he can possibly dream of."
"Anything you do against me, you're gonna lose. My mindset's stronger than any battle. I already won in my mind."
"Fear is the key that she is trying to exploit in the minds of the rest of the world countries."
"She helped win the war by breaking the enemy's morale."
"Every time the enemy looks at you, he is reminded of his future."
"The Russian army observed that the plaza was deserted, it opened fire in the air to Rouse all of the Ukrainian people in retaliation."
"The Ghost Army consisted of 82 officers and 1,023 soldiers who spent the final year of the war tricking the Germans into thinking they were a 30,000-strong force."
"Drone War as we see it here is all about forcing your opponent into a lose-lose decision."
"Always push but not necessarily to do anything with it."
"Putin's nuclear rhetoric is meant to scare Westerners."
"Television, it is the most powerful weapon of psychological warfare."
"The battle for the mind begins before the battle of the fist."
"Fear is the weapon of choice for the current times."
"Two guys come to fight every time, and the beauty of this is both these guys are so convinced they're the A-side, you know? They both think, 'I'm the better fighter here, this other guy shouldn't even be fighting me.' They truly feel like that."
"The booby trap makes its money on catching the enemy unaware... And it really has that psychological impact on his morale."
"The guerrilla seeks to gain small psychological victories, showing that a small guerrilla force can defeat much larger government forces."
"It's knowledge. This is a map to the Grand Line."
"We're now in a war for our hearts and minds, and it's possible and wonderful to rise above all of that drama."
"Most of the battle is in your mind. The enemy knows if he can get you thinking fear and doubt, it's going to affect your actions."
"Terminators, if nothing else, remain a devastating tool for bludgeoning enemy morale in a siege battle."
"Beatric intends to beat her mentally by crushing her pride."
"Russia's war effort is not only on the battlefronts of Ukraine but even more so in our heads."
"Whoever controls your perception of self has already won the battle."
"I want not to go to war, but I want countries to feel like we would go to war."
"The reason for this attack is simply to show the germans once and for all that they're absolutely trounced."
"Terrorism is nothing less than psychological warfare." - Maxwell Egan
"We were never conquered by men, we were conquered by Spirits. The main Spirit was Fear."
"The ability to make an opponent quit is primal, it's instinctual." - Nicky Ryan
"Having gained the upper hand on the battlefield, the Ukrainian forces moved to establish psychological superiority over the Russian soldiers."
"In chess it's not enough to win but you need to like destroy your opponent's ego."
"Fear is one of the devil's great tools, along with pride and confusion."
"The devil knows what he's doing; he's hiding, he's hurting, he's playing a mind game."
"The war is mental at the beginning it's it's you know man is mine uh the war spiritual is mental I feel that we've been winning the war by waking our people up and unplugging them from this Matrix"
"You gotta really give him that stare down, you know?" - Andre Berto
"The Ukrainian idea: Panic the Russians. That's how we're going to win."
"I hope they live in denial so that we can go there and absolutely pump them."
"PRC's cognitive warfare aims to sow distrust and assimilate Taiwan."
"The war is going to be on the mind and the spirit."
"The Ukrainian Army has a significant psychological advantage against the Russians."
"For those subject to the Mongol caracole, it was an immense psychological attack alongside the storm of arrows."
"The ghost Army... used inflatable tanks, sound effects, and just general deception to create the mirage of a much larger and more powerful force."
"Sometimes the most potent weapon isn't a gun or a bomb, but an artful and convincing illusion."
"Flaming camels... the sight of these flaming camels charging towards the Ottoman forces panicked their formidable war elephants and horses."
"Larry Bird waged psychological warfare at the drop of a ball."
"One thing the Joker is pretty good at: mind games."
"That's psychological warfare right there psychological warfare on our people for our soul and it's amazing and I love it I know God's hand is in this thing."
"Do not let them get inside your head. It's exactly how these people work."
"The design of terror is not to invade the country, but to invade the minds of the people who are in the country."
"Put your enemies off balance, find the chink in their vanity."
"The enemy is a psychological terrorist of the mind."
"Jigsaw has a way of getting in your head."
"I'm in your head like I was last night."
"Never did another fighter penetrate my psyche as much as Duran, and there was nothing I could do about it."
