
Fat Burning Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Extended periods of time-restricted feeding seem to allow the system to shift toward burning more fat or rather using a higher percentage of fat when in a caloric deficit."
"The idea basically is to burn fat for energy and use food for muscle."
"The main point of intermittent fasting is you're trying to reduce your insulin so you're getting into the sort of fat burning."
"The coffee is going to give you better results. You'll actually have a more successful fast with more fat burning, less hunger, more of everything."
"We're going to talk about the most effective ways of burning fat based on physiology as well as the data."
"Higher levels of ketones suppress appetite, aid fat burning."
"If you're insulin resistant, you're not going to burn fat and you're not going to get the body that you want."
"Limiting carbohydrates in the evening for fat-burning mode."
"Stalling is a natural phase of fat burning, fat loss."
"Green tea is an amazing fat burning supplement."
"Eating enough protein should be the centerpiece of almost any diet plan that's designed to help you burn fat."
"Muscle mass is the largest site for beta oxidation, imagine the more muscle tissue you have, the larger the capacity to burn fat."
"The goal is to bring your insulin levels as low as possible. If your insulin levels are low, you have maximum fat burning, you have maximum ketosis."
"Ketogenic diet all about helping you burn fat and build lean body tissue."
"If you can increase that fasting period... now you have a 16-hour fasting window and now you're giving your body a much, much better opportunity to burn fat."
"You want to switch your body from being a sugar burner to a fat burner."
"Insulin levels go down, fat comes out of the fat cells, you burn the fat for fuel. That's why we don't wake up in the middle of the night to go eat."
"If you never give your body a chance to utilize its own stored tissue, how do you ever expect to burn fat?"
"Enjoy tasty food while still burning fat with our recipe bootcamp."
"The group that did cardio in the morning obviously burned a higher percent of body fat."
"If you eat too much low fiber carbohydrate too frequently, it will interfere with your ability to burn fat."
"I think it's really putting your best foot forward if your ultimate goal is to burn fat and maintain muscle mass."
"Avoid pre-workout meals if you want to tap into your fat stores."
"Your body will actually burn pure fat at this point, and this is what you want it to do."
"Berberine activates AMPK, and AMPK activation boosts fat burning in mitochondria."
"Do you feel your heart rate starting to rise slightly? That's good, that means your body is starting to burn fat."
"Walking is probably one of the best exercises to really burn fat and to keep you healthy."
"I cut out all sugar from my diet, and my body started burning all of my fat."
"When insulin is low, the body cannot help but burn. The body cannot help itself; the cells must be burning, they must be breaking down and using the energy, even to the point that the body is burning more fat than it needs."
"If you're making ketones, you're burning fat aggressively."
"Low carb fits into this because the most fundamental adaptation is you become a much better fat burner."
"The body looks at its fat mass and it goes, 'Hey, I got 40 pounds of fat that is keeping me from surviving. What should I do with it?' And what it does, it just burns it off."
"If we want to burn more fat... if we can lower our insulin levels, well then we start using fat for fuel."
"Low insulin means high fat burning."
"We store energy mainly as fat, and we're trying to get that fat burning."
"...there's no magic like oh wow yeah I just I just burned so much fat today no it's not such a thing like that you know you you burn a little bit but a little bit every day right..."
"Exercise is very helpful, the more exercise you do, the more fat and energy you're going to burn."
"The more the melatonin, the metabolic rate increases, and whenever metabolic rate increases, fat burns."
"Your body hates that and so your body then has to burn something. So, it's going to burn fat that you ate or fat that you have left, and that's how these ketotic diets work."
"Burning fat augments the health response to exercise."
"You're going to notice that you start to lose the stored fat that you're having trouble getting rid of."
"Nothing burns more fat and nothing puts on more muscle than sprinting." - Dr. Shan Amara
"If you want to build muscle, burn fat, you leverage myokines to do that. All you do is sprinting."
"Big muscles are absolutely key for burning fat because they make our body spend more calories."
"If you've been told you need to work out every day in the gym and do an excessive amount of cardio to burn fat, then you've been scammed."
"Protein increases fat burning and supports fat loss."
"...you've got to burn body fat... you have to burn the body fat as energy... prioritize protein and not fearing fat particularly the fat that comes with that protein."
"...the body doesn't mind whether it's fat and protein coming in this way or whether it's burning its own body fat it doesn't care where it comes from once you're in that fat burning mode..."
"The second you change your diet to become a fat burning machine it's the... carb cycle."
"You're fat burning, fat adapted. It's a real winner for me."
"The number one food that helps you burn off fat are you ready is the easy button salad."
"So the foods that burn fat are negative calorie foods."
