
Alternate Universe Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"In an alternate universe, do you think like, I think there's endless possibilities."
"In this alternate Enochian universe, our protagonist's significance transcends that of a mere ancestor."
"The immense popularity of alternate universe fanfic demonstrates that pretty handily; if we already like the cast, we're gonna like seeing them play out a familiar plot."
"In this new universe at the end of the part, we see the main cast living different but better lives."
"She transported into an alternate universe where she never met her husband, she stayed with her ex, and he was also married to someone else."
"Injustice 2: Split Justice League, evil Superman, and a new team rising."
"We may have picked up evidence of a universe beyond our own."
"She first appeared in Edge of Spider-Verse issue two in 2014 as a variant of Spider-Man from the alternate universe of Earth-65."
"In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it starts out. There's Doctor Strange who looks different than Doctor Strange, but it's Doctor Strange, so you're like, 'Oh, alternate universe Doctor Strange.'"
"Wanda Maximoff's hex bubble becomes a sort of interdimensional Pandora's box that spills alternate universe heroes and villains all over the MCU."
"The movie kicks off with a cold open where we go to Gwen's Earth and get a peek into her life."
"This isn't the real world reality of the marvel universe that we're used to and vision's very presence following his bad run-in with thanos is racking up the questions."
"Captain Carter, alternate universe Captain America, love Hayley Atwell."
"There is an alternate universe where Beyonce played the young version of this character."
"He believes that sometime during his hospital stay he switched to a different universe."
"This implies that Peter Parker from Miles's universe made a profit off of his superhero life."
"We also see Spinneret and Spiderling, Mangaverse Spider-Man from Earth-2301."
"Here's our little plot summary: Brooklyn plumbers Mario and Luigi get the shock of their lives when they discover a parallel world populated by intelligent descendants of dinosaurs."
"Three hopes is essentially an alternate timeline of Fire Emblem Three Houses, changing them and giving players a new perspective through which to understand the characters and story."
"On this world, the group of heroes normally referred to as the Avengers were known as the Ultimates."
"This is also the universe where Miles Morales, the younger Spider-Man, originally came from."
"Superman's Metropolis is an elseworld story and a kinda crossover between Superman and the 1927 film Metropolis."
"Does that give you comfort knowing that there might be like an alternate universe where you're living the life?"
"Batman White Knight is an alternate universe in which Batman pretty much went a little unhinged."
"I would love to go to the alternate universe of our timeline and watch Spider-Man 4 that would have been made but we'll never get that."
"What if Obito chose Naruto for the Rinnegan instead of Nagato?"
"Imagine if Bakugo got One for All instead of Midoriya."
"The ultimate version of Reed Richards is his villain name he just goes by the maker."
"So most people agree that Sarah, the planet Gears of War takes place on, is simply an alternate universe Earth."
"Whenever Batman starts incorporating more red into his costumes, you know you're in an alternate universe."
"Grifting Stars AU is where Stan falls through the portal instead of Ford, leading to wholesome moments of cooperation and adventure."
"What if we brought him back and put him against Injustice too putting him in this different Universe where Brainiac is invading?"
"Including your mother in another universe. Oh yeah, don't tell her about that. You might find it a bit awkward."
"Victor Von Doom of this universe managed to live to the year 2099 and in his own words by right of evolution he actually became elected president of the United States."
"Kingdom Come could only exist in the Elseworlds universe because this actually happened in continuity."
"I have long-time theorized that the X-Men universe is a different alternate universe and 616 the main MCU is one universe."
"I am Bruce Wayne. As crazy as it sounds, I'm from another universe."
"There is another Universe one where I was a little bit younger going into the Gravity Falls fandom young enough to experience it before shame descended upon me like Eve in the garden after the first crisp bite of the apple."
"It just splits into two universes. Could I choose to be in the one where it doesn't die?"
"Earth wasn't an Earth at all, never made it there, never bore the life that he and the people that snatched him from the other Universe before its demise knew of it."
"What if Luffy became a Marine in an alternate universe?"
"In the alternate Dark Knight Returns universe, Martha Wayne is the Joker."
"What if Padme accepted Vader's offer to join him?"
"There's definitely a universe out there where instead of a YouTuber, I'm writing your name fanfiction about One Direction or something."
"Imagine if you could simply pick a universe where you chose differently, then take a quick jaunt over there to see how things turned out for your other self."
"You see, in this universe, things change from the original story."
"Check her quantum signature; she's not from this universe."
"The neighboring universe could be a whole different ball game; it might have completely different laws of physics."
"It's your favorite characters in different scenarios, different worlds, different lives."
"Can that be another universe trying to make a connection without freaking us out?"
"Val-Zod as Superman is probably one of the most powerful alternates we have in the DC Multiverse."
"The land of the elements was a whole another world from the one that we know; in fact, it is not even part of our world."
"A black hole could be actually holding another universe."
"Batman Beyond is their Spider-Verse."
"We create this alternate universe where everything's important but it's just stuff we're interested in; it's not the pettiness of the real world."
"They're treating X-Men 97 sort of like its own universe, and they're calling it the 90s universe, where all these different characters are canon to the same Earth."
"The survivors of that universe who made it over will be reunited with people over there that died."
"I think it'll be really cool to have an alternate universe where Justice League is the Zack Snyder cut and see the two different versions."
"We've not really traveled in time, but we did travel in space; we're in an alternate universe."