"Now, this 30-year-old cocky kid, perhaps feigning weariness as he has a few times earlier in the bout, but also showing that psychologically and physically now he's in control."
"It's almost like you're creating this fog, they're creating this fog. It's so crazy."
"Somebody's playing mind games with you, Aquarius. They want you to be in anguish, losing sleep, all up in your head. Somebody's playing mind games."
"It was gritty and calculated, it created this feeling that there was so much psychological warfare at play on top of all the cool hand-to-hand brawls."
"Their presence on the battlefield serves not only as a physical threat but also as a psychological weapon, demoralizing the forces of good and spreading despair."
"None of this really changes the impact on who's the better fighter but [ __ ] like this is psychological warfare and it does impact how you feel"
"Your enemy can say just one damn thing or one sentence that would mess with people's heads."
"Happy Happy Gilmore we already got under your skin the job is done."
"Don't let your enemy live rent-free in your mind. Raise the rent and evict them."
"The Irishman may have been the first to showcase the potential of mental warfare."
"We own space in their head. We start fueling off the fact that it takes one second of energy to steal everybody's, and then you have all the energy you need."
"It's now a mental game and a mental challenge."
"Is that us? Yeah, all right I'm gonna say something like really offensive to Stots to get in his head but I'm not gonna mean it."
"Sometimes the best way to trash talk is to not say anything at all."
"The battle is won when you can get in somebody's mind."
"If you're playing him, you have to get inside his mind... Bird probably be the guy who walks out of the room at the end of the day."
"When we're running from the demons... it's exhausting. There's a war going on inside us."
"Our camouflage blending seamlessly with the harsh terrain, the psychological toll of remaining hidden, observing the ebb and flow of life on the other side, was as exhausting as any physical demand our training had prepared us for."
"The silence morphed into a surreal anticipation as we became aware of an unseen adversary playing a deadly game of cat and mouse."
"...why conquer a world by force when you can basically use subliminal messaging or a telekinetic or telepathic virus to basically get them to see you as their god."
"Victory will go to the side that can break their opponent's Army morale first."
"Psychological operations can increase the combat power of friendly forces and adversely affect the combat power of the enemy."
"I'm already inside your mind, how's that for psychology?"
"The Mongols loved to play mind games with their enemies."
"It's like an act of war, they're trying to get people scared to serve overseas, and it's working."
"The Chinese military thinkers were concerned mainly with psychological warfare and with using the advances in technology to give them the advantage over the rest of the world."
"Don't ever let him win a battle over here in the mind."
"We really wanted to have him feel like he was captured, you know, before he was actually captured."
"The army of the Celts was thus double-faced, and their mode of marshalling their forces was effective as well as calculated to inspire terror."
"It's keeping the devil off balance because now you're not in my mind, I'm in yours."
"The conflict won't last long, so the emphasis is on targeting the adversary's will and ability to fight."
"By keeping the pressure up, you keep him feeling that he's in the weaker position; you don't give him a chance to regroup."
"The aim of the ruse was to frighten the superstitious Germans into thinking they were being attacked by British Witchcraft."
"Check out Henry the Eighth's armor... those codpieces are an early foray into psychological warfare."
"I talk trash because I sense it. I see in their eyes that they think they got a chance."
"The greatest battle they fought that day was the battle of perception."
"The real object of those guerrilla war tactics is not the total defeat of the enemy's army by physical force. It's the breaking of their will."
"If you've broken his will to win before you join battle, you've already won the battle."
"With determination in their eyes and their distinct mohawk hairstyle and stripes on their face, they sent chills down the spines of the enemies."
"You don't kill your enemy if you kill his courage."
"The strategic importance of the sniper in warfare cannot be measured simply by the number of casualties he inflicts upon the enemy, as realization of the sniper's presence instills fear in enemy troop elements and influences their decisions and actions."
"They do not turn the ball over, and they don't just look to beat you, they want to defeat your will."
"If I can whoop you in your head, you'll never throw a punch."
"I already won. My tweet got in your head."
"Everyone knows the rules and now it's a psychological and mathematical warfare."
"It was really meant more for the psychological impact, to sow confusion, chaos, and panic into a unit."
"Men do not know how to fight women who use their own weapons against them; they are intrigued, aroused, and disarmed."
"Psychological tactics are very important in war."