"Petite fat burning macros you do want to stay in this phase for a minimum of four weeks."
"You'll burn disproportionately more fat with your exercise after fasting for 12 to 16 hours."
"Just because we've trained the body to burn fat... doesn't mean necessarily that it will burn fat. To do that, we have to create a calorie deficit."
"The body prefers to burn fat, loves to burn fat, would like to burn ketones to fuel the brain."
"You want to do compound workouts, guys. No matter what it is, no matter what body type you are, you want to do compound workouts if you want to burn fat and build muscle at the same damn time."
"The more calcium you have in the cell, the more efficient it is at burning fat."
"Coconut oil also helps the body burn fat and provides the brain with quick energy."
"If you cut the carbs out of the diet, you burn fat just fine."
"How can I teach my body to burn this body fat for me because I don't want to do this myself, it's a lot of work, takes a lot of time, and I'm probably going to fail through that manual approach."
"Strength training by itself burned the most body fat and built muscle."
"You are using fat as fuel without having to use the keto diet."
"The best exercise to burn fat is a healthy diet."
"I love this workout because it's low impact but you're still beginning to burn fat, that's the key."
"Resistance training is one of the best ways to burn body fat."
"If you're not hungry, you don't eat, and then your body is going to burn body fat."
"Exercises that involve larger numbers of larger muscle groups like squats and deadlifts are the best not only for burning fat but also for building muscle mass and increasing your testosterone levels."
"Time-restricted eating... it's not just your body burning fat, it's your body doing that internal cleaning that it's never had before."
"Higher intensity bouts of aerobic exercise were more effective at burning visceral fat."
"The more muscle, the more fat you burn."
"Intermittent fasting by itself will promote fat burning."
"Eating unprocessed food by itself will promote fat burning."
"By not consuming carbohydrates, your body starts to burn fat."
"The goal here is to build muscle while we burn fat, hitting the entire body."
"Human growth hormone is the most powerful fat-burning hormone that we have in the human body."
"Walking is primarily focused on using fat as fuel, so it helps you to get back to more of that stable blood glucose level."
"Simply decreasing the amount of stress that you are experiencing can massively boost your ability to burn fat."
"As little as 12 minutes a week will give you more fat burning and a healthier heart than one hour of cardio a day."
"This workout is designed to help build muscle, burn fat, so we can get that body ready for the summer."
"Focus on meals and intermittent fasting to achieve metabolic flexibility and the ability to burn fat as fuel."
"The optimal weight five and one plan is the only plan that incorporates that fat burning state."
"A cheat day will help you burn fat primarily because it raises leptin levels."
"Cardio is always good, it's healthy for the heart and the lungs, and it burns fat."
"Good morning everyone, today we are talking about six science-backed tips to burn more fat."
"The most common two primary goals: build muscle or burn body fat."
"It may sound like a contradiction, but you have to eat to burn fat and stay lean."
"L-Carnitine makes you more sensitive to anabolic stimulus and helps to liberate fatty acids from the fat cells."
"When you do that kind of workout, you burn fat after the workout."
"These are the ones that build muscle and burn fat."
"When you're trying to lose weight, you want to burn fat because it's the excess fat on your body that you're looking to get rid of, not lean tissue like muscle and bone."
"When you're burning fat, you can feel a lot of the opposite effects: you have more energy, you have sharper focus, your hunger is blunted."
"It's like healthy energy, accelerates metabolism, burns body fat."
"Let's build some muscle while we burn fat."
"If you're looking to burn fat, you should try our six week challenge."
"Fat-burning is supposed to start and that's when my energy goes right back up."
"If you want to burn fat and lose weight, you need to be here right now."
"The more lean muscle mass you have, the more efficient your body is at burning off that body fat."
"Getting that heart rate up, definitely going to target some serious fat burns."
"High protein really helps you burn fat, especially because of the satiety aspect."
"Carbs have a priority for being burned, and then fat."
"Getting your nutrition right for burning fat and building muscle is absolutely key."
"I already feel in my body really warm up and get ready to burn some fat."
"Intermittent fasting allows the body to burn through fat cells more effectively than just regular dieting."
"When we're in low intensity exercise, we're burning more of our fat, which is important."
"Those that trained in a fasted state ended up eating less but additionally during the workout they burned 20% more fat."
"We want to burn fat at the same time as chiseling lean muscle."
"The best thing with HIIT training is it builds muscle at the same time as burning fat."
"If you're getting up, if you're getting your body moving, if you're doing any form of workout, you're gonna burn fat."
"The main benefits of hit are that it improves your stamina, increases strength, and can burn a lot of fat."