
Pet Love Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"If you have a dog, you know it's not just a dog; it's like a human right there."
"For those of you who don't know, his name is Ace, and he is the best thing in the whole wide world that's ever happened to me. I love him so so so much."
"Hug your fur babies close or your reptiles, your birds, your fishies, you know, make sure you love them, you're treating them well, and you're giving them appropriate care for what they are."
"People are excited about Ghost, he finally got his snoot booped."
"I walk in my door and even if I have the shittiest day, my dog is so excited to see me."
"There is not an animal on earth that will love you more than dogs."
"I love you, Kito pet. I didn't want to think this morning."
"His name is Monkey Boo, he loves on you. That's what he do."
"He's a happy puppy we love such a good boy I literally don't think you guys understand how much I love Archie he is my actual son I don't even know if I need babies because I'm like a little too obsessed with Archie."
"Murphy was now a healthy dog who had learnt to love."
"He changed my life. He taught me how to love."
"My dogs don't know we're poor they think we're Rich As [__]." - Unconditional love.
"Not having children but loving and caring for my dog as my family is doing exactly what my body and mind are made for."
"Somebody has a dog as well that would have passed over."
"When you're watching your dog nap and you realize how much you love them."
"June didn't deserve to die. I never loved them. I only loved my dog."
"I love you guys, he's a cute dog, y'all show me too much love, you're gonna make me cry, stop it."
"I've missed you girly girl you look beautiful it only took us to move to the house for you to finally start sitting on your new dog bed that I bought you a year ago she loves this bed guys it's so cute."
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, puppy."
"I love my dog more than life itself."
"Scrappy was not just like a dog or a pet like he was my support."
"Miss Molly, you love Daddy, I know you love Daddy."
"The nicest people go straight to the animal that they love the most and they stay there."
"Who wouldn't want to do that I would kill for my cat."
"Archie is watching us right now. I'm glad. Good boy."
"I just can't stop laughing every time I see Daisy, I just start laughing, I love her so much here."
"i was really scared for a second there i thought i thought i was gonna die but it's all good she's my dog so anyway"
"She's a good girl, yeah, a good girl. She goes Dad, don't stop. I like it when you scratch my head. Look at that."
"Black folk love our pets more than family, man. So true, 100%."
"And Rolo's like, 'Oh, I can't wait to see the pickies.'"
"Zoe really loves Gizmo, well who doesn't?"
"My dog welcomed me back like I was coming back from a two-year deployment."
"Wilbur, I love you and I'm sorry you've been through this and I'm going to leave you with a giant treat stick when I leave here so you can just Chow Down on it."
"I want this so bad. I want this so bad for Ellie. I need the world to know she's the cutest dog ever."
"Hell yes, in the calendar they're going to have to have a little picture of you at the bot like 'Oh yes, my dog'."
"Sky got a bandana, treats, and about 5,000 pets. So she got all the love in the world to last her a lifetime. And I couldn't thank you guys enough for that."
"...then they will go to sleep sleep through rory usually wakes me up at five or six in the morning he's so cute in the morning he usually starts by biting my toes that are sticking out of the covers which they always are."
"Benji bear says hello and he loves you guys so so much."
"I mean my kitty is the best thing that's ever happened to me"
"It's okay, puppy, I love you but."
"Good morning you guys so it's currently about 900 a.m. and Milo as you can see is just relaxing that actually seems to be like his favorite spot cuz he does not move from there he loves sleeping there."
"Good boy. Good boy. Love you guys."
"I have absolutely no problem with being a typical old cat lady. My little piggy is going to be 12 years old this summer. He has been with me through everything that I've been through in the last 12 years."
"I could literally talk about Olive forever I love her so much she's my actual child."
"I love my dog like my child, but my roommate wished my dog was dead."
"Chapo loves it here. He never wants to leave."
"Dogs do love you. Every time I see a cat owner, it seems like their cat hates them."
"I'm still not, I'm still mad about it. I'm still mad. There's few things that are gonna upset me or make me mad, but my dog is one of them."
"My favorite person to spend my time with is my dog. What a dog, do you get? I have a yellow lab. He's just the coolest, cool ass dog."
"No one's ever going to look at their cat sleeping or their dog doing runnings or planes ever the same again."
"I love him so much, Mr. Elliot, my boy."
"Rascal was special to me. He was more than a dog, man. He was a member of my family, my best friend, my buddy."
"Take care of yourselves, be the person your dog wants you to be."
"I'm just so obsessed with her, I just stare and cuddle her all day."
"I love this dog; she truly changed my life."
"Love your pet, show them that you care."
"He was an avid reader who loved his two cats."
"I guess I think he's an angel with four paws."
"I love my dogs, I really do. They're great."
"The best thing about having a Tamaskan is just how loving they are."
"She's just a very sweet girl. Who doesn't love a good goat?"
"I love the dog here, I love the dog outright."
"I'm back in the car this time with my puppy. Yes, he's two and a half, and yes, I'm still calling him my puppy."
"He is really the sweetest dog ever. I can already see his guardian instincts coming out in different ways."
"You are their whole world and they feel so much joy, especially when you get home."
"Get a dog, it will love you unconditionally."
"My pets are my babies, you guys know this."
"Look at this little stub dude, he's special, we love him."
"We have an English bulldog named Wiggum, and he is the light of our lives."
"She's not just a dog, she's a part of the family."
"He's just an absolute angel, aren't you, baby?"
"This Valentine's Day show your pup some love, give them the dog DNA test that's trusted by millions."
"You truly were the absolute best cat in the world. Thank you for all the years of joy and love you brought us."
"I held her in my arms and said goodbye, my batty snake-killing, squirrel-chasing miracle of a best friend. I love you forever."
"I know she's just a dog but she is a living creature; she's also literally my child."
"Love starts with a wet nose and ends with a wagging tail."
"On Etsy, people tend to love pets generally; people would pay a hefty amount of money to get the portraits of their pets."
"She's my little baby, my little fur baby, and I just love her so much."
"That dog means the world to me and I will do anything I can for her."
"I definitely will always have a dog."
"We purchased our dream cat, which is a full-bred Maine; he's a black smoke Maine, literally one of the cutest cats ever."
"Cecil never howled or barked, instead he was more than content to just rest his head on your lap and spend the entire night there."
"Chai was my company, Chai was like my best friend, Chai was my child."
"Our dogs are like our children; they mean the absolute world to us."
"Cute cats, soft paws, and fish lovers live here."
"It feels so good to have her home. We were seriously worried about you, Dorado."
"I love my Americans, I love my cresteds, and I, of course, love my skinny."
"How is Juno? Juno is the best cat in the world."
"I love my doggies, they annoy me so much sometimes, but ninety-nine percent I love them."
"She's old, you're a good girl though, aren't you Bella? She's a good puppy."
"She's a pug-zu named Honey and is like my child."
"Nothing is more cool than earning a passive income, except my dog Tails."
"He's like part of the family, so it's like losing part of the family feels. So we don't want to lose him."
"Good boy, Justice. Good boy, you get lots of love."
"When Mookie died, I buried him with a note, and the note made a promise."
"Most of us are ashamed to come out with it, I am a cat lover, I do not understand why there is cat shame at all."
"Nobody loves you more than Pepe the rabbit."
"He has made a full recovery, and he is our little chunky boy."
"I'm really, really happy with her progress; I think she's a fab dog."
"But the real reason we're just doggone crazy for a healthy, happy pup, facelicks and all."
"Guys, give a thumbs up if you love your pets too."
"He is like my life, I've had him since he was like 8 weeks old."
"What a pleasant way to be brought back to life, this dog licking your face."
"I love him like to death, he's so cute."
"Hey fluffy," I whisper and hold it close to my chest.
"See, cats aren't all evil, they do actually love you."
"That's it for this one, and I'll catch you guys on the next one. Take care, goodbye puppy."
"People obviously love dogs, people obviously love cats."
"Having Alfredo is such an interesting dynamic because I love him so much, and he's literally incapable of loving me back."
"I'm Jim Adler, the tough, smart lawyer. I love dogs; dogs have been part of my family my whole life."
"I hope you and your family are well, give Wiggum a snoot boop for me."
"I have the nicest dog ever; Commander is a good boy and the best German Shepherd I own."
"He's gonna have the best life in the world, you know."
"She's super kid friendly and I think probably the girl's favorite pet."
"I love having her as my little companion."
"A fluffy puppy so cute that his own master takes him everywhere around the world."
"You're the perfect dog who's just a bit naughty sometimes."
"Barry is by far one of the most amazing animals that I own; he's just so beautiful and just so funny, so you know, full of personality."
"We love Mr. Muffins, thank you very much."
"I want another cat. I'm a crazy cat lady and I'm not ashamed to admit it."
"I never ever in a million years thought I would be a cat person, but since owning Chino and Chai, I am officially a crazy cat lady."
"This is Pippin; he's our cat. He's precious, he's a bundle of joy and love."
"This video is dedicated to Colin, my cat, he's been my best friend for most of my life."
"She gets so excited to get the Kong; she does not care that we're leaving."
"I love our dogs, babe. It's crazy how far along he's come in a year."
"Everybody loves their freaking pets."
"Having a dog has added a lot of love and just extra joy in our house."
"She's my doggie, she's my whole entire world."
"That's such a beautiful budgie, I love the yellow face ones, they're probably one of my favorite mutations."
"Your dog will always love you until the day it passes on."
"He is literally our baby and he brings us so much love and light."
"She is the love of our life, she weighs just over 10 pounds and she is pure muscle."
"Our relationship has never been stronger, and our three Great Danes are three of the best dogs anyone could ever ask for."
"Bye bye, say bye. Hey, good girl, I love you."
"No cat will ever replace Alfie because he is one of a kind and he was my first ever pet."
"We are very lucky family, and she's an exceptionally lucky dog."
"Considering everything that Tilly's been through, it's really nice to know that she has an owner, an owner that loves her."
"He was just the sweetest, most caring, kind, funny dog."
"I'll tell everything for my dogs, you know, any one of them, like they mean everything to me."
"We are so thankful for our Lilly Mae."
"Look how cute this spot is; she just sits so perfect."
"We love pets, good security, gives you exercise, good for a bit of exercise, yeah, love them to bits."
"We all love our pets, and I think that we all agree that they're an extension of ourselves, members of our family."
"We do love our dogs; there is no question about that."
"I'll do anything for my dogs, seriously."
"People that love cats are very honest."
"He was such a good dog, such a pure soul."
"I mean, Bruno is always the cutest dog in the whole world, the love of my life."
"The backyard is just chef's kiss; Dougie Beans loves it."
"Celebrate sweet dog, love and affection, and her heart. Street her never forget, Street."
"I love my Doberman, Arlo. He's about a year and a half now, but man, do I remember what it was like bringing home a new Doberman puppy and just being completely unprepared."
"Thank you Banksy for being the best boy in the whole wide world."
"81 year old got his first ever tattoo to memorialize his pet that sadly passed away."
"Nothing is like being reunited with your doggy. Missed him so much, so long."
"I do think he is like a magical dog, and a lot of people have said that to me. I'm proud of him; he's the best dog in the whole world."
"If you love your pet, your animal, your dog, this is by far the greatest thing out there."
"I just love Roxy so much, and I'm so happy to have her."
"We just want him to have a really good life and give him everything that he wants and just love him forever."
"I love my anaconda, I'm so excited about this girl."
"It's going to be it for me, guys. I'm going to see you again on Friday with another video. Until then, here's my dog Sasha. Peace out."
"That's why you've never heard me say your dog's not your kid."
"Waffle is a dog, a Wonder Dog who likes squeaky bones, and that's just the wonderful way we like him."
"I'm coming, Sunny Bear! I get so excited to pick her up."
"I love these so much, what an amazing array of pets we have here."
"I'm not a regular mum, I'm a dog mum."
"I love the cat, and I post about them on Twitter because it's my only interest anymore."
"You're such a silly little doggy, and yet I'm in love with you."
"I love you like John Wick loves his dog."
"You're the best dog ever, yeah, yeah. I can hardly see her eyes, you need a groom, yeah you do, well haircut there bud, love you."
"She was a gorgeous Red Chow that I named Foxy."
"I love this guy so much and I'd do anything for him, but if you ask me if I would ever get another puppy, I'd have to get back to you."
"You can give your puppy something extra to be thankful for this Thanksgiving: a home-cooked meal."
"It was clear from the outset how much Helena loves Daisy."
"We have such wonderful kids, great dog too."
"Every morning when he sees me, he almost gurgles and bubbles up with delight that I'm there."
"Dogs are so cute; I will always be a dog lover."
"Oh, my pet is so cute, I just want to play with you, I love you so much."
"Dogs are literally people's kids these days."
"These pets may drive me nuts sometimes, but I love them, I really do."
"She's a gorgeous, gorgeous, lovely little happy dog, she really is, and she's very loving, and that's the main thing, isn't it?"
"The dog is like a thing to you, but you're the dog's everything."
"I love you, puppy. I love you, my baby boy."
"It's a lovely feeling when we see the owners reunited with their pet."
"This is my good boy, I picked him out, this is Spike."
"I love you guys so much, Noki loves you too."
"She loved her cats; they were her children."
"My dog, he's a good boy. Such a good boy."
"Doggo said have no fear, doggo is here."
"I love cats when they do like the little loaf thing, and you can see their hands all folded in front of them."
"So here's a little treat, he's craving kisses, yes, and hug."
"I'm really happy that this person knew about good animal care and she spoiled her little fur baby as much as possible."
"Crazy, you're so crazy, buddy. I love you."
"I love our kitties and it was fun to have them over here."
"She has all these little characteristics that just make her the best dog ever."
"McCoy is my baby, and he will be seven in May."
"She was such an angel, such a sweetheart, my little companion, my best friend."
"Just taking a quick moment to point out how cute my dog is."
"Despite not being able to swim, he rushes to help his pet."
"The love you have for your pet is in a proper perspective and it's proportionate, and you obviously put humans above your pet."
"Look at Rudy, ain't he cute? Oh, I love it."